-- CTLDriverImpl.Mesa, last edit May 8, 1983 6:36 pm
-- Mesa 7.0/ Pilot 6.0
-- procedures to load and start modules in a Model
-- can't use PilotLoaderOps since it is not exported by CoPilotDorado.Config
-- may use PilotLoadStateOps, however
-- links:
-- IF gfi > firstdummy, then gfi is index into Import table
-- and ep is index into the export record pared with that import
-- binding is simply to copy control link in the export record
-- into this link
-- IF gfi < firstdummy, then gfi in this link is an index into the config's
-- moduletable. Do not alter the ep
-- spaces:
-- assume there are n modules
-- there will be
-- 1 space in MDS for all the frames (and frame links)
-- 1 space in VM for the Fake Config Bcd for the load state
-- n ReadOnly spaces for Code
-- code and code links are in same space
-- n spaces for the Bcd headers
-- (deleted on UnLoad)
Atom: TYPE USING[MakeAtom, PutProp],
AtomsPrivate: TYPE USING[UnsafeMakeAtom],
BcdDefs: TYPE USING [Base, BCD, EPLimit, EXPIndex, EXPRecord,
FTIndex, FTRecord, GFTIndex, IMPIndex, IMPRecord,
Link, MTIndex, MTRecord, NameRecord, NullLink, VersionStamp],
BcdOps: TYPE USING [BcdBase, EXPHandle, FTHandle, IMPHandle, MTHandle, NameString,
ProcessExports, ProcessImports, ProcessModules],
CedarExporterImpl: TYPE USING[ProcessPendingEntries, SaveResolvedEntries],
CedarLinkerOps: TYPE USING[FindVariableLink, GetIR, GetPendingList, IR,
PendingList, SetPendingList],
CS: TYPE USING[EqualRope, MakeTS],
CT: TYPE USING[FrameListRecord, Global, MI, ModuleList, OutsideImports,
CTFakeBcd: TYPE USING[BuildFakeBcd],
CTLoad: TYPE USING [AllocateInterfaceSeq, BuildFramePtrInterface,
BuildInterface, CloseLinkSpace, ConvertLink, DummyMapSeq,
FreeLoadInfoSeq, ImpExpSeq,
InterfaceSeq, InvalidFile, LoadGlobalFrames, LoadIncremental,
LoadInfoSeq, NSToRope, OpenLinkSpace, ReadLink, ReplaceResult, WriteLink],
Directory: TYPE USING[DeleteFile, Lookup, Error, ignore],
File: TYPE USING [Capability, nullCapability],
IO: TYPE USING[card, Handle, PutF, rope, string, UserAbort, UserAborted],
List: TYPE USING[DReverse],
Loader: TYPE USING[Error],
LoaderPrivate: TYPE USING[FindMappedSpace, GetModuleLink],
PilotLoaderOps: TYPE USING[DestroyMap, IthLink, LinkSegmentLength,
PilotLoadStateFormat: TYPE USING[ConfigIndex],
PilotLoadStateOps: TYPE USING [ConfigIndex, GetMap, InputLoadState, Map, NullConfig,
ReleaseLoadState, ReleaseMap, RemoveConfig],
PrincOps: TYPE USING [ControlLink, GFTIndex, GFTNull, GlobalFrameHandle, NullLink,
Process: TYPE USING [Detach],
Rope: TYPE USING[Text],
RTLoader: TYPE USING [AcquireTypesAndLiterals],
Runtime: TYPE USING [ValidateGlobalFrame],
RuntimeInternal: TYPE USING [Codebase],
Space: TYPE USING [Create, Delete, GetHandle, Handle,
LongPointer, Map, nullHandle, PageFromLongPointer, virtualMemory],
System: TYPE USING [GetClockPulses, PulsesToMicroseconds],
Time: TYPE USING [Current],
TimeStamp: TYPE USING [Stamp];
IMPORTS Atom, AtomsPrivate, BcdOps, CedarExporterImpl, CedarLinkerOps,
CTFakeBcd, CTLoad, CS, Directory,
IO, List, Loader, LoaderPrivate, PilotLoaderOps, PilotLoadStateOps, Process, RTLoader,
Runtime, RuntimeInternal, Space, System, Time
SHARES CedarExporterImpl, CedarLinkerOps = {
-- no MDS usage!
LoadBcdsAndResolveImports: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[g: CT.Global, tryreplacement: BOOL]
ENABLE UNWIND => PilotLoadStateOps.ReleaseLoadState[];
time: LONG CARDINAL ← Time.Current[];
errors ← FALSE;
g.ttyout.PutF["Loading Phase.\n"];
-- unload any bcds that may be around from the last invocation
-- regardless of "replacement", old config in load state is unloaded
IF g.configindex ~= PilotLoadStateOps.NullConfig THEN
IF NOT tryreplacement THEN {
g.moduleExports ← NIL;
g.outsideImports ← NIL;
g.frameInterfaces ← NIL;
g.configindex ← PilotLoadStateOps.InputLoadState[]; -- locks the load state
-- this will build all interface records
LoadBcds[g ! CTLoad.InvalidFile => GOTO out];
CTFakeBcd.BuildFakeBcd[g]; -- releases the load state
IF g.ttyout.UserAbort[] THEN ERROR ABORTED;
-- now fill in parameters
p ← System.PulsesToMicroseconds[System.GetClockPulses[]];
g.dout.PutF["Phase 3: Fill in interface records... \n"];
-- will lock the load state
FillInImportsFromLoadState[g, tryreplacement];
-- IF Subr.debugflg THEN PrintInterfaceSeqs[spmodel, symbolseq];
IF g.ttyout.UserAbort[] THEN ERROR ABORTED;
p ← (System.PulsesToMicroseconds[System.GetClockPulses[]] - p)/1000;
g.dout.PutF["done (%d millisec).\nPhase 4: Fill in imports (links) ... \n", IO.card[p]];
IF g.ttyout.UserAbort[] THEN ERROR ABORTED;
p ← System.PulsesToMicroseconds[System.GetClockPulses[]];
-- now fill in all the frame links
-- now call Cedar related procedures to finish the loading
ProcessCedarBcds[g, tryreplacement];
time ← Time.Current[] - time;
p ← (System.PulsesToMicroseconds[System.GetClockPulses[]] - p)/1000;
g.dout.PutF["done (%d millisec).\n", IO.card[p]];
g.ttyout.PutF["Total time to load: %d seconds.\n", IO.card[time]];
out => NULL;
StartElemRecord: TYPE = RECORD [
prog: PROGRAM,
frame: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle
StartAllControlBcds: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[g: CT.Global] = TRUSTED {
starr: LIST OF REF StartElemRecord;
mi: CT.MI;
prog: PROGRAM;
dontFork: BOOL ← TRUE;
g.ttyout.PutF["Starting modules ... \n"];
FOR l: CT.ModuleList ← g.moduleList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
mi ← l.first;
IF mi.loadInfoSeq = NIL OR NOT mi.controlModule THEN LOOP;
FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. mi.loadInfoSeq.size) DO
IF mi.loadInfoSeq[i].frame.started THEN {
g.ttyout.PutF["Error - %s has already been started.\n",
g.dout.PutF["Will start %s\n", IO.rope[mi.bcdFileName]];
prog ← LOOPHOLE[mi.loadInfoSeq.cm];
starr ← CONS[NEW[StartElemRecord ← [prog: prog, frame: mi.loadInfoSeq[0].frame]],
starr ← LOOPHOLE[List.DReverse[LOOPHOLE[starr]]];
IF dontFork THEN
StartProcedure[g, starr]
p ← FORK StartProcedure[g, starr];
-- always frees the bcdbases stored in our structures
UnLoad: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[g: CT.Global, unloadthebcd: BOOL] = TRUSTED{
nunl: CARDINAL ← 0;
mi: CT.MI;
FOR l: CT.ModuleList ← g.moduleList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
mi ← l.first;
IF mi.loadInfoSeq ~= NIL THEN {
nunl ← nunl + 1;
IF unloadthebcd THEN {
IF nunl = 1 THEN g.ttyout.PutF["Unloading modules.\n"];
-- remember that a binder bcd loaded by
-- the modeller will have only ONE mapped
-- space for all its code
FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. mi.loadInfoSeq.size) DO
prog: PROGRAM ← LOOPHOLE[mi.loadInfoSeq[i].frame];
space: Space.Handle;
IF RuntimeInternal.Codebase[prog] ~= NIL THEN {
space ← Space.GetHandle[
IF space ~= Space.nullHandle
AND space ~= Space.virtualMemory THEN
-- frees the global frames
PilotLoaderOps.ReleaseFrames[mi.loadInfoSeq.bcdbase, mi.loadInfoSeq.frameList,
-- frees the bcdbase space
mi.loadInfoSeq ← CTLoad.FreeLoadInfoSeq[mi.loadInfoSeq];
IF unloadthebcd THEN {
IF g.configindex ~= PilotLoadStateOps.NullConfig THEN {
g.configindex ← PilotLoadStateOps.NullConfig;
IF g.fakebcdspace ~= Space.nullHandle THEN {
g.fakebcdspace ← Space.nullHandle;
! Directory.Error => CONTINUE];
g.fakeBcdFileName ← NIL;
IF nunl > 0 THEN {
g.ttyout.PutF["%d Module%s unloaded.\n", IO.card[nunl],
IO.rope[IF nunl > 1 THEN "s" ELSE ""]];
g.ttyout.PutF["All code spaces and frames have been freed. DO NOT TRY TO USE THEM!\n"];
-- internal procedures
DeleteLoadStateEntry: PROC[index: PilotLoadStateOps.ConfigIndex] = {
ENABLE UNWIND => PilotLoadStateOps.ReleaseLoadState[];
map: PilotLoadStateOps.Map;
[] ← PilotLoadStateOps.InputLoadState[];
map ← PilotLoadStateOps.GetMap[index];
PilotLoadStateOps.RemoveConfig[map, index];
-- this procedure may be forked forked
StartProcedure: PROC[g: CT.Global, starr: LIST OF REF StartElemRecord] = {
i: CARDINAL ← 0;
ENABLE ABORTED, IO.UserAborted => GOTO out;
FOR l: LIST OF REF StartElemRecord ← starr, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
i ← i + 1;
IF l.first.frame.started THEN
g.ttyout.PutF["Error - element %d of start list has already been started.\n",
START l.first.prog;
out => NULL;
g.dout.PutF["All %d modules have been started.\n", IO.card[i]];
-- the load state is locked for the entire time
LoadBcds: PROC[g: CT.Global] = {
ENABLE UNWIND => PilotLoadStateOps.ReleaseLoadState[];
configGfi: PrincOps.GFTIndex ← 1;
mi: CT.MI;
p ← System.PulsesToMicroseconds[System.GetClockPulses[]];
g.dout.PutF["Phase 1: Load in bcd headers... \n"];
FOR l: CT.ModuleList ← g.moduleList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
mi ← l.first;
IF NOT mi.definitions THEN {
IF NOT mi.bcdValid THEN
g.ttyout.PutF["Error - can't load %s since its not on the disk.\n",
IF mi.loadInfoSeq = NIL THEN {
[mi.loadInfoSeq, configGfi] ←
CTLoad.LoadGlobalFrames[mi.bcdCap, g.configindex, configGfi, g.ttyout
! CTLoad.InvalidFile => -- not caught at this level
g.ttyout.PutF["Error - invalid bcd %s\n", IO.rope[mi.bcdFileName]]
SetUpExports[g, mi];
ELSE IF mi.loadInfoSeq.mustreplace THEN {
replaceResult: CTLoad.ReplaceResult;
replaceResult ← CTLoad.LoadIncremental[mi.bcdCap, mi.loadInfoSeq, g.ttyout];
SELECT replaceResult FROM
ok => NULL;
configNotReplaceable =>
g.ttyout.PutF["Load of %s failed, is a config.\n", IO.rope[mi.bcdFileName]];
frameTooBig =>
g.ttyout.PutF["Load of %s failed, frame too big.\n", IO.rope[mi.bcdFileName]];
ngfiTooBig =>
g.ttyout.PutF["Load of %s failed, # gfis too big.\n", IO.rope[mi.bcdFileName]];
checkForMRFailed =>
g.ttyout.PutF["Load of %s failed, outstanding local frames(?).\n",
ELSE g.dout.PutF["%s does not need to be reloaded.\n",
p ← (System.PulsesToMicroseconds[System.GetClockPulses[]] - p)/1000;
g.dout.PutF["done (%d millisec).\n", IO.card[p]];
-- fill in exported interface records from the bcd
SetUpExports: PROC[g: CT.Global, mi: CT.MI] = {
interfaceseq, existingseq: CTLoad.InterfaceSeq;
ForEachExports: PROC[eth: BcdOps.EXPHandle, eti: BcdDefs.EXPIndex]
RETURNS[stop: BOOL] = {
interfaceseq ← CTLoad.BuildInterface[mi.loadInfoSeq, eth];
existingseq ← LookForExp[g, interfaceseq];
IF existingseq ~= NIL THEN
PLUSExp[g, existingseq, interfaceseq, mi.bcdFileName]
AddExp[g, interfaceseq];
IF mi.loadInfoSeq.bcdbase.nModules = 1 THEN {
-- build interface record for a compiler-produced module
interfaceseq ← CTLoad.BuildFramePtrInterface[mi.loadInfoSeq.bcdbase, mi.loadInfoSeq[0].frame];
AddExp[g, interfaceseq];
[] ← BcdOps.ProcessExports[mi.loadInfoSeq.bcdbase, ForEachExports];
AddExp: PROC[g: CT.Global, interfaceseq: CTLoad.InterfaceSeq] = {
g.moduleExports ← CONS[interfaceseq, g.moduleExports];
LookForExp: PROC[g: CT.Global, interfaceseq: CTLoad.InterfaceSeq] RETURNS[CTLoad.InterfaceSeq]= {
FOR l: LIST OF CTLoad.InterfaceSeq ← g.moduleExports, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
IF l.first.bcdVers = interfaceseq.bcdVers THEN RETURN[l.first];
-- existingseq ← existingseq PLUS interfaceseq
PLUSExp: PROC[g: CT.Global, existingseq, interfaceseq: CTLoad.InterfaceSeq,
exporterName: Rope.Text] = {
existingseq.resolved ← TRUE;
FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. interfaceseq.size) DO
IF NOT EmptyLink[existingseq[i].clink]
AND NOT EmptyLink[interfaceseq[i].clink] THEN
g.ttyout.PutF["Error -- more than one exporter of item #%d in interface %s (%s is an exporter).\n",
IO.card[i], IO.rope[existingseq.name], IO.rope[exporterName]]
ELSE IF EmptyLink[existingseq[i].clink] THEN
existingseq[i] ← interfaceseq[i];
IF EmptyLink[existingseq[i].clink] THEN
existingseq.resolved ← FALSE;
EmptyLink: PROC[link: PrincOps.ControlLink] RETURNS[empty: BOOL] = {
RETURN[link = PrincOps.UnboundLink OR link = PrincOps.NullLink];
ComputeOutsideImports: PROC[g: CT.Global] = {
bcdbase: BcdOps.BcdBase;
mi: CT.MI;
ForEachImport: PROC[ith: BcdOps.IMPHandle, iti: BcdDefs.IMPIndex]
RETURNS[stop: BOOL] = {
fth: BcdOps.FTHandle;
stop ← FALSE;
fth ← @LOOPHOLE[bcdbase + bcdbase.ftOffset, BcdDefs.Base][ith.file];
FOR l: LIST OF CTLoad.InterfaceSeq ← g.moduleExports, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
IF l.first.bcdVers = fth.version AND l.first.resolved THEN RETURN;
-- not exported by us, must be from outside
UpdateOutsideImports[g, CTLoad.NSToRope[bcdbase, fth.name], fth.version];
FOR l: CT.ModuleList ← g.moduleList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
mi ← l.first;
IF mi.loadInfoSeq ~= NIL THEN {
bcdbase ← mi.loadInfoSeq.bcdbase;
[] ← BcdOps.ProcessImports[mi.loadInfoSeq.bcdbase, ForEachImport];
UpdateOutsideImports: PROC[g: CT.Global, name: Rope.Text, intvers: TimeStamp.Stamp] = {
FOR l: LIST OF CT.OutsideImports ← g.outsideImports, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
IF l.first.bcdVers = intvers THEN RETURN;
g.outsideImports ← CONS[NEW[CT.OutsideImportsRecord
← [name: name, bcdVers: intvers]], g.outsideImports];
-- locks the load state
FillInImportsFromLoadState: PROC[g: CT.Global, replacement: BOOL] = {
ENABLE UNWIND => PilotLoadStateOps.ReleaseLoadState[];
nbcds: CARDINAL;
p ← System.PulsesToMicroseconds[System.GetClockPulses[]];
g.dout.PutF["Filling in from Pilot load state... "];
nbcds ← PilotLoadStateOps.InputLoadState[];
FOR l: LIST OF CT.OutsideImports ← g.outsideImports, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO {
ir: CedarLinkerOps.IR;
interfaceseq: CTLoad.InterfaceSeq;
IF replacement AND l.first.interfaceseq ~= NIL THEN LOOP;
[interface: ir] ← CedarLinkerOps.GetIR[atom: Atom.MakeAtom[l.first.name],
version: l.first.bcdVers
! Loader.Error => {
IF type = versionMismatch THEN {
g.ttyout.PutF["Error - version mismatch on %s\n",
GOTO inputForNextIR;
PilotLoadStateOps.ReleaseLoadState[]; -- reject it
IF ir = NIL THEN {
-- this is one of
-- 1) an imported module from the loadstate
-- 2) an imported interface that is all-INLINES
-- 3) or an imported interface that no one exports (error)
interfaceseq ← CTLoad.AllocateInterfaceSeq[l.first.name, ir.size];
interfaceseq.bcdVers ← l.first.bcdVers;
FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. ir.size) DO
interfaceseq[i] ← [clink: ir[i], blink: BcdDefs.NullLink];
interfaceseq.size ← ir.size;
IF l.first.interfaceseq ~= NIL THEN -- have to plus together
PLUSExp[g, l.first.interfaceseq, interfaceseq, "Unknown module"]
l.first.interfaceseq ← interfaceseq;
EXITS -- only called when there is an unbound import
inputForNextIR => nbcds ← PilotLoadStateOps.InputLoadState[];
p ← (System.PulsesToMicroseconds[System.GetClockPulses[]] - p)/1000;
g.dout.PutF["done (%d millisec).\n", IO.card[p]];
LookupFrame: PROC[g: CT.Global, bcdbase: BcdOps.BcdBase, intno: CARDINAL]
RETURNS[CTLoad.InterfaceSeq] = {
i: INT ← -1;
name: Rope.Text;
version: TimeStamp.Stamp;
ForEachImport: PROC[ith: BcdOps.IMPHandle, iti: BcdDefs.IMPIndex]
RETURNS[stop: BOOL] = {
fth: BcdOps.FTHandle;
stop ← FALSE;
i ← i + 1;
fth ← @LOOPHOLE[bcdbase + bcdbase.ftOffset, BcdDefs.Base][ith.file];
name ← CTLoad.NSToRope[bcdbase, ith.name];
version ← fth.version;
interfaceseq: CTLoad.InterfaceSeq;
clink: PrincOps.ControlLink;
atom: ATOM;
old: REF BcdDefs.VersionStamp;
[] ← BcdOps.ProcessImports[bcdbase, ForEachImport];
FOR l: LIST OF REF CT.FrameListRecord ← g.frameInterfaces, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
IF l.first.version = version
AND CS.EqualRope[l.first.name, name]
THEN RETURN[l.first.interfaceseq];
atom ← Atom.MakeAtom[name];
old ← NEW[BcdDefs.VersionStamp ← version];
Atom.PutProp[atom, $version, old];
-- try for imported module, this is very expensive
clink ← LoaderPrivate.GetModuleLink[atom: atom];
IF NOT EmptyLink[clink] THEN {
-- found
interfaceseq ← CTLoad.AllocateInterfaceSeq[name, 1];
interfaceseq[0] ← [clink: clink, blink: BcdDefs.NullLink];
interfaceseq.bcdVers ← version;
interfaceseq.size ← 1;
ELSE interfaceseq ← NIL;
-- caches result so GetModuleLink is only called once per name
g.frameInterfaces ← CONS[NEW[CT.FrameListRecord ←
[name: name, version: version, interfaceseq: interfaceseq]], g.frameInterfaces];
-- fill in links
ResolveImports: PROC[g: CT.Global] = {
mi: CT.MI;
FOR l: CT.ModuleList ← g.moduleList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
mi ← l.first;
IF mi.loadInfoSeq ~= NIL THEN FillInImports[g, mi];
-- called for loaded bcd to fill in all its links!
FillInImports: PROC[g: CT.Global, mi: CT.MI] = {
bcdbase: BcdOps.BcdBase;
dummymapseq: CTLoad.DummyMapSeq;
impexpseq: CTLoad.ImpExpSeq;
mod, imp: CARDINAL ← 0;
namestring: BcdOps.NameString;
ForEachImport: PROC[ith: BcdOps.IMPHandle, iti: BcdDefs.IMPIndex]
RETURNS[stop: BOOL] = {
fth: BcdOps.FTHandle;
stop ← FALSE;
FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. ith.ngfi) DO
dummymapseq[ith.gfi + i] ← [ind: imp, whichone: i];
-- handle funny cases where two instances are imported
-- of the same interface
IF ith.gfi = dummymapseq.size THEN
dummymapseq.size ← dummymapseq.size + ith.ngfi;
fth ← @LOOPHOLE[bcdbase + bcdbase.ftOffset, BcdDefs.Base][ith.file];
impexpseq[imp] ← LookUpInterface[g, fth.version];
-- impexpseq[imp] may be NIL
IF FALSE AND impexpseq[imp] = NIL THEN {
-- generates spurious warnings about Inline, etc.
sym: Rope.Text ← CTLoad.NSToRope[bcdbase, ith.name];
g.ttyout.PutF["Warning- cannot find exporter of %s anywhere.\n",
imp ← imp + 1;
ForEachModule: PROC[mth: BcdOps.MTHandle, mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex]
RETURNS[stop: BOOL] = {
resolved, bound: BOOL;
clink: PrincOps.ControlLink;
stop ← FALSE;
resolved ← TRUE;
[] ← CTLoad.OpenLinkSpace[mi.loadInfoSeq[mod].frame, mth, bcdbase];
FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. PilotLoaderOps.LinkSegmentLength[mth, bcdbase]) DO
clink ← CTLoad.ReadLink[i];
[clink, bound] ← NewLink[g: g, blink: PilotLoaderOps.IthLink[mth, i, bcdbase],
oldclink: clink, mi: mi, frame: mi.loadInfoSeq[mod].frame,
mth: mth, bcdbase: bcdbase, linkinx: i];
IF bound THEN
CTLoad.WriteLink[offset: i, link: clink]
ELSE resolved ← FALSE;
IF NOT resolved THEN mi.loadInfoSeq.linksresolved ← FALSE;
mod ← mod + 1;
bcdbase ← mi.loadInfoSeq.bcdbase;
namestring ← LOOPHOLE[bcdbase + bcdbase.ssOffset];
IF bcdbase.nImports = 0 THEN RETURN; -- no imports
dummymapseq ← mi.loadInfoSeq.dummymapseq;
impexpseq ← mi.loadInfoSeq.impexpseq;
-- the first part of dummymapseq, the map between config gfi's and real gfi's,
-- has already been computed
-- set up map between dummygfi's and the import table
-- IF dummymapseq.size > bcdbase.firstdummy THEN ERROR;
dummymapseq.size ← bcdbase.firstdummy; -- adjust for dummies to come
[] ← BcdOps.ProcessImports[bcdbase, ForEachImport];
impexpseq.size ← imp;
IF NOT mi.loadInfoSeq.linksresolved THEN {
mi.loadInfoSeq.linksresolved ← TRUE;
-- now run thru the frame links looking for imports to fill in
[] ← BcdOps.ProcessModules[bcdbase, ForEachModule];
NewLink: PROC[g: CT.Global, blink: BcdDefs.Link, oldclink: PrincOps.ControlLink, mi: CT.MI,
frame: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle, mth: BcdOps.MTHandle, bcdbase: BcdOps.BcdBase,
linkinx: CARDINAL]
RETURNS[newclink: PrincOps.ControlLink, resolved: BOOL] = {
loadinfoseq: CTLoad.LoadInfoSeq;
FindLink: PROC[blink: BcdDefs.Link] RETURNS[PrincOps.ControlLink, BOOL] = {
IF blink.gfi < loadinfoseq.bcdbase.firstdummy THEN {
SELECT blink.vtag FROM
proc0, proc1 => {
rgfi: PrincOps.GFTIndex;
rgfi ← loadinfoseq.dummymapseq[blink.gfi].ind;
newclink ← CTLoad.ConvertLink[blink];
newclink.gfi ← rgfi +
resolved ← rgfi ~= PrincOps.GFTNull;
var => {
[link: newclink] ← CedarLinkerOps.FindVariableLink[bcd: loadinfoseq.bcdbase,
mthLink: blink, rgfi: loadinfoseq.dummymapseq[blink.vgfi].ind];
resolved ← NOT EmptyLink[newclink];
trueep: CARDINAL;
intno: CARDINAL;
interfaceseq: CTLoad.InterfaceSeq;
intno ← loadinfoseq.dummymapseq[blink.gfi].ind;
interfaceseq ← loadinfoseq.impexpseq[intno];
trueep ← blink.ep + (loadinfoseq.dummymapseq[blink.gfi].whichone
* BcdDefs.EPLimit);
IF interfaceseq = NIL THEN -- try the module frame table
interfaceseq ← LookupFrame[g, loadinfoseq.bcdbase, intno];
-- import not satisfied?
IF interfaceseq = NIL OR EmptyLink[interfaceseq[trueep].clink] THEN {
ith: BcdOps.IMPHandle;
fth: BcdOps.FTHandle;
sym: Rope.Text;
ith ← GetImpHandle[loadinfoseq.bcdbase, intno];
fth ← @LOOPHOLE[loadinfoseq.bcdbase + loadinfoseq.bcdbase.ftOffset, BcdDefs.Base][ith.file];
sym ← CTLoad.NSToRope[loadinfoseq.bcdbase, ith.name];
g.ttyout.PutF["Warning - Unable to resolve import of item #%d from interface %s\n\tof %a ",
IO.card[trueep], IO.rope[sym], CS.MakeTS[fth.version]];
g.ttyout.PutF["(the %dth import of %s).\n",
IO.card[intno], IO.rope[mi.bcdFileName]];
UpdatePendingList[sym, frame, mth, bcdbase, linkinx, trueep];
RETURN[oldclink, FALSE];
-- at this point module and variable links are
-- set to their absolute addresses
newclink ← interfaceseq[trueep].clink;
resolved ← TRUE;
RETURN[newclink, resolved];
loadinfoseq ← mi.loadInfoSeq;
newclink ← oldclink;
resolved ← FALSE;
SELECT blink.vtag FROM
proc0, proc1 => IF EmptyLink[oldclink] THEN
[newclink, resolved] ← FindLink[blink];
var => IF EmptyLink[oldclink] THEN
[newclink, resolved] ← FindLink[blink];
ENDCASE => newclink ← LOOPHOLE[blink.typeID];
UpdatePendingList: PROC[name: Rope.Text, frame: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle,
mth: BcdOps.MTHandle, bcdbase: BcdOps.BcdBase, linkinx, trueep: CARDINAL] = {
atom: ATOM ← AtomsPrivate.UnsafeMakeAtom[LOOPHOLE[name]];
pending: CedarLinkerOps.PendingList ← CedarLinkerOps.GetPendingList[atom];
-- pendingCount ← pendingCount + 1;
pending ← CONS[[frame, mth, bcdbase, linkinx, LOOPHOLE[trueep]], pending];
CedarLinkerOps.SetPendingList[atom, pending];
-- intno starts at 0
GetImpHandle: PROC[bcdbase: BcdOps.BcdBase, intno: CARDINAL]
RETURNS[ith: BcdOps.IMPHandle] = {
RETURN[@LOOPHOLE[bcdbase + bcdbase.impOffset, BcdDefs.Base]
[LOOPHOLE[intno*SIZE[BcdDefs.IMPRecord], BcdDefs.IMPIndex]]];
-- call Paul Rovner's procedure to fixup the Cedar Atoms and Strings section
ProcessCedarBcds: PROC[g: CT.Global, replacement: BOOL] = {
loadinfoseq: CTLoad.LoadInfoSeq;
bcdbase: BcdOps.BcdBase;
mi: CT.MI;
FOR l: CT.ModuleList ← g.moduleList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
mi ← l.first;
IF mi.loadInfoSeq = NIL THEN LOOP;
loadinfoseq ← mi.loadInfoSeq;
bcdbase ← loadinfoseq.bcdbase;
IF NOT bcdbase.extended THEN LOOP;
IF replacement AND NOT loadinfoseq.mustreplace THEN LOOP;
loadinfoseq.mustreplace ← FALSE;
RTLoader.AcquireTypesAndLiterals[bcd: bcdbase, map: loadinfoseq.map];
LookUpInterface: PROC[g: CT.Global, bcdVers: TimeStamp.Stamp]
RETURNS[int: CTLoad.InterfaceSeq] = {
FOR l: LIST OF CTLoad.InterfaceSeq ← g.moduleExports, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
IF l.first.bcdVers = bcdVers THEN RETURN[l.first];
FOR l: LIST OF CT.OutsideImports ← g.outsideImports, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
IF l.first.bcdVers = bcdVers THEN RETURN[l.first.interfaceseq];
RETURN[NIL]; -- not found
FillInCap: PROC[mi: CT.MI] = {
IF mi.bcdCap ~= File.nullCapability THEN RETURN;
mi.bcdCap ← Directory.Lookup[fileName: LOOPHOLE[mi.bcdFileName],
permissions: Directory.ignore
! Directory.Error => {
mi.bcdValid ← FALSE;
GOTO out;
mi.bcdValid ← TRUE;
IF mi.srcFileName = NIL THEN { -- object file only, chk if defs
bcdSpace: Space.Handle;
bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase;
bcdSpace ← Space.Create[size: 1, parent: Space.virtualMemory];
Space.Map[space: bcdSpace, window: [file: mi.bcdCap, base: 1]];
bcd ← Space.LongPointer[bcdSpace];
mi.definitions ← bcd.definitions;
mi.bcdVers ← bcd.version;
out => NULL;
PutExportsInLoadState: PROC[g: CT.Global] = {
mi: CT.MI;
FOR l: CT.ModuleList ← g.moduleList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
mi ← l.first;
IF mi.exportedInterface THEN {
FOR l: LIST OF CTLoad.InterfaceSeq ← g.moduleExports, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
IF l.first.bcdVers = mi.bcdVers THEN {
AddInterfaceToLoadState[g, l.first];
-- g.ttyout.PutF["%s exported into load state.\n", IO.rope[l.first.name]];
g.ttyout.PutF["Error - cannot find %s exported by this program.\n",
-- process any pendings we have found
IF g.toBeProcessed ~= NIL THEN
AddInterfaceToLoadState: PROC[g: CT.Global, interfaceseq: CTLoad.InterfaceSeq] = {
atom: ATOM ← AtomsPrivate.UnsafeMakeAtom[LOOPHOLE[interfaceseq.name]];
pending: CedarLinkerOps.PendingList;
interface: CedarLinkerOps.IR;
interface ← CedarLinkerOps.GetIR[atom, interfaceseq.bcdVers, interfaceseq.size].interface;
FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. interfaceseq.size) DO
IF NOT EmptyLink[interfaceseq[i].clink] THEN
interface[i] ← interfaceseq[i].clink;
-- fill in any importers
pending ← CedarLinkerOps.GetPendingList[atom];
IF pending ~= NIL THEN {
[g.toBeProcessed, pending] ← CedarExporterImpl.SaveResolvedEntries[g.toBeProcessed,
pending, interface];
CedarLinkerOps.SetPendingList[atom, pending];
ComingleImportsAndExports: PROC[g: CT.Global] = {
firstpref, secondpref: CTLoad.InterfaceSeq;
FOR l: LIST OF CTLoad.InterfaceSeq ← g.moduleExports, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
IF NOT l.first.resolved THEN {
FOR r: LIST OF CT.OutsideImports ← g.outsideImports, r.rest UNTIL r = NIL DO
IF l.first.bcdVers = r.first.bcdVers AND r.first.interfaceseq ~= NIL THEN {
-- imported from outside and exported
-- inside.
-- add things from outside if needed
firstpref ← l.first;
secondpref ← r.first.interfaceseq;
firstpref.resolved ← TRUE;
FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. firstpref.size) DO
IF EmptyLink[firstpref[i].clink] THEN
firstpref[i] ← secondpref[i];
IF EmptyLink[firstpref[i].clink] THEN
firstpref.resolved ← FALSE;