Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
by Ch. Jacobi, August 22, 1985 12:18:49 pm PDT
last edited Ch. Jacobi, August 22, 1985 12:19:05 pm PDT
CMos layers
layer keys as used for CDSimpleRules; first is preferred
--diffusions (no wells are drawn!)
ndif ndif n-diff
pdif pdif
--implant will be drawn implicitely
--abstract diffusions; rectangles draw as real diffusion with a well surround
wndif wndif
wpdif wpdif p-diff
pwell pwell pwel p-well
nwell nwell nwel n-well
pwellCont pwellCont pwelCont
nwellCont nwellCont nwelCont
pol pol
met met metal
met2 met2 metal2
--special layers
ovg ovg
cut cut
cut2 cut2
bur bur
imp imp
--for nmos like features