-- file SMTypeConsImpl.mesa -- last modified by Satterthwaite, August 11, 1983 1:52 pm DIRECTORY Rope: TYPE USING [ROPE, Flatten], SMTree: TYPE Tree USING [Link], SMTreeOps: TYPE --TreeOps-- USING [ TM, MakeNode, NthSon, OpName, PopTree, PushNode, PushTree, PushName, PushText, SetAttr, Zone], SMTypeCons: TYPE --TypeCons-- USING [], TimeStamp: TYPE USING [Stamp]; SMTypeConsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Rope, SMTreeOps EXPORTS SMTypeCons ~ { -- type tree building (for Cedar units) OPEN Tree~~SMTree, TreeOps~~SMTreeOps; TM: TYPE ~ TreeOps.TM; MkString: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, text: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { tm.PushText[text.Flatten[]]; RETURN [tm.PopTree]}; -- type construction MkStringType: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { RETURN [tm.MakeNode[$typeSTRING, 0]]}; MkControlType: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { RETURN [tm.MakeNode[$control, 0]]}; MkInterfaceType: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, id: ATOM] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { tm.PushName[id]; RETURN [tm.MakeNode[$type, 1]]}; MkStampType: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, stamp: TimeStamp.Stamp] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { tm.PushTree[(tm.Zone).NEW[TimeStamp.Stamp _ stamp]]; RETURN [tm.MakeNode[$stamp, 1]]}; MkPair: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, type1, type2: Tree.Link] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { tm.PushTree[type1]; tm.PushTree[type2]; RETURN [tm.MakeNode[$cross, 2]]}; MkCross: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, typeList: LIST OF Tree.Link] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { IF typeList = NIL THEN tm.PushNode[$nil, 0] ELSE { tm.PushTree[typeList.first]; tm.PushTree[MkCross[tm, typeList.rest]]; tm.PushNode[$cross, 2]}; RETURN [tm.PopTree]}; MkCrossReverse: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, typeList: LIST OF Tree.Link] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { tm.PushNode[$nil, 0]; FOR l: LIST OF Tree.Link _ typeList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO tm.PushTree[l.first]; tm.PushNode[$cross, -2]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [tm.PopTree]}; MkCross2: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, decl, type: Tree.Link] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { tm.PushTree[decl]; tm.SetAttr[1, TRUE]; tm.PushTree[type]; RETURN [tm.MakeNode[$cross2, 2]]}; MkDeclElem: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, id: ATOM, type: Tree.Link] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { tm.PushName[id]; tm.PushTree[type]; RETURN [tm.MakeNode[$declElem, 2]]}; MkDecl: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, elemList: LIST OF Tree.Link] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { n: NAT_0; FOR l: LIST OF Tree.Link _ elemList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO tm.PushTree[l.first]; n _ n+1; ENDLOOP; tm.PushNode[$decl, n]; tm.SetAttr[1, TRUE]; RETURN [tm.PopTree]}; MkDeclReverse: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, elemList: LIST OF Tree.Link] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { n: NAT_0; FOR l: LIST OF Tree.Link _ elemList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO tm.PushTree[l.first]; n _ n+1; ENDLOOP; tm.PushNode[$decl, -n]; tm.SetAttr[1, TRUE]; RETURN [tm.PopTree]}; MkArrow: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, domain, range: Tree.Link] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { tm.PushTree[domain]; tm.PushTree[range]; RETURN [tm.MakeNode[$arrow, 2]]}; -- type decomposition Domain: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, arrow: Tree.Link] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { IF TreeOps.OpName[arrow] # $arrow THEN ERROR; RETURN [TreeOps.NthSon[arrow, 1]]}; Range: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, arrow: Tree.Link] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ { IF TreeOps.OpName[arrow] # $arrow THEN ERROR; RETURN [TreeOps.NthSon[arrow, 2]]}; -- utilities PushLink: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM, link: Tree.Link] ~ {tm.PushTree[link]}; PopLink: PUBLIC PROC[tm: TM] RETURNS[Tree.Link] ~ {RETURN [tm.PopTree]}; }.