//By B. Rosen and M. Thomson  						October 18, 1978
//Sub Test Program for D0 MEM Module
// Test 6001 was changed to correct for errors caused by rev.-Gb multiwire boards    August 14,1080
// Test 6001 used to fail when drive was = 7,17, or 27
// Test 6007 was changed to correct for errors caused by rev.-Gb multiwire boards    August 14,1080
// Test 6007 used to fail when the drive was = 2
get "mema.d"

//Edge pin and test connector signal busses available to this sub-test:

//{CrctSyn: CrctSyn0,CrctSyn1,  CrctSyn2,CrctSyn3,CrctSyn4,  CrctSyn5,CrctSyn6,CrctSyn7}

//{StorEcIn: StorEcIn.0,StorEcIn.1,  StorEcIn.2,StorEcIn.3,StorEcIn.4,  StorEcIn.5,StorEcIn.6,StorEcIn.7}

//Test 6: Test most of the combinational logic that supports MC1
//        Test most of the logic on page 18
//        Test MC2WillGetR logic on page 20
//        Test MC1Next.7' logic on page 16

let Test6() be
	SpeakTest(6) //set initial conditions (see notes at end of MEMA.TEST)

//NOTE: SpeakTest initialized the following edge-pin and test-clip signals used in this test:
//	Signals set to logic 1
//		MC1StartMC2,MC2Hold',MC2NeedsR',MemInst-a
//	Signals set to logic 0
//		Cycle0Feed',MC1TestH4Par,MC2HoldIfSNE0,MC2NeedsRIfSNE0,PAbort,PreloadMC1'
//	Intermediate signals derived from the above:
//		LDisableMC1'=1, LoadType'=0, MC2HasR'=1, MC2NotReady=0, MC2SynReady=1,
//		MC2WillGetR=0, SNE0=0, TypeLoaded=1
//Each sub-test restores the signals it uses to their initial states, except where noted

//Check states of observable control signals set up by SpeakTest

	//{t6bus1: AdvancePipe',LoadAd',  MC2WillGetR,Abort',LDisableMC1'}
	WCompare({t6bus1},3,6000) //see notes above for input signals

//Check the LoadType' logic via TypeLoaded and gate a of LoadAd' (pages 18,20)
	//Gate c of LoadAd' is disqualified by MC1StartMC2'=0
	//Gate a terms of LoadAd' (other than TypeLoad) remain =1

	//{t6bus2: MC2NeedsR',  PreloadMC1',MemInst-a,Cycle0Feed'}

	let t6001sb = table [
		1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0; 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0; 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0; 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0; ]
	for i = 0 to 30 do //check all cases where LoadType'=1
		{MC2NeedsR'} = i<<w.b11; //MC2WillGetR'←i[11] since gate f1a output =1 (page 20)
		EClock() //MC2HasR'←(MC2WillGetR'=i[11])

		{t6bus2} = i xor 5; //MC2WillGetR',PreloadMC1,MemInst-a,Cycle0 ←i[12:15]
		EClock() //TypeLoaded'←(LoadType'=1), (MC2HasR'←i[12] - don't care)
		WCompare({LoadAd'},t6001sb!i,6001,i) //gate a with TypeLoaded=0

	{Cycle0Feed'}=0; //Cycle0←1
	EClock() //TypeLoaded'←(LoadType'=0)
	WCompare({LoadAd'},0,6002) //gate a with TypeLoaded=1

//Check gates b and d of Abort' and gate b of LDisableMC1' (page 20)
	//Gates a and c of Abort' are disqualified by MC2HoldIfSNE0=0 and MC2Hold'=1
	//Gates a and c of LDisableMC1' are disqualified by MC2NotReady=0 and MC1TestH4Par=0

	for i = 0 to 3 do
		{MemInst-a} = i<<w.b14
		EClock() //TypeLoaded←(MemInst-a =i[14])

		//PAbort=0 from prior logic, disqualifies gate d of Abort' (to test gate b)
		{MemInst-a}=i; //MemInst-a ←i[15]
		WCompare({Abort'},(#15 rshift i)&1,6003,i) //gate b active when i=1

		{MemInst-a}=0; //disqualifies gate b of Abort' (to test gate d)
		{PAbort}=i; //PAbort←i[15]
		WCompare({Abort'},(not i)&1,6004,i) //gate d active when i=0,2
		WCompare({LDisableMC1'},(7 rshift i)&1,6005,i) //gate b active when i=3


	//MemInst-a is not restored to 1 since the next test controls it

//Check the gate c of Abort' and gate a of LDisableMC1' (page 18)
	//Gates a,b,c of Abort' are disqualified by MC2HoldIfSNE0=0, TypeLoaded'=0, PAbort=0
	//Gates b and c of LDisableMC1' are disqualified by PAbort=0 and MC1TestH4Par=0

	//{t6bus3: MC2Hold',MC1StartMC2,MemInst-a}

	for i = 0 to 7 do
		{t6bus3}=i; //MC2Hold'←i[13], MC1StartMC2←i[14], MemInst-a←i[15]
		            //MC2NotReady←i[13]' since MC2Hold'←i[13]' and MC2SynReady=1
		WCompare({Abort'},(#367 rshift i)&1,6006,i) //gate b active when i=3

		{PreloadMC1'}= not i; //PreloadMC1←i[15]
		WCompare({LDisableMC1'},(#363 rshift i)&1,6007,i) //gate a active when i=3

//Check the gate c of LoadAd' (page 18)

	{MC2Hold'}=0; //disqualify gate a of LoadAd'

	//{t6bus4: PreloadMC1',PAbort,MC1StartMC2}

	for i = 0 to 7 do
		{t6bus4} = i xor 6; //PreloadMC1←i[13], PAbort←i[14]', MC1StartMC2←i[15]
		EClock() //TypeLoaded←(PreloadMC1=i[13])
		{PreloadMC1'}=1; //for PreloadMC1←0 to disqualify gate a of LDisableMC1'
		                 //Gate c of LDisableMC1' is disqualified by MC1TestH4Par=0
		                 //LDisableMC1' will =0 if i=4,5 (gate b control)
		WCompare({LoadAd'},(#277 rshift i)&1,6008,i) //gate c active when i=6

	{MC2Hold'}=1; {PreloadMC1'}=0; //restore to normal

//Check the SNE0 logic (page 81) via MC2WillGetR (page 20)

	{MC2NeedsRIfSNE0}=1; //for gate f1a (page 20)
	//ChkPhase0'=0 and CW[0:2]'=0 from SpeakTest to control ChkSyn logic

	for i = 0 to 8 do
		let a = #200 rshift i

		EClock() //i16 ff's (page 2),,b15 ff's (page 6)←(StorEcIn[0:7]=a)
		         //path established by ChkPhase0'=0
		EClock() //clkSyndrome' is active since LoadSyndrome=1 from SpeakTest:
		         //CrctSyn[0:7]←(ChkSyn[0:7]=a (since CW[0:2]'=0))

		//MC2WillGetR will = SNE0 since MC2NeedsRIfSNE0=1 and MC2NeedsR'=1
		WCompare({MC2WillGetR},(#377 rshift i)&1,6010,i) //high until i=8

	{MC2NeedsRIfSNE0}=0; //restore to normal for MC2WillGetR=0

//Check gates which are controlled by SNE0 (pages 18,20)

	for i = 0 to 3 do //render SNE0 =1 when i=2,3
	                  //render MC2HoldIfSNE0 =1 when i=0,2
	                  //render MC2SynReady =0 when i=2
	                  //render TypeLoaded =0
		{StorEcIn.7} = i<<w.b14; //for SNE0←i[14]
		EClock() //i16,,b15 ff's ←0, except Partial.7←(StorEcIn.7=i[14])
		EClock() //SNE0←i[14] since CrctSyn[0:7]←(ChkSyn[0:7]=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,i[14])
		{MC2HoldIfSNE0} = not i; //MC2HoldIfSNE0←i[15]'

		for j = 0 to 3 do
			let k = (i lshift 2)%j //k = 4i+j

		//Check the MC2WillGetR logic (page 20)
			{MC2NeedsR'} = j<<w.b14
			{MC2NeedsRIfSNE0} = not j; //MC2NeedsRIfSNE0←j[15]'
			WCompare({MC2WillGetR},(#73463 rshift k)&1,6011,k)

		//Check gate a of Abort' (page 18)
			{MC2Hold'}=1; //disqualify gate c of Abort'
			//Gate b of Abort' is diqualified by TypeLoaded'=0
			{MC1StartMC2} = j<<w.b14
			{MemInst-a}=j; //MemInst-a←i[15]
			WCompare({Abort'},(#173777 rshift k)&1,6012,k) //gate a

		//Check AdvancePipe' and the MC2SynReady signal (page 18)
			//MC1StartMC2 still = j[14]
			{MC2Hold'}=j; //MC2Hold'←j[15]
			//MC2SynReady should =0 when k = #10-#13
			WCompare({AdvancePipe'},(#77567 rshift k)&1,6013,k)

		//Check the MC2NotReady signal via gate a of LDisableMC1' (page 18)
			//gates b and c are disqualified by PAbort=0 and MC1TestH4Par=0
			//PreloadMC1=1 since PreloadMC1'=0 from SpeakTest
			//MC2NotReady should =1 when k is even or = #11,#13
			//	since MC2Hold' =0 when k is even
			//	and MC2SynReady =0 when k = #10-#13
			WCompare({LDisableMC1'},(#120252 rshift k)&1,6014,k) //gate a

//Check gate a of LoadAd' (page 18)
	//Gate c of LoadAd' is disqualified by MC1StartMC2=1

	//{t6bus6: PreloadMC1',  PAbort,MC2Hold',MC2HoldIfSNE0}

	for i = 0 to 15 do
		{t6bus6} = i xor #10
		EClock() //TypeLoaded←(PreloadMC1=i[12])
		{PreloadMC1'}=1; //disable gate a of LDisableMC1', yielding contol to gate b
		//LDisableMC1' should =0 when i>#13
		//MC2SynReady should = i[15]'
		WCompare({LoadAd'},(#175777 rshift i)&1,6015,i) //gate a 

	{PAbort}=0; {MC2HoldIfSNE0}=0; //restore to normal

//Check gates a and c of MC1Next.7' (page 16)

	//{t6bus7: MC1TestFault,preMC1Next.7,MC1NeedsR,  MC2NeedsR',MC1TestQWO,QWO}

	for i = 0 to 14 do
		{t6bus7}=i; //MC1TestFault←(i[10]=0) to disqualify gate d
		            //preMC1Next.7←(i[11]=0) to disqualify gate b
		            //MC2WillGetR←i[13]' (controlled by MC2NeedsR' - page 20)
		            //QWO←i[15] (emerges =0 from loop)
		WCompare({MC1Next.7'},(#70167 rshift i)&1,6016,i) //gates a and c