;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;EDProcLog.MIDAS : Logger for EDProc program *** Rev: 1 *** ;;; Run-Time : Loop Forever ;;;Minimum Hardware: Standard 4 CPU Boards & the 96K Memory Modules ;;; By: C. Tseng March 25 1980 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;1. EDALU .alustart L X Boot; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm L X Load EDALU L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage ~********** START EDALU Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ***************~ ; L X Skip .alucontinue; .alubreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L A18 SkipNE BADNOTIFY; L X Skip .alubadnotify; L A18 SkipNE BADWAKE+2; L X Skip .alubadwake; L A18 SkipNE TFILLRER; L X Skip .alutfillrer; L A18 SkipNE TCHKRER0; L X Skip .alutchkrer0; L A18 SkipNE TCHKRER1; L X Skip .alutchkrer1; L A18 SkipNE TCHKRER2; L X Skip .alutchkrer2; L A18 SkipNE ACHKRER; L X Skip .aluachkrer; L A18 SkipNE FAIL; L X Skip .alufail; L A18 SkipNE PASSED-EDALU-TEST; L X Skip .passalutest; .notalubreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: Not at EDALU breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage ' Parity = ; R A0 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CIA = ; R A18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CTASK = ; R A19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCTASK = ; R A17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APC = ; R A16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPC = ; R A13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X Exit; .alubadnotify L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDALU Breakpoint Bad NOTIFY ~; .alubad L X WriteMessage ' MCOUNT = ; R B8 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' T 0 = ; R B15 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' S0 = ; R B16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' S1 = ; R B17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .alucontinue; .alubadwake L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDALU Breakpoint BAD WAKE ~; L X BackSkip .alubad; .alutfillrer L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDALU Breakpoint T FILL R ERror ~; L X BackSkip .alubad; .alutchkrer0 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDALU Breakpoint T CHECK R ERror0 ~; L X BackSkip .alubad; .alutchkrer1 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDALU Breakpoint T CHECK R ERror1 ~; L X BackSkip .alubad; .alutchkrer2 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDALU Breakpoint T CHECK R ERror2 ~; L X BackSkip .alubad; .aluachkrer L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDALU Breakpoint Addr CHecK R ERror ~; L X BackSkip .alubad; .alufail L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDALU Breakpoint compare FAIL~; L X BackSkip .alubad; .passalutest L X WriteMessage ~---------- PASSed EDALU Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ----------------~ ; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .rmexstart; .alucontinue L X CloseOutput; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm; L X TimeOut 100000; L X Go START;(635) L X Skip 2; L X ShowError EDALU failed to START.; L X BackSkip .notalubreak; L X DisplayOff; L X BackSkip .alubreak;  ;2. EDRMEx .rmexstart L X Boot; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm L X Load EDRMEx L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage ~********** START EDRMEx Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ***************~ ; L X Skip .rmexcontinue; .rmexbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L A18 SkipNE WORDBAD; L X Skip .rmexwordbad; L A18 SkipNE PASSED-EDRMEX-TEST; L X Skip .passrmextest; .notrmexbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: Not at EDRMEx breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage ' Parity = ; R A0 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CIA = ; R A18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CTASK = ; R A19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCTASK = ; R A17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APC = ; R A16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPC = ; R A13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X Exit; .rmexwordbad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDRMEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * WORDBAD ~; L X WriteMessage ' SUBTEST = ; R B4 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CURRENTLOC = ; R B15 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' PASSCOUNT = ; R B2 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .rmexcontinue; .passrmextest L X WriteMessage ~---------- PASSed EDRMEx Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ----------------~ ; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .csexstart; .rmexcontinue L X CloseOutput; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm; L X TimeOut 100000; L X Go START; L X Skip 2; L X ShowError EDRMEx failed to START.; L X BackSkip .notrmexbreak; L X DisplayOff; L X BackSkip .rmexbreak; ;3. EDCSEx .csexstart L X Boot; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm L X Load EDCSEx L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage ~********** START EDCSEx Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ***************~ ; L X Skip .csexcontinue; .csexbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L A18 SkipNE WORD0BAD; L X Skip .csexword0bad; L A18 SkipNE WORD1BAD; L X Skip .csexword1bad; L A18 SkipNE WORD2BAD; L X Skip .csexword2bad; L A18 SkipNE WORD0BADREAD; L X Skip .csexword0badread; L A18 SkipNE WORD1BADREAD; L X Skip .csexword1badread; L A18 SkipNE WORD2BADREAD; L X Skip .csexword2badread; L A18 SkipNE PASSED-EDCSEX-TEST; L X Skip .passcsextest; .notcsexbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: Not at EDCSEx breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage ' Parity = ; R A0 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CIA = ; R A18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CTASK = ; R A19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCTASK = ; R A17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APC = ; R A16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPC = ; R A13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X Exit; .csexword0bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDCSEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * WORD 0 Bad ~; .csexbad L X WriteMessage ' SUBTEST = ; R B4 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CURRENTLOC = ; R C11 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' PASSCOUNT = ; R B2 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .csexcontinue; .csexword1bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDCSEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * WORD 1 Bad ~; L X BackSkip .csexbad; .csexword2bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDCSEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * WORD 2 Bad ~; L X BackSkip .csexbad; .csexword0badread L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDCSEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * WORD 0 READ Bad ~; L X BackSkip .csexbad; .csexword1badread L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDCSEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * WORD 1 READ Bad ~; L X BackSkip .csexbad; .csexword2badread L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDCSEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * WORD 2 READ Bad ~; L X BackSkip .csexbad; .passcsextest L X WriteMessage ~---------- PASSed EDCSEx Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ----------------~ ; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .smallstart; .csexcontinue L X CloseOutput; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm; L X TimeOut 100000; L X Go START; L X Skip 2; L X ShowError EDCSEx failed to START.; L X BackSkip .notcsexbreak; L X DisplayOff; L X BackSkip .csexbreak;  ;4. EDSmallMemLog.MIDAS : Logger for EDSmallMem program .smallstart L X Boot; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm L X Load EDSmallMem L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage ~********** START EDSmallMem Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ***************~ ; L X Skip .smallcontinue; .smallbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L A18 SkipNE BADT; L X Skip .smallbadt; L A18 SkipNE PATTERNERROR; L X Skip .smallpaterror; L A18 SkipNE PASSED-EDSMALLMEM-TEST; L X Skip .passsmalltest; .notsmallbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: Not at EDSmallMem breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage ' Parity = ; R A0 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CIA = ; R A18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CTASK = ; R A19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCTASK = ; R A17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APC = ; R A16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPC = ; R A13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X Exit; .smallbadt L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDSmallMem Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * T register index miscompared ~; .smallbad L X WriteMessage ' SUBTEST = ; R B4 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' MEMADDR = ; R C11 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' PASSCOUNT = ; R B2 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .smallcontinue; .smallpaterror L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDSmallMem Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * RESULT read did not match PATTERN written ~; L X BackSkip .smallbad; .passsmalltest L X WriteMessage ~---------- PASSed EDSmallMem Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ----------------~ ; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .fieldstart; .smallcontinue L X CloseOutput; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm; L X TimeOut 100000; L X Go START; L X Skip 2; L X ShowError EDSmallMem failed to START.; L X BackSkip .notsmallbreak; L X DisplayOff; L X BackSkip .smallbreak;  ;5. EDField .fieldstart L X Boot; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm L X Load EDField L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage ~********** START EDField Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ***************~ ; L X Skip .fieldcontinue; .fieldbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L A18 SkipNE RFBAD; L X Skip .fieldrfbad; L A18 SkipNE WFABAD; L X Skip .fieldwfabad; L A18 SkipNE WFBBAD; L X Skip .fieldwfbbad; L A18 SkipNE PASSED-EDFIELD-TEST; L X Skip .passfieldtest; .notfieldbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: Not at EDField breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage ' Parity = ; R A0 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CIA = ; R A18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CTASK = ; R A19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCTASK = ; R A17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APC = ; R A16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPC = ; R A13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X Exit; .fieldrfbad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDField Breakpoint RF BAD ~; .fieldbad L X WriteMessage ' PASSCOUNT = ; R B2 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' RESULT = ; R B17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' SIMRESULT = ; R B16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' FDESCR = ; R B8 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' STARTBIT = ; R B9 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' ENDBIT = ; R B10 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CURRENTPATTERN = ; R B14 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' XB = ; R B15 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .fieldcontinue; .fieldwfabad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDField Breakpoint WFA BAD ~; L X BackSkip .fieldbad; .fieldwfbbad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDField Breakpoint WFB BAD ~; L X BackSkip .fieldbad; .passfieldtest L X WriteMessage ~---------- PASSed EDField Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ----------------~ ; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .cymstart; .fieldcontinue L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm; L X TimeOut 100000; L X Go START; L X Skip 2; L X ShowError EDField failed to START.; L X BackSkip .notfieldbreak; L X DisplayOff; L X BackSkip .fieldbreak;  ;6. EDCyM .cymstart L X Boot; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm L X Load EDCym L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage ~********** START EDCyM Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ***************~ ; L X Skip .cymcontinue; .cymbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L A18 SkipNE RESULTBAD; L X Skip .cymResultBad; L A18 SkipNE APCBAD; L X Skip .cymAPCBad; L A18 SkipNE PASSED-EDCYM-TEST; L X Skip .passcymtest; .notcymbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: Not at EDCyM breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage ' Parity = ; R A0 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CIA = ; R A18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CTASK = ; R A19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCTASK = ; R A17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APC = ; R A16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPC = ; R A13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X Exit; .cymResultBad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDCyM Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * Result does not equal to myResult ~; L X WriteMessage ' Result = ; R C9 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' myResult = ; R C8 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; .cymbad L X WriteMessage ' SUBTEST = ; R B4 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' PASSCOUNT = ; R B2 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .cymcontinue; .cymAPCBad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDCyM Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * APCResult does not equal to myResult ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCResult = ; R C10 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' myResult = ; R C8 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X BackSkip .cymbad; .passcymtest L X WriteMessage ~---------- Passed EDCyM Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ----------------~ ; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .tnfstart; .cymcontinue L X CloseOutput; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm; L X TimeOut 100000; L X Go START; L X Skip 2; L X ShowError EDCyM failed to START.; L X BackSkip .notcymbreak; L X DisplayOff; L X BackSkip .cymbreak;  ;7. EDTNF .tnfstart L X Boot; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm L X Load EDTNF L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage ~********** START EDTNF Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ***************~ ; L X Skip .tnfcontinue; .tnfbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L A18 SkipNE SHOULDHAVEBUTDIDNT; L X Skip .tnfshouldhave; L A18 SkipNE SHOULDNTHAVEBUTDID; L X Skip .tnfshouldnthave; L A18 SkipNE INTPBAD1; L X Skip .tnfintpbad1; L A18 SkipNE INTPBAD; L X Skip .tnfintpbad; L A18 SkipNE TARGET377; L X Skip .tnftarget377; L A18 SkipNE WRONGPLACE; L X Skip .tnfwrongplace; L A18 SkipNE CIAFAILED; L X Skip .tnfciafailed; L A18 SkipNE APCFAILED; L X Skip .tnfapcfailed; L A18 SkipNE H2B8STUCKLOW; L X Skip .tnfh2b8stuck0; L A18 SkipNE H2B8STUCKHIGH; L X Skip .tnfh2b8stuck1; L A18 SkipNE FIXVABAD; L X Skip .tnffixvabad; L A18 SkipNE FORM2BAD; L X Skip .tnfform2bad; L A18 SkipNE FORM4BAD; L X Skip .tnfform4bad; L A18 SkipNE FORM5BAD; L X Skip .tnfform5bad; L A18 SkipNE FORM6BAD; L X Skip .tnfform6bad; L A18 SkipNE FORM10BAD; L X Skip .tnfform10bad; L A18 SkipNE FORMMINUS2BAD; L X Skip .tnfformmi2bad; L A18 SkipNE FORMMINUS3BAD; L X Skip .tnfformmi3bad; L A18 SkipNE FORMMINUS4BAD; L X Skip .tnfformmi4bad; L A18 SkipNE FORMMINUS5BAD; L X Skip .tnfformmi5bad; L A18 SkipNE FORMMINUS6BAD; L X Skip .tnfformmi6bad; L A18 SkipNE FORMMINUS7BAD; L X Skip .tnfformmi7bad; L A18 SkipNE FORMMINUS10BAD; L X Skip .tnfformmi10bad; L A18 SkipNE F356BAD; L X Skip .tnff356bad; L A18 SkipNE PASSED-EDTNF-TEST; L X Skip .passtnftest; .nottnfbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: Not at EDTNF breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage ' Parity = ; R A0 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CIA = ; R A18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CTASK = ; R A19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCTASK = ; R A17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APC = ; R A16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPC = ; R A13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X Exit; .tnfshouldhave L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint SHOULD HAVE BUT DIDNT ~; .tnfbad L X WriteMessage ' RSTACK = ; R B9 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPAGE = ; R B10 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CSADDRESS = ; R B11 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' RESULT = ; R B12 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .tnfcontinue; .tnfshouldnthave L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint SHOULDNT HAVE BUT DID ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfintpbad1 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint INTP(ending bit) BAD 1 ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfintpbad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint INTP(ending bit) BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnftarget377 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint (bad niret to)TARGET377 ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfwrongplace L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint (nextinst went to) WRONG PLACE ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfciafailed L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint CIA FAILED ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfapcfailed L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint APC FAILED ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfh2b8stuck0 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint H2Bit8 STUCK LOW ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfh2b8stuck1 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint H2Bit8 STUCK HIGH ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnffixvabad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FIXVA BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfform2bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FORM 2 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfform4bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FORM 4 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfform5bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FORM 5 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfform6bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FORM 6 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfform10bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FORM 10 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfformmi2bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FORM MINUS 2 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfformmi3bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FORM MINUS 3 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfformmi4bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FORM MINUS 4 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfformmi5bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FORM MINUS 5 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfformmi6bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FORM MINUS 6 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfformmi7bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FORM MINUS 7 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnfformmi10bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint FORM MINUS 10 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .tnff356bad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTNF Breakpoint F(ield) 356 BAD ~; L X BackSkip .tnfbad; .passtnftest L X WriteMessage ~---------- PASSed EDTNF Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ----------------~ ; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .bitstart; .tnfcontinue L X CloseOutput; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm; L X TimeOut 100000; L X Go START; L X Skip 2; L X ShowError EDTNF failed to START.; L X BackSkip .nottnfbreak; L X DisplayOff; L X BackSkip .tnfbreak;  ;8. EDBitBlt .bitstart L X Boot; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm L X Load EDBitBlt L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage ~********** START EDBitBlt Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ***************~ ; L X Skip .bitcontinue; .bitbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L A18 SkipNE ERROR1; L X Skip .biterror1; L A18 SkipNE ERROR2; L X Skip .biterror2; L A18 SkipNE ERROR3; L X Skip .biterror3; L A18 SkipNE ERROR4; L X Skip .biterror4; L A18 SkipNE ERROR5; L X Skip .biterror5; L A18 SkipNE ERROR6; L X Skip .biterror6; L A18 SkipNE ERROR7; L X Skip .biterror7; L A18 SkipNE ERROR10; L X Skip .biterror10; L A18 SkipNE ERROR11; L X Skip .biterror11; L A18 SkipNE PASSED-EDBITBLT-TEST; L X Skip .passbittest; .notbitbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: Not at EDBitBlt breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage ' Parity = ; R A0 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CIA = ; R A18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CTASK = ; R A19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCTASK = ; R A17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APC = ; R A16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPC = ; R A13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X Exit; .biterror1 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDBitBlt Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * LoopCount does not equal to SimLoopCount ~; L X WriteMessage ' LoopCount = ; R B14 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' SimLoopCount = ; R B15 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; .bitbad L X WriteMessage ' SUBTEST = ; R B4 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' PASSCOUNT = ; R B2 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .bitcontinue; .biterror2 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDBitBlt Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * Result does not equal to SimResult ~; L X WriteMessage ' Result = ; R B16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' SimResult = ; R B17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X BackSkip .bitbad; .biterror3 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDBitBlt Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * Dest0 does not equal to SimDest0 ~; L X WriteMessage ' Dest0 = ; R B6 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' SimDest0 = ; R B7 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X BackSkip .bitbad; .biterror4 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDBitBlt Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * Dest1 does not equal to SimDest1 ~; L X WriteMessage ' Dest1 = ; R B8 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' SimDest1 = ; R B9 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X BackSkip .bitbad; .biterror5 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDBitBlt Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * Dest2 does not equal to SimDest2 ~; L X WriteMessage ' Dest2 = ; R B10 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' SimDest2 = ; R B11 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X BackSkip .bitbad; .biterror6 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDBitBlt Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * Dest3 does not equal to SimDest3 ~; L X WriteMessage ' Dest3 = ; R B12 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' SimDest3 = ; R B13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X BackSkip .bitbad; .biterror7 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDBitBlt Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * MNBR does not equal to SimNBR ~; L X WriteMessage ' MNBR = ; R B18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' SimNBR = ; R B19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X BackSkip .bitbad; .biterror10 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDBitBlt Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * SB does not equal to SimSB ~; L X WriteMessage ' SB = ; R C6 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' SimSB = ; R C7 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X BackSkip .bitbad; .biterror11 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDBitBlt Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * DB does not equal to SimDB ~; L X WriteMessage ' DB = ; R C8 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' SimDB = ; R C9 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X BackSkip .bitbad; .passbittest L X WriteMessage ~---------- PASSed EDBitBlt Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ----------------~ ; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .timstart; .bitcontinue L X CloseOutput; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm; L X TimeOut 100000; L X Go START; L X Skip 2; L X ShowError EDBitBlt failed to START.; L X BackSkip .notbitbreak; L X DisplayOff; L X BackSkip .bitbreak;  ;9. EDTimEx .timstart L X Boot; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm L X Load EDTimEx L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage ~********** START EDTimEx Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ***************~ ; L X Skip .timcontinue; .timbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L A18 SkipNE WRONGSLOTEXPIRED; L X Skip .timwslotex; L A18 SkipNE FAIL; L X Skip .timfail; L A18 SkipNE PASSED-EDTIMEX-TEST; L X Skip .passtimtest; .nottimbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: Not at EDTimEx breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage ' Parity = ; R A0 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CIA = ; R A18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CTASK = ; R A19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCTASK = ; R A17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APC = ; R A16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPC = ; R A13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X Exit; .timwslotex L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTimEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * Wrong Slot Expired ~; .timbad L X WriteMessage ' SUBTEST = ; R B4 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' PASSCOUNT = ; R B2 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' INNERCOUNT = ; R B6 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .timcontinue; .timfail L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTimEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * Timer Not Restarted ~; L X BackSkip .timbad; .passtimtest L X WriteMessage ~---------- PASSed EDTimEx Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ----------------~ ; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .taskstart; .timcontinue L X CloseOutput; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm; L X TimeOut 100000; L X Go START; L X Skip 2; L X ShowError EDTimEx failed to START.; L X BackSkip .nottimbreak; L X DisplayOff; L X BackSkip .timbreak;  ;10. EDTask .taskstart L X Boot; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm L X Load EDTask L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage ~********** START EDTask Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ***************~ ; L X Skip .taskcontinue; .taskbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L A18 SkipNE READFAIL; L X Skip .taskreadfail; L A18 SkipNE STACKFAIL; L X Skip .taskstackfail; L A18 SkipNE WRITEFAIL; L X Skip .taskwritefail; L A18 SkipNE PASSED-EDTASK-TEST; L X Skip .passtasktest; .nottaskbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: Not at EDTask breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage ' Parity = ; R A0 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CIA = ; R A18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CTASK = ; R A19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCTASK = ; R A17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APC = ; R A16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPC = ; R A13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X Exit; .taskreadfail L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTask Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * Result of the register read does not match the TargetValue ~; L X WriteMessage ' Result = ; R B17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TargetValue = ; R B18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; .taskbad L X WriteMessage ' SUBTEST = ; R B4 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' PASSCOUNT = ; R B2 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .taskcontinue; .taskstackfail L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTask Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * ExpectedStkp does not match the value of the STKP found ~ ; L X WriteMessage * immediately after the read or write instruction (SaveStkp) ~; L X BackSkip .taskbad; .taskwritefail L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDTask Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * The contents (t) of the register written (TargetRegister) ~ ; L X WriteMessage * do not match the TargetValue ~; L X BackSkip .taskbad; .passtasktest L X WriteMessage ~---------- PASSed EDTask Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ----------------~ ; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .memstart; .taskcontinue L X CloseOutput; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm; L X TimeOut 100000; L X Go START; L X Skip 2; L X ShowError EDTask failed to START.; L X BackSkip .nottaskbreak; L X DisplayOff; L X BackSkip .taskbreak;  ;11. EDMemEx .memstart L X Boot; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm L X Load EDMemEx L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage ~********** START EDMemEx Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ***************~ ; L X Skip .memcontinue; .membreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L A18 SkipNE A96KNOTFULL; L X Skip .memnotfull; L A18 SkipNE FOUND.NO.96K; L X Skip .memfound0; L A18 SkipNE FOUND.ONE.96K; L X Skip .memfound1; L A18 SkipNE FOUND.TWO.96K; L X Skip .memfound2; L A18 SkipNE FOUND.THREE.96K; L X Skip .memfound3; L A18 SkipNE FOUND.FOUR.96K; L X Skip .memfound4; L A18 SkipNE FOUND.FIVE.96K; L X Skip .memfound5; L A18 SkipNE FOUND.SIX.96K; L X Skip .memfound6; L A18 SkipNE FOUND.SEVEN.96K; L X Skip .memfound7; L A18 SkipNE FOUND.EIGHT.96K; L X Skip .memfound8; L A18 SkipNE FOUND.TOOMANY.96K; L X Skip .memfound9+; L A18 SkipNE WORDBAD; L X Skip .memwordbad; L A18 SkipNE MEMFAULT; L X Skip .memfault; L A18 SkipNE PASSED-EDMEMEX-TEST; L X Skip .passmemtest; .notmembreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: Not at EDMemEx breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage ' Parity = ; R A0 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CIA = ; R A18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CTASK = ; R A19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCTASK = ; R A17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APC = ; R A16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPC = ; R A13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X Exit; .memwordbad L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * WORDBAD ~; .membad L X WriteMessage ' SUBTEST = ; R B5 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CURRENTLOC = ; R C12 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' PASSCOUNT = ; R B2 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .memcontinue; .memfault L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * MEMFAULT ~; L X WriteMessage ' CRASHCODE = ; R C7 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' SYNDROME = ; R C8 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' BLOCK = ; R C9 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CARDNUMBER = ; R C10 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X BackSkip .membad; .memnotfull L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * A96KNOTFULL ~; L X BackSkip .membad; .memfound0 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * FOUND.NO.96K ~; L X UnBreak IMX 1400 L X BackSkip .membad; .memfound9+ L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemEx Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * FOUND.TOOMANY.96K ~; L X UnBreak IMX 1417 L X BackSkip .membad; .memfound1 L X WriteMessage * FOUND.ONE.96K ~; L X UnBreak IMX 1401 L X Skip .memcontinue; .memfound2 L X WriteMessage * FOUND.TWO.96K ~; L X UnBreak IMX 1402 L X Skip .memcontinue; .memfound3 L X WriteMessage * FOUND.THREE.96K ~; L X UnBreak IMX 1403 L X Skip .memcontinue; .memfound4 L X WriteMessage * FOUND.FOUR.96K ~; L X UnBreak IMX 1404 L X Skip .memcontinue; .memfound5 L X WriteMessage * FOUND.FIVE.96K ~; L X UnBreak IMX 1405 L X Skip .memcontinue; .memfound6 L X WriteMessage * FOUND.SIX.96K ~; L X UnBreak IMX 1406 L X Skip .memcontinue; .memfound7 L X WriteMessage * FOUND.SEVEN.96K ~; L X UnBreak IMX 1407 L X Skip .memcontinue; .memfound8 L X WriteMessage * FOUND.EIGHT.96K ~; L X UnBreak IMX 1410 L X Skip .memcontinue; .passmemtest L X WriteMessage ~---------- PASSed EDMemEx Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ----------------~ ; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .abortstart; .memcontinue L X CloseOutput; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm; L X TimeOut 10000000; L X Go START; L X Skip 2; L X ShowError EDMemEx failed to START.; L X BackSkip .notmembreak; L X DisplayOff; L X BackSkip .membreak;  ;12. EDMemAbort .abortstart L X Boot; L A19 Val 0 L X DisplayOff L X Confirm L X LdData EDMEMEX L B3 Addr RM 20 ; MAXMAPPASS L B3 Val 1 L B3 Addr L X Break IMX 1522 ; FINISHED-MAPINIT L X TimeOut 100000 L X Go IMX 427 ; GO L X Skip 1 L X ShowError TIMED OUT L X UnBreak IMX 1455 ; A96KNOTFULL - Clear all assembled-in breakpoints in memex L X UnBreak IMX 1522 ; FINISHED.MAPINIT L X UnBreak IMX 1400 ; FOUND.NO.96K L X UnBreak IMX 1401 ; FOUND.ONE.96K L X UnBreak IMX 1402 ; FOUND.TWO.96K L X UnBreak IMX 1403 ; FOUND.THREE.96K L X UnBreak IMX 1404 ; FOUND.FOUR.96K L X UnBreak IMX 1405 ; FOUND.FIVE.96K L X UnBreak IMX 1406 ; FOUND.SIX.96K L X UnBreak IMX 1407 ; FOUND.SEVEN.96K L X UnBreak IMX 1410 ; FOUND.EIGHT.96K L X UnBreak IMX 1417 ; FOUND.TOOMANY.96K L X UnBreak IMX 1014 ; MEMFAULT L X UnBreak IMX 1016 ; WORDBAD L X UnBreak IMX 544 ; PASSED-EDMEMEX-TEST L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm L X Load EDMEMABORT L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage ~********** START EDMemAbort Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ***************~ ; L X Skip .abortcontinue; .abortbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L A18 SkipNE ERROROVFLSET; L X Skip .abortovflset; L A18 SkipNE ERRORDIDTRANS; L X Skip .abortdidtrans; L A18 SkipNE ERRORNOOVFL; L X Skip .abortnoovfl; L A18 SkipNE ERRORDATACOMPARE; L X Skip .abortdatacomp; L A18 SkipNE ERROR3; L X Skip .aborterror3; L A18 SkipNE ERROR41; L X Skip .aborterror41; L A18 SkipNE ERROR42; L X Skip .aborterror42; L A18 SkipNE ERROR51; L X Skip .aborterror51; L A18 SkipNE ERROR52; L X Skip .aborterror52; L A18 SkipNE ERROR53; L X Skip .aborterror53; L A18 SkipNE PAGECOUNTERROR1; L X Skip .abortpagec1; L A18 SkipNE PAGECOUNTERROR2; L X Skip .abortpagec2; L A18 SkipNE PASSED-EDMEMABORT-TEST; L X Skip .passaborttest; .notabortbreak L X AppendOutput EDProc.report; L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: Not at EDMemAbort breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage ' Parity = ; R A0 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CIA = ; R A18 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CTASK = ; R A19 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APCTASK = ; R A17 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' APC = ; R A16 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' TPC = ; R A13 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X CloseOutput; L X Exit; .abortovflset L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemAbort Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * OVFL SET ~; .abortbad L X WriteMessage ' SUBTEST = ; R B3 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CURRENTPAGE = ; R C11 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' CURRENTLOC = ; R C12 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X WriteMessage ' PASSCOUNT = ; R B2 Val; L X WriteMessage; L X WriteMessage ~; L X Skip .abortcontinue; .abortdidtrans L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemAbort Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * DATA DID TRANSFER ~; L X BackSkip .abortbad; .abortnoovfl L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemAbort Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * NO OVERFLOW ~; L X BackSkip .abortbad; .abortdatacomp L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemAbort Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * DATA DONOT COMPARE ~; L X BackSkip .abortbad; .aborterror3 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemAbort Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * IN SUBTEST 3 ~; L X BackSkip .abortbad; .aborterror41 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemAbort Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * IN SUBTEST 4 FIRST PART ~; L X BackSkip .abortbad; .aborterror42 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemAbort Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * IN SUBTEST 4 SECOND PART ~; L X BackSkip .abortbad; .aborterror51 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemAbort Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * IN SUBTEST 5 FIRST PART ~; L X BackSkip .abortbad; .aborterror52 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemAbort Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * IN SUBTEST 5 SECOND PART ~; L X BackSkip .abortbad; .aborterror53 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemAbort Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * IN SUBTEST 5 THIRD PART ~; L X BackSkip .abortbad; .abortpagec1 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemAbort Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * IN INITIALIZING MEMORY, PAGECOUNT < 0 ~; L X BackSkip .abortbad; .abortpagec2 L X WriteMessage *** FAILed: at EDMemAbort Breakpoint ~; L X WriteMessage * IN INITIALIZING MEMORY, PAGECOUNT>40000 ~; L X BackSkip .abortbad; .passaborttest L X WriteMessage ~---------- Passed EDMemAbort Test : ; L X WriteDT; L X WriteMessage ----------------~ ; L X WriteMessage ~; L X BackSkip .alustart; .abortcontinue L X CloseOutput; L X DisplayOn; L X Confirm; L X TimeOut 10000000; L X Go START;(1270) L X Skip 2; L X ShowError EDMemAbort failed to START.; L X BackSkip .notabortbreak; L X DisplayOff; L X BackSkip .abortbreak;