<> <> <> <> DIRECTORY CedarProcess, CD, CDBasics, CDDrawQueue, CDProperties, CDValue, CDVArrow, CDVPrivate, CDVScale, CDVFurtherPainters, Imager, Process, ViewerEvents; CDVArrowImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS CedarProcess, CDDrawQueue, CDBasics, CDProperties, CDValue, CDVPrivate, CDVScale, CDVFurtherPainters, Imager, Process, ViewerEvents EXPORTS CDVArrow = BEGIN <<>> <<-- implements arrows on ChipNDale viewers>> <<>> <<-- we have to distribute the command to the separate viewers because >> <<-- arrows have different sizes in design coordinates, depending on scale >> <<-- of the viewer.>> <<>> <<-- we do store the arrow position twice!>> <<-- 1: on a per design basis (using CDValue); this is used to reeinstall arrows >> <<-- when viewers are opened>> <<-- 2: on a per viewer basis (in the PainterRec); this allows erasing the arrows>> <<-- however we need a flag in the PainterRec if it is valid ($on) >> ShowArrow: PUBLIC PROC [design: CD.Design, pos: CD.Position] = <<--called from client>> BEGIN CDValue.Store[boundTo: design, key: $arrow, value: NEW[CD.Position_pos]]; CDDrawQueue.InsertDrawCommand[design, CDDrawQueue.Request[$PutArrowXXX, [pos.x, pos.y, 0, 0]]] END; RemoveArrow: PUBLIC PROC[design: CD.Design] = <<--called from client>> BEGIN CDValue.Store[boundTo: design, key: $arrow, value: NIL]; CDDrawQueue.InsertDrawCommand[design, CDDrawQueue.Request[$RemoveArrowXXX, [0, 0, 0, 0]]]; END; GetAPainterRec: ENTRY PROC [me: CDVPrivate.VRef] RETURNS [pr: REF CDVPrivate.PainterRec] = BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; x: REF = CDProperties.GetProp[me.properties, $CDxArrowPaintProc]; IF x#NIL THEN pr _ NARROW[x] ELSE { pr _ NEW[CDVPrivate.PainterRec_[proc: PaintArrow]]; CDProperties.PutProp[me.properties, $CDxArrowPaintProc, pr] } END; PaintArrow: CDVPrivate.PainterProc = <<-- PROC [me: VRef, paintRef: REF PainterRec, interrestRect: CD.Rect];>> BEGIN vp: CD.Position _ CDVScale.DesignToViewerPosition[me.scale, [paintRef.rect.x1, paintRef.rect.y1]]; vp _ CDBasics.AddPoints[vp, [1, 1]]; Imager.SetColor[me.viewContext, Imager.black]; Imager.MaskVector[me.viewContext, [vp.x+10, vp.y], [vp.x, vp.y]]; Imager.MaskVector[me.viewContext, [vp.x, vp.y], [vp.x, vp.y+10]]; Imager.MaskVector[me.viewContext, [vp.x, vp.y], [vp.x+18, vp.y+18]]; END; PaintTheArrow: CDVFurtherPainters.FurtherPaintProc = <<--PROC [me: CDVPrivate.VRef, key: REF]>> <<--eg. former paints ticks>> <<--called through ProtectedRepaint only>> <<--called in viewers paint proc>> BEGIN pr: REF CDVPrivate.PainterRec = GetAPainterRec[me]; comm: REF CDDrawQueue.Request = NARROW[key]; arrowSize: CD.Number = MAX[CDVScale.UngriddedViewerToDesignScalar[me.scale, 20], 1]; aRect: CD.Rect _ [x1: comm.rect.x1, y1: comm.rect.y1, x2: comm.rect.x1+arrowSize, y2: comm.rect.y1+arrowSize]; IF pr.data = $on THEN { oldRect: CD.Rect; IF pr.rect=aRect THEN RETURN; oldRect _ pr.rect; pr.rect _ aRect; CDDrawQueue.QueueInsertDrawCommand[me.ct, CDDrawQueue.Request[$redraw, oldRect]]; } ELSE { pr.rect _ aRect; CDVPrivate.IncludeAPainterRec[me, pr]; pr.data _ $on; }; CDDrawQueue.QueueInsertDrawCommand[me.ct, CDDrawQueue.Request[$draw, aRect]]; END; RemoveTheArrow: CDVFurtherPainters.FurtherPaintProc = <<--PROC [me: CDVPrivate.VRef, key: REF]>> <<--eg. former paints ticks>> <<--called through ProtectedRepaint only>> <<--called in viewers paint proc>> BEGIN pr: REF CDVPrivate.PainterRec = GetAPainterRec[me]; IF pr.data = $on THEN { oldRect: CD.Rect _ pr.rect; pr.rect _ CDBasics.empty; pr.data _ NIL; CDDrawQueue.QueueInsertDrawCommand[me.ct, CDDrawQueue.Request[$redraw, oldRect]]; CDVPrivate.RemoveAPainterRec[me, pr]; } END; CallOnOpenOrCreate: ViewerEvents.EventProc = <<-- PROC [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, event: ViewerEvent, before: BOOL] RETURNS[abort: BOOL _ FALSE]>> TRUSTED BEGIN <<--crazy: we fork, because we want to wait >> Process.Detach[FORK ReInstallTheArrow[NARROW[viewer.data]]]; END; ReInstallTheArrow: PROC [me: CDVPrivate.VRef] = BEGIN <<--crazy: we wait, to increase propability of the commandtable beeing initialized >> CedarProcess.SetPriority[CedarProcess.Priority[background]]; Process.Pause[Process.MsecToTicks[500]]; IF me.ct#NIL THEN { -- which now certainly is true WITH CDValue.Fetch[boundTo: me.actualDesign, key: $arrow, propagation: design] SELECT FROM pos: REF CD.Position => { CDDrawQueue.QueueInsertDrawCommand[me.ct, CDDrawQueue.Request[$PutArrowXXX, [pos.x, pos.y, 0, 0]]] }; ENDCASE => { CDDrawQueue.QueueInsertDrawCommand[me.ct, CDDrawQueue.Request[$RemoveArrowXXX, [0, 0, 0, 0]]] }; } END; Init: PROC [] = BEGIN CDValue.EnregisterKey[$arrow]; CDVFurtherPainters.InstallFurtherPaint[keyValue: $PutArrowXXX, proc: PaintTheArrow]; CDVFurtherPainters.InstallFurtherPaint[keyValue: $RemoveArrowXXX, proc: RemoveTheArrow]; [] _ ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[proc: CallOnOpenOrCreate, event: open, filter: $ChipNDale, before: FALSE]; [] _ ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[proc: CallOnOpenOrCreate, event: create, filter: $ChipNDale, before: FALSE]; END; Init[]; END.