DIRECTORY Atom, CD, CDCore, CDDirectory, CDEvents, CDProperties, Core, CoreProperties, RefTab, Rope; CDCoreImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS Atom, CD, CDDirectory, CDEvents, CDProperties, CoreProperties, RefTab EXPORTS CDCore = BEGIN Problem: PUBLIC SIGNAL [messagetype: CDCore.ProblemType, message: Rope.ROPE _ NIL] = CODE; myCDProperty: ATOM _ $CDToCore; myCoreProperty: ATOM _ $CDToCore; registrationTab: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; CoreCellDescriptorRec: TYPE = RECORD [c: Core.CellType, d: Core.Design]; RegistrationRec: TYPE = RECORD [createProc: CDCore.CreateProc, registrationKey: REF_NIL]; RegisterGenerator: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [createProc: CDCore.CreateProc, name: ATOM, registrationKey: REF _ NIL] = BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; WITH RefTab.Fetch[registrationTab, name].val SELECT FROM r: REF RegistrationRec => { IF r.registrationKey#registrationKey OR registrationKey=NIL THEN RETURN WITH ERROR CD.Error[doubleRegistration]; r.createProc _ createProc; } ENDCASE => [] _ RefTab.Store[registrationTab, name, NEW[RegistrationRec _ [createProc, registrationKey]]] END; CreateCDFromCore: PUBLIC PROC [coreDesign: Core.Design, coreCellType: Core.CellType, cdDesign: CD.Design] RETURNS [ob: CD.Object _ NIL] = BEGIN FetchGenerator: PROC [key: ATOM] RETURNS [createProc: CDCore.CreateProc_NIL] = BEGIN WITH RefTab.Fetch[registrationTab, key].val SELECT FROM r: REF RegistrationRec => createProc _ r.createProc; ENDCASE => ERROR Problem[noGenerator]; END; GetParameter: PROC [coreCellType: Core.CellType] RETURNS [key: ATOM, param: LIST OF REF ANY _ NIL] = BEGIN x: REF _ CoreProperties.GetProp[, coreGenerateLayout]; IF x=NIL THEN x _ CoreProperties.GetProp[, coreGenerateLayout]; WITH x SELECT FROM a: ATOM => key _ a; lora: LIST OF REF ANY => { param _; WITH lora.first SELECT FROM a: ATOM => key _ a; r: Rope.ROPE => key _ Atom.MakeAtom[r]; ENDCASE => ERROR Problem[generatorParameterError, "type of property"]; }; loa: LIST OF ATOM => { TRUSTED {param _ LOOPHOLE[]}; key _ loa.first; }; r: Rope.ROPE => key _ Atom.MakeAtom[r]; lor: LIST OF Rope.ROPE => { TRUSTED {param _ LOOPHOLE[]}; key _ Atom.MakeAtom[lor.first]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR Problem[generatorParameterError, "type of property"]; END; ob _ FetchCDFromCore[cdDesign, coreDesign, coreCellType]; IF ob=NIL THEN { proc: CDCore.CreateProc; key: ATOM; param: LIST OF REF ANY; [key, param] _ GetParameter[coreCellType]; proc _ FetchGenerator[key]; ob _ proc[coreDesign: coreDesign, coreCellType: coreCellType, cdDesign: cdDesign, param: param, key: key]; IF ob=NIL THEN ERROR Problem[generatorFailed]; MakeMatch[cdDesign, ob, coreDesign, coreCellType]; } END; FetchCDFromCore: PROC [cdDesign: CD.Design, coreDesign: Core.Design, coreCellType: Core.CellType] RETURNS [ob: CD.Object _ NIL] = BEGIN CheckMatch: PROC [design: CD.Design, ob: CD.Object, coreDesign: Core.Design, coreCellType: Core.CellType] RETURNS [ok: BOOL_TRUE] = BEGIN IF ob.class.inDirectory THEN { ob1: CD.Object _ CDDirectory.Fetch[design, CDDirectory.Name[ob]].object; IF ob1=NIL OR ob1#ob THEN RETURN [ok_FALSE]; WITH CDProperties.GetPropFromObject[from: ob1, prop: myCDProperty] SELECT FROM r: REF CoreCellDescriptorRec => ok _ r.d=coreDesign AND r.c=coreCellType; ENDCASE => ok _ FALSE; }; IF ok THEN ok _ ob=CoreProperties.GetProp[, myCoreProperty]; END; WITH CoreProperties.GetProp[, myCoreProperty] SELECT FROM o: CD.Object => IF CheckMatch[cdDesign, o, coreDesign, coreCellType] THEN ob_o; ENDCASE => NULL; END; MakeMatch: PROC [design: CD.Design, ob: CD.Object, coreDesign: Core.Design, coreCellType: Core.CellType] = BEGIN _ CoreProperties.PutProp[, myCoreProperty, ob]; CDProperties.PutPropOnObject[ob, myCDProperty, NEW[CoreCellDescriptorRec _ [c: coreCellType, d: coreDesign]]]; END; InvalidateCache: PUBLIC PROC [what: REF] = BEGIN WITH what SELECT FROM ob: CD.Object => CDProperties.PutPropOnObject[ob, myCDProperty, NIL]; cc: Core.CellType => _ CoreProperties.PutProp[, myCoreProperty, NIL]; ENDCASE => NULL; END; ObjectHasChanged: CDEvents.EventProc = BEGIN InvalidateCache[x]; END; coreGenerateLayout: ATOM _ --CDCore.generateLayout-- $GenLayout; [] _ CoreProperties.RegisterProperty[coreGenerateLayout]; [] _ CoreProperties.RegisterProperty[myCoreProperty]; [] _ CDProperties.RegisterProperty[myCDProperty]; CDEvents.RegisterEventProc[event: $AfterChange, proc: ObjectHasChanged]; END. άCDCoreImpl.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. by Christian Jacobi, August 14, 1985 2:35:33 pm PDT Last Edited by Christian Jacobi, October 4, 1985 4:40:21 pm PDT --CreateCDFromCore Κ0˜šœ™Jšœ Οmœ1™