systemHost: ROPE, -- host name, including brackets, as in "[Indigo]"
userHost: ROPE, -- host name for users, including brackets, as in "[Ivy]"
current: ROPE, -- system root directory, including host, as in "[Indigo]<Cedar5.1>"
previous: ROPE, -- root directory of last release, as in "[Indigo]<Cedar>"
registry: ROPE, -- user's default Grapevine registry (as in "PA" for Palo Alto)
printerHost: ROPE, -- host name, including brackets, as in "[Printer]"
fontHost: ROPE, -- host name for users, including brackets, as in "[Fonts]"
currentSystem: ROPE, -- system root directory, including host, as in "[Printer]<CedarRaven>"
currentFont: ROPE, -- font root directory, including host, as in "[Fonts]<CedarRaven>"
printerType: ROPE -- printer type as in "Raven"
PROC [new: DefaultNames];
No error checking is performed, so the caller is presumed to be both honest and careful.
If new = NIL, the defaults are rest to the initial state.