DIRECTORY AccessFloppy, Floppy USING [FileHandle], IO USING [STREAM], VM USING [Interval, PageCount]; AccessFloppyUtil: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN CreateBuffer: PROC [size: VM.PageCount] RETURNS [spI: VM.Interval]; DeleteBuffer: PROC [spPtr: LONG POINTER]; FloppyToStream: PROCEDURE [space: VM.Interval, from: Floppy.FileHandle, to: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [bytesTransfered: AccessFloppy.LengthInBytes]; StreamToFloppy: PROCEDURE [space: VM.Interval, from: IO.STREAM, to: Floppy.FileHandle] RETURNS [bytesTransfered: AccessFloppy.LengthInBytes]; MesaStringFromAttributes: PROC [attris: AccessFloppy.Attributes, name: REF TEXT]; PutNameToAttributes: PROC [attris: AccessFloppy.Attributes, name: REF TEXT]; END. LOG. 3-Feb-82 17:51:40 by Muntz: Created file. 16-Aug-83 15:36:41 - Thorup - Changed Space.Handle to Space.Interval for conversion to Klamath BAccessFloppyUtil.mesa Copyright Σ 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Revised By: Thorup, 16-Aug-83 15:37:19 Tim Diebert: December 16, 1986 12:55:54 pm PST MIN[200, size] pages of space are created and mapped to virtualMemory. Unmap from virtualMemory and delete the space handle. read data from the floppy file and put data onto the stream. get data from stream and copy data onto the floppy file. Before copying data to the floppy file, the floppy file is set to be inconsistent and is set back to consistent state after the copying operation is done. Κw˜codešœ™K™