:IF[AltoMode];*Last edited 26 March 1981 by Ed Fiala
PCB,,PCBhi is a base register pointing to the current instruction quadword.
PCB[14:15] are 0, and the low 3 bits of the PC (which point to a byte within
the quadword) are kept in PCF. Since code segments cannot cross 64K
boundaries and are limited to 32K words in length, the two bytes of PCBhi
are forced to be equal, rather than having the least significant byte differ
from the msb by 1 as is the normal case for base registers.
Refill occurs when, at the onset of a NextInst or NextData, PCF contains a
value greater than 7b. In this case the mi is aborted and the trap mi at
location 0, ’LoadPage[0], GoTo[377]’, is executed, sending control to
location 377 on the page that caused refill. MesaRefill6 below is the mi
for page 6; identical mi exist on other pages from which refill might occur.
Refill timing is as follows: The aborted mi, trap mi at 0, and PFetch4 use
6 cycles; in Pilot mode, memory wait uses 12 more, totalling 18
cycles; in Alto mode, memory wait and byte swapping add 20,
totalling 26 cycles. This time is distributed over the 8 bytecodes in a
quadword; any additional refills caused by jumps are charged to the
jump bytecodes themselves. Hence, Pilot mode refill accounts for
2.25 and Alto mode for 3.25 cycles/non-jump bytecode.
*NOTE: MicroD almost can’t place page 6 due to shortage of branch condition
*target pairs. This occurs as follows: of the 128 branch target pairs,
*opcode entries use 64; opcode entries which do a call use 13 more, leaving
*only 51 for everything else, which is barely enough.
MesaRefill:*Called from many places
PCF ← RMZero;
PCB ← (PCB) + (4C);
:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
SwapBytes:*Called from MesaX
IBuf ← LCy[IBuf,10];
SwapBytes1:*Called from MesaX
IBuf1 ← LCy[IBuf1,10];
IBuf2 ← LCy[IBuf2,10];
IBuf3 ← LCy[IBuf3,10], Return;
:ELSE; ************************************************
Nop;*Hold page fault on page 0
:ENDIF; ***********************************************
MesaRefill6: PFetch4[PCB,IBuf,4], GoToP[MesaRefill], At[3377]; *Page 6 refill
JnFin:PCF ← PCB, PCB ← T, NoRegILockOK;*Only low 3 bits of PCF loaded
:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
JSwapx:IBuf ← LCy[IBuf,10];
IBuf1 ← LCy[IBuf1,10];
IBuf2 ← LCy[IBuf2,10];
IBuf3 ← LCy[IBuf3,10];
P6Tail:LU ← NextInst[IBuf];*Odd; paired with JJmp
:ELSE; ************************************************
Nop;**NextInst is illegal in the mi after PCF←.
P6Tail:LU ← NextInst[IBuf];*Odd; paired with JJmp
:ENDIF; ***********************************************
P6Tailx:PCB ← (PCB) and not (3C), NIRet;
JnComO1:T ← PCB ← T;*bypass kludge
PCB ← (LSh[PCB,1]) + 1, GoTo[JnFin];
T ← PCB ← T;*bypass kludge
PCB ← LSh[PCB,1], GoTo[JnFin];
JJmp:T ← (PCF.word) + T, DblGoTo[JnComO,JnComZ,R Odd];*Even; paired with P6Tail
JnEe:T ← (PCF.word) + T, GoTo[JnComO];
JnEo:T ← (PCF.word) + T + 1, GoTo[JnComZ];
%Jn, n=2-8. PCF points to the byte beyond the opcode when execution starts
(i.e., 1<=PCF<=10b), so if PCF is odd, the opcode is the even byte of the
current word, else the odd byte of the previous word. PCX is loaded from PCF
at T2 of the first mi executed. The word displacement of the target from
PCF[0:2] and the final lsb of the PC are:
J2:SkipData, Call[P6Tail], Opcode[200];*Time = 6+(18*(2/8)) = 10.50
J3:SkipData, Call[J2], Opcode[201];*Time = 8+(18*(3/8)) = 14.75
@J4:SkipData, Call[J3], Opcode[202];*Time =10+(18*(4/8)) = 19.00
@J5:T ← 2C, GoTo[JJmp], Opcode[203];*Time =22 to 23
@J6:T ← 2C, Cycle&PCXF, DblGoTo[JnEo,JnEe,R Odd], Opcode[204];
@J7:T ← 3C, GoTo[JJmp], Opcode[205];
@J8:T ← 3C, Cycle&PCXF, DblGoTo[JnEo,JnEe,R Odd], Opcode[206];
@J9:PCB ← (PCB) + (4C), Opcode[207];**NOT PFetch4 (bypass kludge)
PFetch4[PCB,IBuf,0], GoTo[JSwapx];*PCF unchanged (Time = 21.50)
%Jump Byte: alpha is a signed displacement from the opcode.
AllOnes is used as a temporary, restored when done. Note that
RH[PCBhi] = LH[PCBhi] since code can’t cross 64k boundary.
JB:T ← NextData[IBuf], Opcode[210];*Paired with Enojmp
JBr:T ← (PCFReg) + T, Skip[H2Bit8’];
PCB ← (PCB) - (200C);*Offset by 400b bytes if negative displacement
:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
*T has displacement relative to LAST byte of opcode.
**JB 0 is a problem here with PCF .eq. 0.
JBx:AllOnes ← (AllOnes) + T;
:ELSE; ************************************************
*T has signed BYTE displacement relative to FIRST byte of opcode.
**JB 0 with PCF .eq. 0 or 1 and JB 1 with PCF .eq. 0 are problems.
AllOnes ← (Form-2[AllOnes]) + T;
:ENDIF; ***********************************************
JBy:T ← RSh[AllOnes,1], Skip[R>=0];
T ← (LSh[R400,7]) or T;
PCB ← T;*Bypass kludge
PCF ← AllOnes;
AllOnes ← (Zero) - 1, GoTo[JSwapx];
*Jump Word: alpha,,beta is a 2’s complement displacement.
:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
@JW:Cycle&PCXF, Skip[R Even], Opcode[211];
T ← NextData[IBuf];*get beta
LU ← CycleControl ← NextData[IBuf];*get alpha
T ← (LHMask[Cycle&PCXF]) or T;*CycleControl is in bits 0:7
*T has 2’s complement displacement relative to LAST byte of the opcode
JWx:T ← (PCFReg) + T, GoTo[JBx];
:ELSE; ************************************************
@JW:LU ← CycleControl ← NextData[IBuf], Opcode[211]; *get alpha
T ← NextData[IBuf]; *get beta
T ← (LHMask[Cycle&PCXF]) or T;*CycleControl is in bits 0:7
*T has 2’s complement displacement relative to the FIRST byte of the opcode
JWx:T ← (PCFReg) + T;
AllOnes ← (Form-4[AllOnes]) + T + 1, GoTo[JBy]; *-4+T+1 = T-3
:ENDIF; ***********************************************
stkdif:LU ← (Stack&-1) - T, Return;
Ejmp:T ← NextData[IBuf], Call[JBr];*Even; paired with J2
Enojmp:SkipData, Call[P6Tail];*Even; paired with JB
JNEjO:T ← (Zero) + T + 1, GoTo[JnComZ];*Odd
JNEjE:PFetch4[PCB,IBuf], GoTo[JnComO1];*Even
*APC[13:14] contains 1, 2, or 3 for JEQ2, JEQ4, or JEQ6, respectively,
*as left by the last NIRet.
JEQev:LU ← (Stack&-1) - T, UseCTask;
T ← (LdF[APCTask&APC,13,2]) - 1, Skip[ALU=0];
P6Taila:LU ← NextInst[IBuf], Call[P6Tailx];*Odd
JJmpa:T ← (PCF.word) + T, DblGoTo[JNEjO,JNEjE,R Odd];*Even
JEQod:LU ← (Stack&-1) - T, UseCTask;
T ← LdF[APCTask&APC,13,2], DblGoTo[JJmp,P6Tail,ALU=0];
*Jump Equal n, n=2..9:
@JEQ2:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JEQev], Opcode[212];*CIA=3051b
@JEQ3:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JEQod], Opcode[213];*CIA=3055b
@JEQ4:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JEQev], Opcode[214];
@JEQ5:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JEQod], Opcode[215];
@JEQ6:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JEQev], Opcode[216];
@JEQ7:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JEQod], Opcode[217];
@JEQ8:T ← Stack&-1, UseCTask, Call[stkdif], Opcode[220];
T ← 3C, DblGoTo[JJmpa,P6Taila,ALU=0];
@JEQ9:T ← Stack&-1, UseCTask, Call[stkdif], Opcode[221];
T ← 4C, DblGoTo[JJmp,P6Tail,ALU=0];
*Jump Equal Byte
@JEQB:T ← Stack&-1, UseCTask, Call[stkdif], Opcode[222];
*APC[12:14] contains 1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5 for JNE2 to JNE9.
JNEev:LU ← (Stack&-1) - T, UseCTask;
T ← (LdF[APCTask&APC,12,3]) - 1, Skip[ALU#0];
LU ← NextInst[IBuf], Call[P6Tailx];
T ← (PCF.word) + T, DblGoTo[JNEjO,JNEjE,R Odd];*Odd
JNEod:LU ← (Stack&-1) - T, UseCTask;
T ← (LdF[APCTask&APC,12,3]) - 1, Skip[ALU#0];
LU ← NextInst[IBuf], Call[P6Tailx];*Even
T ← (PCF.word) + T, DblGoTo[JnComO,JnComZ,R Odd];*Odd
*Jump Not Equal n, n=2..9:
@JNE2:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JNEev], Opcode[223];*CIA=3115b
@JNE3:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JNEod], Opcode[224];
@JNE4:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JNEev], Opcode[225];
@JNE5:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JNEod], Opcode[226];
@JNE6:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JNEev], Opcode[227];
@JNE7:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JNEod], Opcode[230];
@JNE8:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JNEev], Opcode[231];
@JNE9:T ← Stack&-1, CallX[JNEod], Opcode[232];
*Jump Not Equal Byte
@JNEB:T ← Stack&-1, UseCTask, Call[stkdif], Opcode[233];
stksw:T ← Stack&+1, Return;
*Jump Less Byte - jump if (TOS-1) < TOS
@JLB:T ← Stack&-1, UseCTask, Call[stkdif], Opcode[234];
JLBx:FreezeResult, DblGoTo[JLBpos,JLBneg,ALU>=0];
*Jump Greater Equal Byte
@JGEB:T ← Stack&-1, UseCTask, Call[stkdif], Opcode[235];
JGEBx:FreezeResult, DblGoTo[JGEBpos,JGEBneg,ALU>=0];
*Jump Greater Byte
@JGB:Stack&-1, UseCTask, Call[stksw], Opcode[236];
LU ← (Stack&-2) - T, GoTo[JLBx];
*Jump Less Equal Byte
@JLEB:Stack&-1, UseCTask, Call[stksw], Opcode[237];
LU ← (Stack&-2) - T, GoTo[JGEBx];
*Jump Unsigned Less Byte
@JULB:T ← Stack&-1, UseCTask, Call[stkdif], Opcode[240];
*Jump Unsigned Greater Equal Byte
@JUGEB:T ← Stack&-1, UseCTask, Call[stkdif], Opcode[241];
*Jump Unsigned Greater Byte
@JUGB:Stack&-1, UseCTask, Call[stksw], Opcode[242];
LU ← (Stack&-2) - T, GoTo[JULBx];
*Jump Unsigned Less Equal Byte
@JULEB:Stack&-1, UseCTask, Call[stksw], Opcode[243];
LU ← (Stack&-2) - T, GoTo[JUGEBx];
*Jump Zero Equal Byte
@JZEQB:LU ← Stack&-1, GoTo[JEQBx], Opcode[244];
*Jump Zero Not Equal Byte
@JZNEB:LU ← Stack&-1, GoTo[JNEBx], Opcode[245];
*Jump Indexed Byte and Jump Indexed Word
CODEToRTemp:PFetch1[CODE,RTemp], Return;
:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
@JIB:LoadPage[opPage3], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[246];
@JIW:LU ← Cycle&PCXF, Skip[R Even], Opcode[247];
CSkipData;*Odd byte can’t cause refill
T ← Stack&-1;
LU ← (Stack) - T;
T ← Stack&-1, Skip[Carry’];
SkipData, Call[J2];
T ← (NextData[IBuf]) + T;*get beta
LU ← CycleControl ← NextData[IBuf];*get alpha
:ELSE; ************************************************
T ← Stack&-1, UseCTask;
LU ← (Stack) - T, Return;
@JIB:LU ← CycleControl ← CNextData[IBuf], Call[P6PopComp], Opcode[246];
T ← RSh[Stack,1], Skip[Carry’];
SkipData, Call[P6Pop];*Exit to next opcode
T ← (NextData[IBuf]) + T;*add beta
T ← (LHMask[Cycle&PCXF]) + T, Call[CODEToRTemp];
Stack&-1, Skip[R Odd];
T ← LdF[RTemp,0,10], GoTo[JWx];
T ← RHMask[RTemp], GoTo[JWx];
@JIW:LU ← CycleControl ← CNextData[IBuf], Call[P6PopComp], Opcode[247];
T ← Stack&-1, Skip[Carry’];
SkipData, Call[P6Tail];*Flush beta and exit
T ← (NextData[IBuf]) + T;*add beta
:ENDIF; **********************************************
T ← (LHMask[Cycle&PCXF]) + T, Call[CODEToRTemp];
T ← RTemp, GoTo[JWx];
@ADD:T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[250];
Addx:LU ← NextInst[IBuf];
Stack ← (Stack) + T, NIRet;
@SUB:T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[251];
Subx:LU ← NextInst[IBuf];
Stack ← (Stack) - T, NIRet;
*Multiply - high half of 32-bit product is left above the top of the Stack
* product low in Stack, hi in RTemp1
* multipliplicand low in RTemp, hi in xfMX
* multiplier in xfMY
@MUL:T ← RTemp1 ← 0C, Opcode[252];
SALUF ← T, T ← Stack&-1;*SALUF = 0 is an arithmetic LU←A
xfMY ← T, UseCTask, Call[PopToT];
Stack&+1 ← 0C, Skip[ALU#0]; *tests xfMY ← T
Stack&+1 ← 0C, GoTo[P6Pop];
RTemp ← T, Call[.+1];
xfMY ← (RSh[xfMY,1]) SALUFOp T, Skip[R Even]; * top of loop1
Stack ← (Stack) + T, DblGoTo[mulDone,MULa,ALU=0];
MULb:T ← RTemp ← (RTemp) + T, FreezeResult, DblGoTo[MULl,MULm,R<0];
MULl: RTemp1 ← (RTemp1) + 1, UseCoutAsCin, GoTo[mulLong];
MULm:RTemp1 ← (RTemp1) + 1, UseCoutAsCin, Return;
MULa:T ← RTemp ← (RTemp) + T, FreezeResult, DblGoTo[MULl,MULm,R<0];
xfMX ← 1C, Call[.+1];
LU ← (xfMY) SALUFOp T, Skip[R Even]; * top of loop2
Stack ← (Stack) + T;
RTemp1 ← (RTemp1) + 1, UseCoutAsCin;
RTemp ← (RTemp) + T;
T ← xfMX, FreezeResult;
xfMX ← (xfMX) + T + 1, UseCoutAsCin;
xfMY ← RSh[xfMY,1], Skip[R Even];
T ← RTemp1 ← (RTemp1) + T, DblGoTo[mdPush,MULc,ALU=0];
T ← RTemp, Return;
MULc:T ← RTemp, Return;
mulDone: T ← (RTemp1) + 1, UseCoutAsCin;
mdPush:Stack&+1 ← T;
P6Pop:LU ← NextInst[IBuf];
Stack&-1, NIRet;
PopToT: T ← Stack&-1, FreezeResult, Return;
@DBL:T ← LSh[Stack&-1,1], Opcode[253];
PushTP6:LU ← NextInst[IBuf];
Stack&+1 ← T, NIRet;
*Divide - (TOS-1)/TOS. Single word dividend, single word divisor, no check for overflow.
*The remainder is left above the Stack.
@DIV:MNBR ← Stack&-1, Opcode[254];
RTemp ← 0C, GoTo[LDIVx];
*Long Divide - (TOS-1),,(TOS-2)/TOS. Double word dividend, single word divisor, no check for overflow.
*The remainder is left above the Stack.
* dividend low in Stack; hi in RTemp
* divisor in T
* quotient appears in Stack; remainder in RTemp
@LDIV:MNBR ← Stack&-1, Call[PopToT], Opcode[255];
RTemp ← T;
LDIVx:T ← 31C;
T ← MNBR;*T ← divisor
:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
LU ← (RTemp) - T; *no checks in Alto mode
xfTemp ← 16C, Skip[Carry’];
T ← 0C, GoTo[mdPush];*0 divisor or divide check
:ELSE; ************************************************
LU ← (RTemp) - T, GoTo[divsNZ,ALU#0];
T ← sZeroDivisor;
divTrap: RTemp ← T, LoadPage[opPage0];
T ← SStkp, GoToP[BackSPPCandTrap];
divsNZ:xfTemp ← 16C, Skip[Carry’];
T ← sDivideCheck, GoTo[divTrap];
:ENDIF; ***********************************************
LU ← (Zero) + T;*Carry←0
Stack ← (Stack) SALUFOP T, UseCOutAsCIn, Call[divStart];
*Loop time: 13 to 15 cycles/bit (would be 9 to 10 if no tasking requirement).
**Could improve timing by open coding another loop.
LU ← RTemp1;
RTemp ← (RTemp) - T, Skip[ALU>=0]; *subtract divisor
Stack ← (Stack) SALUFOP T, GoTo[div1]; *No carry test--q bit 1
Stack ← (Stack) SALUFOP T, UseCOutAsCIn, Skip[Carry];*Subtract ok?
RTemp ← (RTemp) + T, FreezeResult;*No--undo
div1:xfTemp ← (xfTemp) - 1, FreezeResult, Skip[R>=0];
T ← RTemp, GoTo[mdPush];
RTemp ← (RTemp) SALUFOP T, UseCOutAsCIn, Skip[R<0];
RTemp1 ← Zero, Return;
RTemp1 ← (RTemp1) or not (0C), Return;
@NEG:T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[256];
T ← (Zero) - T, GoTo[PushTP6];
@INC:T ← (Stack&-1) + 1, GoTo[PushTP6], Opcode[257];
@AND:T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[260];
LU ← NextInst[IBuf];
Stack ← (Stack) and T, NIRet;
@OR:T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[261];
LU ← NextInst[IBuf];
Stack ← (Stack) or T, NIRet;
@XOR:T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[262];
LU ← NextInst[IBuf];
Stack ← (Stack) xor T, NIRet;
@SHIFT:T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[263];
RTemp ← T, DblGoTo[ShiftRight,ShiftLeft,ALU<0];
ShiftRight: RTemp ← (RTemp) + (17C);
CycleControl ← RTemp, Skip[Carry];
Stack ← Zero, GoTo[P6Tail];*shift count > 17 , use zero
LU ← NextInst[IBuf];
Stack ← RF[Stack], NIRet;
ShiftLeft:LU ← (RTemp) and not (17C);
RTemp ← (RTemp) xor (17C), Skip[ALU=0];
Stack ← Zero, GoTo[P6Tail];*shift count > 17 , use zero
*T has positive count. form 0,,-count, then use WFA
CycleControl ← RTemp;
LU ← NextInst[IBuf];
Stack ← WFA[Stack], NIRet;
@DADD:MNBR ← Stack&-1, Call[GetTDecStk2], Opcode[264]; *point to lsb of top doubleword
Stack ← (Stack) + T; *add low bits
Stack&+1, Skip[Carry];
T ← MNBR, GoTo[Addx]; *pick up high bits of top doubleword
T ← (MNBR) + 1, GoTo[Addx]; *pick up high bits of top doubleword
@DSUB:MNBR ← Stack&-1, Call[GetTDecStk2], Opcode[265]; *point to lsb of top doubleword
Stack ← (Stack) - T; * subtract low bits
Stack&+1, Skip[Carry’]; *point to msb of second doubleword
T ← MNBR, GoTo[Subx]; *remember msb of top doubleword (TOS)
T ← (MNBR) + 1, GoTo[Subx];
GetTDecStk2:T ← Stack&-2, Return; *grab it, point to lsb of second doubleword
*Double Compare:
*If (TOS-2),,(TOS-3) < TOS,,(TOS-1), push -1
*If (TOS-2),,(TOS-3) = TOS,,(TOS-1), push 0
*If (TOS-2),,(TOS-3) > TOS,,(TOS-1), push 1
*Comparisons are signed
@DCOMP:T ← (Stack&-2) + (100000C), Opcode[266];
Stack ← (Stack) + (100000C), GoTo[DUCOMPy];
*Comparisons are unsigned
@DUCOMP:T ← Stack&-2, Opcode[267];
*Compare msb’s, point at lsb of high doubleword
*grab lsb of top doubleword, point at lsb of second doubleword
LU ← (Stack&+1) - T;
T ← Stack&-2, FreezeResult, Skip[ALU=0];
Stack ← (Zero) + 1, DblGoTo[DUCompL,DUCompG,Carry’];
Stack ← (Stack) - T;*compare low words
FreezeResult, Skip[ALU#0];
LU ← NextInst[IBuf], Call[P6Tailx];
Stack ← (Zero) + 1, DblGoTo[DUCompL,DUCompG,Carry’];
DUCompL:Stack ← (Stack) or not (0C), GoTo[P6Tail];
DUCompG:LU ← NextInst[IBuf], Call[P6Tailx];
*ADD01 - on D0, equivalent to ADD
@ADD01:T ← Stack&-1, GoTo[Addx], Opcode[270];
*Unused opcodes on page 6
:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
LoadPage[opPage3], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[271];
LoadPage[opPage3], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[272];
LoadPage[opPage3], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[273];
LoadPage[opPage3], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[274];
LoadPage[opPage3], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[275];
LoadPage[opPage3], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[276];
LoadPage[opPage3], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[277];
T ← sUnimplemented, GoToP[kfcr];
:ELSEIF[CedarMode]; ************************************
RTemp ← 271C, GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[271];
RTemp ← 272C, GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[272];
RTemp ← 273C, GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[273];
RTemp ← 274C, GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[274];
RTemp ← 275C, GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[275];
RTemp ← 276C, GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[276];
RTemp ← 277C, GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[277];
TrapParm ← 0C, GoToP[UndefTrap];
:ELSE; ************************************************
LoadPage[opPage0], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[271];
LoadPage[opPage0], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[272];
LoadPage[opPage0], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[273];
LoadPage[opPage0], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[274];
LoadPage[opPage0], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[275];
LoadPage[opPage0], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[276];
LoadPage[opPage0], GoTo[UnImpP6], Opcode[277];
RTemp ← sUnimplemented, GoToP[BackPCandTrap];
:ENDIF; ***********************************************