; Pilot.Midas last modified by Fiala 26 February 1982 L X Boot L X Load INITIAL L X Break RAMLOADED; RAMLoaded .eq. IMX 316 L X TimeOut 100000; 100000b msec ~ 32 sec L X Go SAPILOTSTART L X Skip 1 L X ShowError Timed out on SAPilotStart before BP at RamLoaded ; Get here at LoadRAM exit with Pilot1.Mb just loaded. L C18 Addr FFAULT L C18 Val 10000 L X TimeOut 20000; ~8 sec to load CSLFDisplay overlay L X Continue L X Skip 1 L X ShowError TIMEOUT--did not complete CSLFDisplay load L X TimeOut 20000; ~8 sec to load Pilot2 overlay L X Continue L X Skip 1 L X ShowError TIMEOUT--did not finish loading Pilot2 overlay L X Run-Prog PILOT2SYMBOLS L X ShowError Pilot2 successfully loaded--BP at RamLoaded L X TimeOut 17777777777; ~ 50 days L X Continue L X Skip 1 L X ShowError Impossible TIMEOUT of Continue