Copyright Ó 1985, 1986, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Tim Diebert: January 30, 1987 8:57:02 am PST
Rick Beach, November 25, 1985 8:18:04 am PST
Michael Plass, November 26, 1985 2:44:23 pm PST
Basics USING [bitsPerWord, DoubleShiftRight, LongMult],
CountedVM USING [Handle, SimpleAllocate],
FontTune USING [CreateFontTuner],
Imager USING [Context, metersPerInch, RotateT, ScaleT, SetPriorityImportant, TranslateT],
ImagerFastShow USING [Create],
ImagerPixelMap USING [DeviceRectangle, PixelMap, PixelMapRep, Clear],
ImagerRaster USING [FontTuner],
Loader USING [MakeProcedureResident, MakeGlobalFrameResident],
Process USING [Detach, Pause, MsecToTicks, Priority, GetPriority, priorityBackground, priorityFaultHandlers, priorityRealTime, SetPriority],
PrincOps USING [bitsPerWord, wordsPerPage, BBTableSpace, BBptr, PageCount],
PrincOpsUtils USING [AllocateNakedCondition, BITBLT, AlignedBBTable, GetClockPulses --, LongCopy --],
VM USING [Allocate, Interval, PageCount, PagesForWords, Pin ],
VMSideDoor USING [AssignSpecialRealMemory];
RavenDriverImpl: MONITOR
IMPORTS Basics, CountedVM, FontTune, Imager, ImagerFastShow, ImagerPixelMap, Loader, LSEPFace, Process, PrincOpsUtils, VM, VMSideDoor
EXPORTS RavenDriver
~ BEGIN OPEN RavenDriver;
myPixelMap: ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap ← [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NIL];
secondPixelMap: ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap ← [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NIL];
GetPrinterPixelMap: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [pixelMap: ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap] = {RETURN[myPixelMap]};
MakePrinterPixelMap: PROC RETURNS [pixelMap: ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap] = BEGIN
bounds: ImagerPixelMap.DeviceRectangle ← [0, 0, (8*300+300/2), (11*300)];
numBands: NAT = ((8*300+300/2)+15)/16;
numLines: CARDINAL = numBands * sizeEachBand;
wordsPerLine: NAT ~ activeLength;
words: LONG CARDINAL ~ Basics.LongMult[wordsPerLine, numLines];
pages: CARDINAL = VM.PagesForWords[words];
vm: CountedVM.Handle ← CountedVM.SimpleAllocate[words];
interval: VM.Interval ~ vm.interval;
refRep: REF ImagerPixelMap.PixelMapRep ← NEW[ImagerPixelMap.PixelMapRep ← [
ref: vm, pointer: vm.pointer, words: vm.words,
lgBitsPerPixel: 0, rast: wordsPerLine, lines: numLines]];
FOR i: INT ← 0, i+400 UNTIL i >= interval.count DO -- only pin about 100K each time
VM.Pin[[page: interval.page+i, count: MIN[interval.count-i, 400]]];
Process.Pause[Process.MsecToTicks[500]]; -- wait a half second for Laundry process
pixelMap.refRep ← refRep;
pixelMap.sMin ← 0;
pixelMap.fMin ← 0;
[pixelMap.sOrigin, pixelMap.fOrigin, pixelMap.sSize, pixelMap.fSize] ← bounds;
ContextFromPixelMap: PUBLIC PROC [pixelMap: ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap,
fontTunerParms: Rope.ROPENIL]
RETURNS [context: Imager.Context] = BEGIN
fontTuner: ImagerRaster.FontTuner ← NIL;
IF fontTunerParms # NIL THEN fontTuner ← FontTune.CreateFontTuner[fontTunerParms];
context ← ImagerFastShow.Create[pm: pixelMap, pixelsPerInch: RavenCodes.resolution[fast], pixelUnits: TRUE, fontTuner: fontTuner];
Imager.SetPriorityImportant[context, TRUE];
Imager.RotateT[context, -90.0];
Imager.TranslateT[context, [-(8*300+300/2), 0]];
Imager.ScaleT[context, RavenCodes.resolution[fast]/Imager.metersPerInch];
lastPaperFeed: RavenCodes.PrinterCommand ← feed;
SetRegistration: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [registration: RavenRegistration] = TRUSTED BEGIN
DivideUp: PROCEDURE [divident, divisor: CARDINAL] RETURNS [quotient: CARDINAL] = TRUSTED INLINE BEGIN RETURN[quotient: (divident + divisor - 1) / divisor]; END;
sets up arguments for call which will set page offsets
wordsFast: DivideUp[divident: registration.long * registrationTabSize,
divisor: PrincOps.bitsPerWord],
linesSlow: registration.short * registrationTabSize];
END; -- SetRegistration
lastBand: BOOL;
pageBufferIndex: CARDINAL; -- index to current band in page buffer
pageBufferIndexLast: CARDINAL; -- last meaningful band in page buffer
pageBufferBandBuffer: LONG POINTER; -- band buffer virtual address
bandBufferSize: PrincOps.PageCount = 16; -- From BandBLT
ScanLine: TYPE = [0..bandBufferSize); -- scan line index into a band
bandLast, band, firstBand: LSEPFace.Index;
bbTableSpace: PrincOps.BBTableSpace;
bb: PrincOps.BBptr ~ PrincOpsUtils.AlignedBBTable[@bbTableSpace];
dstBpl: INTEGER ~ PrincOps.wordsPerPage*Basics.bitsPerWord;
BandCopyInternal: PROCEDURE [pixelMap: ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap, pm: REF ImagerPixelMap.PixelMapRep] = INLINE BEGIN
copy from page buffer to imaging band, by scan line scan lines in the buffer are each wordsPerScanLine words scan lines in the imaging band are each 256 words, offset ahead by 256 words-wordsPerScanLine
bandOffset: CARDLONG[pageBufferIndex] * LONG[pm.rast] *
sourceAddr: LONG POINTER ← pm.pointer + Basics.LongMult[pageBufferIndex, pm.rast*sizeEachBand];
bb^ ← [
dst: [word: pageBufferBandBuffer, bit: 0],
dstBpl: dstBpl,
src: [word: sourceAddr, bit: 0],
srcDesc: [srcBpl[pm.rast*Basics.bitsPerWord]],
height: sizeEachBand,
width: pixelMap.fSize,
flags: [direction: forward, disjoint: TRUE, disjointItems: TRUE, gray: FALSE, srcFunc: null, dstFunc: null]
FOR scanIndex: ScanLine IN [FIRST[ScanLine]..LAST[ScanLine]] DO
from: PageBufferAddress[base, pageBufferIndex, scanIndex],
from: LOOPHOLE[pm.pointer + bandOffset + (scanIndex * LONG[pm.rast])],
nwords: activeLength,
to: LOOPHOLE[LOOPHOLE[pageBufferBandBuffer, LONG CARDINAL] + scanIndex * 256]];
IF (pageBufferIndex ← pageBufferIndex + 1) > pageBufferIndexLast THEN
{lastBand ← TRUE; bandLast ← band};
mark current band ready for imaging and get address and index of next
[nextBand: band, nextBandAddress: pageBufferBandBuffer] ← LSEPFace.AdvanceBand[currentBand: band];
END; -- BandCopyInternal
dataOnPulses: ARRAY [0 .. 256) OF CARDALL[0];
PrintFromPixelMap: PUBLIC PROC [pixelMap: ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap,
copies: CARDINAL ← 1, paperFeed: RavenDriver.PaperFeed ← alternating] RETURNS [endingStatus: PrinterStatus, type: StatusType] = BEGIN
RETURN [ropeStatus[noStatus], normal];
EXITS OutErr => {RETURN [ropeStatus[currStatus], error]};
currStatus: RavenCodes.PrinterStatus ← noStatus;
mySP: REF StatusProc ← NIL;
printing: BOOLFALSE;
newStatus: CONDITION;
SetScanLineLength: PUBLIC SAFE PROCEDURE [scanLineLength: (0..PrincOps.wordsPerPage]] = TRUSTED BEGIN
MonitorRavenStatus: PROC [] = BEGIN
Message: TYPE = {traysUnlatched, preRegistrationFault, postRegistrationJam, preExitJam, postExitJam, doorOpen, outputTrayFull, tonerLow, aboutToDozeOff, fuserUnderTemperature, imageFault, commandStatusFault, offLine, ok};
RegisterStatusProc: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [sp: StatusProc] = {mySP ← NEW[StatusProc ← sp]};
UnRegisterStatusProc: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [sp: StatusProc] = {mySP ← NIL};
LSEPFace.PutCommand[LOOPHOLE[RavenCodes.PrinterCommand[solicitStatus]]]; -- Jump start the Raven
bandBufferCount: LSEPFace.BandBufferCount ← 3;
wordsPerBand: CARDINAL = sizeEachBand * PrincOps.wordsPerPage;
sizeEachBand: CARDINAL = 16;
pagesNeedForBands: VM.PageCount = LSEPFace.MaxBands * sizeEachBand + 20;
vm: VM.Interval;
activeLength: (0..PrincOps.wordsPerPage] ← ((11*300)+15)/16;
statusCondition: LONG POINTER TO CONDITIONNIL; statusMask: WORD ← 0;
dataCondition: LONG POINTER TO CONDITIONNIL; dataMask: WORD ← 0;
Init: PROC [] = BEGIN
vm ← VM.Allocate[pagesNeedForBands];
VMSideDoor.AssignSpecialRealMemory[vm]; -- Move to low core and Pin
LSEPFace.AllocateBands[vm.page, bandBufferCount, sizeEachBand, 1];
myPixelMap ← MakePrinterPixelMap[];
secondPixelMap ← MakePrinterPixelMap[];
[statusCondition, statusMask] ← PrincOpsUtils.AllocateNakedCondition[];
[dataCondition, dataMask] ← PrincOpsUtils.AllocateNakedCondition[];
Process.SetTimeout[dataCondition, Process.SecondsToTicks[20]];
LSEPFace.SetInterruptMasks[0, statusMask, dataMask];
LSEPFace.PutCommand[LOOPHOLE[RavenCodes.PrinterCommand[solicitStatus]]]; -- Jump start the Raven
Process.Detach[FORK MonitorRavenStatus[]]; -- Up to realTime
ropeStatus: ARRAY RavenCodes.PrinterStatus OF PrinterStatus ← ALL[NIL];
ropeStatus[noStatus] ← "No status";
ropeStatus[key0] ← "key0";
ropeStatus[key1] ← "key1";
ropeStatus[key2] ← "key2";
ropeStatus[key3] ← "key3";
ropeStatus[key4] ← "key4";
ropeStatus[key5] ← "key5";
ropeStatus[key6] ← "key6";
ropeStatus[key7] ← "key7";
ropeStatus[key8] ← "key8";
ropeStatus[key9] ← "key9";
ropeStatus[keyClear] ← "keyClear";
ropeStatus[keyTest] ← "keyTest";
ropeStatus[keyOnLine] ← "keyOnLine";
ropeStatus[keyOffLine] ← "keyOffLine";
ropeStatus[warming] ← "Warming";
ropeStatus[standBy] ← "Ready";
ropeStatus[feederFault] ← "Feeder Fault";
ropeStatus[registrationJam] ← "Registration Jam";
ropeStatus[fuserJam] ← "Fuser Jam";
ropeStatus[noExit] ← "No Exit";
ropeStatus[interlockOpen] ← "Interlock Open";
ropeStatus[fuserCold] ← "Fuser Cold";
ropeStatus[feeding] ← "Feeding";
ropeStatus[readyToFeed] ← "Ready To Feed";
ropeStatus[displayAcknowledge] ← "displayAcknowledge";
ropeStatus[parityError] ← "parityError";
ropeStatus[unrecognizedCommand] ← "illegalCharacter";
ropeStatus[illegalSequence] ← "illegalSequence";
ropeStatus[feedTraysNotEngaged] ← "Paper Tray Open or Out of Paper";
ropeStatus[pageSync] ← "pageSync";
ropeStatus[pageAtOutputTray] ← "pageAtOutputTray";
ropeStatus[tonerLow] ← "Toner Low";
ropeStatus[goingOffLine] ← "goingOffLine";
ropeStatus[offLine] ← "offLine";
ropeStatus[outputTrayFull] ← "outputTrayFull";
ropeStatus[aboutToDozeOff] ← "Low Power Mode";
ropeStatus[statusError] ← "statusError";
ropeStatus[statusOverRun] ← "statusOverRun";