<> <> <> <> PSActivity: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN Basic: TYPE = {available, busy, disabled, unknown}; Spooler: TYPE = {available, busy, disabled, full, spooling, unknown}; -- 'busy' indicates the max # of connections have currently been made. Marker: TYPE = {available, marking, markingButInterruptable, faxmitting, paused, disabled, unknown}; Printer: TYPE = {available, busy, disabled, needsAttention, needsKeyOperator, unknown}; END. -- of PSActivity LOG when/who/what 9-Nov-84 15:15:09 - Jacks - Created. 14-Jun-85 10:39:27 - Jacks - Changed name from StatusTypes to Activity; moved engine statuses, Remote and TargetPrintService to new interfaces; added copyright notice. 19-Jun-85 15:18:18 - Jacks - Name changed from Activity to PSActivity.