-- file SML.config
-- last edit by Schmidt, May 31, 1983 3:04 pm
-- last edit by Satterthwaite, July 25, 1983 1:50 pm
-- config for the Cedar Modeller

-- this code is organized around these monitors:
--		SMReaderImpl:  monitors the parser of models
--		SMCompImpl:  monitors use of the compiler
--		SMFIImpl: monitors mods to the FI tables and the parser of Cedar srcs
--		the load state monitors code in SMLDriverImpl
--		SMDFImpl: monitors use of the DF software

  SMDFImpl: FROM "DummySMDFImpl";

    Atom, BcdOps, CedarLinkerOps, CompilerOps, Directory, File,
    FileIO, FileStream, InputFocus, IO, Heap, Labels, List,
    Loader, LoaderPrivate, MBQueue, Menus, PilotLoaderOps, PilotLoadStateOps,
    Process, Rope, RopeInline, RTLoader, RTOS, Rules, Runtime, RuntimeInternal,
    SafeStorage, Space, Stream, Time, Transaction, TypeScript, UECP,
    UserExec, VFonts, ViewerEvents, ViewerIO, ViewerOps, WindowManager
  CONTROL SMIntImpl = {	


  SMEvalImpl;		-- exports SMEval
  SMValImpl;		-- exports SMVal
  SMTreeImpl;		-- exports SMTreeOps
  SMPrettyImpl;		-- exports SMUtil
  CSImpl;			-- exports CS
  SMCommentTableImpl;	-- exports SMCommentTable
  SMTypeConsImpl;	-- exports SMTypeCons

  -- parser for Models
  SMReaderImpl;		-- exports SMUtil, monitor for model parser
  SMScannerImpl;		-- exports SMP1, monitored by SMReaderImpl
  SMParserImpl;		-- exports SMP1, monitored by SMReaderImpl
  SMTreeBuildImpl;	-- exports SMP1, monitored by SMReaderImpl
  SMParseData;		-- table for parser, monitored by SMReaderImpl

  -- parser for Cedar modules
  SMFIImpl;			-- manages type table
  CtoSScannerImpl;		-- exports CtoSP1, monitored by SMFIImpl
  CtoSParserImpl;		-- exports CtoSP1, monitored by SMFIImpl
  CtoSTreeBuildImpl;	-- exports CtoSP1, monitored by SMFIImpl
  CtoSParseData;		-- table for parser, monitored by SMFIImpl
  -- compilation
  SMCompImpl;		-- exports SMComp, monitor for compiler use
  BcdStampsImpl;		-- exports BcdStamps
  SMProjImpl;		-- manages projection table
    RedBlackTreeImpl;	  -- red-black tree for SMProjImpl 
  -- loading
  SMLDriverImpl;		-- exports SMLDriver, uses load state
  SMFakeBcdImpl;		-- exports SMFakeBcd
  SMLoadImpl;		-- exports SMLoad
  SMDFImpl;			-- exports SMDF, monitor for DF stuff
  SMBcdImpl;		-- exports SMBcd
