Copyright (C) Xerox Corporation 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986. All rights reserved.
Last edited by Jacks 14-Oct-85 9:58:13
Tim Diebert: December 15, 1986 9:08:07 am PST
<<This interface is intended to be the focal point for client interaction with the Print Service. The initialization procedure is contained in another interface, since it is subject to change more often that PSCommand.>>
BasicTime USING [GMT, nullGMT],
BulkDataP0V1 USING [Source],
CHNameP2V0 USING [Name],
NSString USING [String],
PaperHandling USING [
Banner, PaperFeed, PaperStacking, PaperSupply, PrintOrder, Registration],
PaperTypes USING [Paper, PaperSize],
PrintingP4V3 USING [InterpressMasterStatus],
PrintingTypes USING [Option],
PSAsyncMsg USING [Proc],
PSState USING [CurrentActivity, StateHandle, TraceLevel],
System USING [nullID, UniversalID],
TargetPSStatus USING [Communication, Current, Properties],
XNS USING [Address, unknownAddress];
OPEN CHName: CHNameP2V0, NSDataStream: BulkDataP0V1;
Priority: TYPE = {low, normal, high};
<<DocumentParameterRecord contains all the items found in NSPrint PrintAttributes and PrintOptions and must be included with a document when it is queued:>>
DocumentParameters: TYPE = REF DocumentParameterRecord;
DocumentParameterRecord: TYPE = RECORD [
name: NSString.String ← NIL,
createDate: BasicTime.GMT ← BasicTime.nullGMT,
size: LONG CARDINAL ← 0, --document size in bytes
senderName: NSString.String ← NIL,
recipientName: NSString.String ← NIL,
message: NSString.String ← NIL,
copyCount: CARDINAL ← 1,
firstPageToPrint: CARDINAL ← 1,
paper: PaperTypes.Paper ← [],
priority: Priority ← normal,
<<DocumentID uniquely identifies all documents submitted to the print service.>>
DocumentID: TYPE = System.UniversalID;
nullDocumentID: DocumentID = System.nullID;
<<DocumentStatus provides two levels of status information:
(1) the simple PrintingP4V3 status and
(2) the more specific internal print queue status. >>
DocumentStatus: TYPE = RECORD [
var: SELECT simple: SimpleDocStatus FROM
pending => [specific: SpecificDocStatus],
inProgress => [specific: SpecificDocStatus],
completed => [specific: SpecificDocStatus],
completedWithWarning => [specific: SpecificDocStatus],
unknown => [],
rejected => [specific: SpecificDocStatus],
aborted => [specific: SpecificDocStatus],
canceled => [specific: SpecificDocStatus],
held => [],
<<SimpleDocStatus defines the high level document status:>>
SimpleDocStatus: TYPE = PrintingP4V3.InterpressMasterStatus;
pending(0), inProgress(1), completed(2), completedWithWarning(3), unknown(4), rejected(5), aborted(6), canceled(7), held(8) };
<<SpecificDocStatus defines the more specific document status:>>
SpecificDocStatus: TYPE = { --Equivalent to PrintQueue.ObjectStatus.
Normal statuses:
spooling, spooled, --being received; received and queued for decomposer
restart,  --requeued for decomposer (at system restart or StopPrinting call)
decomposing,  --being decomposed
decomposed,  --decomposed and queued for marker
marking, printed, --being marked; already printed
forwarding,  --being forwarded to target PS****REMOTE9700 STATUS ONLY!
forwarded,  --already forwarded to target PS****REMOTE9700 STATUS ONLY!
Canceled at specified point (by calling CancelDocument):
canceledInDecomposer, --canceled with status = decomposing
canceledInMarker,  --canceled with status = marking
canceledInForwarder, --canceled with status = forwarding****REMOTE9700 ONLY!
canceledInQueue,  --canceled with status = spooled, restart, decomposed, or merged
Document aborted at specified point due to system error or limitation or other problem:
spoolFailure,  --could not be received
decomposeFailure,  --could not be decomposed
markFailure,  --could not be marked
forwardFailure, --could not be forwarded****REMOTE9700 STATUS ONLY!
Document found at specified point in processing at system restart and was aborted:
sysRestartInSpooler,--found with status = spooling
sysRestartInDecomposer,--found with status = decomposing
sysRestartInMarker, --found with status = marking
sysRestartInForwarder,--found with status = forwarding****REMOTE9700 STATUS ONLY!
sysRestartInQueue, --found with status = decomposed or merged
Document was sent to a Fax495 Print Service:
faxStatus,   --Document is currently in progress or completed; specific document status is contained in the optionDependent field of the DocumentAttrRecord****FAX495 STATUS ONLY!
<<FaxTransmitStatus indicates the status of a transmit request to a specific fax phone number;
'queued' indicates the document is not yet ready to be transmitted. (Equivalent to fax transmit status maintained by print queue.)>>
FaxTransmitStatus: TYPE = {queued, transmitting, transmitted, canceled, busy, noAnswer, transmitError, invalidPhoneNumber, localFaxFailure, purgedAtSysRestart, null};
<<FaxLocalPrintStatus indicates the status of a local fax print request;
'queued' indicates the document is not yet ready to print;
'null' indicates there was no local print request for the document.
(Equivalent to fax local print status maintained by print queue.)>>
FaxLocalPrintStatus: TYPE = {queued, marking, printed, canceled, localFaxFailure, purgedAtSysRestart, null};
FaxTransmitData: TYPE = RECORD [
phoneNumber: NSString.String ← NIL,
transmit: FaxTransmitStatus ← null,
retryCount: CARDINAL ← 0, --number of retries so far
willRetry: BOOLEANFALSE, --TRUE if we'll retry again
completionDate: BasicTime.GMT ← BasicTime.nullGMT,
phoneCallElapsedTime: LONG CARDINAL ← 0, --in seconds
errorCode: NSString.String ← NIL --valid if FaxTransmitStatus is transmitError or localFaxFailure
Fax495DocumentStatus: TYPE = RECORD [
localPrint: FaxLocalPrintStatus ← null,
localPrintCompletionDate: BasicTime.GMT ← BasicTime.nullGMT,
phoneNumberCount: CARDINAL ← 0,
transmitData: LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF FaxTransmitData ← DESCRIPTOR[NIL, 0] --there's an array entry for every phone number
<<A DocumentFilter is passed to ListDocuments indicating the type of documents to list (any combination of id/name/sender/status).>>
DocumentFilter: TYPE = RECORD [
id: DocumentID ← nullDocumentID,
name: NSString.String ← NIL,
sender: NSString.String ← NIL,
noDocuments: DocumentFilter = [nullDocumentID, NIL, NIL, ALL[FALSE]];
allDocuments: DocumentFilter = [nullDocumentID, NIL, NIL, ALL[TRUE]];
<<DocumentAttrRecord defines the information returned when a document is listed.>>
DocumentAttributes: TYPE = REF DocumentAttrRecord;
DocumentAttrRecord: TYPE = RECORD [
id: DocumentID ← nullDocumentID,
name, sender, recipient, errorMessage: NSString.String ← NIL,
status: DocumentStatus ← [unknown[]],
priority: Priority ← normal,
sourceSystemElement: XNS.Address ← XNS.unknownAddress,
sizeInBytes: LONG CARDINAL ← 0,
pagesDecomposed: CARDINAL ← 0,
numberOfCopies: CARDINAL ← 1,
dateReceived: BasicTime.GMT ← BasicTime.nullGMT,
secondsInFormatter: LONG CARDINAL ← 0,
completionDate: BasicTime.GMT ← BasicTime.nullGMT,
optionDependent: SELECT printingOption: PrintingTypes.Option FROM
fax495 => [faxStatus: Fax495DocumentStatus ← []],
bansheeDl, d1, fax295, feps9700, fx3500, raven, unknown => [],
<<DocumentProc is an enumeration procedure which the client provides to ListDocuments.>>
DocumentProc: TYPE = PROCEDURE [document: DocumentAttributes]
[continue: BOOLEANTRUE];
FontType: TYPE = {cdFont, any};
<<FontProc is an enumeration procedure which the client provides to ListFonts.>>
FontProc: TYPE = PROCEDURE [type: FontType, packageName: NSString.String,
sizeInBytes: LONG CARDINAL, createDate: BasicTime.GMT]
[continue: BOOLEANTRUE];
<<FontFilter allows clients of ListFonts to specify the type of fonts and/or name of fonts to list. Two wildcard characters are defined for the packageName: * (asterisk) and # (pound sign). The * character matches zero or more characters; # matches any single character. Wildcard characters meant to be interpreted literally within the pattern must be escaped by quoting them with ' (apostrophe).>>
FontFilter: TYPE = RECORD [type: FontType ← any, packageName: NSString.String ← NIL];
allFontPackages: FontFilter = [any, NIL];
FileType: TYPE = {testPattern, any};
<<FileProc is an enumeration procedure which the client provides to ListFiles.>>
FileProc: TYPE = PROCEDURE [type: FileType, name: NSString.String,
sizeInBytes: LONG CARDINAL, createDate: BasicTime.GMT]
[continue: BOOLEANTRUE];
<<FileFilter allows clients of ListFiles to specify the type of files and/or name of files to list. Two wildcard characters are defined for the packageName: * (asterisk) and # (pound sign). The * character matches zero or more characters; # matches any single character. Wildcard characters meant to be interpreted literally within the pattern must be escaped by quoting them with ' (apostrophe).>>
FileFilter: TYPE = RECORD [type: FileType ← any, name: NSString.String ← NIL];
allFiles: FileFilter = [any, NIL];
<<Declarations concerning options for printing a file:>>
PaperTray: TYPE = {bottom, top, default};
maxPhoneNoLength: CARDINAL = 34;
PrintFileOptions: TYPE = RECORD [var: SELECT printingOption: PrintingTypes.Option FROM
fax295 => [paperSize: PaperTypes.PaperSize],
fax495 => [localPrint: BOOLEANTRUE,
phoneNumber: NSString.String ← NIL,
paperSize: PaperTypes.PaperSize],
fx3500 => [tray: PaperTray ← default],
raven => [tray: PaperTray ← default, stacking: PaperHandling.PaperStacking ← aligned],
bansheeDl, d1, feps9700, unknown => [],
FaxTransmissionRetryReason: TYPE = {noConnectionMade, transmitError, always};
<<TraceParameters specifies the level of tracing for each major function of the Print Service.>>
TraceParameters: TYPE = RECORD [spooler: PSState.TraceLevel, decomposer: PSState.TraceLevel,
marker: PSState.TraceLevel];
<<The client should make sure a command is valid before calling a procedure in the PSCommand interface, otherwise an Error is raised.>>
ErrorType: TYPE = {
abortedByClient, --aborted; operation may or may not have completed
disallowedInCurrentMode, --disallowed because the PS is not in normal operation mode (e.g. PS is in repair mode or font loading mode)
documentNotFound, --operation on a document which doesn't exist at PS
documentInProgress, --disallowed because a document is in progress
engineBusy, --operation depends on engine being idle
enqueue, --spooling error raised by Enqueue
fileNotFound, --operation on a file which doesn't exist at PS
incompatiblePrintingOption, --operation not valid with current printing option
insufficientSpace, --insufficient resources for operation
invalidPhoneNumber, --syntax of phone number is invalid
invalidParameters, --bad or unknown parameters supplied to operation
parameterOptionNotAvailable, --parameter option invalid for current printing option
systemError, --bug in implementation
targetPS, --problem communicating with target print service
targetPSNotSet, --target print service must be specified prior to operation
undefined --some undefined problem (and implementation-dependent) occurred
EnqueueError: TYPE = {busySpooling, masterTooLarge, mediumUnavailable, spoolingDisabled, spoolingQueueFull, tooManyClients, other};
UndefinedError: TYPE = CARDINAL;
Error: ERROR [problem: ErrorRecord];
ErrorRecord: TYPE = RECORD [
SELECT errorType: ErrorType FROM
abortedByClient, disallowedInCurrentMode,
documentNotFound, documentInProgress, engineBusy => [],
enqueue => [what: EnqueueError],
fileNotFound, incompatiblePrintingOption,
insufficientSpace, invalidPhoneNumber,
invalidParameters, parameterOptionNotAvailable,
systemError => [],
targetPS => [what: TargetPSStatus.Communication],
targetPSNotSet => [],
undefined => [what: UndefinedError],
<<Export remote courier program; allow Print Service to queue and process documents.>>
<<Unexport remote courier program; don't allow Print Service to queue or process documents.>>
StartPrinting: PROCEDURE [user: CHName.Name];
<<Allow processing of documents; no effect on queuing.>>
StopPrinting: PROCEDURE [user: CHName.Name, reason: NSString.String ← NIL];
<<Disallow processing of documents; documents in progress are requeued; no effect of queuing.>>
StartQueuing: PROCEDURE [user: CHName.Name];
<<Allow queuing of documents; on effect on printing.>>
StopQueuing: PROCEDURE [user: CHName.Name, reason: NSString.String ← NIL];
<<Disallow queuing of documents; no effect on printing.>>
ResetStatistics: PROCEDURE;
<<Reset the Print Service statistics counters to zero.>>
GetPrintServiceStatus: PROCEDURE RETURNS [PSState.StateHandle];
<<Returns a readonly handle to the Print Service state record, which contains relatively static information retained across system restarts.>>
GetPrintServiceActivity: PROCEDURE RETURNS [PSState.CurrentActivity];
<<Returns a record of information detailing the current activity at the Print Service (this information changes constantly).>>
GetTargetPSStatus: PROCEDURE RETURNS [activity: TargetPSStatus.Current,
properties: TargetPSStatus.Properties];
<<Remote9700 ONLY: makes remote procedure calls to the Target Print Service and returns information about current target activity and properties.
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption, targetPSNotSet, targetPS]>>
Enqueue: PROCEDURE [document: NSDataStream.Source, parameters: DocumentParameters]
[documentID: PSCommand.DocumentID];
<<Enqueue places a document on the spooled queue.
Errors: PSCommand.Error[enqueue, insufficientSpace, invalidParameters]
ListDocuments: PROCEDURE [proc: DocumentProc, filter: DocumentFilter ← allDocuments];
<<ListDocuments calls the proc for every document which qualifies using the specified filter (may filter on id, name, sender and/or status).
It passes the document attributes. If proc returns FALSE listing is aborted. Default is to list all documents in the queue.>>
CancelDocument: PROCEDURE [documentID: DocumentID] RETURNS [status: DocumentStatus];
<<CancelDocument cancels the specified document and returns its current status.
Errors: PSCommand.Error[documentNotFound]>>
ListFonts: PROCEDURE [proc: FontProc, filter: FontFilter ← allFontPackages];
<<ListFonts calls the proc for every font package specified by the filter (may filter on font type and/or package name). If proc returns FALSE listing is aborted. Default is to list all fonts.>>
InstallFont: PROCEDURE [type: FontType, packageName: NSString.String,
createDate: BasicTime.GMT, data: IO.STREAM,
packageSizeHintInBytes: LONG CARDINAL ← 0];
<<InstallFont creates or overwrites the specified font package with data from datastream. "packageSizeHintInBytes", if specified, gives the package size so space for the font can be allocated more efficiently.
Errors: PSCommand.Error[disallowedInCurrentMode, abortedByClient,insufficientSpace, invalidParameters, systemError]>>
DeleteFont: PROCEDURE [packageName: NSString.String];
<<DeleteFont deletes the named font package.
Errors: PSCommand.Error[disallowedInCurrentMode, fileNotFound, invalidParameters]>>
FILE OPERATIONS (for test patterns, etc.):
ListFiles: PROCEDURE [proc: FileProc, filter: FileFilter ← allFiles];
<<ListFiles calls the proc for every file specified by the filter (may filter on file type and/or file name). If proc returns FALSE listing is aborted. Default is to list all files.>>
InstallFile: PROCEDURE [type: FileType, name: NSString.String, createDate: BasicTime.GMT, data: IO.STREAM, fileSizeHintInBytes: LONG CARDINAL ← 0];
<<InstallFile creates or overwrites the named file with data from datastream. "fileSizeHintInBytes", if specified, gives the file size so space can be allocated more efficiently.
Errors: PSCommand.Error[disallowedInCurrentMode, abortedByClient,insufficientSpace, invalidParameters, systemError]>>
DeleteFile: PROCEDURE [name: NSString.String];
<<DeleteFile deletes the named file.
Errors: PSCommand.Error[disallowedInCurrentMode, fileNotFound, invalidParameters]>>
PrintFile: PROCEDURE [fileName, senderName: NSString.String, copies: CARDINAL,
options: PrintFileOptions];
<<PrintFile queues the named file for printing.
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption, fileNotFound, optionNotAvailable, invalidPhoneNumber, systemError]>>
Apply to all printing options supported:
SetBanner: PROCEDURE [banner: PaperHandling.Banner];
<<Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption]>>
SetPrintOrder: PROCEDURE [printOrder: PaperHandling.PrintOrder];
Apply to certain printing options supported:
SetMultipleCopies: PROCEDURE [multLocalCopiesAllowed, multRemoteCopiesAllowed: BOOL];
<<Fax495 only
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption]>>
SetPaperFeed: PROCEDURE [paperFeed: PaperHandling.PaperFeed];
<<Raven and FX3500 only
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption]>>
SetPaperStacking: PROCEDURE [paperStacking: PaperHandling.PaperStacking];
<<Raven only
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption, optionNotAvailable]>>
SetPaperSupply: PROCEDURE [paperSupply: PaperHandling.PaperSupply];
<<Raven, Fax495 and Fax295 only
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption, optionNotAvailable]>>
SetRegistration: PROCEDURE [registration: PaperHandling.Registration];
<<D1, Raven and FX3500 only
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption]>>
SetTargetPrintService: PROCEDURE [address: XNS.Address, name: NSString.String ← NIL]; --Remote9700 only; address required, name is optional
<<Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption]>>
SetTransmissionResolution: PROCEDURE [fineResolutionSupported: BOOLEAN];
<<Fax495 only
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption]>>
SetTransmissionRetries: PROCEDURE [retries: CARDINAL, delayInSeconds: LONG CARDINAL, reason: FaxTransmissionRetryReason ← always];
<<Fax495 only
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption]>>
StartDiagnosticMode: PROCEDURE;
<<Raven, D1, FX3500 and Banshee only
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption]>>
StartRepairMode: PROCEDURE;
<<Raven, D1, FX3500 and Banshee only
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption]>>
PutPrinterDisplay: PROCEDURE [leftChar, rightChar: CHARACTER ← 0C];
<<FX3500 only: displays valid chars on printer display
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption, disallowedInCurrentMode]>>
GetPrinterDisplay: PROCEDURE RETURNS [leftChar, rightChar: CHARACTER ← 0C];
<<FX3500 only: gets chars from printer display
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption, disallowedInCurrentMode]>>
ShutDownEngine: PROCEDURE;
<<Raven B2 versions only
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption]>>
WakeUpEngine: PROCEDURE;
<<Raven B2 versions only
Errors: PSCommand.Error[incompatiblePrintingOption]>>
RegisterAsyncMessageProc: PROCEDURE [proc: PSAsyncMsg.Proc];
<<Official asynchronous messages (i.e. messages in message file) will be passed to all registered aynchronous message procs.>>
SetTrace: PROCEDURE [traceParms: TraceParameters];
<<Controls asynchronous display of low-level status and event information; no multi-national support provided as messages are not in message file.>>
END. --PSCommand
25-Aug-83 9:34:58 - Jacks - Created as part of PSCommand rework; this is the public interface to the print service commands.
22-Sep-83 13:39:47 - Jacks - Changed PSState.EngineType to PrinterTypes.Engine.
25-Oct-83 11:27:15 - Jacks - Added abortedByClient error type.
11-Nov-83 10:15:46 - Jacks - Changed references to PSState for paper handling defs to PaperHandling def; removed PaperSupply and PaperFeed definitions and put them in PaperHandling.
18-Nov-83 14:47:10 - Jacks - Added return var 'status' to CancelDocument.
28-Nov-83 15:05:39 - Jacks - Added insufficientSpace error type.
6-Dec-83 10:16:38 - Jacks - Added RegisterAsyncMessageProc.
14-Dec-83 14:55:40 - Jacks - Added SetFaxMultipleCopies and SetFaxRetries; added activity parm to GetPrintServiceStatus.
20-Dec-83 8:11:36 - Jacks - Added PrintFileOptions for other engines; made GetPrintServiceActivity a separate proc.
24-Jan-84 8:48:18 - Jacks - Converted to 8.0 SCS; added GetNSExecStatus and ExpungePrintService; added fax status types and more fields to DocumentAttrRecord; made minor changes.
22-Feb-84 15:56:59 - Jacks - To accomodate fax, removed restrictions on intStatus withing DocumentStatus; added intStatus to completed and completedWithWarnings; added willRetry to FaxTransmitData; added ResetStatistics, GetPrinterDisplay, PutPrinterDisplay; added parameters to Start/Stop Queuing/Printing.
19-Sep-84 14:58:07 - Jacks - Removed Initialize (currently in PSCommandExtra--will be in new PSInit interface); renamed Expunge; added SetFax495TransmissionResolution and SetFEPSTargetPS; changed "user" in Queuing/Printing control operations from NSString.String to NSName.Name; added feps9700 specific statuses to InternalDocStatus; renamed many types and parameter procedures; added variants where necessary for feps9700, banshee and fax295; removed aps5 variants.
15-Nov-84 11:19:51 - Jacks - Second round of changes for 9.0: Changed parameters to SetTargetPrintService; defined ErrorRecord and changed ErrorType somewhat; defined SimpleDocStatus and renamed InternalDocStatus to SpecificDocStatus; changes to DocumentAttrRecord: priority and sourceSystemElement not defined in NSPrint types anymore; removed secondsInMarker.
18-Jun-85 15:09:16 - Jacks - Added copyright notice; updated to PS Euclid interfaces; folded in changes from PSCommandExtras.
26-Jun-85 10:13:44 - Jacks - Added d1 variants.
1-Jul-85 13:11:51 - Jacks - Added retryCount to FaxTransmitData.
17-Jul-85 9:40:32 - Jacks - Removed AsyncMessageProc in favor of using PSAsyncMsg.Proc; added senderName parm to PrintFile.
24-Sep-85 11:11:17 - Jacks - Made DocumentFilter status a packed array; added documentInProgress to ErrorType; renamed DocumentParameterRecord.paperSize to paper.
14-Oct-85 9:57:41 - Jacks - Added errorCode to FaxTransmitData and removed obsolete Expunge proc.