Copyright (C) Xerox Corporation 1983, 1984, 1985. All rights reserved.
Last edited by Jacks 8-Jul-85 17:41:39
Tim Diebert: December 1, 1986 10:16:09 am PST
<<GetClientID is the only client procedure exported by the Print Service executive level software. Other modules may need the clientID to access the Services Executive interface. Normally, this would be for limited purposes (like asynchronous warning or status messages), since the PS executive level software should handle all routine interfacing with the Services Executive.>>
NSExec USING [ClientID];
GetClientID: PROCEDURE RETURNS [NSExec.ClientID]; --The ID for the Print Service returned by the Services Executive.
END. --PSExec
date - who - what
6-Dec-83 10:27:34 - Jacks - Created so StopPrintService can be specified as stop proc when announcing service to Services Common Software.
18-Jan-84 14:12:09 - Jacks - Converted to 8.0 SCS: renamed StopPrintService to Stop; added all other procs.
3-Oct-84 11:15:50 - Jacks - Renamed from PSTTYExec to PSExec; moved all procs to PSExecInternal; moved GetClientID here from PSControl.
14-Jun-85 16:56:41 - Jacks - Added copyright notice.