//By F. Itami and M. Thomson  							January 23, 1979
//By Frank Vest 							February 17, 1981
// To run A-2 rev. g proms---- test 12000 and 12001 will fail with rev. h proms.
//Sub Test Program for D0 ALU Module
get "alu.d"

//Edge pin signal busses used by ALU module:

//{ALUA: ALUA.00,  ALUA.01,ALUA.02,ALUA.03,  ALUA.04,ALUA.05,ALUA.06,  ALUA.07,ALUA.08,ALUA.09,  ALUA.10,ALUA.11,ALUA.12,  ALUA.13,ALUA.14,ALUA.15}

//{aluf: ALUF.0,  ALUF.1,ALUF.2,ALUF.3}

//{clkbus: LT,LR,  Abort',LoadMIR,Cycle0Feed'}

//{CTask: CTask.0,  CTask.1,CTask.2,CTask.3}

//{F1F2: F1.0,F1.1,  F1.2,F1.3,F2.0,  F2.1,F2.2,F2.3}

//{H2: H2.08,H2.09,  H2.10,H2.11,H2.12,  H2.13,H2.14,H2.15}

//{MASK: MASK.00,  MASK.01,MASK.02,MASK.03,  MASK.04,MASK.05,MASK.06,  MASK.07,MASK.08,MASK.09,  MASK.10,MASK.11,MASK.12,  MASK.13,MASK.14,MASK.15}

//{MC1SA: BSEL.0,BSEL.1,  F1.0,F1.1,F1.2,  F1.3,LR,LT}

//{mcbus: MC1WriteR,  MC2AllowWrite,MC1NeedsR,MC2WillGetR}

//{mirbus: MemInst/d,MemInst/d',  RMOD/d,RMOD/d',RSEL.0/d',  RSEL.1/d',RSEL.2/d,RSEL.3/d,  RSEL.4/d,RSEL4and5/d,RSEL.5/d}

//{rbus: R.00,  R.01,R.02,R.03,  R.04,R.05,R.06,  R.07,R.08,R.09,  R.10,R.11,R.12,  R.13,R.14,R.15}

//{TA: TA.0,  TA.1,TA.2,TA.3}

//Test 12: Test the Stkp and SStkp load logic (page 11)
//         Test the Stkp decode prom (a2 - page 11)
//         Test the RA=WA comparators (page 12)

let Test12() be
	SpeakTest(12) //set initial conditions (see notes at end of ALU.TST)

	//H1=#177777 from SpeakTest (Cycle1 clocks do not change it)

//PART 1: Check SStkp←Stkp←ALUA←MASKER←CYCLER←H1, rbus←SStkp,,Stkp', and the Stkp decode prom

	//Set up rbus←SStkp,,Stkp' display and cause RSA,B←3,3 (Stkp) on Cycle1 clocks
	{mirbus}=#1547; //MemInst=0, RMOD=1, RSEL=00 00 11
	ClockMIR() //rbus←SStkp,,Stkp'

	for i = 0 to 255 do
		{MASK} = not i
		ClockCycle1() //Stkp←(ALUA=((H1=#177777)&MASK')=i)
		ClockCycle1() //SStkp←(Stkp=i)
		WCompare({rbus} xor #377,(i lshift 8) % i,12000,i) //SStkp=i,,Stkp'=i'

		//Check the Stkp decode prom (a2 - page 11) - installed by rev. M
		WCompare({StackEmpty},(#100001 rshift i)&1,12001,i)
		WCompare({StackBadNow'},(not (#100000 rshift i))&1,12002,i)

//PART 2: Check the RA=WA comparators

	//{ra=wa: RA=WAb,RA=WAa} //RA=WAa compares bits [4:7]

	//SpeakTest initialized the following: WA=RASAVE=0
	//PART 1 leaves the following: H1=#177777, mirbus=#1547

	ClockCycle1() //Stkp←(ALUA=0), WA←(RASAVE=0), RSA,B←3,3 (Stkp)

	WCompare({ra=wa},3,12100) //check equality: 0's=0's

	for i = 0 to 3 do  //single "1" in field of 0's (in each hex digit)
		{MASK}=#7567 rshift i
		ClockCycle1() //Stkp←(#210 rshift i), WA←(RASAVE=0), RSA,B←3,3 (Stkp)
		WCompare({ra=wa},0,12110+i) //check inequality

	//Change WA to #377
	{mirbus}=#1537; //MemInst=0, RMOD=1, RSEL=01 11 11)
	ClockMIR() //Stkp←(ALUA=H1=#177777), RSA,B←3,3 (Stkp), open rbus
	EClock() //RASAVE←(RA=Stkp=#377), H1←(rbus=#177777), (RSA,B←2,5 - don't care)
	ClockCycle1() //WA←(RASAVE=#377), RSA,B←3,3 (Stkp)

	WCompare({ra=wa},3,12200) //check equality: #377=#377

	for i = 0 to 3 do  //single "0" in field of 1's (in each hex digit)
		{MASK}=#210 rshift i
		ClockCycle1() //Stkp←not(#210 rshift i), WA←(RASAVE=#377)
		WCompare({ra=wa},0,12210+i) //check inequality

//Test 13: Check the Stkp counting logic controlled by the b14 prom (page 11,12)

and Test13() be
	SpeakTest(13) //set initial conditions (see notes at end of ALU.TST)

	//Stackpointer Modification Table (when MemInst=0, RMOD=1, RSEL=11 xx 11)
	//  RSEL.2,3  StackShift'=1  StackShift'=0
	//      0           0             +2
	//      1          +1             +3
	//      2          -1              0
	//      3          -2             -3

//Set up initial conditions, check clkSStkp' and ClkXCycle1'

	{mirbus}=#1547; //MemInst=0, RMOD=1, RSEL=00 00 11
	ClockMIR() //rbus←SStkp,,Stkp', RSA,B←3,3(Stkp)
	           //SStkp←(Stkp=0 from SpeakTest)
	           //Stkp←(ALUA=#177777 from SpeakTest)

	//Set up RASAVE=#377 for remainder of test (for RA=WAa checks)
	//Check that a Cycle0 clock does not change SStkp or Stkp
	{MASK}=#177777; //for ALUA=0
	EClock() //RASAVE←(RA=Stkp=#377) (stays =#377 since no more Cycle0 clocks)
	         //don't SStkp←(Stkp=#377) (clkSStkp' is inactive if rev. K is installed)
	         //don't Stkp←(ALUA=0) (clkXCycle1' is inactive)
	WCompare({rbus},0,13000) //SStkp=0,,Stkp'=0 (fails if rev. K not installed)

	//Set up SStkp=#377 for remainder of test, initialize Stkp=0
	ClockCycle1() //SStkp←(Stkp=#377), Stkp←(ALUA=0)

	{NewInst}=0; //keep SStkp=#377 for rbus display convenience
	{Stkp←ALUA'}=1; //switch to count logic

	//Check mirbus=#1547 case before proceding with test
	//Check that NewInst=0 inhibits clkSStkp'
	ClockCycle1() //WA←(RASAVE=#377), RSA,B←3,3 (Stkp)
	              //don't SStkp←(Stkp=0) (Stays =#377 since NewInst=0)
	              //Stkp←(Stkp=0)+0 (counting logic is active)
	WCompare(not {rbus},0,13001) //SStkp'=0,,Stkp=0 (note {rbus} inversion)
	WCompare({RA=WAa},0,13002) //Stkp[4:7] not = WA[4:7]

//Test the 248 cases where Stkp←Stkp+0; WA←RASAVE since signal WA←preStkp =0

//{promb14bus: RMOD/d',RSEL.0/d',  RSEL.1/d',RSEL.4/d,RSEL.5/d,  RSEL.2/d,RSEL.3/d,StackShift'}
	for i = 0 to 247 do
		{promb14bus} = i xor #340
		ClockMIR() //(Stkp←Stkp+0 from mirbus=#1547)

		{mirbus}=#1547;  //R←SStkp,Stkp'
		ClockMIR(); //Stkp←Stkp+0 from promb14bus=i
	           //WA←(RASAVE=#377), RSA,B←3,3(Stkp)
		WCompare(not {rbus},0,13010,i) //Stkp=0
		WCompare({RA=WAa},0,13011,i) //Stkp[4:7] not = WA[4:7]

//Test the 2 cases where Stkp←Stkp+0; WA[4:7]←Stkp[4:7]/d since signal WA←preStkp =1

	{mirbus}=#1427; //RSEL.2,3 = 2
	ClockMIR(); //(Stkp←Stkp+0)
	{mirbus}=#1547; //R←SStkp,Stkp'
	ClockMIR(); //Stkp←Stkp+0, WA[4:7]←Stkp[4:7]/d
	WCompare(not {rbus},0,13020)

	{mirbus}=#1407; //RSEL.2,3 = 0
	ClockMIR(); //(Stkp←Stkp+0)
	{mirbus}=#1547; //R←SStkp,Stkp'
	ClockMIR(); //Stkp←Stkp+0, WA[4:7]←Stkp[4:7]/d
	WCompare(not {rbus},0,13030)

//Test the 6 cases where Stkp counts; WA[4:7]←Stkp[4:7]/d since signal WA←preStkp =1)

	//Check Stkp +1

	for i = 1 to 16 do
		{mirbus}=#1417; //RSEL.2,3 = 1
		ClockMIR(); //(Stkp←Stkp+0)
		{mirbus}=#1547; //R←SStkp,Stkp'
		ClockMIR(); //Stkp←Stkp+1, WA[4:7]←Stkp[4:7]/d
		WCompare(not {rbus},i&#17,13100,i)
	//Check Stkp -1

	for i = 1 to 16 do
		{mirbus}=#1427; //RSEL.2,3 = 2
		ClockMIR(); //(Stkp←Stkp+0)
		{mirbus}=#1547; //R←SStkp,Stkp'
		ClockMIR(); //Stkp←Stkp-1, WA[4:7]←Stkp[4:7]/d
		WCompare(not {rbus},16-i,13110,i)

	//Check Stkp +2

	for i = 1 to 8 do
		{mirbus}=#1407; //RSEL.2,3 = 0
		ClockMIR(); //(Stkp←Stkp+0)
		{mirbus}=#1547; //R←SStkp,Stkp'
		ClockMIR(); //Stkp←Stkp+2, WA[4:7]←Stkp[4:7]/d
		WCompare(not {rbus},(2*i)&#17,13120,i)

	//Check Stkp -2

	for i = 1 to 8 do
		{mirbus}=#1437; //RSEL.2,3 = 3
		ClockMIR(); //(Stkp←Stkp+0)
		{mirbus}=#1547; //R←SStkp,Stkp'
		ClockMIR(); //Stkp←Stkp-2, WA[4:7]←Stkp[4:7]/d
		WCompare(not {rbus},16-2*i,13130,i)

	//Check Stkp +3

	for i = 1 to 5 do
		{mirbus}=#1417; //RSEL.2,3 = 1
		ClockMIR(); //(Stkp←Stkp+0)
		{mirbus}=#1547; //R←SStkp,Stkp'
		ClockMIR(); //Stkp←Stkp+3, WA[4:7]←Stkp[4:7]/d
		WCompare(not {rbus},3*i,13140,i)

	//Check Stkp -3

	for i = 1 to 5 do
		{mirbus}=#1437; //RSEL.2,3 = 3
		ClockMIR(); //(Stkp←Stkp+0)
		{mirbus}=#1547; //R←SStkp,Stkp'
		ClockMIR(); //Stkp←Stkp-3, WA[4:7]←Stkp[4:7]/d
		WCompare(not {rbus},15-3*i,13150,i)