CDDirectory.mesa (a ChipNDale module)
Copyright © 1983, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
by Christian Jacobi, 23-Aug-83
last edited Christian Jacobi, June 3, 1985 2:45:09 pm PDT
CD USING [Design, Object, Position, ObjectClass];
-- directory layer
-- all object which contain other objects are supposed to be in the directory;
-- which is necessary for enumeration and for repositioning
-- calls handling the same design must be sequential, otherwise the design can be clobbered
Fetch: PROC [design: CD.Design, name: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [found: BOOL, object: CD.Object];
-- search for object in directory
Remove: PROC [design: CD.Design, name: Rope.ROPE, expectObject: CD.Object←NIL] RETURNS [done: BOOL];
-- if expectObject#NIL removes name only, iff named object=expectObject.
-- if removed objects are still used, they are neither enumerated correctly anymore,
-- nor repositioned if internal objects change
Include: PROC [design: CD.Design, object: CD.Object,
alternateName: Rope.ROPENIL, fiddleName: BOOLTRUE] RETURNS [done: BOOL];
-- it is an ERROR to include an object into several design's.
-- even if it fiddles the name, it does not change the first character.
-- this includes object into design's directory; it does not make an instance.
Rename: PROC [design: CD.Design, object: CD.Object,
newName: Rope.ROPE NIL, fiddleName: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [done: BOOL];
Enumerate: PROC [design: CD.Design, action: EachEntryAction] RETURNS [quit: BOOL];
-- enumerates objects currently in directory in unspecified order.
-- objects inserted/deleted during enumeration may or may not be seen.
-- applies action to each object until action returns TRUE or no more objects.
-- returns quit: TRUE if some action returns TRUE
EachEntryAction: TYPE = PROC [name: Rope.ROPE, ob: CD.Object] RETURNS [quit: BOOL�LSE];
EnumerateChildObjects: PROC[me: CD.Object, p: EnumerateObjectsProc, x: REF←NIL] = INLINE {
IF me.class.inDirectory THEN ObToDirectoryProcs[me].enumerateChildObjects[me, p, x]
Name: PROC[me: CD.Object] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE] = INLINE {
RETURN [IF me.class.inDirectory THEN ObToDirectoryProcs[me].name[me] ELSE NIL]
Another: PROC [me: CD.Object, from, to: CD.Design] RETURNS [CD.Object];
--CAUTION: goes only one Layer deep; caller MUST go down the hierachy and
--replace children if from#to; name might change due to conflicts
Expand: PROC [me: CD.Object, from, to: CD.Design] RETURNS [CD.Object];
--May succeed or not, returns NIL if no success;
--returned object is of expand-simpler object class (half ordered); but
--  it will generate exactly the same mask.
--When "me" later changes, this has no influence on result;
--Each call delivers a new copy of result
--goes only one Layer deep; caller MUST go down the hierachy and
--replace children if from#to; name might change due to conflicts
ExpandHard: PROC [me: CD.Object, from, to: CD.Design] RETURNS [CD.Object];
--calls Expand first, but if doesn't succeed and makes sense it calls ExpandByDraw
ExpandByDraw: PROC [me: CD.Object, from, to: CD.Design] RETURNS [CD.Object];
--does not check environment dependency or inDirectory
-- implementation of compound objects
DirectoryProcs: TYPE = PRIVATE RECORD [
name: RopeProc,
enumerateChildObjects: EnumerateChildObjectsProc,
--at least once, but eventualy duplications; only its immediate childs or
--descendants as soon as it is included in directory,
replaceDirectChilds: ReplaceDChildsProc,
another: AnotherProc, --may be defaulted:
--results in crazy another proc which makes a copy of the object-definition
expand: AnotherProc, --may be defaulted
setName: SetRopeProc, -- but name must be same as Include used
includeEtAll: IncludeEtAllProc
ObToDirectoryProcs: PRIVATE PROC [ob: CD.Object] RETURNS [REF DirectoryProcs] = INLINE {
RETURN [NARROW[ob.class.directoryProcs, REF DirectoryProcs]]
InstallDirectoryProcs: PRIVATE PROC [type: REF CD.ObjectClass] RETURNS [REF DirectoryProcs];
--and set type.inDirectory
--objects which are in the directory must not cause drawing with a context directly
EnumerateChildObjectsProc: TYPE = PROC [me: CD.Object, p: EnumerateObjectsProc, x: REF];
EnumerateObjectsProc: TYPE = PROC [me: CD.Object, x: REF];
RopeProc: TYPE = PROC [me: CD.Object] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE];
SetRopeProc: TYPE = PROC [me: CD.Object, r: Rope.ROPE];
IncludeEtAllProc: TYPE = PROC [me: CD.Object, design: CD.Design, name: Rope.ROPE];
ReplaceList: TYPE = LIST OF REF ReplaceRec;
ReplaceRec: TYPE = RECORD [
old: CD.Object,
oldSize: CD.Position, -- never changed
new: CD.Object,
newSize: CD.Position, -- will be computed once before calling client procedures
off: CD.Position
ReplaceDChildsProc: TYPE = PROC [
me: CD.Object,
design: CD.Design,
replace: ReplaceList
AnotherProc: TYPE = PROC[me: CD.Object, from: CD.Design, to: CD.Design←NIL] RETURNS [CD.Object];
RepositionObject: PROC [design: CD.Design,
ob: CD.Object,
oldSize: CD.Position,
baseOff: CD.Position←[0, 0]
--all over in the design tries to reposition ob;
--may be delayed;
--does notify Event $reposition; x of type ReplaceRec
ReplaceObject: PROC [design: CD.Design,
old: CD.Object,
new: CD.Object,
off: CD.Position←[0, 0]
--all over in the design replace old by new
--may be delayed
DoReplaceDirectChild: ReplaceDChildsProc;
PropagateChange: PROC [ob: CD.Object, design: CD.Design];
-- processes an CDEvent $AfterChange