Copyright © 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reversed.
Created by: Bertrand Serlet, September 26, 1985 6:27:07 pm PDT
Last Edited: Serlet, June 27, 1985 12:29:13 pm PDT
TileSet ← "AlpsCells.dale";  -- ROPE giving the name of the file containing the cells
OptimizeTRUE;     -- BOOL saying if permutation should be attempted.
SuperOptimize ← 0;   -- INT for controlling the super Permuter. Wizards only
InputsNIL;      -- LIST OF ROPE giving the names of all inputs. Must be given.
OutputsNIL;     -- LIST OF ROPE giving the names of all outputs. Must be given.
-- All common input and output are latches, i.e. outputs which are fed back in the inputs.
DistanceBetweenGlue ← 6;  -- specifies how often signals are reamplified. When time is not critical, it can be higher than 4
DistanceBetweenContacts ← 10; -- specifies how often poly lines should be connected to metal2.
Debug FALSE;    -- Internal flag used only for program debugging