-- CrossPackager.config -- Last edited by Satterthwaite, December 23, 1982 3:12 pm DIRECTORY BcdOperations: FROM "tempBcdOperations", BcdUtilities: FROM "tempBcdUtilities", HashTab: FROM "ProtoHashTab", Parser: FROM "ProtoParser", Scanner: FROM "ProtoScanner", TreePack: FROM "ProtoTreePack", PackControl: FROM "CrossPackControl"; Packager: CONFIGURATION LINKS: CODE IMPORTS --BcdOps,-- CIFS, ConvertUnsafe, Exec, ExecOps, File, FileStream, Heap, Inline, LongString, ProcessorFace, Rope, Runtime, Space, Stream, Time, Transaction, Volume CONTROL PackControl = BEGIN -- Routines to create new symbol table names, etc. BcdTabConfig: CONFIGURATION IMPORTS Alloc, Inline, PackagerDefs, LongString EXPORTS BcdUtilDefs, PackCode = BEGIN HashTab; BcdUtilities; PackagerBcdTabDriver; END; -- temporary BcdOps BcdOperations; -- Main packager modules PackControl; PackTreeBuild; SourceBcdImpl; SemanticEntryImpl; ProcessingOrderImpl; CodePackProcsImpl; FramePackModulesImpl; PackCodeImplA; PackCodeImplB; -- Parse-related modules Parser; PackParseData; Scanner; -- Shared Compiler, Binder, and system utilities BcdTabConfig; SymbolPack; -- Packager utility modules TreePack; HashTab; FileTableImpl; ModuleSymbolsImpl; PackListImpl; PieceTableImpl; ErrorImpl; PackDebugImpl; -- System utilities AllocImpl; CharIOImpl; CommandPack; END.