DIRECTORY DecomposerControl USING [NotifyProc], MarkerControl USING [ClientProcsHandle], PSAsyncMsg USING [Proc], PSState USING [ServiceState, SpoolerState, State], QueueControl USING [CompletionProc]; PSCommandInternal: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN currentCondition: PSState.ServiceState; state: WritableStateHandle; WritableStateHandle: TYPE = REF PSState.State; markerProcs: MarkerControl.ClientProcsHandle; --Handle for currently valid marker procedures. fontsNoticed: BOOLEAN; testPatternsNoticed: BOOLEAN; EnablePrinting: PROCEDURE; DisablePrinting: PROCEDURE; EnableQueuing: PROCEDURE; DisableQueuing: PROCEDURE [reason: PSState.SpoolerState _ disabled]; PutAsyncMsgFromKey: PSAsyncMsg.Proc; RotateFonts90: PROCEDURE; BansheeStatusWatcher: PROCEDURE; D1StatusWatcher: PROCEDURE; FaxStatusWatcher: PROCEDURE; FX3500StatusWatcher: PROCEDURE; RavenStatusWatcher: PROCEDURE; RepairModeWatcher: PROCEDURE; ReadyToMark: PROCEDURE; FinishedMarking: PROCEDURE; MarkingEngineFailure: PROCEDURE; ProblemDuringDecomposition: DecomposerControl.NotifyProc; DocumentCompleted: QueueControl.CompletionProc; ForceOutState: PROC[]; END. --PSCommandInternal LOG 25-Aug-83 9:38:58 - Jacks - Created as part of PSCommand rework. 28-Oct-83 13:23:56 - Jacks - Added fontsNoticed and testPatternsNoticed. 10-Nov-83 12:42:03 - Jacks - Added WritableStateHandle, GetWritableStatus and BackupCurrentStatus as part of conversion to PSState from PSExec. 6-Dec-83 10:17:31 - Jacks - Added PutAsyncMsgFromKey. 19-Dec-83 10:13:59 - Jacks - Added state, stateSpace and GetMarkerProcs; removed GetWritableStatus and BackupCurrentStatus. 18-Jan-84 14:38:49 - Jacks - Added nsExecStatus. 22-Mar-84 16:52:49 - Jacks - Added FaxPaperWidthSupported and faxPaperWidthSupported. 26-Mar-84 7:46:16 - Jacks - Added commandHeap. 18-Apr-84 10:14:19 - Jacks - Moved faxPaperWidthSupported to PSCommandExtra. 17-Sep-84 10:42:16 - Jacks - Added InitializeState because I had to split up the init module. 27-Sep-84 17:46:53 - Jacks - Removed InitializeState; added status and repair mode watcher procs. 8-Nov-84 13:24:23 - Jacks - Renamed nsExecStatus to currentCondition. 27-Nov-84 13:54:07 - Jacks - Added callback procs. 3-Dec-84 15:53:42 - Jacks - Added RotateFonts90; replaces fontsNoticed with fontsInstalled and fontsDeleted. 28-Feb-85 10:03:44 - Jacks - Brought back fontsNoticed in place of fontsInstalled and fontsDeleted. 13-Jun-85 13:01:38 - Jacks - Added copyright notice. 26-Jun-85 14:50:51 - Jacks - Added D1StatusWatcher. 16-Jul-85 8:17:48 - Jacks - ClientCondition is PSState.ServiceState now; PSAsyncMsg interface change. ŽPSCommandInternal.mesa Copyright Σ Xerox Corporation 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987. All rights reserved. Last edited by Jacks 16-Jul-85 8:17:51 Tim Diebert: January 7, 1987 8:57:57 am PST Ruseli Binsol: November 17, 1986 4:29:18 pm PST <> Pointer which many be used to modify State record. If false, indicates that fonts need to be cataloged by the decomposer because one or more of them was installed or deleted. If false, indicates that test patterns need to be enumerated because one or more of them was installed or deleted. Procs for internally enabling/disabling printing and queueing: Proc for notifying clients of an asynchronous message found in the message file. Proc for rotating all the raven fonts 90 degrees for banshee: Status and Repair Mode watching procs forked at init: Callback procs passed to various subsystems at init: ForceOut State Procs Κm˜codešœ™KšœP™PKšœ'™'K™+K™/—K˜K™*K˜šΟk ˜ Kšœœ˜%Kšœœ˜(Kšœ œ˜Kšœœ%˜2Kšœ œ˜$—K˜šΟnœœ œ˜,K˜K˜'K˜K˜K˜šœœœ˜.Kšœ2™2—K˜Kšœ.Οc/˜]K˜šœœ˜KšœE™EKšœ5™5—šœœ˜Kšœ<™™>Kšžœ œ˜Kšžœ œ˜Kšž œ œ˜Kšžœ œ+˜DK˜KšœP™PKšžœ˜$K˜Kšœ=™=Kšž œ œ˜K˜Kšœ5™5Kšžœ œ˜ Kšžœ œ˜Kšžœ œ˜Kšžœ œ˜Kšžœ œ˜Kšžœ œ˜K˜Kšœ4™4Kšž œ œ˜Kšžœ œ˜Kšžœ œ˜ Kšžœ˜9Kšžœ˜/K˜K™Kšž œœ˜K˜KšœŸ˜K˜Kš˜—K˜AK˜H˜K˜5—K˜{K˜0K˜UK˜/K˜LK˜]˜aK˜E—˜2K˜l—K˜cK˜4K˜3K˜f—…— :5