Copyright Ó Xerox Corporation 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987. All rights reserved.
Last edited by Jacks 16-Jul-85 8:17:51
Tim Diebert: January 7, 1987 8:57:57 am PST
Ruseli Binsol: November 17, 1986 4:29:18 pm PST
<<Interface shared by PSCommand modules.>>
DecomposerControl USING [NotifyProc],
MarkerControl USING [ClientProcsHandle],
PSAsyncMsg USING [Proc],
PSState USING [ServiceState, SpoolerState, State],
QueueControl USING [CompletionProc];
currentCondition: PSState.ServiceState;
state: WritableStateHandle;
WritableStateHandle: TYPE = REF PSState.State;
Pointer which many be used to modify State record.
markerProcs: MarkerControl.ClientProcsHandle; --Handle for currently valid marker procedures.
fontsNoticed: BOOLEAN;
If false, indicates that fonts need to be cataloged by the decomposer
because one or more of them was installed or deleted.
testPatternsNoticed: BOOLEAN;
If false, indicates that test patterns need to be enumerated
because one or more of them was installed or deleted.
Procs for internally enabling/disabling printing and queueing:
EnablePrinting: PROCEDURE;
DisablePrinting: PROCEDURE;
EnableQueuing: PROCEDURE;
DisableQueuing: PROCEDURE [reason: PSState.SpoolerState ← disabled];
Proc for notifying clients of an asynchronous message found in the message file.
PutAsyncMsgFromKey: PSAsyncMsg.Proc;
Proc for rotating all the raven fonts 90 degrees for banshee:
RotateFonts90: PROCEDURE;
Status and Repair Mode watching procs forked at init:
BansheeStatusWatcher: PROCEDURE;
D1StatusWatcher: PROCEDURE;
FaxStatusWatcher: PROCEDURE;
FX3500StatusWatcher: PROCEDURE;
RavenStatusWatcher: PROCEDURE;
RepairModeWatcher: PROCEDURE;
Callback procs passed to various subsystems at init:
FinishedMarking: PROCEDURE;
MarkingEngineFailure: PROCEDURE;
ProblemDuringDecomposition: DecomposerControl.NotifyProc;
DocumentCompleted: QueueControl.CompletionProc;
ForceOut State Procs
ForceOutState: PROC[];
END. --PSCommandInternal
25-Aug-83 9:38:58 - Jacks - Created as part of PSCommand rework.
28-Oct-83 13:23:56 - Jacks - Added fontsNoticed and testPatternsNoticed.
10-Nov-83 12:42:03 - Jacks - Added WritableStateHandle, GetWritableStatus and BackupCurrentStatus as part of conversion to PSState from PSExec.
6-Dec-83 10:17:31 - Jacks - Added PutAsyncMsgFromKey.
19-Dec-83 10:13:59 - Jacks - Added state, stateSpace and GetMarkerProcs; removed GetWritableStatus and BackupCurrentStatus.
18-Jan-84 14:38:49 - Jacks - Added nsExecStatus.
22-Mar-84 16:52:49 - Jacks - Added FaxPaperWidthSupported and faxPaperWidthSupported.
26-Mar-84 7:46:16 - Jacks - Added commandHeap.
18-Apr-84 10:14:19 - Jacks - Moved faxPaperWidthSupported to PSCommandExtra.
17-Sep-84 10:42:16 - Jacks - Added InitializeState because I had to split up the init module.
27-Sep-84 17:46:53 - Jacks - Removed InitializeState; added status and repair mode watcher procs.
8-Nov-84 13:24:23 - Jacks - Renamed nsExecStatus to currentCondition.
27-Nov-84 13:54:07 - Jacks - Added callback procs.
3-Dec-84 15:53:42 - Jacks - Added RotateFonts90; replaces fontsNoticed with fontsInstalled and fontsDeleted.
28-Feb-85 10:03:44 - Jacks - Brought back fontsNoticed in place of fontsInstalled and fontsDeleted.
13-Jun-85 13:01:38 - Jacks - Added copyright notice.
26-Jun-85 14:50:51 - Jacks - Added D1StatusWatcher.
16-Jul-85 8:17:48 - Jacks - ClientCondition is PSState.ServiceState now; PSAsyncMsg interface change.