DIRECTORY ControlMessages USING [Key, totalKeys], PSKMessages USING [Name], XMessage USING [AllocateMessages, Handle, MsgEntry, MsgID, RegisterMessages], XString USING [FromSTRING]; ControlMessagesImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS PSKMessages, XMessage, XString EXPORTS ControlMessages = BEGIN ControlMsgEntry: TYPE = RECORD [ key: ControlMessages.Key, msg: LONG STRING, id: XMessage.MsgID, translatable: BOOLEAN _ TRUE]; InitMessages: PUBLIC PROCEDURE RETURNS [controlMsgs: PSKMessage.Handle] = BEGIN id: CARDINAL _ 0; --NOTE: Hardcode message keys after rewriting DecomposerControlImpl entries: ARRAY [0..ControlMessages.totalKeys) OF ControlMsgEntry = [ [mBannerPrinter, "Xerox Print Service <1> on <2>", id _ id + 5], [mVersion, "10.0", id _ id + 5], --NOTE: Change this msg for each release; MOVE THIS MESSAGE TO END, SINCE IT CHANGES EACH RELEASE [mBannerMasterError, "Master Error", id _ id + 5], [mBannerExceptionTemplate, "<1> (page <2>): <3><4>.", id _ id + 5], [mBannerJobPurged, "Banner only: job purged from <1> at System Restart.", id _ id + 5], [mBannerPurgedCommQ, "Communications Queue", id _ id + 5], [mBannerPurgedFormatter, "Formatter", id _ id + 5], [mBannerPurgedMarker, "Marker", id _ id + 5], [mBannerPurgedOtherQ, "In-Process Queue", id _ id + 5], [mBannerDocNotPrinted, "Banner only: document not printed because of <1>.", id _ id + 5], [mBannerTransmitError, "transmit error", id _ id + 5], [mBannerFormattingError, "error in processing interpress master", id _ id + 5], [mBannerMarkingError, "marking error", id _ id + 5], [mBannerOtherError, "error", id _ id + 5], [mDecompErrorNoResources, "no resources; ", id _ id + 5], [mDecompErrorParseFailure, "parse failure; ", id _ id + 5], [mDecompErrorFeatureNotImplemented, "feature not implemented; ", id _ id + 5], [mDecompErrorFontProblem, "font problem; ", id _ id + 5], [mDecompErrorNoDefaultFont, "no default font; ", id _ id + 5], [mDecompErrorPlateTooComplicated, "plate too complicated; ", id _ id + 5], [mDecompErrorTooManyPlates, "too many plates; ", id _ id + 5], [mDecompErrorLogicError, "logic error; ", id _ id + 5], [mDecompErrorUnknown, "unknown", id _ id + 5], [mOk, "Okay.", id _ id + 5], [mSystemControl, "System Control", id _ id + 20], --duplicated in ExecMessages [mUINoDefaultFont, " ** Missing default font. Install fonts and 'Start Printing' to continue.", id _ id + 5], [mMissingDefaultFont, "Missing default font", id _ id + 5], [mInsufficientFreePages, " ** Insufficient free pages on disk to format: ""<1>""", id _ id + 5], [mCantRecover, " ** Unrecoverable problem encountered trying to format: ""<1>""", id _ id + 5], [mDocAborted, " ** Document aborted.", id _ id + 5], [mSetTargetWarning, " ** Warning: Target Print Service did not respond to status request.", id _ id + 5], --duplicated in ExecMessages [mRepairModeEntered, " ** Repair Mode entered.", id _ id + 5], [mRepairModeExited, " ** Repair Mode exited.", id _ id + 5], [mPrinterStatus2, " ** Printer status = <1>.", id _ id + 5], [mPrintEngineFailure, " ** Print engine failure, 'Start Printing' to continue.", id _ id + 5], [mEngineFailure, "Print engine failure", id _ id + 5], [mForwardingError, " ** Forwarding status = <1>.", id _ id + 5], [mCatalogingFonts, "Cataloging fonts (this may take a while)...", id _ id + 5], [mBeginFontRotation, "Rotating fonts for <1>...", id _ id + 5], [mRotatingFont, " Rotating ""<1>""...", id _ id + 5], [mRotationDone, "Rotation of <1> font files completed.", id _ id + 5], [mRotationError, " ** Rotation error: <1>.", id _ id + 5], [mInsufficientVolSpace, "Insufficient volume space", id _ id + 5], [mUnknown, "Unknown", id _ id + 5], [mBanshee, "NS 8000 Laser CP Electronic Printer", id _ id + 5], --duplicated in ExecMessages [mTPLocalPrintCompleted, "Test pattern local print completed: status = <1>.", id _ id + 5], [mTPRemotePrintCompleted, "Test pattern remote print completed: status = <1>.", id _ id + 5], [mPrinted, "Printed", id _ id + 5], --duplicated in ExecMessages [mTransmitted, "Transmitted", id _ id + 5], --duplicated in ExecMessages [mBusy, "Busy", id _ id + 5], --duplicated in ExecMessages [mNoAnswer, "No answer", id _ id + 5], --duplicated in ExecMessages [mTransmitError, "Transmit error", id _ id + 5], --duplicated in ExecMessages [mFaxFailure, "ocal fax failure", id _ id + 5], --duplicated in ExecMessages [mAborted, "Aborted", id _ id + 5] --duplicated in ExecMessages ]; messages: ARRAY [0..ControlMessages.totalKeys) OF XMessage.MsgEntry _ NULL; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..ControlMessages.totalKeys) DO messages[i] _ [ msgKey: ORD[entries[i].key], msg: XString.FromSTRING[entries[i].msg], translationNote: NIL, translatable: entries[i].translatable, type: userMsg, id: entries[i].id]; ENDLOOP; controlMsgs _ XMessage.AllocateMessages[ applicationName: PSKMessages.Name[control], maxMessages: ControlMessages.totalKeys, clientData: NIL, proc: NIL]; XMessage.RegisterMessages[ h: controlMsgs, messages: DESCRIPTOR[messages], stringBodiesAreReal: FALSE]; END; -- InitMessages END. -- of ControlMessagesImpl LOG [when - who - what] 23-Jul-85 15:29:53 - Jacks - Created. 29-Jul-85 16:20:20 - Jacks - Fixed catch phrase for MsgOps.DomainsFromFile. 28-Aug-85 15:47:01 - Jacks - Changed mBanshee slightly. 25-Sep-85 16:20:40 - Jacks - Took hyphen out of mBanshee. 6-Nov-85 14:18:42 - Jacks - Removed RegisterMsgs and GetHandle; made InitMessages public. 7-Nov-85 17:51:28 - Jacks - Changed mPrinterStatus2 and mForwardingError slightly. ζControlMessagesImpl.mesa Copyright (C) 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last edited by Jacks 7-Nov-85 17:51:46 Tim Diebert: October 8, 1986 1:14:04 pm PDT BANNER MESSAGES INFORMATIONAL/ERROR MESSAGES Κϋ˜šœ™JšœD™DJšœ'™'Icode™+—J˜šΟk ˜ Jšœœ˜'Jšœ œ˜Jšœ œ?˜MJšœœ˜J˜—šΟnœœ˜"Jšœ˜&Jšœ˜Jš˜J˜šœœœ˜ J˜Jšœœœ˜J˜Jšœœœ˜J˜—š ž œœ œœ#˜OJšœœΟcC˜UJšœ œ œ˜D˜Jšœ™J˜@Jšœ!Ÿa˜‚J˜2J˜C˜J˜D—J˜:J˜3J˜-J˜7˜J˜B—J˜6˜J˜6—J˜4J˜*J˜9J˜;˜$J˜*—J˜9J˜>J˜JJ˜>J˜7J˜.J˜J˜Jšœ™Jšœ2Ÿ˜N˜J˜[—˜J˜%—˜J˜H—˜J˜Q—J˜5˜JšœVŸ˜r—J˜?J˜=J˜=˜J˜I—J˜6J˜A˜J˜<—J˜?J˜