Copyright (C) Xerox Corporation 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986. All rights reserved.
Last Edited 4-Nov-85 9:53:26 by Jacks
Tim Diebert: December 15, 1986 9:28:52 am PST
NSString USING [String, nullString],
PaperTypes USING [Paper],
PrintingTypes USING [Option],
PrintQueue USING [ObjectStatus, QueueObjectHandle],
Process USING [Priority, priorityBackground],
PSAsyncMsg USING [Proc],
System USING [UniversalID];
DocumentInProgress: ERROR;
TraceLevel: TYPE = {none, terse, verbose};
WaitChoice: TYPE = {wait, dontWait};
NotifyCode: TYPE = {noDefaultFont, noResources, pageTooComplicated, other};
NotifyProc: TYPE = PROCEDURE [queueObject: PrintQueue.QueueObjectHandle, code: NotifyCode, continuable: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [keepGoing: BOOLEAN];
In some cases the client is notified of problems found
during decomposition and may continue (if continuable)
or abort the document.
CancelProc: TYPE = PROCEDURE [docName: NSString.String,
docQueueStatus: PrintQueue.ObjectStatus];
DecomposerStatus: TYPE = RECORD [decomposing: BOOLEAN,
decomposeObjectsOutstanding: CARDINAL -- equal to the number of documents already decomposed for which the decompose object has not yet been freed
currentOption: PrintingTypes.Option,
priority: Process.Priority ← Process.priorityBackground,
fontDirectory: NSString.String ← NSString.nullString,
maxDecomposeHandles: CARDINAL ← 1,
psName: NSString.String ← NSString.nullString, --Service name that goes on banner page.
maxPaperSize: PaperTypes.Paper ← [],
notifyProc: NotifyProc, --Proc called to notify client of problems found during decomposition.
putAsyncMsgFromKey: PSAsyncMsg.Proc];
called only once
Don't call this after Init has been called! Causes all permanent storage to be released.
Enables (paused or stopped) decomposing and returns. Decompose.Handle's are placed in QueueObject.printObjectHandle.
Stop: PROCEDURE [status: PrintQueue.ObjectStatus,
canceledWhileDecomposing: CancelProc ← NIL];
Disables decomposing and returns; document in progress is given the status specified and put on the appropriate queue. If the document is put on the aborted queue, the cancel proc is called.
Stopped: PROCEDURE [wither: WaitChoice ← dontWait] RETURNS [BOOLEAN];
IF wither=wait, returns TRUE when decomposition is stopped.
IF wither=dontWait, return immediately.
FreeDecomposeObject: PROCEDURE [id: System.UniversalID];
Free the decompose object associated with the document identified by id.
UnloadOldFonts: PROCEDURE []; -- call before deleting fonts
NoticeNewFonts: PROCEDURE []; -- call after loading/deleting fonts
These two procedures will raise DocumentInProgress if any documents are being processed when they are called.
Status: PROCEDURE RETURNS [DecomposerStatus];
SetBannerMode: PROCEDURE [enableBanner: BOOLEAN];
ModifyTraceLevel: PROCEDURE [trace: TraceLevel];
END. -- of DecomposerControl
March 17, 1981 11:21 AM by J.Beeley: Created file to replace DecomposerControlDefs of February 6, 1981.
May 28, 1981 4:51 PM by JB. Imported PSExec.TraceLevel; added testPatternFromQ & testPatternDoneQ to Init.
June 19, 1981 5:13 PM by JB. Added ModifyTraceLevel.
July 8, 1981 9:17 PM by JB. Defined TraceLevel locally.
August 17, 1981 2:55 PM by JB. Added NoticeNewFonts and FreeDecomposeObject.
12-Mar-82 16:11:27 by JB: Added UnloadOldFonts.
29-Mar-82 15:53:55 by JB: Added SetPaperSize
8-Sep-82 17:12:43 - JB: Added fontSpacePages to Init.
19-Oct-82 11:38:38 - JB: Added extra size to SetPaperSize.
16-Sep-83 15:30:26 - Jacks - Converted to Klamath (Pilot 11.0).
23-Nov-83 11:43:12 - JB: Removed Decompose.Handle; trimmed Init's args.
1-Dec-83 17:38:07 - Jacks - Added currentEngine and NotifyNoDefaultFont parms to Init; added CanceledWhileDecomposing parm to Stop.
16-Dec-83 16:08:58 - Jacks - Added putAsyncMsgFromKey parm to Init.
20-Dec-83 8:41:49 - Jacks - Added fontDirectory and markerProcs to Init.
26-Jan-84 22:31:40 - Jacks - Added errorThreshold and maxMediaSize to Init; added Cleanup.
23-Feb-84 14:13:59 - Jacks - Added psName parm to Init.
15-Sep-84 14:26:15 - Jacks - Generalized NotifyNoDefaultFontProc to be NotifyProc; renamed fontSpacePages parm to Init to be maxVMPages; deleted old maxVMPages parm; removed SetPaperSize proc.
16-Oct-84 11:17:10 - Jacks - Removed Pause and Cleanup procs because we have no plans to ever implement them; changed disposeQ parm to status for Stop proc.
13-Jun-85 11:42:06 - Jacks - Added copyright notice; updated to PS Euclid interfaces.
16-Jul-85 8:15:01 - Jacks - PSAsyncMsg interface change.
5-Aug-85 16:30:25 - Jacks - Changed FreeDecomposeObject parm from LONG POINTER to UniversalID; removed return value from FreeDecomposeObject.
13-Aug-85 10:05:49 - Jacks - Added DocumentInProgress error.
4-Nov-85 9:53:16 - Jacks - Added Expunge.