-- file Translit.mesa -- last modified by Satterthwaite, 9-Mar-82 14:20:14 DIRECTORY Ascii: TYPE USING [CR, SP, TAB], DCSFileTypes: TYPE USING [tLeaderPage], Directory: TYPE USING [CreateFile, Error, Lookup, UpdateDates, ignore], Exec: TYPE USING [AddCommand, commandLine, w], File: TYPE USING [Capability, Permissions, delete, grow, read, shrink, write], FileStream: TYPE USING [Create, EndOf], Stream: TYPE USING [Handle, Delete, GetChar, PutChar], TTY: TYPE USING [Handle, GetLine, LineOverflow, PutChar, Rubout]; Translit: PROGRAM IMPORTS Directory, Exec, FileStream, Stream, TTY = { -- characters and strings MAXCHAR: NAT = LAST[CHARACTER] - 0c; MAXSTR: NAT = 100; character: TYPE = [-1..MAXCHAR]; string: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY [1..MAXSTR] OF character; ENDFILE: character = -1; ENDSTR: character = 0; BACKSPACE: character = 9; TAB: character = 9; NEWLINE: character = 13; BLANK: character = 32; ESCAPE: character = ord['@]; -- file descriptors and io-related stuff MAXOPEN: NAT = 10; filedesc: TYPE = [0..MAXOPEN]; IOERROR: filedesc = 0; STDIN: filedesc = 1; STDOUT: filedesc = 2; STDERR: filedesc = 3; IOREAD: INTEGER = 1; IOWRITE: INTEGER = 2; IOBOTH: INTEGER = 3; -- standard (Pascal) procedures ord: PROC [c: CHARACTER] RETURNS [character] = INLINE {RETURN [c - 0c]}; chr: PROC [c: character] RETURNS [CHARACTER] = INLINE {RETURN [c + 0c]}; -- file primitives tty: TTY.Handle; kbdline: STRING ← [MAXSTR]; kbdx: CARDINAL; kbdend: BOOLEAN; readkbd: PROC = { IF (kbdend) THEN kbdline.length ← 0 ELSE { ENABLE { TTY.LineOverflow => { putcf[NEWLINE, STDERR]; message["*** line too long"L]; putcf[NEWLINE, STDERR]; RETRY}; TTY.Rubout => { IF (kbdline.length) > 0 THEN RESUME ELSE { kbdend ← TRUE; CONTINUE}}}; IF (kbdline.length > 0) AND (kbdline[kbdline.length-1] = Ascii.CR) THEN kbdline.length ← kbdline.length - 1; -- for ESC tty.GetLine[kbdline]; IF kbdline.length >= kbdline.maxlength THEN [] ← ERROR TTY.LineOverflow[kbdline]; kbdline[kbdline.length] ← Ascii.CR; kbdline.length ← kbdline.length + 1}; kbdx ← 0}; filerec: TYPE = RECORD [ type: {none, stream, tty} ← none, handle: Stream.Handle ← NIL]; filetab: ARRAY filedesc OF filerec; accessmap: PROC [mode: INTEGER] RETURNS [File.Permissions] = { RETURN [SELECT mode FROM IOREAD => File.read, IOWRITE => File.write + File.grow + File.shrink + File.delete, IOBOTH => File.read + File.write + File.grow + File.shrink + File.delete, ENDCASE => File.read]}; fdalloc: PROC RETURNS [fd: filedesc] = { -- find a free slot in filetab FOR fd IN (STDERR .. MAXOPEN] DO IF (filetab[fd].type = none) THEN EXIT REPEAT FINISHED => fd ← IOERROR; ENDLOOP; RETURN}; fileerror: ERROR = CODE; findfile: PROC [name: STRING, access: File.Permissions] RETURNS [File.Capability] = { cap: File.Capability; old: BOOLEAN ← (access = File.read); IF ~old THEN { cap ← Directory.CreateFile[name, DCSFileTypes.tLeaderPage, 0 ! Directory.Error => { IF type = fileAlreadyExists THEN GOTO fileExists ELSE GO TO fileProblem}]; EXITS fileExists => old ← TRUE}; IF old THEN cap ← Directory.Lookup[fileName: name, permissions: Directory.ignore ! Directory.Error => {GO TO fileProblem}]; RETURN [Directory.UpdateDates[cap, access]] EXITS fileProblem => ERROR fileerror}; makestream: PROC [name: POINTER TO string, mode: INTEGER, fd: filedesc] = { i: INTEGER ← 0; intname: STRING ← [MAXSTR]; WHILE (name[i+1] # ENDSTR) DO intname[i] ← chr[name[i+1]]; i ← i + 1; ENDLOOP; intname.length ← i; filetab[fd] ← [ type: stream, handle: FileStream.Create[findfile[intname, accessmap[mode]]]]}; open: PROC [name: POINTER TO string, mode: INTEGER] RETURNS [fd: filedesc] = { fd ← fdalloc[]; IF fd # IOERROR THEN { makestream[name, mode, fd ! fileerror => {GOTO fail}]; EXITS fail => {filetab[fd] ← [type: none]; fd ← IOERROR}}; RETURN}; create: PROC [name: POINTER TO string, mode: INTEGER] RETURNS [filedesc] = open; -- check positioning of files opened for output close: PROC [fd: filedesc] = { SELECT filetab[fd].type FROM stream => { h: Stream.Handle = filetab[fd].handle; Stream.Delete[h]}; tty => NULL; ENDCASE => NULL; filetab[fd] ← [type: none]}; remove: PROC [s: POINTER TO string] = { -- this version just prints a message message["If we had remove, we would be deleting "L]; putcf[TAB, STDERR]; putstr[s, STDERR]; putcf[NEWLINE, STDERR]}; getc: PROC [c: POINTER TO character] RETURNS [character] = INLINE { RETURN [getcf[c, STDIN]]}; getcf: PROC [c: POINTER TO character, fd: filedesc] RETURNS [character] = { SELECT filetab[fd].type FROM stream => { h: Stream.Handle = filetab[fd].handle; c↑ ← IF FileStream.EndOf[h] THEN ENDFILE ELSE ord[h.GetChar[]]}; tty => IF (kbdx < kbdline.length) THEN { c↑ ← ord[kbdline[kbdx]]; kbdx ← kbdx + 1} ELSE { readkbd[]; IF (kbdline.length = 0) THEN -- iff kbdend c↑ ← ENDFILE ELSE { c↑ ← ord[kbdline[kbdx]]; kbdx ← kbdx + 1}}; ENDCASE => error["bad file descriptor"L]; RETURN [c↑]}; getline: PROC [s: POINTER TO string, fd: filedesc, maxsize: INTEGER ← MAXSTR] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = { i: INTEGER ← 1; c: character; DO s[i] ← getcf[@c, fd]; i ← i + 1; IF (c = ENDFILE) OR (c = NEWLINE) OR (i >= maxsize) THEN EXIT ENDLOOP; IF (c = ENDFILE) THEN -- went one too far i ← i - 1; s[i] ← ENDSTR; RETURN [c # ENDFILE]}; putc: PROC [c: character] = INLINE {putcf[c, STDOUT]}; putcf: PROC [c: character, fd: filedesc] = { SELECT filetab[fd].type FROM stream => { h: Stream.Handle = filetab[fd].handle; h.PutChar[chr[c]]}; tty => tty.PutChar[chr[c]]; ENDCASE => error["bad file descriptor"L]}; putstr: PROC [s: POINTER TO string, fd: filedesc] = { i: INTEGER ← 1; WHILE (s[i] # ENDSTR) DO putcf[s[i], fd]; i ← i + 1 ENDLOOP}; -- errors and messages message: PROC [msg: STRING] = { FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. msg.length) DO putcf[ord[msg[i]], STDERR] ENDLOOP}; exit: ERROR = CODE; error: PROC [msg: STRING] = { message[msg]; ERROR exit}; -- command arg primitives MAXCMD: NAT = 20; cmdargs: [0 .. MAXCMD]; cmd: ARRAY [1 .. MAXCMD] OF RECORD [idx, len: CARDINAL]; getarg: PROC [n: INTEGER, str: POINTER TO string, maxsize: INTEGER] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = { b: BOOLEAN ← ((n > 0) AND (n <= cmdargs)); IF (b) THEN commandstr[cmd[n].idx, cmd[n].len, str, 1, maxsize]; RETURN [b]}; nargs: PROC RETURNS [INTEGER] = {RETURN [cmdargs]}; commandstr: PROC [i, n: INTEGER, dest: POINTER TO string, j: INTEGER, maxsize: INTEGER] = { WHILE (n > 0) AND (j < maxsize) DO dest[j] ← ord[Exec.commandLine.s[i]]; i ← i + 1; j ← j + 1; n ← n - 1; ENDLOOP; dest[j] ← ENDSTR}; -- utilities -- esc: map s[i↑] into escaped character, increment i↑ esc: PROC [s: POINTER TO string, i: POINTER TO INTEGER] RETURNS [c: character] = { IF (s[i↑] = ESCAPE) THEN c ← s[i↑] ELSE IF (s[i↑+1] = ENDSTR) THEN -- @ not special at end c ← ESCAPE ELSE { i↑ ← i↑ + 1; IF (s[i↑] = ord['n]) THEN c ← NEWLINE ELSE IF (s[i↑] = ord['t]) THEN c ← TAB ELSE c ← s[i↑]}; RETURN}; -- index: find position of character c in string s index: PROC [s: POINTER TO string, c: character] RETURNS [INTEGER] = { i: INTEGER ← 1; WHILE (s[i] # c) AND (s[i] # ENDSTR) DO i ← i + 1 ENDLOOP; RETURN [IF (s[i] = ENDSTR) THEN 0 ELSE i]}; -- isalphanum: true if c is a letter or digit isalphanum: PROC [c: character] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = { RETURN [ (c IN [ord['a] .. ord['z]]) OR (c IN [ord['A] .. ord['Z]]) OR (c IN [ord['0] .. ord['9]])]}; -- length: compute length of string length: PROC [s: POINTER TO string] RETURNS [INTEGER] = { n: INTEGER ← 1; WHILE (s[n] # ENDSTR) DO n ← n + 1 ENDLOOP; RETURN [n - 1]}; -- insert main proc here -- translit: map characters translit: PROC = { NEGATE: character = ord['↑]; arg, fromset, toset: string; c: character; i, lastto: [0..MAXSTR]; allbut, squash: BOOLEAN; makeset: PROC [inset: POINTER TO string, k: INTEGER, outset: POINTER TO string, maxset: INTEGER] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = { -- makeset: make set from inset[k] in outset addstr: PROC [c: character, outset: POINTER TO string, j: POINTER TO INTEGER, maxset: INTEGER] RETURNS [added: BOOLEAN] = { -- addstr: put c in outset[j] if it fits, increment j IF (j↑ > maxset) THEN added ← FALSE ELSE { outset[j↑] ← c; j↑ ← j↑ + 1; added ← TRUE}; RETURN}; dodash: PROC [delim: character, src: POINTER TO string, i: POINTER TO INTEGER, dest: POINTER TO string, j: POINTER TO INTEGER, maxset: INTEGER] = { -- dodash: expand set at src[i↑] into dest[j↑], stop at delim DASH: character = ord['-]; WHILE (src[i↑] # delim) AND (src[i↑] # ENDSTR) DO IF (src[i↑] = ESCAPE) THEN [] ← addstr[esc[src, i], dest, j, maxset] ELSE IF (src[i↑] # DASH) THEN [] ← addstr[src[i↑], dest, j, maxset] ELSE IF (j↑ <= 1) OR (src[i↑+1] = ENDSTR) THEN [] ← addstr[DASH, dest, j, maxset] -- literal - ELSE IF (isalphanum[src[i↑-1]]) AND (isalphanum[src[i↑+1]]) AND (src[i↑-1] <= src[i↑+1]) THEN { FOR k: character IN (src[i↑-1] .. src[i↑+1]] DO [] ← addstr[k, dest, j, maxset] ENDLOOP; i↑ ← i↑ + 1} ELSE [] ← addstr[DASH, dest, j, maxset]; i↑ ← i↑ + 1 ENDLOOP}; j: INTEGER ← 1; dodash[ENDSTR, inset, @k, outset, @j, maxset]; RETURN [addstr[ENDSTR, outset, @j, maxset]]}; xindex: PROC [inset: POINTER TO string, c: character, allbut: BOOLEAN, lastto: INTEGER] RETURNS [INTEGER] = { -- xindex: conditionally invert value from index RETURN [ IF (c = ENDFILE) THEN 0 ELSE IF (~allbut) THEN index[inset, c] ELSE IF (index[inset, c] > 0) THEN 0 ELSE lastto + 1]}; IF (~getarg[1, @arg, MAXSTR]) THEN error["usage: translit from to"L]; allbut ← (arg[1] = NEGATE); i ← IF (allbut) THEN 2 ELSE 1; IF (~makeset[@arg, i, @fromset, MAXSTR]) THEN error["translit: ""from"" set too large"L]; IF (~getarg[2, @arg, MAXSTR]) THEN toset[1] ← ENDSTR ELSE IF (~makeset[@arg, 1, @toset, MAXSTR]) THEN error["translit: ""to"" set too large"L] ELSE IF (length[@fromset] < length[@toset]) THEN error["translit: ""from"" shorter than ""to"""L]; lastto ← length[@toset]; squash ← (length[@fromset] > lastto) OR (allbut); DO i ← xindex[@fromset, getc[@c], allbut, lastto]; IF (squash) AND (i>=lastto) AND (lastto>0) THEN { putc[toset[lastto]]; DO i ← xindex[@fromset, getc[@c], allbut, lastto]; IF (i < lastto) THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP}; IF (c = ENDFILE) THEN EXIT; IF (i > 0) AND (lastto > 0) THEN -- translate putc[toset[i]] ELSE IF (i = 0) THEN -- copy putc[c] -- ELSE delete -- ENDLOOP}; -- here begins the shell initcmd: PROC = { idx: CARDINAL ← Exec.commandLine.i; limx: CARDINAL = IF Exec.commandLine.s = NIL THEN 0 ELSE Exec.commandLine.s.length-1; tty ← Exec.w; kbdx ← kbdline.length ← 0; kbdend ← FALSE; filetab[STDIN].type ← filetab[STDOUT].type ← filetab[STDERR].type ← tty; cmdargs ← 0; WHILE (idx < limx) DO WHILE (Exec.commandLine.s[idx] = Ascii.SP) AND (idx < limx) DO idx ← idx + 1 ENDLOOP; IF (idx < limx) THEN { startidx: CARDINAL = idx; WHILE (idx < limx) AND (Exec.commandLine.s[idx] # Ascii.SP) AND (Exec.commandLine.s[idx] # Ascii.TAB) DO idx ← idx + 1 ENDLOOP; SELECT Exec.commandLine.s[startidx] FROM '< => { name: string; commandstr[startidx+1, idx - (startidx+1), @name, 1, MAXSTR]; close[STDIN]; makestream[@name, IOREAD, STDIN]}; '> => { name: string; commandstr[startidx+1, idx - (startidx+1), @name, 1, MAXSTR]; close[STDOUT]; makestream[@name, IOWRITE, STDOUT]}; ENDCASE => { cmdargs ← cmdargs + 1; IF cmdargs > MAXCMD THEN { putcf[NEWLINE, STDERR]; message["*** too many arguments"L]; putcf[NEWLINE, STDERR]} ELSE cmd[cmdargs] ← [idx: startidx, len: idx - startidx]}}; ENDLOOP; putcf[NEWLINE, STDERR]}; endcmd: PROC = { FOR fd: filedesc IN (IOERROR .. MAXOPEN] DO close[fd] ENDLOOP; IF Exec.commandLine.s # NIL THEN Exec.commandLine.i ← Exec.commandLine.s.length}; main: PROC = { initcmd[]; translit[ ! exit => {CONTINUE}]; endcmd[]}; Exec.AddCommand["translit.~"L, main]; }.