Copyright Ó Xerox Corporation 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987. All rights reserved.
Last edited by Jacks 14-Jun-85 9:51:43
Tim Diebert: March 31, 1987 8:42:58 am PST
Option: TYPE = {
Scanning direction:
fast scan along short side of paper (fS)
fast scan along long side of paper (fL)
raven,  --electronic printer, 300dpi, fL
spitfire,  --electronic printer, 300dpi, fL
fx3500,  --Fuji Xerox electronic printer, 300dpi, fL
fax495,   --Telecopier 495-1, 200dpi, fS
fax295,   --Telecopier 295, 200dpi, fS
faxPS,  --reserved for some Facsimile
bansheeDl,   --banshee on dandelion, 300dpi, fS
bansheeDv, --banshee on dove, 300dpi, fS
bansheeDvLocal, --banshee on dove workstation (local printer), 300dpi, fS
d1, --Fuji Xerox printer, 300dpi, fS (also known as the "xp9")
d1HW,   --Fuji Xerox printer, d1 w/no compression option, 300dpi, fS
d1Compact,  --Fuji Xerox printer, compact based on d1, 300dpi, fS
rasterPS,  --reserved for some electronic printer
feps9700,   --front end printing for 9700/8700, 300dpi, fL
ptps,   --pass thru printing for ASH network (device format)
fePS,  --reserved for some front end printing service
pt88,   --Siemens ink jet printer, 72dpi, fS
v56,   --Fuji Xerox thermal printer, 200dpi, fS
charPS,   --reserved for some character printer
diablo630,   --diablo character printer
epson,   --epson character printer
matrixPS,  --reserved for some matrix printer
aps5,   --Autologic micro 5 phototypesetter
photoPS,  --reserved for some phototypesetter
fxHighSpeed, --reserved for the new Fuji Xerox high speed printer, fS
fxOther, --reserved for some other new Fuji Xerox printer
unknown} ← unknown;
RavenBuild: TYPE = {b0, b1, b2, b2TraySensing, b2XSISModified};
APS5Model: TYPE = { --Indicates media width of APS model.
pica45, pica57, pica70, pica100, pica108};
V56Model: TYPE = {v56M1, v56M2, v56M3, v56M4};
END. -- of PrintingTypes
22Sep83 - castillo - added new devices to PrinterTypes and changed it to Engine; added 200dots/inch and 722.9 dots/inch; added apsTransformation
24Oct83 - castillo - moved transformations to PrinterTransformations
22Nov83 - Beeley - changed 'coLion' to 'fx3500'.
2Dec83 - castillo - added fax295, and rearranged order
19Jan84 - Jacks - Added RavenBuild, APS5Model and V56Model.
30Jan84 - Jacks - Added pica100 and pica108 to APS5Model.
18Mar85 - Jacks - Renamed to def to PrintingTypes; renamed Engine to Option; added charPS, diablo630, epson, fepsASH, matrixPS, d1; renamed remote9700 to feps9700; split banshee into bansheeDl, bansheeDv and banshee DvLocal.
3Apr85 - castillo - added CopyRight notice, photoPS, faxPS, rasterPS, fePS, and a few more comments.
31May85 - Jacks - Added xp9Compact, fxHighSpeed and fxOther; changed d1 references to xp9, since that's what Fuji Xerox is calling the engine.
12Jun85 - Strickberger - Added Option spitfire. Added RavenBuild b2TraySensing, deleted b2VersionXL.
14Jun85 - Jacks - Changed xp9 back to d1 to be consistent with Fuji Xerox code. D1 is name in software; XP-9 is product name (could change).