fMargin: CARDINAL, -- from the start-of-scan detector to the edge of the page
sMargin: CARDINAL, -- from the start-of-page detector to the edge of the page
fSize: CARDINAL, -- the size of the page in pixels, fast scan direction
sSize: CARDINAL, -- the size of the page in pixels, slow scan direction
fDPI: CARDINAL, -- the printer resolution in samples per inch, fast direction
sDPI: CARDINAL, -- the printer resolution in samples per inch, slow direction
fRepeat: CARDINAL, -- the number of times to repeat samples in the fast direction
sRepeat: CARDINAL, -- the number of times to repeat samples in the slow direction
fReverse: BOOLEAN, -- flip the image in the fast direction?
sReverse: BOOLEAN, -- flip the image in the slow direction?
fMosaic: BOOLEAN, -- use itemRes to degrade, rather than magnify
sSkip: CARDINAL, -- the number of lines to skip between ones displayed
bpp: [0..bitsPerWord], -- the number of bits per sample
background: CARDINAL -- the value corresponding to white, sign extended