-- SMCompImpl.mesa -- last edit by Schmidt, May 27, 1983 6:44 pm -- last edit by Satterthwaite, August 15, 1983 11:01 am -- code to run the compiler for the Cedar Modeller DIRECTORY Atom: TYPE USING [MakeAtom], BcdStamps: TYPE USING [Compute], CompilerOps: TYPE USING [ AppendHerald, CompilerVersion, DefaultSwitches, DoTransaction, LetterSwitches, Start, Stop, StreamId, Transaction], CS: TYPE USING [ Confirm, NewFile, NewStream, readWrite, RopeFromStamp, RootName, SetPFCodes, write], Directory: TYPE USING [DeleteFile, Error, Handle, ignore, Lookup, UpdateDates], File: TYPE USING [Capability, read], FileParms: TYPE USING [ ActualId, BindingProc, Name, nullActual, nullSymbolSpace, SymbolSpace], FileStream: TYPE USING [Create, GetLeaderPropertiesForCapability], Heap: TYPE USING [systemZone], IO: TYPE USING [ atom, card, CreateProcsStream, CreateRefStreamProcs, PutChar, PutF, PutFR, PutRope, rope, STREAM, string, UserAbort, UserAborted], Loader: TYPE USING [Instantiate, Start], LongString: TYPE USING [SubString, SubStringDescriptor], Rope: TYPE USING [--Cat,-- Equal, Fetch, Flatten, FromProc, Length, Lower, ROPE, Text], Runtime: TYPE USING [IsBound], SMComp: TYPE USING [], SMFI: TYPE USING [BcdFileInfo, SrcFileInfo], SMOps: TYPE USING [MS], SMProj: TYPE USING [Proj, Analyzed, Available, Erase, Fill, Find, Rename, Update], SMTree: TYPE Tree USING [ApplOp, Handle, Link, Name], SMTreeOps: TYPE USING [ GetExt, GetName, NthSon, NSons, OpName, PutExt, Scan, ScanSons], SMVal: TYPE USING [ Binding, BtoG, LoadMod, GetExtFromParse, OuterBody, ValOf, ValOfNthSon, VisitNodes], Stream: TYPE USING [Delete, Handle, PutChar], Time: TYPE USING [Current], TimeStamp: TYPE USING [Stamp], --UnsafeStorage: TYPE USING [GetSystemUZone], ViewerClasses: TYPE USING [Viewer], ViewerOps: TYPE USING [CreateViewer, FindViewer, OpenIcon, RestoreViewer], WindowManager: TYPE USING [UnWaitCursor, WaitCursor]; -- this monitor locks the compiler SMCompImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS Atom, BcdStamps, CompilerOps, CS, Directory, FileStream, Heap, IO, Loader, Rope, Runtime, SMProj, SMTreeOps, SMVal, Stream, Time, --UnsafeStorage,-- ViewerOps, WindowManager EXPORTS SMComp ~ { OPEN Tree~~SMTree, TreeOps~~SMTreeOps; -- MDS usage -- all these variables are protected by the monitor compilerIsLocked: BOOL _ FALSE; compilerWait: CONDITION; logSH: IO.STREAM _ NIL; -- out stream to Compiler.Log logPilotSH: Stream.Handle _ NIL; nSuccessful, nWarnings, nErrors: CARDINAL; nUnmatched: CARDINAL; -- compiled but not replaceable compilerStarted: BOOL _ FALSE; timeCompilerStarted: LONG CARDINAL; -- endof MDS CompileAll: PUBLIC PROC[ms: SMOps.MS, t: Tree.Link, confirm: REF BOOL, replace: BOOL] RETURNS[complete: BOOL] ~ { AcquireCompiler[]; { ENABLE UNWIND => {ReleaseCompiler[]}; time: LONG CARDINAL; formals, body: Tree.Link; [formals, body] _ SMVal.OuterBody[t]; TRUSTED {time _ Time.Current[]}; nSuccessful _ nWarnings _ nErrors _ nUnmatched _ 0; complete _ TraverseTreeForCompile[ms, body, confirm, replace ! UNWIND => {[] _ StopBatchCompile[ms]}]; StopBatchCompile[ms]; TRUSTED {time _ Time.Current[] - time}; IF nSuccessful = 0 AND nErrors = 0 AND nWarnings = 0 THEN ms.out.PutRope["Nothing was compiled.\n\n"] ELSE { ms.out.PutF["%d successful", IO.card[nSuccessful]]; IF nErrors > 0 THEN ms.out.PutF["; %d w/errors", IO.card[nErrors]]; IF nWarnings > 0 THEN ms.out.PutF["; %d w/warnings", IO.card[nWarnings]]; ms.out.PutF["\nTotal time to compile: %r\n\n", IO.card[time]]}; complete _ complete AND (nErrors = 0) AND (nUnmatched = 0); }; ReleaseCompiler[]; RETURN}; AcquireCompiler: ENTRY PROC ~ { ENABLE UNWIND => {NULL}; WHILE compilerIsLocked DO WAIT compilerWait ENDLOOP; compilerIsLocked _ TRUE}; ReleaseCompiler: ENTRY PROC ~ { ENABLE UNWIND => {NULL}; compilerIsLocked _ FALSE; NOTIFY compilerWait}; TraverseTreeForCompile: PROC[ ms: SMOps.MS, root: Tree.Link, confirm: REF BOOL, replace: BOOL] RETURNS[complete: BOOL _ TRUE] ~ { ForEachApply: PROC[node, parent: Tree.Link] ~ { SELECT TreeOps.OpName[node] FROM IN Tree.ApplOp => WITH SMVal.ValOfNthSon[node, 1] SELECT FROM source: SMFI.SrcFileInfo => WITH TreeOps.GetExt[node] SELECT FROM proj: SMProj.Proj => -- already processed IF ~proj.Available THEN complete _ FALSE; ENDCASE => { oldLoadMod: SMVal.LoadMod ~ NARROW[SMVal.GetExtFromParse[parent]]; args: Tree.Link ~ SMVal.ValOfNthSon[node, 2]; proj: SMProj.Proj ~ PossibleCompile[ms, source, args, confirm, replace, oldLoadMod]; TreeOps.PutExt[node, proj]; IF ~proj.Available THEN complete _ FALSE}; -- errors or declined ENDCASE; -- ignore this appl on this pass ENDCASE; }; SMVal.VisitNodes[ms.tm, root, ForEachApply]}; FormalActual: TYPE ~ RECORD[ SEQUENCE length: NAT OF RECORD[ name: Tree.Name, object: SMProj.Proj] ]; PossibleCompile: PROC[ ms: SMOps.MS, source: SMFI.SrcFileInfo, args: Tree.Link, confirm: REF BOOL, replace: BOOL, oldLoadMod: SMVal.LoadMod] RETURNS[proj: SMProj.Proj] ~ TRUSTED { directoryMap: REF FormalActual; bcdStamp: TimeStamp.Stamp; switches: CompilerOps.LetterSwitches; argsAvailable: BOOL _ TRUE; tryToReplace: BOOL; [bcdStamp, directoryMap, switches] _ BcdStampFromAppl[ms, source, args]; -- first scan existing projection database proj _ SMProj.Find[bcdStamp]; IF proj.Available THEN RETURN; -- already found and analyzed -- see if on disk proj.Fill[source.localName, source.new]; -- proj.Fill[ -- CS.RootName[source.localName].Cat["$"].Cat[CS.RopeFromStamp[bcdStamp]].Flatten[], -- source.new]; IF proj.Available THEN RETURN; -- correct version on local file system FOR i: NAT IN [0..directoryMap.length) WHILE argsAvailable DO IF ~(directoryMap[i].object).Available THEN argsAvailable _ FALSE; ENDLOOP; tryToReplace _ replace AND argsAvailable AND Replaceable[oldLoadMod]; IF ~argsAvailable THEN ms.out.PutF[ "Cannot compile %s because compilation of an argument failed\n", IO.rope[source.localName]] ELSE IF AskTheUser[ms, source.localName, switches, confirm^] THEN { oldProj: SMProj.Proj ~ (IF tryToReplace THEN oldLoadMod.proj ELSE NIL); errors, replaceable: BOOL; [errors, replaceable] _ AttemptCompile[ms, source, directoryMap, switches, proj, oldProj]; IF oldLoadMod # NIL THEN oldLoadMod.mustReplace _ replaceable} ELSE NULL; }; Replaceable: PROC[loadMod: SMVal.LoadMod] RETURNS[BOOL] ~ INLINE { RETURN[loadMod # NIL AND loadMod.loadInfo # NIL AND loadMod.loadInfo.size = 1]}; BcdStampFromAppl: PROC[ms: SMOps.MS, source: SMFI.SrcFileInfo, args: Tree.Link] RETURNS[ bcdVersion: TimeStamp.Stamp, directoryMap: REF FormalActual, switches: CompilerOps.LetterSwitches] ~ { inx: NAT _ 0; DeclName: PROC[t: Tree.Link] RETURNS[Tree.Name] ~ INLINE { RETURN [TreeOps.GetName[TreeOps.NthSon[t, 1]]]}; SetFormalName: TreeOps.Scan ~ { SELECT TreeOps.OpName[t] FROM $declElem => IF inx < directoryMap.length THEN { directoryMap[inx].name _ DeclName[t]; inx _ inx + 1}; ENDCASE; }; d: Tree.Link ~ TreeOps.NthSon[source.type, 1]; g: Tree.Link ~ (IF SMVal.Binding[args] THEN SMVal.BtoG[args] ELSE args); TRUSTED {switches _ CompilerOps.DefaultSwitches[]; switches['s] _ FALSE}; directoryMap _ (ms.z).NEW[FormalActual[TreeOps.NSons[d]-1]]; -- exclude &options TreeOps.ScanSons[d, SetFormalName]; IF TreeOps.OpName[g] = $group THEN { i: NAT _ 0; ActualByPosition: TreeOps.Scan ~ { WITH SMVal.ValOf[t] SELECT FROM node: Tree.Handle => { directoryMap[i].object _ ExtractProjection[node]; i _ i + 1}; text: Rope.Text => switches _ InterpolateSwitches[text]; ENDCASE => NULL; }; TreeOps.ScanSons[g, ActualByPosition]} ELSE ERROR; -- TYPE CHECK TRUSTED { DirectoryEnumerator: PROC[forEach: PROC[TimeStamp.Stamp]] ~ CHECKED { FOR i: NAT IN [0..directoryMap.length) DO forEach[directoryMap[i].object.stamp] ENDLOOP; }; bcdVersion _ BcdStamps.Compute[ source.create, switches, CompilerOps.CompilerVersion[], DirectoryEnumerator]}; }; ExtractProjection: PROC[t: Tree.Link] RETURNS[proj: SMProj.Proj _ NIL] ~ { SELECT TreeOps.OpName[t] FROM IN Tree.ApplOp => WITH SMVal.ValOfNthSon[t, 1] SELECT FROM node: Tree.Handle => IF TreeOps.OpName[node] IN Tree.ApplOp AND ISTYPE[SMVal.ValOfNthSon[node, 1], SMFI.SrcFileInfo] THEN proj _ NARROW[TreeOps.GetExt[node]]; fiBcd: SMFI.BcdFileInfo => { -- temporary (inefficient) proj _ SMProj.Find[fiBcd.stamp]; IF ~proj.Analyzed THEN proj.Fill[fiBcd.localName, FALSE]}; ENDCASE; $subscript => proj _ ExtractProjection[SMVal.ValOfNthSon[t, 1]]; ENDCASE; RETURN}; AttemptCompile: PROC[ ms: SMOps.MS, source: SMFI.SrcFileInfo, args: REF FormalActual, switches: CompilerOps.LetterSwitches, proj, oldProj: SMProj.Proj] RETURNS[errors, replaceable: BOOL] ~ TRUSTED { warnings: BOOL; IF oldProj ~= NIL THEN { -- try for replacement oldBcdFileName: Rope.Text ~ GenUniqueBcdName[oldProj.localName]; IF oldBcdFileName.Equal[proj.localName, FALSE] THEN { ms.out.PutF[ "%s cannot be recompiled because old bcd can't be renamed.\n", IO.rope[source.localName]]; errors _ TRUE; replaceable _ FALSE; GOTO skip}; oldProj.Rename[oldBcdFileName]; [errors, warnings, replaceable] _ CompileIt[ms, source, args, switches, proj, oldProj]; IF replaceable AND ~errors THEN { ms.out.PutF[" %s passes compiler's test for replaceability.\n", IO.rope[proj.localName]]; ms.out.PutF["\told version renamed to %s.\n", IO.rope[oldBcdFileName]]} ELSE { replaceable _ FALSE; IF errors THEN oldProj.Rename[proj.localName] -- new version was deleted ELSE { ms.out.PutF[ " %s is not replaceable (compiler refuses), new version has been left on disk.\n", IO.rope[proj.localName]]; ms.out.PutF["\told loaded version renamed to %s.\n", IO.rope[oldBcdFileName]]}; }; EXITS skip => NULL; } ELSE [errors, warnings, ] _ CompileIt[ms, source, args, switches, proj, NIL]; }; CompileIt: UNSAFE PROC[ ms: SMOps.MS, source: SMFI.SrcFileInfo, args: REF FormalActual, switches: CompilerOps.LetterSwitches, proj, oldProj: SMProj.Proj] RETURNS[errors, warnings, replaceable: BOOL] ~ UNCHECKED { t: CompilerOps.Transaction; cap: File.Capability; oneStartTime: LONG CARDINAL; DirectoryBinding: PROC[ formalId, formalType: FileParms.Name, defaultLocator: LONG STRING, binder: FileParms.BindingProc] ~ TRUSTED { desiredName: Tree.Name ~ Atom.MakeAtom[SubStringToText[@formalId]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. args.length) DO IF args[i].name = desiredName THEN { bcd: SMProj.Proj ~ args[i].object; binder[ FileParms.ActualId[ version~bcd.stamp, locator~[ base~LOOPHOLE[bcd.localName], offset~0, length~bcd.localName.Length] ]]; IF ms.debugFlag THEN ms.out.PutF["match %g with %g of %s\n", IO.atom[desiredName], IO.rope[bcd.localName], IO.rope[CS.RopeFromStamp[bcd.stamp]]]; RETURN}; ENDLOOP; ms.out.PutF["\nError - '%s' not found in argument list.\n", IO.atom[desiredName]]; binder[FileParms.nullActual]}; -- called after DirectoryBinding, except for hidden directory entries DirectoryAcquire: PROC[type: LongString.SubStringDescriptor, actual: FileParms.ActualId] RETURNS[ss: FileParms.SymbolSpace] ~ TRUSTED { bcdFileName: Rope.Text; bcd: SMProj.Proj; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. args.length) DO IF args[i].object.stamp = actual.version THEN RETURN[[file~args[i].object.capability, span~ args[i].object.symbolPages]]; ENDLOOP; -- not found bcdFileName _ SubStringToText[@actual.locator]; bcd _ SMProj.Find[actual.version]; IF ~bcd.Available THEN bcd.Fill[bcdFileName, FALSE]; IF bcd.Available THEN { IF bcd.symbolPages = FileParms.nullSymbolSpace.span THEN ms.out.PutF["Can't get symbol space for type %s, file %s\n", IO.rope[SubStringToText[@type]], IO.rope[bcdFileName]]; RETURN[[file~bcd.capability, span~bcd.symbolPages]]}; ms.out.PutF["%s of %s not found on parameter list.\n", IO.rope[bcdFileName], IO.rope[CS.RopeFromStamp[actual.version]]]; RETURN[FileParms.nullSymbolSpace]}; DirectoryRelease: PROC[ss: FileParms.SymbolSpace] ~ CHECKED {}; DirectoryForget: PROC[actual: FileParms.ActualId] ~ CHECKED {}; GetStream: PROC[id: CompilerOps.StreamId] RETURNS[sh: Stream.Handle] ~ TRUSTED { SELECT id FROM $source => sh _ t.sourceStream; -- temporary $log => {CreateLogStream[]; sh _ logPilotSH}; ENDCASE => ERROR; RETURN}; CompilerPass: PROC[p: CARDINAL] RETURNS[goOn: BOOL] ~ CHECKED { goOn _ ~(ms.in).UserAbort; ms.msgOut.PutChar['.]}; DeleteBadBcd: UNSAFE PROC ~ { proj.Erase[]; IF t.objectName ~= NIL THEN Directory.DeleteFile[t.objectName]; t.objectName _ NIL}; Cleanup: UNSAFE PROC ~ { IF t.sourceStream ~= NIL THEN Stream.Delete[t.sourceStream]; t.sourceStream _ NIL}; { ENABLE UNWIND => {DeleteBadBcd[]; Cleanup[]}; errors _ warnings _ TRUE; replaceable _ FALSE; t.sourceStream _ NIL; t.objectName _ NIL; -- make sure the compiler is loaded, etc. IF ~(compilerStarted OR StartBatchCompile[ms]) THEN RETURN; source.new _ FALSE; -- set up Transaction record contents cap _ Directory.UpdateDates[source.capability, File.read]; IF FileStream.GetLeaderPropertiesForCapability[cap].create # source.create THEN { ms.out.PutF["Incorrect version of %g found on local disk\n", IO.rope[source.localName]]; errors _ TRUE; RETURN}; t.op _ IF oldProj # NIL THEN $replace ELSE $compile; t.source _ [ version~[net~0, host~0, time~source.create], locator~[ base~LOOPHOLE[source.localName], offset~0, length~source.localName.Length]]; t.sourceStream _ FileStream.Create[cap]; t.fileParms _ [DirectoryBinding, DirectoryAcquire, DirectoryRelease, DirectoryForget]; t.switches _ switches; IF t.op = $replace THEN t.pattern _ [ version~oldProj.stamp, locator~[base: LOOPHOLE[oldProj.localName], offset~0, length~oldProj.localName.Length]] ELSE t.pattern _ FileParms.nullActual; t.objectName _ LOOPHOLE[proj.localName]; t.objectFile _ CS.NewFile[proj.localName, CS.readWrite, 10]; t.debugPass _ CARDINAL.LAST; t.getStream _ GetStream; t.startPass _ CompilerPass; PrintStartOne[ms, @t]; oneStartTime _ Time.Current[]; -- these are here to hide them from the user t.switches['d] _ TRUE --ms.debugFlag--; -- debugging t.switches['g] _ FALSE; -- log is always Compiler.Log -- actually call the compiler CompilerOps.DoTransaction[@t]; PrintStopOne[ms, @t, oneStartTime]; replaceable _ (t.op = $replace AND t.matched); errors _ (t.nErrors # 0); IF errors THEN nErrors _ nErrors + 1; warnings _ (t.nWarnings # 0); IF warnings THEN nWarnings _ nWarnings + 1; IF ~errors AND ~warnings THEN nSuccessful _ nSuccessful + 1; IF ~errors THEN { IF proj.stamp # t.objectVersion THEN ERROR; proj.Update[@t]; IF t.op = $replace AND ~t.matched THEN nUnmatched _ nUnmatched + 1} ELSE DeleteBadBcd[]; Cleanup[]}}; -- local procedures StartBatchCompile: PROC[ms: SMOps.MS] RETURNS[loadedOk: BOOL] ~ TRUSTED { herald: STRING _ [100]; logSH _ NIL; IF ~(loadedOk _ LoadCompiler[ms.msgOut]) THEN RETURN; timeCompilerStarted _ Time.Current[]; Directory.DeleteFile["Compiler.Log"L ! Directory.Error => {CONTINUE}]; CreateLogStream[]; -- creates new log, sets logSH CompilerOps.AppendHerald[herald]; logSH.PutF["%s\n%t\n", IO.string[herald], IO.card[timeCompilerStarted]]; CompilerOps.Start[Heap.systemZone--UnsafeStorage.GetSystemUZone[]--]; compilerStarted _ TRUE}; StopBatchCompile: PROC[ms: SMOps.MS]~ { log: ViewerClasses.Viewer; IF ~compilerStarted THEN RETURN; -- noop call; compiler not running IF nSuccessful # 0 THEN logSH.PutF[" %d successful; ", IO.card[nSuccessful]]; IF nWarnings # 0 THEN logSH.PutF[" %d w/warnings; ", IO.card[nWarnings]]; IF nErrors # 0 THEN logSH.PutF[" %d w/errors; ", IO.card[nErrors]]; TRUSTED {timeCompilerStarted _ Time.Current[] - timeCompilerStarted}; logSH.PutF["\nTotal elapsed time %y.\n", IO.card[timeCompilerStarted]]; TRUSTED {Stream.Delete[logPilotSH]}; logSH _ NIL; TRUSTED {CompilerOps.Stop[]}; compilerStarted _ FALSE; log _ ViewerOps.FindViewer["Compiler.Log"]; IF log ~= NIL THEN ViewerOps.RestoreViewer[log]; IF nWarnings # 0 OR nErrors # 0 THEN { IF log ~= NIL THEN ViewerOps.OpenIcon[log] ELSE {ms.msgOut.PutChar['\n]; CreateANewViewer["Compiler.log", ms.msgOut]}}; ms.msgOut.PutRope["End of compilation\n"]}; CreateANewViewer: PROC[name: Rope.Text, out: IO.STREAM] ~ { viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer; WindowManager.WaitCursor[]; viewer _ ViewerOps.CreateViewer[ flavor~$Text, info~[name~name, file~name, iconic~FALSE, column~left]]; out.PutF["Created Viewer: %s\n", IO.rope[name]]; WindowManager.UnWaitCursor[]}; AskTheUser: PROC[ ms: SMOps.MS, filename: Rope.Text, switches: CompilerOps.LetterSwitches, confirm: BOOL] RETURNS[accepted: BOOL _ TRUE] ~ { PutChar: PROC[c: CHAR] ~ {ms.out.PutChar[c]}; ms.out.PutF["Compile %s", IO.rope[filename]]; GenerateDifferentialSwitches[switches, PutChar]; IF confirm THEN -- ask the user if he really wants it compiled SELECT CS.Confirm['y, ms.in, ms.out] FROM 'q => {ms.out.PutRope["Quit.\n"]; ERROR IO.UserAborted[]}; 'y => ms.out.PutRope["Yes."] ENDCASE => {accepted _ FALSE; ms.out.PutRope["No."]}; IF accepted THEN ms.out.PutRope[" ... "]; ms.out.PutChar['\n]}; GenerateDifferentialSwitches: PROC[ sw: CompilerOps.LetterSwitches, proc: PROC[CHAR]] ~ TRUSTED { standardSwitches: CompilerOps.LetterSwitches ~ CompilerOps.DefaultSwitches[]; first: BOOL _ TRUE; FOR c: CHAR IN ['a .. 'z] DO sd: BOOL ~ (c # 'p AND standardSwitches[c]); IF sw[c] ~= sd THEN { IF first THEN {first _ FALSE; proc['/]}; IF sd THEN proc['-]; proc[c]}; ENDLOOP; }; PrintStartOne: UNSAFE PROC[ ms: SMOps.MS, t: POINTER TO CompilerOps.Transaction] ~ UNCHECKED { PutChar: SAFE PROC[c: CHAR] ~ TRUSTED { ms.msgOut.PutChar[c]; logSH.PutChar[c]}; ms.msgOut.PutF["Compiling: %s", IO.string[t.source.locator.base]]; logSH.PutF["\nCommand: %s", IO.string[t.source.locator.base]]; GenerateDifferentialSwitches[t.switches, PutChar]; logSH.PutChar['\n]}; PrintStopOne: UNSAFE PROC[ ms: SMOps.MS, t: POINTER TO CompilerOps.Transaction, oneStartTime: LONG CARDINAL] ~ UNCHECKED { -- first MsgSW IF t.nErrors > 0 THEN ms.msgOut.PutF["%d errors", IO.card[t.nErrors]] ELSE ms.msgOut.PutRope["no errors"]; IF t.nWarnings > 0 THEN ms.msgOut.PutF[", %d warnings", IO.card[t.nWarnings]]; ms.msgOut.PutChar['\n]; -- now log logSH.PutF["%s -- ", IO.string[t.source.locator.base]]; IF t.nErrors > 0 THEN { logSH.PutF[" aborted, %d errors", IO.card[t.nErrors]]; IF t.nWarnings > 0 THEN logSH.PutF[" and %d warnings", IO.card[t.nWarnings]]; oneStartTime _ Time.Current[] - oneStartTime; logSH.PutF[", time: %y.\n\n", IO.card[oneStartTime]]} ELSE { oneStartTime _ Time.Current[] - oneStartTime; logSH.PutF["source tokens: %d, time: %y", IO.card[t.sourceTokens], IO.card[oneStartTime]]; IF t.objectBytes > 0 THEN logSH.PutF["\n code bytes: %d, links: %d, global frame words: %d", IO.card[t.objectBytes], IO.card[t.linkCount], IO.card[t.objectFrameSize]]; IF t.nWarnings > 0 THEN logSH.PutF["\n%d warnings", IO.card[t.nWarnings]]; logSH.PutChar['\n]}; }; CreateLogStream: PROC ~ { IF logSH = NIL THEN { TRUSTED {logPilotSH _ CS.NewStream["Compiler.Log", CS.write]}; logSH _ IO.CreateProcsStream[IO.CreateRefStreamProcs[putChar~LogStreamPutChar], NIL]; CS.SetPFCodes[logSH]}; }; LogStreamPutChar: PROC[self: IO.STREAM, char: CHAR] ~ TRUSTED { logPilotSH.PutChar[char]}; SubStringToText: PROC[lp: LongString.SubString] RETURNS[Rope.Text] ~ TRUSTED { i: CARDINAL _ 0; EachChar: PROC RETURNS[c: CHAR] ~ TRUSTED { c _ lp.base[lp.offset+i]; i _ i+1; RETURN}; RETURN [Rope.FromProc[lp.length, EachChar].Flatten[]]}; InterpolateSwitches: PROC[parms: Rope.Text] RETURNS[switches: CompilerOps.LetterSwitches] ~ { on: BOOL _ TRUE; -- set defaults TRUSTED {switches _ CompilerOps.DefaultSwitches[]}; switches['s] _ FALSE; -- the modeller defaults to /-s IF parms # NIL THEN FOR i: INT IN [0 .. parms.Length) DO c: CHAR ~ Rope.Lower[parms.Fetch[i]]; SELECT c FROM '-, '~ => on _ ~on; IN ['a .. 'z] => {switches[c] _ on; on _ TRUE}; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; }; GenUniqueBcdName: PROC[bcdFileName: Rope.Text] RETURNS[newName: Rope.Text] ~ TRUSTED { rootName: Rope.ROPE ~ CS.RootName[bcdFileName]; newName _ bcdFileName; FOR inx: CARDINAL _ 1, inx+1 DO newName _ IO.PutFR["%s.%d.bcd$", IO.rope[rootName], IO.card[inx]].Flatten[]; [] _ Directory.Lookup[fileName~LOOPHOLE[newName], permissions~Directory.ignore ! Directory.Error => {EXIT}]; ENDLOOP; RETURN}; -- not monitored properly LoadCompiler: PUBLIC PROC[out: IO.STREAM] RETURNS[success: BOOL_TRUE] ~ TRUSTED { IF ~Runtime.IsBound[CompilerOps.Start] THEN { -- not already loaded ENABLE ANY => {GOTO failed}; cap: File.Capability; out.PutRope["Loading Compiler ... "]; cap _ Directory.Lookup["compiler.bcd"L]; Loader.Start[Loader.Instantiate[file~cap, offset~1, codeLinks~TRUE].cm]; out.PutRope["done.\n"]; EXITS failed => {out.PutRope["failed.\n"]; success _ FALSE}; }; RETURN}; }. 0"default" styleJWX