-- BcdStamps.mesa -- last edit by Schmidt, May 5, 1983 3:50 pm -- last edit by Satterthwaite, July 25, 1983 10:57 am DIRECTORY CompilerOps: TYPE USING [LetterSwitches], Environment: TYPE USING [Comparison], TimeStamp: TYPE USING [Stamp]; BcdStamps: CEDAR DEFINITIONS ~ { Stamp: TYPE~TimeStamp.Stamp; CompareStamps: PROC[s1, s2: Stamp] RETURNS[Environment.Comparison]; -- for computing a version stamp -- the directoryStamps are in the order of the DIRECTORY clause -- stamps for the hidden directory entries are not included -- precise switches must be specified (except /d, /g, /p are ignored) Compute: PROC[ srcCreate: LONG CARDINAL, switches: CompilerOps.LetterSwitches, compilerVersion: TimeStamp.Stamp, directoryEnumerator: PROC[PROC[TimeStamp.Stamp]]] RETURNS[bcdVers: TimeStamp.Stamp]; }.