TruthTableFile _ ""; -- ROPE giving the name of the file containing the TruthTable. Optimize _ TRUE; -- BOOL saying if permutation should be attempted. Inputs _ LIST["ADC", "RD", "WR", "XX", "RFU", "AB", "ERR", "S3", "S2", "S1", "S0"]; -- LIST OF ROPE giving the names of all inputs. Must be given. Outputs _ LIST["S3", "S2", "S1", "S0", "RAS", "CAS", "CAS2", "MNDV", "WE", "RF", "LO", "OE0", "OE1", "OE2", "OE3", "LI0", "LI1", "LI2", "LI3"]; -- LIST OF ROPE giving the names of all outputs. Must be given. DistanceBetweenGlue _ 9; -- the delay is small enough for the desired purpose without any glue DistanceBetweenContacts _ 12; -- specifies how often poly lines should be connected to metal2. ŧNW.alps Copyright c 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reversed. Created by: Bertrand Serlet, April 9, 1985 9:09:38 am PST Last Edited: Serlet, June 27, 1985 12:31:05 pm PDT Ę˜šœ ™ Jšœ Īmœ1™˜XJšžœĪkœŸ2˜CJšžœ IœŸ>˜’Jšžœ „œŸ?˜ĪJšžœŸE˜^JšžœŸ@˜^J˜—…—Â