DIRECTORY NSString USING [String], PrintingTypes USING [Option], PrintQueue USING [ObjectStatus], Process USING [Priority], PSAsyncMsg USING [Proc], TargetPSStatus USING [Communication], XNS USING [Address]; ForwardingControl: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN TraceLevel: TYPE = {none, terse, verbose}; WaitChoice: TYPE = {wait, dontWait}; CancelProc: TYPE = PROCEDURE [docName: NSString.String, docQueueStatus: PrintQueue.ObjectStatus]; Init: PROCEDURE [currentOption: PrintingTypes.Option, priority: Process.Priority, putAsyncMsgFromKey: PSAsyncMsg.Proc]; Start: PROCEDURE; Stop: PROCEDURE [status: PrintQueue.ObjectStatus, canceledWhileForwarding: CancelProc _ NIL]; Stopped: PROCEDURE [wither: WaitChoice _ dontWait] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; SetTargetPrintService: PROCEDURE [target: XNS.Address]; Status: PROCEDURE RETURNS [ forwarding: BOOLEAN, --returns TRUE if forwarding in progress forwardingStatus: TargetPSStatus.Communication]; --valid if forwarding = TRUE ModifyTraceLevel: PROCEDURE [trace: TraceLevel]; END. -- of ForwardingControl LOG when/who/what 16-Oct-84 10:54:30 - Jacks - Created. 8-Nov-84 13:29:10 - Jacks - Added forwardingStatus to Status proc. 14-Jun-85 10:49:26 - Jacks - Added copyright notice; updated to PS Euclid interfaces. 16-Jul-85 8:13:34 - Jacks - PSAsyncMsg interface change. rForwardingControl.mesa Copyright (C) Xerox Corporation 1984, 1985, 1986. All rights reserved. Last edited by Jacks 16-Jul-85 8:13:49 Tim Diebert: October 23, 1986 4:37:53 pm PDT <> Procedures called only once Enables forwarding and returns. Disables forwarding and returns; document in progress is given the status specified and put on the appropriate queue. If the document is put on the aborted queue, the cancel proc is called. IF wither=wait, returns TRUE when forwarding is stopped. IF wither=dontWait, return immediately. ÊÒ˜codešœ™KšœF™FKšœ'™'K™,—K˜K™[K˜šÏk ˜ Kšœ œ ˜Kšœœ ˜Kšœ œ˜ Kšœœ ˜Kšœ œ˜Kšœœ˜%Kšœœ ˜K˜—KšÐlnœœ œ˜,˜Kšœ œ˜*Kšœ œ˜$K˜Kšœ œ œE˜aK˜Kšœ ™ K˜šÏnœ œh˜wKšœ™—K˜šŸœ œ˜Kšœ™——˜šŸœ œIœ˜]Kšœ¾™¾——˜šŸœ œ!œœ˜EKšœ8™8Kšœ'™'—K˜KšŸœ œ œ ˜7—˜Kš Ÿœ œœœÏc)œ1 ˜§—˜KšŸœ œ˜0—˜Kšœ ˜K˜—Kšœ˜˜%K˜B—Kšœ@œ˜UK˜9—…—( l