-- BcdDefs.mesa -- last edited by Satterthwaite on July 27, 1983 4:22 pm DIRECTORY PrincOps: TYPE USING [EPIndex, GFTIndex, GFTNull, MaxFrameSize, MaxNGfi], Table: TYPE USING [Base, Limit, Selector], TimeStamp: TYPE USING [Null, Stamp]; BcdDefs: DEFINITIONS = { Base: TYPE = Table.Base; -- allocation codes for the binder BinderNTables: CARDINAL = 20; treetype: Table.Selector = 0; -- trees httype: Table.Selector = 1; -- hash table sstype: Table.Selector = 2; -- (packed) string table cttype: Table.Selector = 3; -- config table mttype: Table.Selector = 4; -- module table imptype: Table.Selector = 5; -- import table exptype: Table.Selector = 6; -- export table sgtype: Table.Selector = 7; -- segment table fttype: Table.Selector = 8; -- file table sttype: Table.Selector = 9; -- semantic table cxtype: Table.Selector = 10; -- context table nttype: Table.Selector = 11; -- name table evtype: Table.Selector = 12; -- external variable table sptype: Table.Selector = 13; -- space table fptype: Table.Selector = 14; -- frame pack table typtype: Table.Selector = 15; -- type table tmtype: Table.Selector = 16; -- type table lftype: Table.Selector = 17; -- link fragment table rftype: Table.Selector = 18; -- ref literal and atom fragment table tftype: Table.Selector = 19; -- type fragment table -- version identification VersionStamp: TYPE = TimeStamp.Stamp; NullVersion: TimeStamp.Stamp = TimeStamp.Null; -- BCD Header VersionID: CARDINAL = 12101; BCD: TYPE = RECORD [ versionIdent: CARDINAL, version: VersionStamp, creator: VersionStamp, sourceVersion: VersionStamp, source: NameRecord, spare1, spare2: BOOL, nPages: [0..512), nConfigs, nModules: CARDINAL, nImports, nExports: CARDINAL, definitions, repackaged, typeExported, tableCompiled: BOOL, versions, spare3: BOOL, firstdummy: GFTIndex, nDummies: CARDINAL, ssOffset: CARDINAL, -- string table ssLimit: CARDINAL, ctOffset: CARDINAL, -- config table ctLimit: CTIndex, mtOffset: CARDINAL, -- module table mtLimit: MTIndex, impOffset: CARDINAL, -- import table impLimit: IMPIndex, expOffset: CARDINAL, -- export table expLimit: EXPIndex, evOffset: CARDINAL, -- external variable table evLimit: EVIndex, sgOffset: CARDINAL, -- segment table sgLimit: SGIndex, ftOffset: CARDINAL, -- file table ftLimit: FTIndex, spOffset: CARDINAL, -- space table spLimit: SPIndex, ntOffset: CARDINAL, -- name table ntLimit: NTIndex, typOffset: CARDINAL, -- type table typLimit: TYPIndex, tmOffset: CARDINAL, -- type map table tmLimit: TMIndex, fpOffset: CARDINAL, -- frame pack table fpLimit: FPIndex, lfOffset: CARDINAL, -- link fragment table lfLimit: LFIndex, rfOffset: CARDINAL, -- ref literal fragment table rfLimit: RFIndex, tfOffset: CARDINAL, -- type fragment table tfLimit: TFIndex, rtPages: RECORD [relPageBase, pages: [0..256)]]; -- atom print names, type table, etc. -- Portable Type Portable: TYPE = {module, interface}; -- Name Table PackedString: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ SELECT OVERLAID * FROM string => [string: StringBody], size => [size: PACKED ARRAY [-3..-3) OF [0..256)] ENDCASE]; NameRecord: TYPE = RECORD [CARDINAL]; NullName: NameRecord = [1]; NTRecord: TYPE = RECORD [name: NameRecord, item: Namee]; Namee: TYPE = RECORD [ SELECT type: * FROM config => [cti: CTIndex], module => [mti: MTIndex], import => [impi: IMPIndex], export => [expi: EXPIndex] ENDCASE]; NTIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO NTRecord; NTNull: NTIndex = NTIndex.LAST; -- Configuration Table CTRecord: TYPE = --MACHINE DEPENDENT-- RECORD [ name: NameRecord, namedInstance: BOOL, file: FTIndex, config: CTIndex, nControls: CARDINAL, controls: ARRAY [0..0) OF Namee]; -- only config or module are valid CTIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO CTRecord; CTNull: CTIndex = CTIndex.LAST; -- Module Table LinkLocation: TYPE = {frame, code, dontcare}; MTRecord: TYPE = --MACHINE DEPENDENT-- RECORD [ name: NameRecord, namedInstance: BOOL, initial: BOOL, file: FTIndex, linkLoc: LinkLocation, config: CTIndex, code: CodeDesc, sseg: SGIndex, long, tableCompiled, boundsChecks, nilChecks: BOOL, links: LFIndex, refLiterals: RFIndex, types: TFIndex, frameRefs: BOOL, frameType: [0..Table.Limit/2), -- type frag index framesize: [0..PrincOps.MaxFrameSize), spare, residentFrame, crossJumped, packageable: BOOL, gfi: GFTIndex, variables: EVIndex, ngfi: [1..PrincOps.MaxNGfi]]; CodeDesc: TYPE = RECORD [ sgi: SGIndex, packed: BOOL, linkspace: BOOL, offset, length: CARDINAL]; MTIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO MTRecord; MTNull: MTIndex = MTIndex.LAST; -- Import Table IMPRecord: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameRecord, port: Portable, namedInstance: BOOL, file: FTIndex, gfi: GFTIndex, ngfi: [1..PrincOps.MaxNGfi]]; IMPIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO IMPRecord; IMPNull: IMPIndex = IMPIndex.LAST; -- Export Table EXPRecord: TYPE = --MACHINE DEPENDENT-- RECORD [ name: NameRecord, size: [0..377b], port: Portable, namedInstance, typeExported: BOOL, file: FTIndex, links: ARRAY [0..0) OF Link]; EXPIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO EXPRecord; EXPNull: EXPIndex = EXPIndex.LAST; -- External Variable Table EVRecord: TYPE = RECORD [length: CARDINAL, offsets: ARRAY [1..1) OF CARDINAL]; EVIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO EVRecord; EVNull: EVIndex = EVIndex.LAST; -- Segment Table SegClass: TYPE = {code, symbols, acMap, other}; SGRecord: TYPE = RECORD [ class: SegClass, file: FTIndex, base: CARDINAL, pages, extraPages: [0..256)]; SGIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO SGRecord; SGNull: SGIndex = SGIndex.LAST; -- File Table FTRecord: TYPE = RECORD [name: NameRecord, version: VersionStamp]; FTIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO FTRecord; FTNull: FTIndex = FTIndex.LAST; FTSelf: FTIndex = FTIndex.LAST - 1; -- Space Table SPRecord: TYPE = --MACHINE DEPENDENT-- RECORD [ seg: SGIndex, name: NameRecord, length: CARDINAL, spaces: ARRAY [0..0) OF SpaceID]; SpaceID: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameRecord, resident: BOOL, offset: [0..256), pages: [1..128]]; SPIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO SPRecord; SPNull: SPIndex = SPIndex.LAST; -- Frame Pack Table FPRecord: TYPE = --MACHINE DEPENDENT-- RECORD [ name: NameRecord, length: CARDINAL, modules: ARRAY [0..0) OF MTIndex]; FPIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO FPRecord; FPNull: FPIndex = FPIndex.LAST; -- Type Table TYPRecord: TYPE = RECORD [version: VersionStamp, id: RECORD [UNSPECIFIED]]; TYPIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO TYPRecord; TYPNull: TYPIndex = TYPIndex.LAST; -- Type Map Table TMRecord: TYPE = RECORD [ version: VersionStamp, offset: CARDINAL, map: TYPIndex]; TMIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO TMRecord; TMNull: TMIndex = TMIndex.LAST; -- Links GFTIndex: TYPE = PrincOps.GFTIndex; nullGFTIndex, GFTNull: GFTIndex = PrincOps.GFTNull; EPIndex: TYPE = PrincOps.EPIndex; EPLimit: CARDINAL = EPIndex.LAST + 1; VarIndex: TYPE = [0..17b]; VarLimit: CARDINAL = VarIndex.LAST + 1; nullLink, NullLink: Link = [procedure[0, 0, FALSE]]; unboundLink, UnboundLink: Link = [procedure[0, 0, TRUE]]; LinkTag: TYPE = {variable, procedure, type}; VarTag: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {var(0), proc0(1), type(2), proc1(3)}; LinkFrag: TYPE = RECORD [frag: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF Link]; Link: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ rep(0): SELECT OVERLAID LinkTag FROM -- decoded by self.vtag variable => [vgfi(0:0..9): GFTIndex, var(0:10..13): VarIndex, vtag(0:14..15): VarTag], procedure => [gfi(0:0..9): GFTIndex, ep(0:10..14): EPIndex, tag(0:15..15): BOOL], type => [typeID(0:0..13): TYPIndex, type(0:14..14): BOOL, proc(0:15..15): BOOL] ENDCASE]; LFIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO LinkFrag; LFNull: LFIndex = LFIndex.LAST; -- Atoms and REFs to literals (Cedar only) RefLitFrag: TYPE = RECORD [offset: CARDINAL, frag: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF RefLitIndex]; RefLitIndex: TYPE = RECORD [NAT]; RFIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO RefLitFrag; RFNull: RFIndex = RFIndex.LAST; -- Types (Cedar only) TypeFrag: TYPE = RECORD [offset: CARDINAL, frag: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF TypeIndex]; TypeIndex: TYPE = RECORD [NAT]; TFIndex: TYPE = Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO TypeFrag; TFNull: TFIndex = TFIndex.LAST; }.