-- file Store.mesa -- last modified by Sweet, 14-Dec-81 10:38:19 -- last modified by Satterthwaite, December 16, 1982 11:12 am DIRECTORY Alloc: TYPE USING [Notifier], Code: TYPE USING [fileindex, tailJumpOK, xtracting, xtractlex, xtractsei], CodeDefs: TYPE USING [ Base, BoVarIndex, codeType, Lexeme, NullLex, StoreOptions, VarComponent, VarIndex, VarNull, wordlength], Counting: TYPE USING [VarVarAssignCounted], FOpCodes: TYPE USING [qBLZL, qDB, qFF, qLP, qSL], P5: TYPE USING [ All, Construct, Exp, GenTempLex, LogHeapFree, MultiZero, PushLProcDesc, RowCons, VariantConstruct], P5L: TYPE USING [ AdjustComponent, ComponentForSE, CopyToTemp, EasilyLoadable, EasyToLoad, FieldOfComponent, FieldOfVar, GenVarItem, LoadAddress, LoadComponent, LoadVar, MakeBo, ModComponent, OVarItem, ReleaseVarItem, ReusableCopies, StoreComponent, TOSAddrLex, TOSComponent, TOSLex, VarForLex, VarVarAssign, Words], P5S: TYPE USING [], P5U: TYPE USING [ BitsForOperand, LongTreeAddress, NextVar, OperandType, Out0, Out1, PrevVar, PushLitVal, WordAligned], Stack: TYPE USING [Clear, Dup, Pop], SymbolOps: TYPE USING [FirstCtxSe, FnField, NextSe, RecField], Symbols: TYPE USING [ Base, BitAddress, bodyType, CBTIndex, ContextLevel, ISEIndex, ISENull, lG, RecordSEIndex, seType], Tree: TYPE USING [Base, Index, Link, Null, treeType], TreeOps: TYPE USING [GetNode, OpName, NthSon, ReverseUpdateList, ScanList]; Store: PROGRAM IMPORTS CPtr: Code, Counting, P5U, P5L, P5, Stack, SymbolOps, TreeOps EXPORTS CodeDefs, P5, P5S = BEGIN OPEN CodeDefs, SymbolOps; -- imported definitions BitAddress: TYPE = Symbols.BitAddress; CBTIndex: TYPE = Symbols.CBTIndex; ISEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.ISEIndex; ISENull: ISEIndex = Symbols.ISENull; lG: Symbols.ContextLevel = Symbols.lG; RecordSEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.RecordSEIndex; tb: Tree.Base; -- tree base (local copy) seb: Symbols.Base; -- semantic entry base (local copy) bb: Symbols.Base; -- body entry base (local copy) cb: CodeDefs.Base; -- code base (local copy) StoreNotify: PUBLIC Alloc.Notifier = BEGIN -- called by allocator whenever table area is repacked seb ← base[Symbols.seType]; bb ← base[Symbols.bodyType]; tb ← base[Tree.treeType]; cb ← base[codeType]; END; Assign: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] = BEGIN -- generates code for assignment statement (RRA) [] ← ComAssign[ t1: tb[node].son[1], t2: tb[node].son[2], options: [expr: FALSE, init: tb[node].attr1, counted: tb[node].attr2, composite: tb[node].attr3]]; END; AssignExp: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] RETURNS [l: Lexeme] = BEGIN -- generates code for assignment expression (RRA) l ← ComAssign[ t1: tb[node].son[1], t2: tb[node].son[2], options: [expr: TRUE, init: tb[node].attr1, counted: tb[node].attr2, composite: tb[node].attr3]]; RETURN END; ComAssign: PROC [t1, t2: Tree.Link, options: StoreOptions] RETURNS [l: Lexeme] = BEGIN -- can support counted assignments (RRA) nbits: CARDINAL; longAddressLhs: BOOL ← P5U.LongTreeAddress[t1]; aligned: BOOL ← FALSE; lv, rv: VarIndex; l ← NullLex; nbits ← P5U.BitsForOperand[t1]; DO -- until we get to something interesting SELECT TreeOps.OpName[t2] FROM pad => BEGIN t2 ← TreeOps.NthSon[t2, 1]; aligned ← TRUE; nbits ← P5U.BitsForOperand[t2]; END; cast, safen => t2 ← TreeOps.NthSon[t2, 1]; ENDCASE => EXIT; ENDLOOP; SELECT TreeOps.OpName[t2] FROM construct => IF options.counted OR ~ManySafens[t2, nbits] THEN BEGIN l ← P5.Construct[t1, TreeOps.GetNode[t2], options]; RETURN END ELSE IF nbits > 2*wordlength THEN BEGIN --otherwise fall through into building on stack tlex: Lexeme.se = P5.GenTempLex[(nbits+wordlength-1) / wordlength]; [] ← P5.Construct[[symbol[tlex.lexsei]], TreeOps.GetNode[t2], TempOptions[options]]; t2 ← [symbol[tlex.lexsei]]; END; union => IF ~options.expr THEN {P5.VariantConstruct[t1, t2, options]; RETURN}; rowcons => IF options.counted OR ~ManySafens[t2, nbits] THEN BEGIN l ← P5.RowCons[t1, TreeOps.GetNode[t2], options]; RETURN END ELSE IF nbits > 2*wordlength THEN BEGIN --otherwise fall through into building on stack tlex: Lexeme.se = P5.GenTempLex[(nbits+wordlength-1) / wordlength]; [] ← P5.RowCons[[symbol[tlex.lexsei]], TreeOps.GetNode[t2], TempOptions[options]]; t2 ← [symbol[tlex.lexsei]]; END; all => BEGIN l ← P5.All[t1, TreeOps.GetNode[t2], options]; RETURN END; mwconst => IF P5.MultiZero[t2] AND (options.init OR ~options.counted) THEN BEGIN nw: CARDINAL = P5L.Words[w: 0, b: nbits]; lv ← P5L.VarForLex[P5.Exp[t1]]; IF ~P5L.LoadAddress[lv] THEN P5U.Out0[FOpCodes.qLP]; P5U.PushLitVal[nw]; P5U.Out0[FOpCodes.qBLZL]; IF options.expr THEN l ← P5L.TOSAddrLex[nw, TRUE] ELSE Stack.Pop[2]; RETURN END; ENDCASE; rv ← P5L.VarForLex[P5.Exp[t2]]; IF nbits <= 2*wordlength AND ~ProbablyDumpStack[t1] THEN { P5L.LoadVar[rv]; rv ← P5L.VarForLex[P5L.TOSLex[(nbits+ wordlength-1)/wordlength]]}; lv ← P5L.VarForLex[P5.Exp[t1]]; IF aligned THEN P5L.FieldOfVar[r: lv, wSize: nbits/wordlength, bSize: nbits MOD wordlength]; IF options.counted THEN l ← Counting.VarVarAssignCounted[lv, rv, options, P5U.OperandType[t1]] ELSE l ← P5L.VarVarAssign[lv, rv, options.expr]; RETURN END; TempOptions: PROC [options: StoreOptions] RETURNS [StoreOptions] = { options.init ← TRUE; options.counted ← options.expr ← FALSE; RETURN [options]}; ManySafens: PROC [t: Tree.Link, nbits: CARDINAL] RETURNS [BOOL] = BEGIN nFields, nSafens: CARDINAL ← 0; noAll: BOOL ← TRUE; CountSafens: PROC [t: Tree.Link] = BEGIN SELECT TreeOps.OpName[t] FROM rowcons, construct, union => TreeOps.ScanList[TreeOps.NthSon[t, 2], CountSafens]; all => noAll ← FALSE; cast, pad => TreeOps.ScanList[TreeOps.NthSon[t, 1], CountSafens]; safen => BEGIN nSafens ← nSafens+1; nFields ← nFields+1 END; ENDCASE => nFields ← nFields+1; END; CountSafens[t]; RETURN [IF nbits<16*wordlength THEN (nSafens >= 2) ELSE (noAll AND 2*nSafens > nFields)] END; Extract: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] = BEGIN SExtract[node]; Stack.Clear[]; END; SExtract: PROC [node: Tree.Index] = BEGIN t1: Tree.Link = tb[node].son[1]; tsei: RecordSEIndex = LOOPHOLE[P5U.OperandType[t1]]; r: VarIndex; transferrec: BOOL ← FALSE; r ← P5L.VarForLex[P5.Exp[tb[node].son[2] ! P5.LogHeapFree => IF calltree = tb[node].son[2] THEN {transferrec ← TRUE; RESUME[TRUE, NullLex]}]]; ExtractFrom[t1, tsei, r, transferrec]; END; ExtractExp: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] RETURNS [Lexeme] = BEGIN t1: Tree.Link = tb[node].son[1]; tsei: RecordSEIndex = LOOPHOLE[P5U.OperandType[t1]]; r, rret: VarIndex; r ← P5L.VarForLex[P5.Exp[tb[node].son[2] ! P5.LogHeapFree => IF calltree = tb[node].son[2] THEN RESUME[FALSE, NullLex]]]; [first: r, next: rret] ← P5L.ReusableCopies[r, store, FALSE]; ExtractFrom[t1, tsei, r, FALSE]; RETURN [[bdo[rret]]] END; ExtractFrom: PUBLIC PROC [ t1: Tree.Link, tsei: RecordSEIndex, r: VarIndex, transferrec: BOOL] = BEGIN saveExtractState: RECORD [ xtracting: BOOL, xtractlex: Lexeme, xtractsei: Symbols.ISEIndex] = [CPtr.xtracting, CPtr.xtractlex, CPtr.xtractsei]; fa: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [BitAddress, CARDINAL] = IF seb[tsei].argument THEN FnField ELSE RecField; startsei: ISEIndex = FirstCtxSe[seb[tsei].fieldCtx]; sei: ISEIndex ← startsei; isei: ISEIndex ← startsei; node: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t1]; soncount: CARDINAL ← 0; tbase, toffset: VarComponent; onStack, useDup: BOOL ← FALSE; totalBits: CARDINAL; trashOnStack: CARDINAL ← 0; XCount: PROC [t: Tree.Link] = BEGIN IF t # Tree.Null THEN soncount ← soncount+1; END; ExtractItem: PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [v: Tree.Link] = BEGIN posn: BitAddress; size: CARDINAL; v ← t; [posn, size] ← fa[sei]; IF t # Tree.Null THEN BEGIN subNode: Tree.Index = TreeOps.GetNode[t]; rr: VarIndex; offset, base: VarComponent; soncount ← soncount-1; IF onStack THEN offset ← toffset -- original record on stack ELSE BEGIN IF useDup THEN BEGIN IF (transferrec OR soncount > 0) THEN Stack.Dup[load: FALSE]; base ← P5L.TOSComponent[1]; END ELSE base ← tbase; offset ← toffset; END; P5L.FieldOfComponent[ var: @offset, wd: posn.wd, bd: posn.bd, wSize: size/wordlength, bSize: size MOD wordlength]; IF fa # FnField AND totalBits <= wordlength THEN P5L.AdjustComponent[var: @offset, rSei: tsei, fSei: sei, tBits: totalBits]; IF onStack THEN rr ← P5L.OVarItem[offset] ELSE BEGIN rr ← P5L.GenVarItem[bo]; cb[rr] ← [body: bo[base: base, offset: offset]]; END; CPtr.xtractlex ← [bdo[rr]]; CPtr.xtractsei ← sei; SELECT tb[subNode].name FROM assign => Assign[subNode]; extract => SExtract[subNode]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END ELSE IF onStack THEN Stack.Pop[size/wordlength]; sei ← P5U.PrevVar[startsei, sei]; RETURN END; -- of ExtractItem xlist: Tree.Link ← tb[node].son[1]; UNTIL (isei ← NextSe[sei]) = ISENull DO isei ← P5U.NextVar[isei]; IF isei = ISENull THEN EXIT; sei ← isei; ENDLOOP; WITH cc: cb[r] SELECT FROM o => WITH vv: cc.var SELECT FROM stack => IF P5U.WordAligned[tsei] THEN BEGIN trashOnStack ← vv.wd; vv.wd ← 0; toffset ← cc.var; IF trashOnStack # 0 THEN P5L.ModComponent[var: @toffset, wd: trashOnStack]; P5L.ReleaseVarItem[r]; onStack ← TRUE; END ELSE BEGIN -- copy whole thing to temp var: VarComponent ← P5L.CopyToTemp[r].var; r ← P5L.OVarItem[var]; END; ENDCASE; ENDCASE; IF ~onStack THEN BEGIN bor: BoVarIndex ← P5L.MakeBo[r]; IF bor = VarNull THEN -- not addressable BEGIN -- r was not freed in this case var: VarComponent ← P5L.CopyToTemp[r].var; r ← P5L.OVarItem[var]; bor ← P5L.MakeBo[r]; -- it will work this time END; tbase ← cb[bor].base; toffset ← cb[bor].offset; P5L.ReleaseVarItem[bor]; IF tbase.wSize > 1 THEN tbase ← P5L.EasilyLoadable[tbase, store] ELSE IF ~P5L.EasyToLoad[tbase, store] THEN BEGIN P5L.LoadComponent[tbase]; useDup ← TRUE; END; END; totalBits ← toffset.wSize * wordlength + toffset.bSize; TreeOps.ScanList[xlist, XCount]; IF soncount = 0 THEN BEGIN IF onStack THEN trashOnStack ← trashOnStack + (totalBits+(wordlength-1))/wordlength; END ELSE BEGIN CPtr.xtracting ← TRUE; tb[node].son[1] ← TreeOps.ReverseUpdateList[xlist, ExtractItem]; END; IF transferrec THEN BEGIN IF ~useDup THEN P5L.LoadComponent[tbase]; P5U.Out0[FOpCodes.qFF]; END; THROUGH [0..trashOnStack) DO Stack.Pop[] ENDLOOP; [CPtr.xtracting, CPtr.xtractlex, CPtr.xtractsei] ← saveExtractState; END; ProbablyDumpStack: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [BOOL] = BEGIN -- only a hint node: Tree.Index; WITH t SELECT FROM subtree => node ← index; ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; RETURN [SELECT tb[node].name FROM loophole, pad, chop, uparrow, dot, dollar, not => ProbablyDumpStack[tb[node].son[1]], and, or, plus, minus, times, div, mod, index, dindex, seqindex => ProbablyDumpStack[tb[node].son[2]] OR ProbablyDumpStack[tb[node].son[1]], ifx => ProbablyDumpStack[tb[node].son[3]] OR ProbablyDumpStack[tb[node].son[2]] OR ProbablyDumpStack[tb[node].son[1]], IN [relE..notin] => ProbablyDumpStack[tb[node].son[2]] OR ProbablyDumpStack[tb[node].son[1]], IN [callx..joinx] => TRUE, ENDCASE => FALSE] END; ReleaseLex: PROC [l: Lexeme] = BEGIN WITH l SELECT FROM bdo => P5L.ReleaseVarItem[lexbdoi]; ENDCASE; END; SAssign: PUBLIC PROC [sei: ISEIndex] = BEGIN -- assigns to a simple variable from the stack var: VarComponent = P5L.ComponentForSE[sei]; P5L.StoreComponent[var]; END; SLAssign: PUBLIC PROC [sei: ISEIndex, l: Lexeme, exp: BOOL, nwords: CARDINAL] = BEGIN -- obsolete? TLLAssign[Tree.Null, [se[sei]], l, exp, nwords*wordlength]; END; TTAssign: PUBLIC PROC [t1, t2: Tree.Link] = BEGIN -- not called for counted assignments (RRA) [] ← ComAssign[t1: t1, t2: t2, options: [expr: FALSE]]; END; TLLAssign: PUBLIC PROC [ leftson: Tree.Link, leftlex, l: Lexeme, exp: BOOL, nbits: CARDINAL] = BEGIN -- obsolete? rightr, leftr: VarIndex; rightr ← P5L.VarForLex[l]; IF leftson # Tree.Null THEN leftlex ← P5.Exp[leftson]; leftr ← P5L.VarForLex[leftlex]; [] ← P5L.VarVarAssign[leftr, rightr, exp]; END; BodyInit: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] RETURNS [Lexeme] = BEGIN -- assigns proc. desc for proc. variable bti: CBTIndex = tb[node].info; CPtr.fileindex ← bb[bti].sourceIndex; P5.PushLProcDesc[bti]; RETURN [P5L.TOSLex[1]] END; ProcInit: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] = BEGIN bti: CBTIndex = tb[node].info; WITH body: bb[bti] SELECT FROM Inner => BEGIN CPtr.tailJumpOK ← FALSE; -- conservative P5U.Out1[FOpCodes.qDB, body.entryIndex]; P5U.Out1[FOpCodes.qSL, body.frameOffset]; END; ENDCASE; END; END.