-- CDVersatecChipnsil.load
-- Set up ChipNDale for color plotting ChipNSil
-- Ch. Jacobi, October 31, 1984 11:58:00 am PST
-- Last Edited by: Ch. Jacobi, December 19, 1985 11:57:49 am PST
-- ********************************
-- Plotting texts and macros does not work
-- ********************************
///ChipNDale/CDRemoveRegistration CDxVersatec CDxVersatecBlack CDxVersatecCyan CDxVersatecMagenta CDxVersatecYellow
← CDSetupPD.Technology[$chipnsil]
← CDSetupPD.Keys[$CDxVersatec, $CDxVersatecBlack, $CDxVersatecCyan, $CDxVersatecMagenta, $CDxVersatecYellow, "chipnsil colors, for versatec or c150; NO TEXTS"]
← CDSetupPD.LayerNumber[2]
← CDSetupPD.Black8[[20H, 20H, 0FFH, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H]]
← CDSetupPD.LayerNumber[1]
← CDSetupPD.Cyan8[[40H, 40H, 40H, 40H, 0FFH, 40H, 40H, 40H]]
← CDSetupPD.LayerNumber[0]
← CDSetupPD.Magenta8[[10H, 10H, 10H, 10H, 10H, 10H, 0FFH, 10H]]
← CDSetupPD.Layer[$xgreen]
← CDSetupPD.Cyan4[[0AH, 0, 0AH, 0]]
← CDSetupPD.Yellow4[[0AH, 4, 0AH, 0]]
← CDSetupPD.Layer[$xred]
← CDSetupPD.Yellow4[[5, 0, 5, 0]]
← CDSetupPD.Magenta4[[5, 0, 5, 0]]
← CDSetupPD.Layer[$xblue]
← CDSetupPD.Cyan4[[5, 0, 5, 0]]
← CDSetupPD.Layer[$xneutral] --black
← CDSetupPD.Black4[[5, 0AH, 5, 0AH]]
← CDSetupPD.Layer[$xgrey1]
← CDSetupPD.Black4[[2, 0, 8, 0]]
← CDSetupPD.Layer[$xyellow]
← CDSetupPD.Yellow4[[0AH, 0AH, 3, 3]]
← CDSetupPD.End[]
-- ignore the message ".load file failed to register command"