

This code assumes that PC,,PChi is a base register pair pointing
to the current instruction quadword.  The low two bits of PC are 0,
and the low 3 bits of the PC (which point to a byte within the quadword)
are kept in the (hardware) register PCF.

Since code segments cannot cross 64K boundaries, and are limited to
32K words in length, the two bytes of PCh are forced to be equal,
rather than having the least significant byte differ from the msb
by 1 as is the normal case for base registers.

PCF is incremented by the functions NextInst and NextData.  It is
assumed that the register PCX is loaded automatically from PCF at
the start of every bytecode.  

Only the low 3 bits of PCF are loaded by PCF←, but PCF and PCX
contain 4 bits so that overflow will be  handled properly.  

MesaRefill6: gotop[MesaRefill], Pfetch4[PC,IBUF,4], at[3377]; *refill for page 6


*Buffer refill.  
	PC ← (PC) + (4C);
	PCF ← RZero;
%*Addition for trapping
	RZero ← 41400c; *notify task 4, location 1400
	APC&APCTask ← RZero;
	RZero ← 0c, AT[250];
*End of addition

:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
	IBuf ← lcy[IBuf, 10];
	IBuf1 ← lcy[IBuf1, 10];
	IBuf2 ← lcy[IBuf2, 10];
	IBuf3 ← lcy[IBuf3, 10], return;
:ELSE; ************************************************
	nop; * hold page fault on page 0
:ENDIF; ***********************************************

%*Trapping stuff:
RV[TrapRet,10, 250]; *notify word for return to emulator (task 0, location 250)
RV[TrapVal,11,177777]; *value checked
RV[TrapAddr,12,1]; *address of quadword to be checked
RV[TrapAddrHi,13,0]; *high part of address

	lu ← TrapAddr, skip[REven], AT[1400];
	APC&APCTask ← TrapRet, goto[TrapRetLoc];
	T ← TrapVal;
	lu ← (TrapData) xor (T);
	lu ← (TrapData1) xor (T), skip[ALU=0];
Trap0Bad:	breakpoint;
	lu ← (TrapData2) xor (T), skip[ALU=0];
Trap1Bad:	breakpoint;
	lu ← (TrapData3) xor (T), skip[ALU=0];
Trap2Bad:	breakpoint;
Trap3Bad:	breakpoint;
	APC&APCTask ← TrapRet;
TrapRetLoc:	return;

Jn, n=2-8.  PCF points to the byte beyond the opcode when execution
starts, so if PCF is odd, the opcode is in the even byte of the
current word, if PCF is even, the opcode is in the odd byte of the
previous word.  The word displacement of the target from PCF[0:2]
and the final lsb of the PC are:

			even	odd

	2		0,1	1,0
	3		1,0	1,1
	4		1,1	2,0
	5		2,0	2,1
	6		2,1	3,0
	7		3,0	3,1
	8		3,1	4,0
	9		4,0	4,1
J2:	T←0C, GETRSPEC[127], dblgoto[JnE,JnO,Reven], opcode[200];
J3:	T←1C, goto[Jnx], opcode[201];
J4:	T←1C, GETRSPEC[127], dblgoto[JnE,JnO,Reven], opcode[202];
J5:	T←2C, goto[Jnx], opcode[203];
J6:	T←2C, GETRSPEC[127], dblgoto[JnE,JnO,Reven], opcode[204];
J7:	T←3C, goto[Jnx], opcode[205];
J8:	T←3C, GETRSPEC[127], dblgoto[JnE,JnO,Reven], opcode[206];
J9:	T←4C, goto[Jnx], opcode[207];

JnX:	T← (ldf[GETRSPEC[127],14,3]) + (T), goto[JnOcom];

JnE:	T← (ldf[GETRSPEC[127],14,3]) + (T), goto[JnECom];
JnO:	T← (ldf[GETRSPEC[127],14,3]) + (T) +1, goto[JnECom];

JnECom:	Pfetch4[PC,IBUF];
	T← PC ← T;	*bypass kludge 
	GETRSPEC[127], dblgoto[JnECo, JnECe, Rodd];

JnECe:	PC ← (lsh[PC,1]) + 1, goto[JnFin];
JnECo:	PC ← (lsh[PC,1]), goto[JnFin];

JnOCom:	Pfetch4[PC,IBUF];
	T← PC ← T;	*bypass kludge
	GETRSPEC[127], dblgoto[JnOCo, JnOCe, Rodd];

JnOCo:	PC ← (lsh[PC,1]) + 1, goto[JnFin];
JnOCe:	PC ← (lsh[PC,1]), goto[JnFin];

:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
JnFin:	PCF ← PC; *only the low 3 bits of PCF are loaded
	PC ← T;
JSwapx:	IBUF ← lcy[IBUF,10];
	IBUF1 ← lcy[IBUF1,10];
	IBUF2 ← lcy[IBUF2,10];
	IBUF3 ← lcy[IBUF3,10];
	lu ← NextInst[IBUF], call[JnRETx];
:ELSE; ************************************************
JnFin:	PCF ← PC; *only the low 3 bits of PCF are loaded
	PC ← T;
:ENDIF; ***********************************************

JnRET:	lu ← NextInst[IBUF];
JnRETx:	PC ← (PC) and not (3c), NIRET;
Jump Byte:  alpha is a signed displacement from the opcode
This works for -128 < alpha < 122.
This code (and that for JW) uses the register AllOnes as a 
temporary, and resets it when done.
JB:	T← (NextData[IBUF])-1, opcode[210]; 
	T ← (PCXREG) + (T);  *PCX = 0..7 here (the NextData may have caused refill, but
*PCX is still correct, since PCX is loaded when the refill code returns)

*T has the signed BYTE displacement relative to PC
*If jumping backward in same quadword, negative may have become positive;
*mask T to 8 bits

:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
JBr:	T ← (rhmask[AllOnes]) AND T;
	AllOnes ← (Zero) + (T) + 1, goto[JBq, noH2bit8];
:ELSE; ************************************************
JBr:	AllOnes ← (rhmask[AllOnes]) AND T, goto[JBq, noH2bit8];
:ENDIF; ***********************************************

	PC ← (PC) - (200C); *If bit 8 = 1, the quantity in T and AllOnes is the byte 
*displacement + 400b.  We subtract 400b bytes from PC.
JBq:	T ← rsh[AllOnes,1];	*form word displacement

*T has positive WORD displacement relative to PC
JBy:	Pfetch4[PC,IBUF];
	PC ← T;
	PCF ← AllOnes;

:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
	AllOnes ← (Zero)-1, goto[JSwapx];
:ELSE; ************************************************
	AllOnes ← (Zero)-1, goto[JnRet];
:ENDIF; ***********************************************

*Jump Word:  alpha,,beta is a 2's complement displacement from the opcode.  
:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
JW:	lu ← GetRSpec[127], skip[R even], opcode[211];
	lu ← NextData[IBuf];
	T ← NextData[IBUF]; *get beta
	lu ← CycleControl ← NextData[IBUF]; *get alpha
:ELSE; ************************************************
JW:	lu ← CycleControl ← NextData[IBUF], opcode[211]; *get alpha
	T ← NextData[IBUF]; *get beta
:ENDIF; ***********************************************

	T ← (lhmask[GetRSpec[127]]) OR T;	*CycleControl is in bits 0:7

*T has signed WORD displacement relative to the opcode

:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
JWx:	T ← (PCFREG) + (T);
	AllOnes ← T ← (AllOnes)+(T), dblgoto[JWp,JWn,ALU>=0]; *T-1
:ELSE; ************************************************
JWx:	T ← (PCFREG) + (T);
	AllOnes ← T ← (FormMinus4[AllOnes])+(T)+1, dblgoto[JWp,JWn,ALU>=0]; *-4+T+1 = T-3
:ENDIF; ***********************************************

JWn:	T ← 100000C; *negative displacement - put in the bit that the shift is about to lose
	T ← (rsh[AllOnes,1]) or (T), goto[JBy];
JWp:	T ← (rsh[AllOnes,1]), goto[JBy];

*Jump Equal n, n=2..9:
JEQ2:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JEQEVtest], opcode[212];
	T ← T, goto[JnECom];  * Load T for bypass kludge

JEQ3:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JEQODtest], opcode[213];
	T ← (Form1[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnOCom];

JEQ4:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JEQEVtest], opcode[214];
	T ← (Form1[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnECom];

JEQ5:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JEQODtest], opcode[215];
	T ← (Form2[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnOCom];

JEQ6:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JEQEVtest], opcode[216];
	T ← (Form2[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnECom];

JEQ7:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JEQODtest], opcode[217];
	T ← (Form3[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnOCom];

JEQ8:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JEQEVtest], opcode[220];
	T ← (Form3[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnECom];

JEQ9:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JEQODtest], opcode[221];
	T ← (Form4[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnOCom];

	lu ← (stack&-1) - (T);
	dblgoto[JEQjmp,JnRET,alu=0], T ← (ldf[GETRSPEC[127],17,1]);

	lu ← (stack&-1) - (T);
	dblgoto[JEQjmp,JnRET,alu=0], T ← 0C;

	T ← (ldf[GETRSPEC[127],14,3]) + (T), return;

*Jump Equal Byte

JEQB:	T ← (Stack&-1),call[stkdif],usectask, opcode[222];
JEQBx:	T ← 2c, dblgoto[Ejmp,Onojmp,ALU=0];

Ejmp:	* T contains length of instuction (2)
	T ← (NextData[IBUF]) - T;
	T ← (PCFREG) + (T), goto[JBr];

	lu ← NextData[IBUF];
	lu ← NextInst[IBUF],call[JnRETx];

stkdif:	lu ← (stack&-1) - (T), return;
*Jump Not Equal n, n=2..9:
JNE2:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JNEEVtest], opcode[223];
	T ← T, goto[JnECom];  * Load T for bypass kludge

JNE3:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JNEODtest], opcode[224];
	T ← (Form1[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnOCom];

JNE4:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JNEEVtest], opcode[225];
	T ← (Form1[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnECom];

JNE5:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JNEODtest], opcode[226];
	T ← (Form2[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnOCom];

JNE6:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JNEEVtest], opcode[227];
	T ← (Form2[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnECom];

JNE7:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JNEODtest], opcode[230];
	T ← (Form3[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnOCom];

JNE8:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JNEEVtest], opcode[231];
	T ← (Form3[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnECom];

JNE9:	T ← (stack&-1), call [JNEODtest], opcode[232];
	T ← (Form4[AllOnes]) + (T), goto[JnOCom];

	lu ← (stack&-1) - (T);
	dblgoto[JNEjmp,JNEnojmp,alu#0], T ← (ldf[GETRSPEC[127],17,1]);

	lu ← (stack&-1) - (T);
	dblgoto[JNEjmp,JNEnojmp,alu#0], T ← 0C;

	T ← (ldf[GETRSPEC[127],14,3]) + (T), return;

	lu ← NextInst[IBUF], call[JnRETx];

*Jump Not Equal Byte
JNEB:	T ← (Stack&-1),call[stkdif], usectask, opcode[233];
JNEBx:	T ← 2c, dblgoto[Ojmp,Enojmp,ALU#0];

Ojmp:	* T contains length of instuction (2)
	T ← (NextData[IBUF]) - T, call[Ejmpx];

	lu ← NextData[IBUF],call[Onojmpx];
*Jump Less Byte - jump if (TOS-1) < TOS
JLB:	T ← (Stack&-1),call[stkdif],usectask, opcode[234];
JLBx:	T ← (RZero)+1, dblgoto[JLBpos,JLBneg,ALU>=0], FREEZERESULT;	* T ← 1

JLBpos:	T ← (RZero) + (T) + 1, dblgoto[Onojmp,Ejmp,NOOVF];		* T ← 2
JLBneg:	T ← (RZero) + (T) + 1, dblgoto[Ojmp,Enojmp,NOOVF];		* T ← 2

*Jump Greater Equal Byte
JGEB:	T ← (Stack&-1),call[stkdif],usectask, opcode[235];
JGEBx:	T ← (RZero)+1, dblgoto[JGEBpos,JGEBneg,ALU>=0], FREEZERESULT;	* T ← 1

JGEBpos:	T ← (RZero) + (T) + 1, dblgoto[Enojmp,Ojmp,OVF];		* T ← 2
JGEBneg:	T ← (RZero) + (T) + 1, dblgoto[Ejmp,Onojmp,OVF];		* T ← 2

*Jump Greater Byte
JGB:	Stack&-1,usectask,call[stksw], opcode[236]; 
	lu ← (Stack&-2) - (T), goto[JLBx];

*Jump Less Equal Byte
JLEB:	Stack&-1,usectask,call[stksw], opcode[237]; 
	lu ← (Stack&-2) - (T), goto[JGEBx];

stksw: T ← stack&+1, return;

*Jump Unsigned Less Byte
JULB:	T ← (Stack&-1), usectask,call[stkdif], opcode[240];
JULBx:	T ← 2c, dblgoto[Onojmp,Ejmp,Carry];

*Jump Unsigned Greater Equal Byte
JUGEB:	T ← (Stack&-1), usectask,call[stkdif], opcode[241];
JUGEBx:	T ← 2c, dblgoto[Ojmp,Enojmp,Carry];

*Jump Unsigned Greater Byte
JUGB:	Stack&-1,usectask,call[stksw], opcode[242]; 
	lu ← (Stack&-2) - (T), goto[JULBx];

*Jump Unsigned Less Equal Byte
JULEB:	Stack&-1,usectask,call[stksw], opcode[243]; 
	lu ← (Stack&-2) - (T), goto[JUGEBx];

*Jump Zero Equal Byte
JZEQB:	lu ← (Stack&-1), goto[JEQBx], opcode[244];

*Jump Zero Not Equal Byte
JZNEB:	lu ← (Stack&-1), goto[JNEBx], opcode[245];
*Jump Indexed Byte
:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
JIB:	T ← sUnimplemented, goto[doTrapP6], opcode[246];
:ELSE; ************************************************
JIB:	T ← Stack&-1, usectask, call[stkdif], opcode[246];
	lu ← CycleControl ← NextData[IBUF]; *get alpha
	T ← NextData[IBUF]; *get beta

	T ← (lhmask[GetRSpec[127]]) OR T; *CycleControl is in bits 0:7
	T ← (rsh[Stack,1]) + (T),task;
	Stack&-1, dblgoto[JIBl,JIBr,Reven];

JIbl:	T ← (ldf[RTEMP,0,10]), goto[JWx];
JIBr:	T ← (rhmask[RTEMP]), goto[JWx];

	lu ← NextData[IBUF], call[JIWnojmpx]; *skip alpha
:ENDIF; **********************************************

*Jump Indexed Word
:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
JIW:	lu ← GetRSpec[127], skip[R even], opcode[247];
	lu ← NextData[IBuf];
	T ← Stack&-1;
	usectask, call[stkdif];
	T ← NextData[IBUF]; *get beta
	lu ← CycleControl ← NextData[IBUF]; *get alpha
:ELSE; ************************************************
JIW:	T ← Stack&-1, usectask, call[stkdif], opcode[247];
	lu ← CycleControl ← NextData[IBUF]; *get alpha
	T ← NextData[IBUF]; *get beta
:ENDIF; **********************************************

	T ← (lhmask[GetRSpec[127]]) OR T;	*CycleControl is in bits 0:7
	T ← (Stack&-1) + (T),task;
	T ← RTEMP, goto[JWx];

	lu ← NextData[IBUF]; *skip alpha
	Stack&-1; *adjust the stack
	lu ← NextData[IBUF], call[JnRET]; *skip beta
@ADD:	T ← Stack&-1, opcode[250];
Addx:	lu ← NextInst[IBuf];
	Stack ← (Stack) + (T), NIRet;

@SUB:	T ← Stack&-1, opcode[251];
Subx:	lu ← NextInst[IBuf];
	Stack ← (Stack) - (T), NIRet;

*Multiply - The high half of the 32-bit product is left above the top of the stack
* product low in Stack, hi in RTEMP1
* multipliplicand low in RTEMP, hi in xfMX
* multiplier in xfMY
@MUL:	T ← RTEMP1 ← 0c, opcode[252];
	SALUF ← T, call[PopToT]; * Saluf = 0 is a no op
	xfMY ← T, UseCTask, call[PopToT];
	Stack&+1 ← 0c, skip[alu#0]; * tests xfMY ← T
	  Stack&+1 ← 0c, goto[mdPop];
	RTEMP ← T, call[.+1];
	xfMY ← (rsh[xfMY,1]) salufop (T), skip[reven]; * top of loop1
	  Stack ← (Stack) + (T), dblgoto[mulDone, MULa, alu=0];
MULb:	T ← RTEMP ← (RTEMP) + (T), FreezeResult, dblgoto[MULl,MULm,R<0];
MULl:	  RTEMP1 ← (RTEMP1) + 1, UseCoutAsCin, goto[mulLong];
MULm:	RTEMP1 ← (RTEMP1) + 1, UseCoutAsCin, return;

MULa:	T ← RTEMP ← (RTEMP) + (T), FreezeResult, dblgoto[MULl,MULm,R<0];

	xfMX ← 1c, call[.+1];
	lu ← (xfMY) salufop (T), skip[reven]; * top of loop2
	  Stack ← (Stack) + (T);
	RTEMP1 ← (RTEMP1) + 1, UseCoutAsCin;
	RTEMP ← (RTEMP) + (T);
	T ← xfMX, FreezeResult;
	xfMX ← (xfMX) + (T) + 1, UseCoutAsCin;
	xfMY ← rsh[xfMY,1], skip[reven];
	  T ← RTEMP1 ← (RTEMP1) + (T), dblgoto[mdPush, MULc, alu=0];
	T ← RTEMP, return;

MULc:	T ← RTEMP, return;

mulDone: T ← (RTEMP1) + 1, UseCoutAsCin, goto[mdPush];

mdPush:	Stack&+1 ← T;
mdPop:	lu ← NextInst[IBUF];
	Stack&-1, NIRET;

PopToT: T ← Stack&-1, FreezeResult, return;

DBL:	T ← lsh[Stack&-1,1], Opcode[253];
PushTP6:	lu ← NextInst[IBUF];
	Stack&+1 ← T, NIRET;
*Divide -  (TOS-1)/TOS.  Single word dividend, single word divisor, no check for overflow.
*The remainder is left above the stack.
@DIV:	MNBR ← Stack&-1, opcode[254];
	T ← 0c, goto[LDIVx];

*Long Divide - (TOS-1),,(TOS-2)/TOS.  Double word dividend, single word divisor, no check for overflow.
*The remainder is left above the stack.
* dividend low in Stack; hi in RTEMP
* divisor in T
* quotient appears in Stack; remainder in RTEMP
@LDIV:	MNBR ← Stack&-1, call[PopToT], opcode[255];
LDIVx:	RTEMP ← T, LoadPage[opPage0];
	T ← MNBR, gotop[.+1];
	lu ← (RTEMP) - (T), goto[zerodivide, alu=0];
	goto[dividecheck, carry];
	rcnt ← 17c, call[divStart];
	lu ← RTEMP1; * top of loop
	RTEMP ← (RTEMP) - (T), skip[alu=0]; * subtract divisor
	  Stack ← (lsh[Stack,1]) + 1, dblgoto[divs1, divs0, r<0]; * q bit 1
	  Stack ← (lsh[Stack,1]) + 1, dblgoto[divs1, divs0, r<0]; * q bit 1
	RTEMP ← (RTEMP) + (T); * add back divisor
	Stack ← lsh[Stack,1], dblgoto[divs1, divs0, r<0]; * q bit 0

divs1:	rcnt ← (rcnt) - 1, goto[divDone1, r<0]; * shift 1
	RTEMP ← (lsh[RTEMP,1]) + 1, dblgoto[divhs1, divhs0, r<0];

divs0:	rcnt ← (rcnt) - 1, goto[divDone2, r<0]; * shift 0
	RTEMP ← lsh[RTEMP,1], dblgoto[divhs1, divhs0, r<0];

divhs1:	RTEMP1 ← 1c, return; * next quotient bit known to be 1
divhs0:	RTEMP1 ← 0c, return; * next quotient bit unknown

divDone1:	T ← RTEMP, LoadPage[opPage2], goto[divPush];
divDone2:	T ← RTEMP, LoadPage[opPage2], goto[divPush];
divPush:	Stack&+1 ← T, gotop[mdPop];

:IF[AltoMode]; ****************************************
dividecheck:	RTEMP ← 0c, goto[divDone1]; *no checks in Alto mode
zerodivide:	RTEMP ← 0c, goto[divDone1];
:ELSE; ************************************************
dividecheck:	T ← sDivideCheck, goto[doTrapP4];
zerodivide:	T ← sZeroDivisor, goto[doTrapP4];
:ENDIF; ***********************************************
@NEG:	T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[256];
	T ← (Zero) - (T), goto[PushTP6];

@INC:	T ← (Stack&-1) + 1, goto[PushTP6], Opcode[257];

@AND:	T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[260];
	Stack ← (Stack) and (T), goto[P6Tail];

@OR:	T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[261];
	Stack ← (Stack) or (T), goto[P6Tail];

@XOR:	T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[262];
	Stack ← (Stack) xor (T), goto[P6Tail];

@SHIFT:	T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[263];
	dblgoto[ShiftRight,ShiftLeft,ALU<0] , RTEMP ←T ;

ShiftRight:  RTEMP ← (RTEMP) + (17C);
SHF2:	goto[P6Tail],Stack ← Zero;	*shift count > 17 , use zero
SHF1:	CycleControl ← RTEMP;
	goto[P6Tail],Stack ← RF[Stack];

ShiftLeft:	lu ← (RTEMP) and not (17C);
	dblgoto[SHF3,SHF4,ALU=0], T ← (RTEMP) ;
SHF4:	goto[P6Tail],Stack ← Zero ;	*shift count > 17 , use zero

*T has positive count.  form 0,,-count, then use WFA
SHF3:	RTEMP ← (Zero) - (T) - 1 ;
	RTEMP ← (RTEMP) and (17C) ;
	CycleControl ← RTEMP ;
	goto[P6Tail],Stack ← WFA[Stack];
*Double Add
@DADD:	MNBR ← Stack&-1, call[GetTDecStk2], opcode[264]; *point to lsb of top doubleword
	Stack ← (Stack) + (T); * add low bits
	Stack&+1, goto[dAddC, carry];
	T ← MNBR, goto[Addx]; * pick up high bits of top doubleword
dAddC:	T ← (MNBR) + 1, goto[Addx]; * pick up high bits of top doubleword

*Double Subtract
@DSUB:	MNBR ← Stack&-1, call[GetTDecStk2], opcode[265]; *point to lsb of top doubleword
	Stack ← (Stack) - (T); * subtract low bits
	Stack&+1, goto[dSubC, NoCarry]; *point to msb of second doubleword
	T ← MNBR, goto[Subx]; *remember msb of top doubleword (TOS)
dSubC:	T ← (MNBR) + 1, goto[Subx];

GetTDecStk2:	T ← (Stack&-2), return; *grab it, point to lsb of second doubleword

*Double Signed Compare:
*If (TOS-2),,(TOS-3) < TOS,,(TOS-1), push -1
*If (TOS-2),,(TOS-3) = TOS,,(TOS-1), push 0
*If (TOS-2),,(TOS-3) > TOS,,(TOS-1), push 1
*Comparisons are signed
DCOMP:	T ← (Stack&-2) + (100000c), Opcode[266];
	Stack ← (Stack) + (100000c), goto[DUCOMPy];

*Double Compare:
*If (TOS-2),,(TOS-3) < TOS,,(TOS-1), push -1
*If (TOS-2),,(TOS-3) = TOS,,(TOS-1), push 0
*If (TOS-2),,(TOS-3) > TOS,,(TOS-1), push 1
*Comparisons are unsigned
DUCOMP:	T ← Stack&-2, Opcode[267];
	lu ← (Stack&+1) - (T); *Compare msb's, point at lsb of high doubleword
	goto[DUCompareLowBits, ALU=0], T ← Stack&-2, FREEZERESULT; *grab lsb of top doubleword,
*point at lsb of second doubleword
DUCompx:	dblgoto[DUCompL, DUCompG, NoCarry];

DUCompL:	T ← (RZero) - 1, goto[DUCompEqual];
DUCompG:	T ← (RZero) + 1, goto[DUCompEqual];

DUCompareLowBits:	T ← (Stack) - (T);
	goto[DUCompEqual, ALU=0], FREEZERESULT;
	dblgoto[DUCompL, DUCompG, NoCarry];

DUCompEqual:	Stack ← T, goto[P6Tail];

*ADD01 - on D0, equivalent to ADD
ADD01:	goto[Addx], T ← Stack&-1, Opcode[270];

*Unused opcodes on page 6
	T ← sUnimplemented, goto[doTrapP6], opcode[271];
	T ← sUnimplemented, goto[doTrapP6], opcode[272];
	T ← sUnimplemented, goto[doTrapP6], opcode[273];
	T ← sUnimplemented, goto[doTrapP6], opcode[274];
	T ← sUnimplemented, goto[doTrapP6], opcode[275];
	T ← sUnimplemented, goto[doTrapP6], opcode[276];
	T ← sUnimplemented, goto[doTrapP6], opcode[277];
