-- SemanticEntryImpl.mesa -- Last edited by JGS on 17-Sep-82 14:23:16 -- Last edited by Satterthwaite, December 29, 1982 4:19 pm DIRECTORY Alloc USING [AddNotify, DropNotify, Handle, Notifier, Words], BcdDefs USING [MTIndex, MTNull], Error USING [ Error, ErrorHti, FrameInTwoFramePacks, FrameNotPlaced, TableCompModuleNotIncAsUnit], PackagerDefs USING [globalData, GlobalData, packtreetype, packsttype], SemanticEntry USING [HTIndex, htNull, STIndex, STRecord], SourceBcd USING [ BcdTableLoc, ComponentKind, CTreeIndex, EnumerateModules, EnumerateModulesInConfig, Father, FindModuleOrConfig, Index, IsTableCompiled, LookupId, ModuleNum, moduleCount, ModuleNumForMti, nullCTreeIndex, Prev], Table USING [Base], Tree: FROM "PackTree" USING [Index, Link, Map, Scan, Test, null, nullIndex], TreeOps: FROM "PackTreeOps" USING [ GetHash, GetNode, GetSe, ListLength, ListHead, ListTail, ScanList, SearchList, UpdateList]; SemanticEntryImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS Alloc, Error, PackagerDefs, SourceBcd, TreeOps EXPORTS SemanticEntry = BEGIN OPEN SemanticEntry; SEerror: PROC = {ERROR BuildSEerror}; BuildSEerror: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; gd: PackagerDefs.GlobalData ← NIL; table: Alloc.Handle ← NIL; tb, stb: Table.Base; Notifier: Alloc.Notifier = { tb ← base[PackagerDefs.packtreetype]; stb ← base[PackagerDefs.packsttype]}; NewSemanticEntry: PROC RETURNS [newSE: STIndex] = { newSE ← table.Words[PackagerDefs.packsttype, STRecord.SIZE]; stb[newSE] ← [ hti: htNull, treeNode: Tree.nullIndex, kind: unknown[]]}; -- *********************** Build semantic entries ************************ anyMergeSegments, anyMergeFramePacks: BOOL; BuildSemanticEntries: PUBLIC PROC [--root: Tree.Link--] = { gd ← PackagerDefs.globalData; table ← gd.ownTable; table.AddNotify[Notifier]; anyMergeSegments ← anyMergeFramePacks ← FALSE; InitializeFrameArray[]; RecordSegAndFramePackIds[gd.root]; -- and set anyMergeSegments, anyMergeFramePacks ProcessSegAndFramePacks[gd.root]; IF anyMergeSegments THEN ProcessMergeSegments[gd.root]; IF anyMergeFramePacks THEN ProcessMergeFramePacks[gd.root]; VerifyAllFramesPlaced[]; DestroyFrameArray[]; ReleaseSegAndFramePackIds[]; table.DropNotify[Notifier]; table ← NIL; gd ← NIL}; -- ************* Verify correct placement of global frames ************* -- parse tree nodes of frame packs containing each global frame frameArray: LONG POINTER TO FrameMap ← NIL; -- SourceBcd.ModuleNum -> Tree.Index FrameMap: TYPE = RECORD [SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF Tree.Index]; InitializeFrameArray: PROC = { frameArray ← gd.zone.NEW[FrameMap[SourceBcd.moduleCount]]; FOR i: SourceBcd.ModuleNum IN [0..SourceBcd.moduleCount) DO frameArray[i] ← Tree.nullIndex; ENDLOOP}; DestroyFrameArray: PROC = {gd.zone.FREE[@frameArray]}; MarkFramePlaced: PROC [mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex, fpNode: Tree.Index] = { mNum: SourceBcd.ModuleNum ← SourceBcd.ModuleNumForMti[mti]; IF frameArray[mNum] # Tree.nullIndex THEN BEGIN fpId1: HTIndex = TreeOps.GetHash[tb[frameArray[mNum]].son[1]]; fpId2: HTIndex = TreeOps.GetHash[tb[fpNode].son[1]]; Error.FrameInTwoFramePacks[error, mti, fpId1, fpId2]; END ELSE frameArray[mNum] ← fpNode}; VerifyAllFramesPlaced: PROC = { VerifyOneFramePlaced: PROC [mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex] RETURNS [stop: BOOL] = BEGIN mNum: SourceBcd.ModuleNum ← SourceBcd.ModuleNumForMti[mti]; IF frameArray[mNum] = Tree.nullIndex THEN Error.FrameNotPlaced[warning, mti]; RETURN[FALSE]; END; SourceBcd.EnumerateModules[VerifyOneFramePlaced]}; -- ****** Management of segment and frame pack tree node arrays ****** segArray, fpArray: TreeNodeArray ← NIL; TreeNodeArray: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO TreeNodeMap; -- # -> Tree.Index TreeNodeMap: TYPE = RECORD [SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF Tree.Index]; segCount, fpCount: CARDINAL; currentSeg, currentFP: CARDINAL; RecordSegAndFramePackIds: PROC [root: Tree.Link] = { segCount ← fpCount ← 0; TreeOps.ScanList[root, CountSegOrFPId]; segArray ← gd.zone.NEW[TreeNodeMap[segCount]]; fpArray ← gd.zone.NEW[TreeNodeMap[fpCount]]; currentSeg ← currentFP ← 0; TreeOps.ScanList[root, NoteSegOrFPId]}; ReleaseSegAndFramePackIds: PROC = { gd.zone.FREE[@segArray]; gd.zone.FREE[@fpArray]; segCount ← fpCount ← 0}; CountSegOrFPId: Tree.Scan = { node: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; SELECT tb[node].name FROM codeSeg => segCount ← segCount+1; framePack => fpCount ← fpCount+1; merge => {segCount ← segCount+1; anyMergeSegments ← TRUE}; mergeFP => {fpCount ← fpCount+1; anyMergeFramePacks ← TRUE}; ENDCASE}; NoteSegOrFPId: Tree.Scan = { nodeName: HTIndex; i: CARDINAL; saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; node: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; gd.textIndex ← tb[node].info; nodeName ← TreeOps.GetHash[tb[node].son[1]]; SELECT tb[node].name FROM codeSeg, merge => BEGIN FOR i IN [0..currentSeg) DO IF nodeName = TreeOps.GetHash[tb[segArray[i]].son[1]] THEN BEGIN Error.ErrorHti[error, "appears twice as a code segment name"L, nodeName]; EXIT; END; ENDLOOP; segArray[currentSeg] ← node; currentSeg ← currentSeg+1; END; framePack, mergeFP => BEGIN FOR i IN [0..currentFP) DO IF nodeName = TreeOps.GetHash[tb[fpArray[i]].son[1]] THEN BEGIN Error.ErrorHti[error, "appears twice as a frame pack name"L, nodeName]; EXIT; END; ENDLOOP; fpArray[currentFP] ← node; currentFP ← currentFP+1; END; ENDCASE; gd.textIndex ← saveIndex}; FindSeg: PROC [ id: HTIndex] RETURNS [found: BOOL, segNode: Tree.Index] = { FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..segCount) DO segNode ← segArray[i]; IF id = TreeOps.GetHash[tb[segNode].son[1]] THEN RETURN[TRUE, segNode]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE, Tree.nullIndex]}; FindFramePack: PROC [id: HTIndex] RETURNS [found: BOOL, fpNode: Tree.Index] = { FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..fpCount) DO fpNode ← fpArray[i]; IF id = TreeOps.GetHash[tb[fpNode].son[1]] THEN RETURN[TRUE, fpNode]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE, Tree.nullIndex]}; -- ****** Process the identifiers in code segments and frame packs ****** ProcessSegAndFramePacks: PROC [root: Tree.Link] = { ProcessSegOrFP: Tree.Scan = BEGIN node: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; SELECT tb[node].name FROM codeSeg => ProcessOneCodeSeg[node]; framePack => ProcessOneFramePack[node]; ENDCASE; END; TreeOps.ScanList[root, ProcessSegOrFP]}; -- ********************** Process a code segment ********************** currentSegId: HTIndex; currentSegNode: Tree.Index; cpArray: TreeNodeArray ← NIL; -- code pack # -> tree node map cpCount, currentCP: CARDINAL; ProcessOneCodeSeg: PROC [segNode: Tree.Index] = { saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; gd.textIndex ← tb[segNode].info; currentSegNode ← segNode; currentSegId ← TreeOps.GetHash[tb[segNode].son[1]]; RecordCodePackIds[segNode]; ProcessCodePacks[segNode]; ReleaseCodePackIds[]; gd.textIndex ← saveIndex}; RecordCodePackIds: PROC [segNode: Tree.Index] = { cpCount ← TreeOps.ListLength[tb[segNode].son[2]]; cpArray ← gd.zone.NEW[TreeNodeMap[cpCount]]; currentCP ← 0; TreeOps.ScanList[tb[segNode].son[2], NoteCPId]}; ReleaseCodePackIds: PROC = { gd.zone.FREE[@cpArray]; cpCount ← 0}; NoteCPId: Tree.Scan = { cpNode: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; SELECT tb[cpNode].name FROM codePack, unnamedCodePack, discardCodePack => BEGIN cpId: HTIndex = TreeOps.GetHash[tb[cpNode].son[1]]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..currentCP) DO IF cpId = TreeOps.GetHash[tb[cpArray[i]].son[1]] THEN BEGIN Error.ErrorHti[error, "appears twice as a code pack name"L, cpId]; EXIT; END; ENDLOOP; cpArray[currentCP] ← cpNode; currentCP ← currentCP+1; END; ENDCASE => SEerror[]}; FindCodePack: PROC [ id: HTIndex] RETURNS [found: BOOL, cpNode: Tree.Index] = { FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..cpCount) DO cpNode ← cpArray[i]; IF id = TreeOps.GetHash[tb[cpNode].son[1]] THEN RETURN[TRUE, cpNode]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE, Tree.nullIndex]}; ProcessCodePacks: PROC [segNode: Tree.Index] = {TreeOps.ScanList[tb[segNode].son[2], ProcessOneCodePack]}; currentCpNode: Tree.Index; ProcessOneCodePack: Tree.Scan = { currentCpNode ← TreeOps.GetNode[t]; TreeOps.ScanList[tb[currentCpNode].son[2], ProcessOneComponentDesc]}; ProcessOneComponentDesc: Tree.Scan = { saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; cdNode: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; gd.textIndex ← tb[cdNode].info; SELECT tb[cdNode].name FROM allComp => ProcessAllComp[cdNode]; compItems => ProcessCompItems[cdNode]; exceptItems => ProcessExceptItems[cdNode]; exceptPacks => ProcessExceptPacks[cdNode]; itemsExceptPacks => ProcessItemsExceptPacks[cdNode]; exceptPacksItems => ProcessExceptPacksItems[cdNode]; mainOfPL => ProcessMainOfPL[cdNode]; evOfPL => ProcessEvOfPL[cdNode]; catchOfPL => ProcessCatchOfPL[cdNode]; ENDCASE => SEerror[]; tb[cdNode].cp ← currentCpNode; tb[cdNode].seg ← currentSegNode; gd.textIndex ← saveIndex}; ProcessAllComp: PROC [cdNode: Tree.Index] = { -- ComponentDesc ::= Component tb[cdNode].son[1] ← LookupComponent[tb[cdNode].son[1]]}; ProcessCompItems: PROC [cdNode: Tree.Index] = { -- ComponentDesc ::= Component [ItemList] tb[cdNode].son[1] ← LookupComponent[tb[cdNode].son[1]]; BEGIN componentSE: STIndex = TreeOps.GetSe[tb[cdNode].son[1]]; WITH stb[componentSE] SELECT FROM config => IF cNode # SourceBcd.nullCTreeIndex THEN tb[cdNode].son[2] ← LookupComponentItems[cNode, tb[cdNode].son[2]]; module => IF mNode # SourceBcd.nullCTreeIndex AND mti # BcdDefs.MTNull THEN IF SourceBcd.IsTableCompiled[mti] THEN Error.TableCompModuleNotIncAsUnit[error, mti]; ENDCASE; END}; ProcessExceptItems: PROC [cdNode: Tree.Index] = { -- ComponentDesc ::= Component EXCEPT [ItemList] tb[cdNode].son[1] ← LookupComponent[tb[cdNode].son[1]]; BEGIN componentSE: STIndex = TreeOps.GetSe[tb[cdNode].son[1]]; WITH stb[componentSE] SELECT FROM config => IF cNode # SourceBcd.nullCTreeIndex THEN tb[cdNode].son[2] ← LookupComponentItems[cNode, tb[cdNode].son[2]]; module => IF mNode # SourceBcd.nullCTreeIndex AND mti # BcdDefs.MTNull THEN IF SourceBcd.IsTableCompiled[mti] THEN Error.TableCompModuleNotIncAsUnit[error, mti]; ENDCASE; END}; ProcessExceptPacks: PROC [cdNode: Tree.Index] = { -- ComponentDesc ::= Component EXCEPT PackList tb[cdNode].son[1] ← LookupComponent[tb[cdNode].son[1]]; BEGIN componentSE: STIndex = TreeOps.GetSe[tb[cdNode].son[1]]; WITH stb[componentSE] SELECT FROM module => IF mNode # SourceBcd.nullCTreeIndex AND mti # BcdDefs.MTNull THEN IF SourceBcd.IsTableCompiled[mti] THEN Error.TableCompModuleNotIncAsUnit[error, mti]; ENDCASE; END; tb[cdNode].son[2] ← LookupCodePacks[tb[cdNode].son[2]]}; ProcessItemsExceptPacks: PROC [cdNode: Tree.Index] = { -- ComponentDesc ::= Component [ItemList] EXCEPT PackList tb[cdNode].son[1] ← LookupComponent[tb[cdNode].son[1]]; BEGIN componentSE: STIndex = TreeOps.GetSe[tb[cdNode].son[1]]; WITH stb[componentSE] SELECT FROM module => Error.Error[ error, "The component in this kind of component description must not be a module"L]; config => -- process ItemList IF cNode # SourceBcd.nullCTreeIndex THEN tb[cdNode].son[2] ← LookupComponentItems[cNode, tb[cdNode].son[2]]; ENDCASE; END; tb[cdNode].son[3] ← LookupCodePacks[tb[cdNode].son[3]]}; ProcessExceptPacksItems: PROC [cdNode: Tree.Index] = { -- ComponentDesc ::= Component EXCEPT PackList, [ItemList] tb[cdNode].son[1] ← LookupComponent[tb[cdNode].son[1]]; tb[cdNode].son[2] ← LookupCodePacks[tb[cdNode].son[2]]; BEGIN componentSE: STIndex = TreeOps.GetSe[tb[cdNode].son[1]]; WITH stb[componentSE] SELECT FROM config => IF cNode # SourceBcd.nullCTreeIndex THEN tb[cdNode].son[3] ← LookupComponentItems[cNode, tb[cdNode].son[3]]; module => IF mNode # SourceBcd.nullCTreeIndex AND mti # BcdDefs.MTNull THEN IF SourceBcd.IsTableCompiled[mti] THEN Error.TableCompModuleNotIncAsUnit[error, mti]; ENDCASE; END}; ProcessMainOfPL: PROC [cdNode: Tree.Index] = { -- ComponentDesc ::= MAIN OF PackList IF tb[currentCpNode].name = unnamedCodePack THEN Error.Error[ error, "A MAIN OF component description can not be used to specify an unnamed code pack"L]; DoMiscCodeCompDesc[cdNode]}; ProcessEvOfPL: PROC [cdNode: Tree.Index] = { -- ComponentDesc ::= ENTRY VECTOR OF PackList IF tb[currentCpNode].name = unnamedCodePack THEN Error.Error[ error, "An ENTRY VECTOR OF component description can not be used to specify an unnamed code pack"L]; DoMiscCodeCompDesc[cdNode]}; ProcessCatchOfPL: PROC [cdNode: Tree.Index] = { -- ComponentDesc ::= CATCH CODE OF PackList IF tb[currentCpNode].name = unnamedCodePack THEN Error.Error[ error, "A CATCH CODE OF component description can not be used to specify an unnamed code pack"L]; DoMiscCodeCompDesc[cdNode]}; DoMiscCodeCompDesc: PROC [cdNode: Tree.Index] = { -- process MAIN/ENTRY VECTOR/CATCH CODE OF PackList packList: Tree.Link = tb[cdNode].son[1]; IF TreeOps.ListLength[packList] = 1 THEN { -- name of current code seg? idLink: Tree.Link ← TreeOps.ListHead[packList]; id: HTIndex = TreeOps.GetHash[idLink]; IF id = currentSegId THEN { segIdSE: STIndex ← NewSemanticEntry[]; stb[segIdSE] ← [ hti: currentSegId, treeNode: currentSegNode, kind: segment[]]; tb[cdNode].son[1] ← Tree.Link[symbol[index: segIdSE]]; RETURN}}; tb[cdNode].son[1] ← LookupCodePacks[packList]}; LookupComponent: PROC [compList: Tree.Link] RETURNS [seLink: Tree.Link] = { componentSE: STIndex; node: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[compList]; saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; gd.textIndex ← tb[node].info; IF tb[node].name # component THEN SEerror[]; componentSE ← FindComponent[prototype, node]; gd.textIndex ← saveIndex; RETURN[Tree.Link[symbol[componentSE]]]}; LookupComponentItems: PROC [ -- in a configuration configNode: SourceBcd.CTreeIndex, itemList: Tree.Link] RETURNS [itemSElist: Tree.Link] = { LookupOneComponentItem: Tree.Map = { itemSE: STIndex; WITH t SELECT FROM hash => itemSE ← FindConfigItem[prototype, index, configNode]; subtree => { node: Tree.Index = index; SELECT tb[node].name FROM main => Error.Error[error, "MAIN is not directly contained in a configuration"L]; ev => Error.Error[error, "ENTRY VECTOR is not directly contained in a configuration"L]; catch => Error.Error[error, "CATCH CODE is not directly contained in a configuration"L]; ENDCASE => SEerror[]; itemSE ← NewSemanticEntry[]; stb[itemSE] ← [ hti: htNull, treeNode: Tree.nullIndex, kind: unknown[]]}; ENDCASE => SEerror[]; RETURN[Tree.Link[symbol[itemSE]]]}; RETURN[TreeOps.UpdateList[itemList, LookupOneComponentItem]]}; LookupCodePacks: PROC [idList: Tree.Link] RETURNS [packList: Tree.Link] = {RETURN[TreeOps.UpdateList[idList, LookupOneCodePack]]}; LookupOneCodePack: Tree.Map = { newSE: STIndex ← NewSemanticEntry[]; cpNode: Tree.Index; found: BOOL; cpId: HTIndex = TreeOps.GetHash[t]; [found, cpNode] ← FindCodePack[cpId]; IF found THEN stb[newSE] ← [hti: cpId, treeNode: cpNode, kind: codePack[]] ELSE BEGIN Error.ErrorHti[error, "is not a code pack in the current segment"L, cpId]; stb[newSE] ← [hti: cpId, treeNode: Tree.nullIndex, kind: unknown[]]; END; RETURN[Tree.Link[symbol[newSE]]]}; FindComponent: PROC [ kind: SourceBcd.ComponentKind, compNode: Tree.Index] RETURNS [compSE: STIndex] = { -- pass id stream (most qualified id first) to FindModuleOrConfig component: SourceBcd.CTreeIndex; idList: Tree.Link = tb[compNode].son[1]; idListLen: CARDINAL = TreeOps.ListLength[idList]; idListTail: Tree.Link = TreeOps.ListTail[idList]; currentIdNo: CARDINAL; ResetIdStream: PROC = {currentIdNo ← idListLen}; FirstQualId: PROC RETURNS [id: HTIndex] = BEGIN -- returns the first (i.e. rightmost or most qualified) id id ← TreeOps.GetHash[idListTail]; END; NextQualId: PROC RETURNS [id: HTIndex] = BEGIN -- returns next qualifying configuration id IF (currentIdNo ← currentIdNo-1) < 1 THEN RETURN [htNull]; BEGIN node: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[idList]; IF tb[node].name = list THEN id ← TreeOps.GetHash[tb[node].son[currentIdNo]] ELSE SEerror[]; END; END; IF idList = Tree.null THEN SEerror[]; component ← SourceBcd.FindModuleOrConfig[ kind, ResetIdStream, FirstQualId, NextQualId]; compSE ← NewSemanticEntry[]; IF component = SourceBcd.nullCTreeIndex THEN stb[compSE] ← [hti: FirstQualId[], treeNode: compNode, kind: unknown[]] ELSE { index: SourceBcd.BcdTableLoc = component.Index; WITH index SELECT FROM config => stb[compSE] ← [ hti: FirstQualId[], treeNode: compNode, kind: config[cti: cti, cNode: component]]; module => stb[compSE] ← [ hti: FirstQualId[], treeNode: compNode, kind: module[mti: mti, mNode: component]]; ENDCASE}; RETURN[compSE]}; FindConfigItem: PROC [ kind: SourceBcd.ComponentKind, id: HTIndex, configNode: SourceBcd.CTreeIndex] RETURNS [itemSE: STIndex] = { -- find the directly contained module or config "id" in configNode item: SourceBcd.CTreeIndex; itemSE ← NewSemanticEntry[]; item ← SourceBcd.LookupId[id, kind]; WHILE item # SourceBcd.nullCTreeIndex DO IF item.Father = configNode THEN EXIT; item ← item.Prev[kind]; -- are there any alternatives? ENDLOOP; IF item = SourceBcd.nullCTreeIndex THEN BEGIN Error.ErrorHti[error, "is not a directly contained item"L, id]; stb[itemSE] ← [hti: id, treeNode: Tree.nullIndex, kind: unknown[]] END ELSE { index: SourceBcd.BcdTableLoc = item.Index; WITH index SELECT FROM config => stb[itemSE] ← [ hti: id, treeNode: Tree.nullIndex, kind: config[cti: cti, cNode: item]]; module => stb[itemSE] ← [ hti: id, treeNode: Tree.nullIndex, kind: module[mti: mti, mNode: item]]; ENDCASE}; RETURN[itemSE]}; -- ********************** Process a frame pack ********************** currentFpNode: Tree.Index; ProcessOneFramePack: PROC [fpNode: Tree.Index] = { saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; gd.textIndex ← tb[fpNode].info; currentFpNode ← fpNode; TreeOps.ScanList[tb[fpNode].son[2], ProcessOneFpCompDesc]; gd.textIndex ← saveIndex}; ProcessOneFpCompDesc: Tree.Scan = { saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; cdNode: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; gd.textIndex ← tb[cdNode].info; SELECT tb[cdNode].name FROM allComp => AllFramesOfOneComponent[cdNode]; compItems => FramesOfComponentItems[cdNode]; ENDCASE => Error.Error[ error, "Invalid component description for a frame pack"L]; gd.textIndex ← saveIndex}; AllFramesOfOneComponent: PROC [cdNode: Tree.Index] = { -- ComponentDesc ::= Component (all global frames of component) tb[cdNode].son[1] ← LookupFpComponent[tb[cdNode].son[1]]}; FramesOfComponentItems: PROC [cdNode: Tree.Index] = { -- ComponentDesc ::= Component [ItemList] (frames of component's items) componentSE: STIndex; -- process frame pack component node: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[tb[cdNode].son[1]]; saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; gd.textIndex ← tb[node].info; IF tb[node].name # component THEN SEerror[]; componentSE ← FindComponent[instance, node]; tb[cdNode].son[1] ← Tree.Link[symbol[componentSE]]; WITH stb[componentSE] SELECT FROM config => IF cNode # SourceBcd.nullCTreeIndex THEN tb[cdNode].son[2] ← LookupFpComponentItems[cNode, tb[cdNode].son[2]]; module => Error.Error[ error, "A component description with an itemlist in a frame pack must name a configuration"L]; ENDCASE; gd.textIndex ← saveIndex}; LookupFpComponent: PROC [compList: Tree.Link] RETURNS [seLink: Tree.Link] = { componentSE: STIndex; MarkOneFramePlaced: PROC [mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex] RETURNS [stop: BOOL] = { MarkFramePlaced[mti, currentFpNode]; RETURN[FALSE]}; node: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[compList]; saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; gd.textIndex ← tb[node].info; IF tb[node].name # component THEN SEerror[]; componentSE ← FindComponent[instance, node]; WITH stb[componentSE] SELECT FROM module => MarkFramePlaced[mti, currentFpNode]; config => SourceBcd.EnumerateModulesInConfig[cNode, $instance, MarkOneFramePlaced]; ENDCASE; gd.textIndex ← saveIndex; RETURN[Tree.Link[symbol[componentSE]]]}; LookupFpComponentItems: PROC [ compNode: SourceBcd.CTreeIndex, itemList: Tree.Link] RETURNS [itemSElist: Tree.Link] = { LookupOneFpComponentItem: Tree.Map = BEGIN itemSE: STIndex ← NewSemanticEntry[]; MarkOneFramePlaced: PROC [mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex] RETURNS [stop: BOOL] = {MarkFramePlaced[mti, currentFpNode]; RETURN[FALSE]}; WITH t SELECT FROM hash => BEGIN itemSE ← FindConfigItem[instance, index, compNode]; WITH stb[itemSE] SELECT FROM module => MarkFramePlaced[mti, currentFpNode]; config => SourceBcd.EnumerateModulesInConfig[cNode, $instance, MarkOneFramePlaced]; ENDCASE; END; subtree => BEGIN node: Tree.Index = index; SELECT tb[node].name FROM main => Error.Error[error, "MAIN procedures do not have global frames"L]; ev => Error.Error[error, "Entry vectors do not have global frames"L]; catch => Error.Error[error, "Catch code does not have a global frame"L]; ENDCASE => SEerror[]; stb[itemSE] ← [hti: htNull, treeNode: Tree.nullIndex, kind: unknown[]]; END; ENDCASE => SEerror[]; RETURN[Tree.Link[symbol[itemSE]]]; END; RETURN[TreeOps.UpdateList[itemList, LookupOneFpComponentItem]]}; -- ********************** Process merged code segments ********************** ProcessMergeSegments: PROC [root: Tree.Link] = { LookForMergeSeg: Tree.Scan = BEGIN node: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; SELECT tb[node].name FROM merge => ProcessOneMergeSeg[node]; ENDCASE; END; TreeOps.ScanList[root, LookForMergeSeg]}; ProcessOneMergeSeg: PROC [mergeNode: Tree.Index] = { saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; gd.textIndex ← tb[mergeNode].info; ProcessIdsOfMergedOldSegs[mergeNode]; RecordCodePackIds[mergeNode]; ProcessMergeCodePacks[mergeNode]; VerifyAllOldCodePacksPlaced[mergeNode]; ReleaseCodePackIds[]; gd.textIndex ← saveIndex}; mergedOldSegIdList: Tree.Link; ProcessIdsOfMergedOldSegs: PROC [mergeNode: Tree.Index] = { mergedOldSegIdList ← tb[mergeNode].son[3] ← TreeOps.UpdateList[ tb[mergeNode].son[3], ProcessIdOfOneOldMergedSeg]}; ProcessIdOfOneOldMergedSeg: Tree.Map = { oldSegSE: STIndex ← NewSemanticEntry[]; found: BOOL; oldSegNode: Tree.Index; oldSegId: HTIndex = TreeOps.GetHash[t]; [found, oldSegNode] ← FindSeg[oldSegId]; IF found THEN BEGIN stb[oldSegSE] ← [ hti: oldSegId, treeNode: oldSegNode, kind: segment[]]; tb[oldSegNode].attrs[$superceded] ← TRUE; -- mark old segment superceded TreeOps.ScanList[tb[oldSegNode].son[2], MarkOldCodePackSuperceded]; END ELSE BEGIN Error.ErrorHti[error, "is not a known segment"L, oldSegId]; stb[oldSegSE] ← [ hti: oldSegId, treeNode: Tree.nullIndex, kind: unknown[]]; END; RETURN[Tree.Link[symbol[oldSegSE]]]}; MarkOldCodePackSuperceded: Tree.Scan = { cpNode: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; SELECT tb[cpNode].name FROM codePack, unnamedCodePack, discardCodePack => BEGIN tb[cpNode].attrs[$superceded] ← TRUE; -- mark old code pack superceded and tb[cpNode].attrs[$placed] ← FALSE; -- not yet placed in new merge segment END; ENDCASE => SEerror[]}; ProcessMergeCodePacks: PROC [mergeNode: Tree.Index] = {TreeOps.ScanList[tb[mergeNode].son[2], ProcessOneMergeCodePack]}; oldDiscardCodePackFound: BOOL; ProcessOneMergeCodePack: Tree.Scan = { cpNode: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; IF tb[cpNode].attrs[$exceptMAIN] THEN Error.Error[ error, "A code pack in a merged segment can not contain an EXCEPT [MAIN] clause"L]; IF tb[cpNode].attrs[$exceptEV] THEN Error.Error[ error, "A code pack in a merged segment can not contain an EXCEPT [ENTRY VECTOR] clause"L]; IF tb[cpNode].attrs[$exceptCatch] THEN Error.Error[ error, "A code pack in a merged segment can not contain an EXCEPT [CATCH CODE] clause"L]; oldDiscardCodePackFound ← FALSE; tb[cpNode].son[2] ← TreeOps.UpdateList[ tb[cpNode].son[2], ProcessOneMergeCompDesc]; IF oldDiscardCodePackFound AND tb[cpNode].name = unnamedCodePack AND (TreeOps.ListLength[tb[cpNode].son[2]] = 1) THEN tb[cpNode].name ← discardCodePack}; -- propogate DISCARD attribute ProcessOneMergeCompDesc: Tree.Map = { saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; oldCpId: HTIndex; oldCpNode: Tree.Index; oldCpSE: STIndex ← NewSemanticEntry[]; cdNode: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; gd.textIndex ← tb[cdNode].info; SELECT tb[cdNode].name FROM allComp => BEGIN [oldCpId, oldCpNode] ← ProcessMergeComponent[tb[cdNode].son[1]]; stb[oldCpSE] ← [hti: oldCpId, treeNode: oldCpNode, kind: codePack[]]; IF tb[oldCpNode].name = discardCodePack THEN oldDiscardCodePackFound ← TRUE; END; ENDCASE => BEGIN Error.Error[error, "A component description in a merged code segment may only be a reference to an old code pack"L]; stb[oldCpSE] ← [ hti: htNull, treeNode: Tree.nullIndex, kind: unknown[]]; END; gd.textIndex ← saveIndex; RETURN[Tree.Link[symbol[oldCpSE]]]}; ProcessMergeComponent: PROC [ mergeCompLink: Tree.Link] RETURNS [oldCpId: HTIndex, oldCpNode: Tree.Index] = { oldCpIdLink: Tree.Link; compNode: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[mergeCompLink]; saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; gd.textIndex ← tb[compNode].info; IF tb[compNode].name # component THEN SEerror[]; oldCpIdLink ← TreeOps.ListTail[tb[compNode].son[1]]; oldCpId ← TreeOps.GetHash[oldCpIdLink]; oldCpNode ← FindOldCodePackNode[tb[compNode].son[1]]; IF oldCpNode # Tree.nullIndex THEN IF tb[oldCpNode].attrs[$placed] THEN Error.ErrorHti[ error, "was already placed in a merged segment"L, oldCpId] ELSE tb[oldCpNode].attrs[$placed] ← TRUE; -- mark placed in merged segment gd.textIndex ← saveIndex}; FindOldCodePackNode: PROC [ oldCpIdList: Tree.Link] RETURNS [oldCpNode: Tree.Index] = { SELECT TreeOps.ListLength[oldCpIdList] FROM = 1 => -- oldCodePackId RETURN[FindUnQualOldCodePackNode[oldCpIdList]]; = 2 => -- oldSegmentId.oldCodePackId RETURN[FindQualOldCodePackNode[oldCpIdList]]; ENDCASE => BEGIN Error.Error[ error, "A component description for a merged code segment must be an optionally qualified old code pack name"L]; RETURN[Tree.nullIndex]; END}; FindUnQualOldCodePackNode: PROC [ oldCpIdList: Tree.Link] RETURNS [oldCpNode: Tree.Index] = { oldCpIdLink: Tree.Link; oldCpId: HTIndex; oldCpFound: BOOL; LookForOldCpIdInOldSeg: Tree.Test = BEGIN oldSegNode: Tree.Index; oldSegSE: STIndex = TreeOps.GetSe[t]; WITH stb[oldSegSE] SELECT FROM segment => BEGIN oldSegNode ← treeNode; [oldCpFound, oldCpNode] ← LookupCpInOldSeg[oldCpId, oldSegNode]; END; ENDCASE => SEerror[]; RETURN[oldCpFound]; -- continue search until found END; oldCpIdLink ← TreeOps.ListTail[oldCpIdList]; oldCpId ← TreeOps.GetHash[oldCpIdLink]; oldCpFound ← FALSE; oldCpNode ← Tree.nullIndex; TreeOps.SearchList[mergedOldSegIdList, LookForOldCpIdInOldSeg]; IF ~oldCpFound THEN BEGIN Error.ErrorHti[error, "is not a known code pack"L, oldCpId]; RETURN[Tree.nullIndex]; END}; FindQualOldCodePackNode: PROC [ oldCpIdList: Tree.Link] RETURNS [oldCpNode: Tree.Index] = { oldSegIdLink, oldCpIdLink: Tree.Link; oldSegId, oldCpId: HTIndex; oldSegNode: Tree.Index; found: BOOL; oldSegIdLink ← TreeOps.ListHead[oldCpIdList]; oldSegId ← TreeOps.GetHash[oldSegIdLink]; oldCpIdLink ← TreeOps.ListTail[oldCpIdList]; oldCpId ← TreeOps.GetHash[oldCpIdLink]; [found, oldSegNode] ← FindSeg[oldSegId]; IF ~found THEN BEGIN Error.ErrorHti[error, "is not a known segment"L, oldSegId]; RETURN[Tree.nullIndex]; END; VerifyInMergedSegIdList[oldSegId]; [found, oldCpNode] ← LookupCpInOldSeg[oldCpId, oldSegNode]; IF ~found THEN BEGIN Error.ErrorHti[error, "is not a known code pack"L, oldCpId]; RETURN[Tree.nullIndex]; END}; VerifyInMergedSegIdList: PROC [oldSegId: HTIndex] = { inMergedSegIdList: BOOL; LookForOldSegId: Tree.Test = BEGIN oldSegSE: STIndex = TreeOps.GetSe[t]; WITH stb[oldSegSE] SELECT FROM segment => IF hti = oldSegId THEN inMergedSegIdList ← TRUE; ENDCASE; RETURN[inMergedSegIdList]; -- continue search until found END; inMergedSegIdList ← FALSE; TreeOps.SearchList[mergedOldSegIdList, LookForOldSegId]; IF ~inMergedSegIdList THEN Error.ErrorHti[error, "is not a segment being merged"L, oldSegId]}; LookupCpInOldSeg: PROC [ oldCpId: HTIndex, oldSegNode: Tree.Index] RETURNS [found: BOOL, oldCpNode: Tree.Index] = { LookForOldCpId: Tree.Test = BEGIN cpNode: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; IF TreeOps.GetHash[tb[cpNode].son[1]] = oldCpId THEN { found ← TRUE; oldCpNode ← cpNode}; RETURN[found]; -- continue search until found END; found ← FALSE; oldCpNode ← Tree.nullIndex; TreeOps.SearchList[tb[oldSegNode].son[2], LookForOldCpId]}; VerifyAllOldCodePacksPlaced: PROC [mergeNode: Tree.Index] = { saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; gd.textIndex ← tb[mergeNode].info; TreeOps.ScanList[mergedOldSegIdList, VerifyOneOldSegsCodePacksPlaced]; gd.textIndex ← saveIndex}; VerifyOneOldSegsCodePacksPlaced: Tree.Scan = { oldSegNode: Tree.Index; oldSegSE: STIndex = TreeOps.GetSe[t]; WITH stb[oldSegSE] SELECT FROM segment => BEGIN oldSegNode ← treeNode; TreeOps.ScanList[tb[oldSegNode].son[2], VerifyOneOldCodePackPlaced]; END; ENDCASE}; VerifyOneOldCodePackPlaced: Tree.Scan = { oldCpNode: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; SELECT tb[oldCpNode].name FROM codePack, unnamedCodePack, discardCodePack => IF ~tb[oldCpNode].attrs[$placed] THEN -- wasn't placed in new merge segment BEGIN oldCpId: HTIndex ← TreeOps.GetHash[tb[oldCpNode].son[1]]; Error.ErrorHti[ error, "was not placed in the merged segment"L, oldCpId]; END; ENDCASE => SEerror[]}; -- ********************** Process merged frame packs ********************** ProcessMergeFramePacks: PROC [root: Tree.Link] = { LookForMergeFP: Tree.Scan = BEGIN node: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; SELECT tb[node].name FROM mergeFP => ProcessOneMergeFP[node]; ENDCASE; END; TreeOps.ScanList[root, LookForMergeFP]}; ProcessOneMergeFP: PROC [mergeFPNode: Tree.Index] = { saveIndex: CARDINAL = gd.textIndex; gd.textIndex ← tb[mergeFPNode].info; ProcessIdsOfMergedOldFPs[mergeFPNode]; gd.textIndex ← saveIndex}; mergedOldFPIdList: Tree.Link; ProcessIdsOfMergedOldFPs: PROC [mergeFPNode: Tree.Index] = { mergedOldFPIdList ← tb[mergeFPNode].son[2] ← TreeOps.UpdateList[ tb[mergeFPNode].son[2], ProcessIdOfOneOldMergedFP]}; ProcessIdOfOneOldMergedFP: Tree.Map = { oldFPSE: STIndex ← NewSemanticEntry[]; found: BOOL; oldFPNode: Tree.Index; oldFPId: HTIndex = TreeOps.GetHash[t]; [found, oldFPNode] ← FindFramePack[oldFPId]; IF found THEN BEGIN stb[oldFPSE] ← [ hti: oldFPId, treeNode: oldFPNode, kind: framePack[]]; tb[oldFPNode].attrs[$superceded] ← TRUE; -- mark old frame pack superceded END ELSE BEGIN Error.ErrorHti[error, "is not a known frame pack"L, oldFPId]; stb[oldFPSE] ← [ hti: oldFPId, treeNode: Tree.nullIndex, kind: unknown[]]; END; RETURN[Tree.Link[symbol[oldFPSE]]]}; END.