-- Copyright (C) Xerox Corporation 1984, 1985. All rights reserved. -- TargetPSImpl.mesa -- Last edited by Jacks 24-Sep-85 14:00:32 DIRECTORY NSDataStream USING [Aborted, Error, SourceStream], NSFile USING [ Attributes, Error, GetAttributes, GetAttributesRecord, Handle, InterpretedSelections, nullTime, ReleaseAttributesRecord, Retrieve, Session, Time], NSPrint USING [ Error, ErrorRecord, GetPrinterProperties, GetPrinterStatus, GetPrintRequestStatus, Print, PrintAttribute, PrintAttributeType, PrintAttributesIndex, PrinterProperties, PrinterStatus, PrintOption, PrintOptionType, PrintOptionsIndex, RequestStatus], NSString USING [nullString, String], MiscUtilities USING [NSPrintPaperToPaperTypes, PaperTypesToNSPrintPaper], PaperTypes USING [Paper], PaperTypesExtras USING [nullPaper], PrintQueue USING [Priority], PSVolume USING [GetDefaultSession], System USING [NetworkAddress, nullID, UniversalID], TargetPS, TargetPSStatus USING [Communication, Current, Properties, Request]; TargetPSImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS NSDataStream, NSFile, NSPrint, MiscUtilities, PSVolume EXPORTS TargetPS = BEGIN Error: PUBLIC ERROR [why: TargetPSStatus.Communication] = CODE; -- PROCEDURES: GetPrinterProperties: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [target: System.NetworkAddress] RETURNS [properties: TargetPSStatus.Properties ← []] = BEGIN printerProperties: NSPrint.PrinterProperties ← NSPrint.GetPrinterProperties [systemElement: target ! NSPrint.Error => RaiseTargetPSError[why]]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..LENGTH[printerProperties]) DO WITH printerProperties[i] SELECT FROM staple => properties.staple ← staple; twoSided => properties.twoSided ← twoSided; media => FOR mediaCount: CARDINAL IN [0..LENGTH[media]) DO WITH media[mediaCount] SELECT FROM paper => SELECT mediaCount FROM 0 => properties.paperSupply.size1 ← MiscUtilities.NSPrintPaperToPaperTypes[paper].knownSize; 1 => properties.paperSupply.size2 ← MiscUtilities.NSPrintPaperToPaperTypes[paper].knownSize; ENDCASE => NULL; --only recognize first two paper sizes ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; END; --GetPrinterProperties GetPrinterStatus: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [target: System.NetworkAddress] RETURNS [status: TargetPSStatus.Current ← []] = BEGIN printerStatus: NSPrint.PrinterStatus ← NSPrint.GetPrinterStatus [ systemElement: target ! NSPrint.Error => RaiseTargetPSError[why]]; FOR statusType: CARDINAL IN [0..LENGTH[printerStatus]) DO WITH printerStatus[statusType] SELECT FROM spooler => status.spooler ← LOOPHOLE[spooler]; formatter => status.formatter ← LOOPHOLE[formatter]; printer => status.printer ← LOOPHOLE[printer]; media => FOR mediaCount: CARDINAL IN [0..LENGTH[media]) DO WITH media[mediaCount] SELECT FROM paper => SELECT mediaCount FROM 0 => status.paperSupply.size1 ← MiscUtilities.NSPrintPaperToPaperTypes[paper].knownSize; 1 => status.paperSupply.size2 ← MiscUtilities.NSPrintPaperToPaperTypes[paper].knownSize; ENDCASE => NULL; --only recognize first two paper sizes ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; END; --GetPrinterStatus GetPrintRequestStatus: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ printRequestID: System.UniversalID, target: System.NetworkAddress] RETURNS [requestStatus: TargetPSStatus.Request ← unknown] = BEGIN printRequestStatus: NSPrint.RequestStatus ← NSPrint.GetPrintRequestStatus [ printRequestID: printRequestID, systemElement: target ! NSPrint.Error => RaiseTargetPSError[why]]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..LENGTH[printRequestStatus]) DO WITH printRequestStatus[i] SELECT FROM status => requestStatus ← LOOPHOLE[status]; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; END; --GetPrintRequestStatus ForwardDocument: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ target: System.NetworkAddress, master: NSFile.Handle, docName: NSString.String ← NSString.nullString, sender: NSString.String ← NSString.nullString, recipient: NSString.String ← NSString.nullString, message: NSString.String ← NSString.nullString, paper: PaperTypes.Paper ← [], copies: CARDINAL ← 1, staple: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, twoSided: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, docCreateDate: NSFile.Time ← NSFile.nullTime, priority: PrintQueue.Priority ← normal, releaseKey: CARDINAL ← LAST[CARDINAL] ] RETURNS [printRequestID: System.UniversalID ← System.nullID] = BEGIN session: NSFile.Session = PSVolume.GetDefaultSession[]; options: ARRAY NSPrint.PrintOptionsIndex OF NSPrint.PrintOption; attributes: ARRAY NSPrint.PrintAttributesIndex OF NSPrint.PrintAttribute; optionCounter: CARDINAL ← 0; attributeCounter: CARDINAL ← 0; SendData: PROCEDURE [sourceDS: NSDataStream.SourceStream] = BEGIN printRequestID ← NSPrint.Print [ master: [stream[sourceDS]], printAttributes: DESCRIPTOR[BASE[attributes], attributeCounter], printOptions: DESCRIPTOR[BASE[options], optionCounter], systemElement: target ! NSPrint.Error => RaiseTargetPSError[why]; NSDataStream.Aborted => ERROR Error [transferAborted]; NSDataStream.Error => ERROR Error [transferError]; NSFile.Error => WITH error SELECT FROM transfer => SELECT problem FROM aborted => ERROR Error [transferAborted]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error [transferError]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ]; END; --SendData FOR o: NSPrint.PrintOptionType IN NSPrint.PrintOptionType DO SELECT o FROM printObjectSize => BEGIN attribute: NSFile.Attributes ← NSFile.GetAttributesRecord[]; selections: NSFile.InterpretedSelections; selections[dataSize] ← TRUE; NSFile.GetAttributes [master, [interpreted: selections], attribute, session ! NSFile.Error => GOTO NoPrintObjectSize]; options[optionCounter] ← [printObjectSize[attribute.dataSize]]; NSFile.ReleaseAttributesRecord[attribute]; optionCounter ← optionCounter + 1; EXITS NoPrintObjectSize => NULL; END; recipientName => IF recipient # NSString.nullString THEN BEGIN options[optionCounter] ← [recipientName[recipient]]; optionCounter ← optionCounter + 1; END; message => IF message # NSString.nullString THEN BEGIN options[optionCounter] ← [message[message]]; optionCounter ← optionCounter + 1; END; copyCount => BEGIN options[optionCounter] ← [copyCount[copies]]; optionCounter ← optionCounter + 1; END; pagesToPrint => BEGIN options[optionCounter] ← [pagesToPrint[[beginningPageNumber: 1, endingPageNumber: LAST[CARDINAL]]]]; optionCounter ← optionCounter + 1; END; mediumHint => IF NOT paper = PaperTypesExtras.nullPaper THEN BEGIN options[optionCounter] ← [mediumHint[[paper[ MiscUtilities.PaperTypesToNSPrintPaper[paper]]]]]; optionCounter ← optionCounter + 1; END; priorityHint => BEGIN options[optionCounter] ← [priorityHint[LOOPHOLE[priority]]]; optionCounter ← optionCounter + 1; END; releaseKey => IF releaseKey # LAST[CARDINAL] THEN BEGIN options[optionCounter] ← [releaseKey[releaseKey]]; optionCounter ← optionCounter + 1; END; staple => IF staple THEN BEGIN options[optionCounter] ← [staple[TRUE]]; optionCounter ← optionCounter + 1; END; twoSided => IF twoSided THEN BEGIN options[optionCounter] ← [twoSided[TRUE]]; optionCounter ← optionCounter + 1; END; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; FOR a: NSPrint.PrintAttributeType IN NSPrint.PrintAttributeType DO SELECT a FROM printObjectName => IF docName # NSString.nullString THEN BEGIN attributes[attributeCounter] ← [printObjectName[docName]]; attributeCounter ← attributeCounter + 1; END; printObjectCreateDate => IF docCreateDate # NSFile.nullTime THEN BEGIN attributes[attributeCounter] ← [printObjectCreateDate[docCreateDate]]; attributeCounter ← attributeCounter + 1; END; senderName => IF sender # NSString.nullString THEN BEGIN attributes[attributeCounter] ← [senderName[sender]]; attributeCounter ← attributeCounter + 1; END; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; NSFile.Retrieve [file: master, sink: [proc[SendData]], session: session]; END; --ForwardDocument -- Private procedures: RaiseTargetPSError: PROCEDURE [error: NSPrint.ErrorRecord] = BEGIN --Raises TargetPS.Error based on NSPrint.Error raised. WITH e: error SELECT FROM busy => ERROR Error [busy]; insufficientSpoolSpace => ERROR Error [insufficientSpoolSpace]; invalidPrintParameters => ERROR Error [systemError]; --implementation error masterTooLarge => ERROR Error [masterTooLarge]; mediumUnavailable => ERROR Error [mediumUnavailable]; serviceUnavailable => ERROR Error [serviceUnavailable]; spoolingDisabled => ERROR Error [spoolingDisabled]; spoolingQueueFull => ERROR Error [spoolingQueueFull]; systemError => ERROR Error [systemError]; tooManyClients => ERROR Error [tooManyClients]; undefinedError => ERROR Error [undefinedError]; connectionError => SELECT e.connection FROM noRoute => ERROR Error [noRouteToSystemElement]; noResponse => ERROR Error [remoteSystemElementNotResponding]; transmissionHardware => ERROR Error [transmissionMediumProblem]; returnTimedOut => ERROR Error [returnTimedOut]; parameterInconsistency, invalidMessage => ERROR Error [systemError]; --implementation error ENDCASE => ERROR Error [connectionError]; transferError => ERROR Error [transferError]; courier => SELECT e.courier FROM transmissionMediumHardwareProblem, transmissionMediumUnavailable, transmissionMediumNotReady => ERROR Error [transmissionMediumProblem]; noRouteToSystemElement => ERROR Error [noRouteToSystemElement]; remoteSystemElementNotResponding => ERROR Error [remoteSystemElementNotResponding]; returnTimedOut => ERROR Error [returnTimedOut]; streamNotYours, parameterInconsistency, invalidArguments, invalidMessage => ERROR Error [systemError]; --implementation error ENDCASE => ERROR Error [courierError]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error [undefinedError]; END; --RaiseTargetPSError END. -- of TargesPSImpl LOG when/who/what 26-Oct-84 10:49:36 - Jacks - Created. 31-Oct-84 13:24:57 - Jacks - Update to TargetPS type definitions. 9-Nov-84 14:50:07 - Jacks - Updated to second round of 9.0 ps interfaces. 12-Dec-84 15:19:39 - Jacks - GetPrinterStatus returns TargetPS.Status instead of StatusTypes.TargetPrintService. 27-Feb-85 14:38:33 - Jacks - Corrected some of the errors raised in RaiseTargetPSError. 17-Jun-85 15:37:04 - Jacks - Added copyright notice; updated to PS Euclid interfaces. 17-Jul-85 15:13:56 - Jacks - Updated to Euclid Services interfaces. 7-Aug-85 11:04:53 - Jacks - Made use of NSFile.GetAttributesRecord. 24-Sep-85 13:46:19 - Jacks - Changed to new MiscUtilities procs: NSPrintPaperToPaperTypes and PaperTypesToNSPrintPaper.