-- Driver.mesa -- last modified by Sweet, 25-Aug-82 11:33:02 -- last modified by Satterthwaite, December 16, 1982 9:21 am DIRECTORY Alloc USING [Notifier, AddNotify, DropNotify], CatchFormat: TYPE USING [cResume, msgOffset], Code: TYPE USING [ actenable, bodyComRetLabel, bodyFileIndex, bodyInRecord, bodyOutRecord, bodyRecurLabel, bodyRetLabel, caseCVState, catchcount, catchoutrecord, codeptr, codeStart, curctxlvl, enableLevel, enableList, fileindex, firstTemp, framesz, inlineFileIndex, inlineRetErrorLabel, inlineRetErrorListLabel, mainBody, StackNotEmptyAtStatement, tailJumpOK, tempcontext, tempstart, warnStackOverflow, xtracting], CodeDefs: TYPE USING [ AddressNotify, Base, CallsNotify, CCIndex, CCNull, codeType, ConstructorNotify, CountingNotify, CrossJumpNotify, DJumpsNotify, EINull, ExpressionNotify, FinalNotify, FlowExpressionNotify, FlowNotify, JumpCCNull, LabelCCIndex, LabelCCNull, Lexeme, MaxParmsInStack, NULLfileindex, NullLex, OutCodeNotify, PeepholeNotify, SelectionNotify, StatementNotify, StatementStateRecord, StoreNotify, TempNotify, VarBasicsNotify, VarIndex, VarMoveNotify, VarUtilsNotify], ComData: TYPE USING [ bodyIndex, codeByteOffsetList, codeOffsetList, jumpIndirectList, globalFrameSize, nErrors, objectBytes, table, stopping, switches, textIndex], FOpCodes: TYPE USING [ qKFCB, qLA, qLI, qLKB, qLL, qLP, qME, qMX, qPSD, qRET, qSG], P5: TYPE USING [ BuildArgRecord, EndCodeFile, Exp, ExtractFrom, Fixup, FreeTempSei, GenStringBodyLex, LogHeapFree, OutBinary, PopStatementState, PRetLex, ProcessGlobalStrings, ProcessLocalStrings, PurgePendTempList, PushArgRecord, PushStatementState, StartCodeFile, StatementTree, TempInit], P5L: TYPE USING [LoadAddress, TOSAddrLex, TOSLex, VarFinal, VarForLex], P5S: TYPE USING [], P5U: TYPE USING [ CgenUtilInit, CgenUtilNotify, CreateLabel, DeleteCell, InsertLabel, LabelAlloc, NextVar, OperandType, Out0, Out1, OutJump, OutSource, PushLitVal, TreeLiteralValue, WordsForSei], PrincOps: TYPE USING [globalbase, localbase], SDDefs USING [sError, sErrorList], Stack: TYPE USING [ Decr, Depth, Dump, Incr, Init, Load, Off, On, Pop, Reset, StackImplNotify, Top], SymbolOps: TYPE USING [EnumerateBodies, NextSe, TransferTypes], Symbols: TYPE USING [ Base, bodyType, BTIndex, CBTIndex, CCBTNull, CSEIndex, CSENull, ctxType, ISEIndex, ISENull, RecordSEIndex, RecordSENull, RootBti, seType], Tree: TYPE USING [Base, Index, Link, Null, treeType], TreeOps: TYPE USING [ FreeNode, FreeTree, MakeList, MakeNode, PushList, PushNode, PushSe, PushTree, SearchList]; Driver: PROGRAM IMPORTS Alloc, MPtr: ComData, CPtr: Code, CodeDefs, P5, P5L, P5U, Stack, SymbolOps, TreeOps EXPORTS P5, P5S = BEGIN OPEN CodeDefs; -- imported definitions localbase: CARDINAL = PrincOps.localbase; globalbase: CARDINAL = PrincOps.globalbase; CSEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.CSEIndex; CSENull: CSEIndex = Symbols.CSENull; ISEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.ISEIndex; ISENull: ISEIndex = Symbols.ISENull; RecordSEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.RecordSEIndex; RecordSENull: RecordSEIndex = Symbols.RecordSENull; tb: Tree.Base; -- tree base (local copy) seb: Symbols.Base; -- semantic entry base (local copy) ctxb: Symbols.Base; -- context entry base (local copy) bb: Symbols.Base; -- body entry base (local copy) cb: CodeDefs.Base; -- code base (local copy) DriverNotify: Alloc.Notifier = BEGIN -- called by allocator whenever table area is repacked seb ← base[Symbols.seType]; ctxb ← base[Symbols.ctxType]; bb ← base[Symbols.bodyType]; tb ← base[Tree.treeType]; cb ← base[codeType]; P5U.CgenUtilNotify[base]; AddressNotify[base]; ExpressionNotify[base]; FlowExpressionNotify[base]; FlowNotify[base]; Stack.StackImplNotify[base]; TempNotify[base]; StatementNotify[base]; SelectionNotify[base]; ConstructorNotify[base]; StoreNotify[base]; CountingNotify[base]; CallsNotify[base]; OutCodeNotify[base]; FinalNotify[base]; CrossJumpNotify[base]; DJumpsNotify[base]; PeepholeNotify[base]; VarUtilsNotify[base]; VarBasicsNotify[base]; VarMoveNotify[base]; END; CodePassError: PUBLIC ERROR [n: CARDINAL] = CODE; P5Error: PUBLIC PROC [n: CARDINAL] = {ERROR CodePassError[n]}; mLock: Tree.Link; longLock: BOOL; Module: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN -- main driver for code generation ENABLE UNWIND => {Stack.Reset[]; P5L.VarFinal[]}; (MPtr.table).AddNotify[DriverNotify]; CPtr.bodyInRecord ← CPtr.bodyOutRecord ← RecordSENull; P5U.CgenUtilInit[MPtr.table]; P5.TempInit[]; Stack.Init[]; Stack.Off[]; CPtr.warnStackOverflow ← MPtr.switches['o]; CPtr.inlineFileIndex ← NULLfileindex; CPtr.xtracting ← FALSE; CPtr.caseCVState ← none; CPtr.catchoutrecord ← RecordSENull; CPtr.catchcount ← 0; CPtr.actenable ← Symbols.CCBTNull; CPtr.codeptr ← CPtr.codeStart ← CCNull; CPtr.enableList ← ALL[EINull]; MPtr.codeOffsetList ← NIL; MPtr.codeByteOffsetList ← NIL; MPtr.jumpIndirectList ← NIL; P5.StartCodeFile[]; [] ← SymbolOps.EnumerateBodies[Symbols.RootBti, Body]; MPtr.objectBytes ← P5.EndCodeFile[]; Stack.Reset[]; P5L.VarFinal[]; (MPtr.table).DropNotify[DriverNotify] END; Body: PROC [bti: Symbols.BTIndex] RETURNS [stop: BOOL ← FALSE] = BEGIN WITH body: bb[bti] SELECT FROM Callable => IF ~body.inline THEN WITH body SELECT FROM Catch => NULL; ENDCASE => ProcBody[LOOPHOLE[bti]]; ENDCASE; END; ProcBody: PROC [bti: Symbols.CBTIndex] = BEGIN -- produces code for body bodyNode: Tree.Index; CPtr.mainBody ← (bti = Symbols.RootBti); MPtr.bodyIndex ← bti; MPtr.textIndex ← bb[bti].sourceIndex; CPtr.enableLevel ← 0; CPtr.tailJumpOK ← TRUE; WITH bi: bb[bti].info SELECT FROM Internal => BEGIN bodyNode ← bi.bodyTree; CPtr.curctxlvl ← bb[bti].level; -- set up input and output contexts [CPtr.bodyInRecord, CPtr.bodyOutRecord] ← SymbolOps.TransferTypes[bb[bti].ioType]; CPtr.firstTemp ← CPtr.tempstart ← CPtr.framesz ← bi.frameSize; CPtr.bodyFileIndex ← CPtr.fileindex ← bb[bti].sourceIndex; -- init the code stream and put down bracketing labels CPtr.bodyRetLabel ← P5U.LabelAlloc[]; CPtr.bodyComRetLabel ← P5U.LabelAlloc[]; CPtr.codeptr ← CCNull; CPtr.codeStart ← P5U.CreateLabel[]; P5U.OutSource[bb[bti].sourceIndex]; -- init data for creating temporaries ctxb[CPtr.tempcontext].level ← CPtr.curctxlvl; -- tuck parameters away into the frame IF Stack.Depth[] # 0 THEN SIGNAL CPtr.StackNotEmptyAtStatement; WITH bb[bti] SELECT FROM Inner => P5U.Out1[FOpCodes.qLKB, frameOffset-localbase]; ENDCASE; CPtr.bodyRecurLabel ← P5U.CreateLabel[]; Stack.On[]; SPopInVals[ irecord: CPtr.bodyInRecord, isenable: FALSE, startParams: CPtr.mainBody]; P5.PurgePendTempList[]; -- do string literals IF CPtr.mainBody THEN MPtr.globalFrameSize ← P5.ProcessGlobalStrings[MPtr.globalFrameSize]; CPtr.firstTemp ← CPtr.tempstart ← P5.ProcessLocalStrings[CPtr.tempstart, bi.thread]; bi.frameSize ← CPtr.framesz ← MAX [CPtr.framesz, CPtr.tempstart]; -- do initialization code and main body IF CPtr.mainBody AND MPtr.stopping THEN {P5U.Out1[FOpCodes.qLA, 0]; P5U.Out1[FOpCodes.qSG, globalbase]}; IF bb[bti].entry THEN SetLock[tb[bodyNode].son[4]] ELSE mLock ← Tree.Null; -- generate code for declaration initializations and statements tb[bodyNode].son[2] ← P5.StatementTree[tb[bodyNode].son[2]]; tb[bodyNode].son[3] ← P5.StatementTree[tb[bodyNode].son[3]]; tb[bodyNode].son[1] ← Tree.Null; IF Stack.Depth[] # 0 THEN SIGNAL CPtr.StackNotEmptyAtStatement; -- push the return values onto the stack InsertRetLabels[mLock # Tree.Null]; Stack.Reset[]; IF CPtr.mainBody AND MPtr.stopping THEN {P5U.Out1[FOpCodes.qLI, 0]; P5U.Out1[FOpCodes.qSG, globalbase]}; Stack.Off[]; P5U.Out0[FOpCodes.qRET]; P5.PurgePendTempList[]; -- write frame size into bodyitem bi.frameSize ← CPtr.framesz; -- fixup jumps IF MPtr.nErrors = 0 THEN P5.Fixup[CPtr.codeStart, bb[bti].entryIndex]; END; ENDCASE; -- output the object code TreeOps.FreeNode[bodyNode]; IF MPtr.nErrors = 0 THEN P5.OutBinary[bti, CPtr.codeStart] ELSE BEGIN c, next: CCIndex; FOR c ← CPtr.codeStart, next WHILE c # CCNull DO next ← cb[c].flink; P5U.DeleteCell[c]; ENDLOOP; END; END; SSubst: PROC [node: Tree.Index] RETURNS [nRets: CARDINAL] = BEGIN saveRetE: LabelCCIndex = CPtr.inlineRetErrorLabel; saveRetEL: LabelCCIndex = CPtr.inlineRetErrorListLabel; around: LabelCCIndex ← LabelCCNull; ss: StatementStateRecord; tSei: CSEIndex = P5U.OperandType[tb[node].son[1]]; JumpAround: PROC = { IF around # LabelCCNull THEN RETURN; around ← P5U.LabelAlloc[]; P5U.OutJump[Jump, around]}; P5.PushStatementState[@ss]; CPtr.inlineRetErrorLabel ← P5U.LabelAlloc[]; CPtr.inlineRetErrorListLabel ← P5U.LabelAlloc[]; CPtr.bodyOutRecord ← SymbolOps.TransferTypes[tSei].typeOut; tb[node].son[2] ← P5.StatementTree[tb[node].son[2]]; IF Stack.Depth[] # 0 THEN SIGNAL CPtr.StackNotEmptyAtStatement; InsertRetLabels[FALSE]; -- if entry procedure, lock already dealt with Stack.Reset[]; IF cb[CPtr.inlineRetErrorLabel].jumplist # CCNull THEN { JumpAround[]; P5U.InsertLabel[CPtr.inlineRetErrorLabel]; P5U.Out1[FOpCodes.qKFCB, SDDefs.sError]}; IF cb[CPtr.inlineRetErrorListLabel].jumplist # CCNull THEN { JumpAround[]; P5U.InsertLabel[CPtr.inlineRetErrorListLabel]; P5U.Out1[FOpCodes.qKFCB, SDDefs.sErrorList]}; IF around # LabelCCNull THEN P5U.InsertLabel[around]; nRets ← P5U.WordsForSei[CPtr.bodyOutRecord]; P5.PopStatementState[@ss]; RETURN END; InsertRetLabels: PROC [monitored: BOOL] = BEGIN IF CPtr.bodyComRetLabel # LabelCCNull THEN BEGIN P5U.InsertLabel[CPtr.bodyComRetLabel]; IF monitored THEN ReleaseLock[]; IF cb[CPtr.bodyComRetLabel].jumplist # JumpCCNull THEN PushRetVals[]; P5U.InsertLabel[CPtr.bodyRetLabel]; CPtr.bodyComRetLabel ← LabelCCNull; CPtr.bodyRetLabel ← LabelCCNull; END; END; Subst: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] = BEGIN [] ← SSubst[node]; END; SubstExp: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] RETURNS [Lexeme] = BEGIN nRets: CARDINAL = SSubst[node]; RETURN [P5.PRetLex[nRets, node, FALSE]] END; PopInVals: PUBLIC PROC [irecord: RecordSEIndex, isenable: BOOL] = {SPopInVals[irecord: irecord, isenable: isenable, startParams: FALSE]}; SPopInVals: PROC [irecord: RecordSEIndex, isenable, startParams: BOOL] = BEGIN nParms: CARDINAL; mp: CARDINAL = IF startParams THEN MaxParmsInStack - 1 ELSE MaxParmsInStack; r: VarIndex; t: Tree.Link; sei: ISEIndex; np: CARDINAL ← 0; IF irecord = CSENull THEN RETURN; nParms ← P5U.WordsForSei[irecord]; IF isenable THEN P5U.Out1[FOpCodes.qLL, CatchFormat.msgOffset]; IF nParms = 0 THEN { IF isenable THEN Stack.Pop[]; RETURN}; sei ← P5U.NextVar[ctxb[seb[irecord].fieldCtx].seList]; UNTIL sei = ISENull DO TreeOps.PushSe[sei]; TreeOps.PushTree[Tree.Null]; TreeOps.PushNode[assign, 2]; np ← np+1; sei ← P5U.NextVar[SymbolOps.NextSe[sei]]; ENDLOOP; TreeOps.PushList[np]; t ← TreeOps.MakeNode[exlist, 1]; IF nParms > mp OR isenable THEN BEGIN IF ~isenable THEN Stack.Incr[1]; r ← P5L.TOSAddrLex[nParms].lexbdoi; END ELSE BEGIN Stack.Incr[nParms]; r ← P5L.VarForLex[P5L.TOSLex[nParms]]; END; P5.ExtractFrom[t, irecord, r, (nParms > mp AND ~isenable)]; t ← TreeOps.FreeTree[t]; END; PushRetVals: PROC = BEGIN -- pushes the return vals from a body onto the stack sei: ISEIndex; nRetVals: CARDINAL; np: CARDINAL ← 0; t: Tree.Link; IF CPtr.bodyOutRecord = CSENull THEN RETURN; nRetVals ← P5U.WordsForSei[CPtr.bodyOutRecord]; sei ← ctxb[seb[CPtr.bodyOutRecord].fieldCtx].seList; UNTIL sei = ISENull DO TreeOps.PushSe[sei]; np ← np+1; sei ← P5U.NextVar[SymbolOps.NextSe[sei]]; ENDLOOP; t ← TreeOps.MakeList[np]; sei ← ctxb[seb[CPtr.bodyOutRecord].fieldCtx].seList; [] ← P5.BuildArgRecord[t, CPtr.bodyOutRecord, FALSE, FALSE]; t ← TreeOps.FreeTree[t]; END; SetLock: PROC [lock: Tree.Link] = BEGIN retryEntry: LabelCCIndex = P5U.CreateLabel[]; longLock ← P5L.LoadAddress[P5L.VarForLex[P5.Exp[(mLock ← lock)]]]; IF ~longLock THEN P5U.Out0[FOpCodes.qLP]; P5U.Out0[FOpCodes.qME]; P5U.Out1[FOpCodes.qLI, 0]; P5U.OutJump[JumpE, retryEntry]; END; ReleaseLock: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN Stack.Dump[]; [] ← P5L.LoadAddress[P5L.VarForLex[P5.Exp[mLock]]]; IF ~longLock THEN P5U.Out0[FOpCodes.qLP]; P5U.Out0[FOpCodes.qMX]; END; SReturn: PROC [node: Tree.Index, isResume: BOOL] = BEGIN -- generate code for RETURN and RESUME nRetVals: CARDINAL; nStack: CARDINAL; rSei: RecordSEIndex; monitored: BOOL; IF ~isResume AND CommonRet[tb[node].son[1]] THEN BEGIN P5U.OutJump[Jump, CPtr.bodyComRetLabel]; RETURN END; monitored ← ~isResume AND tb[node].attr1; IF monitored AND tb[node].attr2 THEN {ReleaseLock[]; monitored ← FALSE}; rSei ← IF isResume THEN CPtr.catchoutrecord ELSE CPtr.bodyOutRecord; nRetVals ← IF tb[node].attr3 THEN P5.PushArgRecord[tb[node].son[1], rSei, isResume, FALSE] ELSE P5.BuildArgRecord[tb[node].son[1], rSei, isResume, FALSE]; nStack ← IF nRetVals > MaxParmsInStack OR isResume AND nRetVals > MaxParmsInStack - 1 THEN 1 ELSE nRetVals; IF monitored THEN {Stack.Dump[]; ReleaseLock[]}; IF nStack # 0 THEN BEGIN Stack.Load[Stack.Top[nStack], nStack]; Stack.Decr[nStack]; -- remove from model END; IF isResume THEN BEGIN P5U.PushLitVal[CatchFormat.cResume]; Stack.Decr[1]; P5U.Out0[FOpCodes.qRET]; P5U.OutJump[JumpRet, LabelCCNull]; END ELSE P5U.OutJump[Jump, CPtr.bodyRetLabel]; END; Result: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] = Return; Return: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] = BEGIN -- produce code for RETURN SReturn[node, FALSE ! P5.LogHeapFree => RESUME[FALSE, NullLex]]; END; Resume: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] = BEGIN -- produce code for RESUME SReturn[node, TRUE ! P5.LogHeapFree => RESUME[FALSE, NullLex]]; END; CommonRet: PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [common: BOOL ← TRUE] = BEGIN -- test if the returns list duplicats the returns declaration sei: ISEIndex; Item: PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [BOOL] = BEGIN WITH t SELECT FROM symbol => common ← (sei = index); literal, subtree => common ← FALSE; ENDCASE; IF sei # ISENull THEN sei ← P5U.NextVar[SymbolOps.NextSe[sei]]; RETURN [~common] END; IF t = Tree.Null THEN RETURN; IF CPtr.bodyOutRecord # CSENull THEN sei ← P5U.NextVar[ctxb[seb[CPtr.bodyOutRecord].fieldCtx].seList] ELSE RETURN [FALSE]; TreeOps.SearchList[t, Item]; RETURN END; Lock: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] = BEGIN saveLock: Tree.Link = mLock; SetLock[tb[node].son[2]]; tb[node].son[1] ← P5.StatementTree[tb[node].son[1]]; InsertRetLabels[TRUE]; -- we are in an INLINE procedure mLock ← saveLock; END; StringInit: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] RETURNS [Lexeme] = BEGIN -- inits string storage and pushes pointer on stack nchars: CARDINAL = P5U.TreeLiteralValue[tb[node].son[2]]; l: Lexeme.se ← P5.GenStringBodyLex[nchars]; [] ← P5L.LoadAddress[P5L.VarForLex[l]]; P5.FreeTempSei[l.lexsei]; P5U.PushLitVal[0]; P5U.PushLitVal[nchars]; P5U.Out1[FOpCodes.qPSD, 0]; RETURN [P5L.TOSLex[1]] END; END.