-- CTIntImpl.Mesa, last edit May 19, 1983 7:33 pm

  Buttons: TYPE USING [Button, ButtonProc],
  CompilerOps: TYPE USING [DefaultSwitches, LetterSwitches],
  Containers: TYPE USING [ChildXBound, ChildYBound, Container, Create],
  CS: TYPE USING [EndsIn, EquivalentRope, SetPFCodes],
  CT: TYPE USING[AppendExtension, DetermineCompilation, Global, GlobalRecord,
  		LoadBcdsAndResolveImports, MI, MIRecord, ModuleList, SetPossiblyBadAndValid,
  		StartAllControlBcds, UnLoad],
  Directory: TYPE USING[Lookup],
  File: TYPE USING[Capability],
  FileIO: TYPE USING[Open, OpenFailed],
  IO: TYPE USING[Close, EndOf, GetChar, Handle, noWhereStream,
  	Put, PutChar, PutF, PutFR, PutRope, ResetUserAbort,
  	rope, SetUserAbort, string, time, UserAborted],
  Labels: TYPE USING [Create, Label, Set], 
  List: TYPE USING[DRemove, Reverse],
  Loader: TYPE USING[Instantiate, Start],
  MBQueue: TYPE USING[Create, CreateMenuEntry, CreateButton, Flush],
  Menus: TYPE USING [CreateEntry, CreateMenu, InsertMenuEntry, Menu, MenuProc], 
  PrincOps: TYPE USING[ControlModule],
  Rope: TYPE USING[Cat, Fetch, Find, Flatten, FromChar, Length, Lower, ROPE, Text],
  RopeInline: TYPE USING[InlineFlatten],
  Rules: TYPE USING [Create, Rule],
  Runtime: TYPE USING[IsBound],
  Space: TYPE USING[nullHandle],
  TypeScript: TYPE USING[TS, Create],
  UserProfile: TYPE USING[Boolean, Token],
  ViewerClasses: TYPE USING [Viewer], 
  ViewerEvents: TYPE USING[EventProc, EventRegistration, RegisterEventProc,
  ViewerIO: TYPE USING[CreateViewerStreams],
  ViewerOps: TYPE USING [AddProp, CreateViewer, EstablishViewerPosition,
  		FetchProp, PaintViewer, SetMenu, SetOpenHeight], 
  ViewerTools: TYPE USING [GetContents, MakeNewTextViewer, SetContents, SetSelection];

IMPORTS CompilerOps, Containers, CS, CT, Directory, FileIO, IO, Labels,
	List, Loader, MBQueue, Menus, Rope, RopeInline,
	Rules, Runtime, Space, TypeScript, UserProfile, ViewerEvents, ViewerOps,
	ViewerIO, ViewerTools = {

-- MDS usage!
makeDebuggingWindow: BOOL ← FALSE;	-- only set once, not monitored
globalList: LIST OF CT.Global;	-- not properly monitored
destroyEventRegistration: ViewerEvents.EventRegistration;
-- end of MDS

-- these are commands for the viewers world

entryHeight: CARDINAL = 15; 
entryVSpace: CARDINAL = 7; 
entryHSpace: CARDINAL = 10; 
-- this is called by the Start code and also by the Another button
BuildOuter: PROC RETURNS[g: CT.Global] = 
   ttyTypeScript, msgTypeScript, dTypeScript: TypeScript.TS;
   vName: Rope.ROPE ← IO.PutFR["Replacement Tool, started on %t", IO.time[]];
   menu: Menus.Menu ← Menus.CreateMenu[lines: 2];
   g ← NEW[CT.GlobalRecord ← [fakebcdspace: Space.nullHandle]];
   g.container ← Containers.Create[info: [name: vName, iconic: FALSE, scrollable: FALSE]];
   ViewerOps.AddProp[g.container, $CTGlobalRef, g];
   g.q ← MBQueue.Create[];
   -- first row of menu items
   Menus.InsertMenuEntry[menu, Menus.CreateEntry["Stop", StopProc, g], 0]; 
   Menus.InsertMenuEntry[menu, MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry[g.q, "UnLoad", UnLoadProc, g], 0]; 
   Menus.InsertMenuEntry[menu, MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry[g.q, "Continue", ContinueProc, g], 0]; 
   Menus.InsertMenuEntry[menu, MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry[g.q, "Begin", BeginProc, g], 0]; 
   Menus.InsertMenuEntry[menu, MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry[g.q, "Another", AnotherProc, g], 0]; 
   -- second row of menu items
   Menus.InsertMenuEntry[menu, MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry[g.q, "FlushCache", FlushCacheProc, g], 1]; 
   Menus.InsertMenuEntry[menu, MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry[g.q, "Start", StartProc, g], 1]; 
   Menus.InsertMenuEntry[menu, MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry[g.q, "Load", LoadProc, g], 1]; 
   Menus.InsertMenuEntry[menu, MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry[g.q, "Compile", CompileProc, g], 1]; 
   ViewerOps.SetMenu[g.container, menu, FALSE];
   [ttyTypeScript, msgTypeScript, dTypeScript] ← BuildUserInput[g];
   -- kludge required for multiple rows in menus
   ViewerOps.EstablishViewerPosition[g.container, g.container.wx, g.container.wy,
   		g.container.ww, g.container.wh];
   ViewerOps.PaintViewer[g.container, all];
   [in: g.ttyin, out: g.ttyout] ← ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams[viewer: ttyTypeScript, name: NIL];
   [out: g.msgout] ← ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams[viewer: msgTypeScript, name: NIL];
   IF makeDebuggingWindow THEN  
   		[out: g.dout] ← ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams[viewer: dTypeScript, name: NIL]
   		g.dout ← IO.noWhereStream;
   IF g.attachEditor THEN AttachSymbiote[g];
   globalList ← CONS[g, globalList];

BuildUserInput: PROC[g: CT.Global] 
	RETURNS[ttyTypeScript, msgTypeScript, dTypeScript: TypeScript.TS] =
   heightSoFar: CARDINAL; 
   l: ViewerClasses.Viewer;
   rule: Rules.Rule;
		CreateButton: PROC[bname, lname: Rope.Text, newLine: BOOL, drawRule: BOOL ← FALSE] 
         RETURNS[button: Buttons.Button, label: Labels.Label] = 
         x: CARDINAL;
         IF newLine THEN {
            IF l = NIL THEN 
               heightSoFar ← entryVSpace/2
               heightSoFar ← heightSoFar + entryVSpace + l.wh;
	    		IF drawRule THEN {
	    			rule ← Rules.Create[info: [parent: g.container, wx: 0, wy: heightSoFar,
	    				ww: 0, wh: 1]];
      				Containers.ChildXBound[g.container, rule];
      				heightSoFar ← heightSoFar + entryVSpace;
      			x ← 0;
	    		x ← l.wx + l.ww + entryHSpace;
	 		l ← button ← MBQueue.CreateButton[q: g.q, info: [name: bname, parent: g.container,
	    		border: FALSE, wx: x, wy: heightSoFar], proc: PushButton, clientData: g];
	 		IF lname ~= NIL THEN
	    		l ← label ← Labels.Create[info: [name: lname, parent: g.container,
   	       	wx: button.wx + button.ww + entryHSpace, wy: heightSoFar, border: TRUE]];

   -- first line
   [g.compileButton, ] ← CreateButton["Compile:", NIL, TRUE];
   l ← g.compileViewer ← ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[info: [parent: g.container,
      wx: l.wx+l.ww+entryHSpace, wy: heightSoFar, ww: 100, wh: entryHeight, 
      data: NIL, scrollable: FALSE, border: FALSE], paint: FALSE];
   Containers.ChildXBound[g.container, g.compileViewer];
   heightSoFar ← heightSoFar+--entryVSpace/2+--l.wh;
   -- second line
   [g.confirmButton, g.confirmViewer] ← CreateButton["ConfirmCompiles:", "FALSE", TRUE];
   IF g.confirmCompiles THEN Labels.Set[g.confirmViewer, "TRUE"];
   [g.attachEditorButton, g.attachEditorLabel] ← CreateButton["AttachEditor:", "FALSE", FALSE];
   IF g.attachEditor THEN Labels.Set[g.attachEditorLabel, "TRUE"];
	heightSoFar ← heightSoFar+ entryVSpace/2+l.wh;
   -- first the msg window
   --  now the line above the typescript
   rule ← Rules.Create[info: [parent: g.container, wx: 0, wy: heightSoFar, ww: 0, wh: 1]];
   Containers.ChildXBound[g.container, rule];
   heightSoFar ← heightSoFar+entryVSpace/2;
   -- now the typescript
   msgTypeScript ← TypeScript.Create[info: [parent: g.container,
      wx: 0, wy: heightSoFar, ww: 0, wh: 25, border: FALSE]];
   Containers.ChildXBound[g.container, msgTypeScript];
   heightSoFar ← heightSoFar + entryVSpace + 20;
   --  now the line above the typescript
   rule ← Rules.Create[info: [parent: g.container, wx: 0, wy: heightSoFar, ww: 0, wh: 1]];
   Containers.ChildXBound[g.container, rule];
   heightSoFar ← heightSoFar+entryVSpace/2;
   -- now the typescript
   ttyTypeScript ← TypeScript.Create[info: [parent: g.container,
      wx: 0, wy: heightSoFar, ww: 0, wh: 80, border: FALSE]];	-- 800 due to viewers bug
   heightSoFar ← heightSoFar + entryVSpace + 80;
   Containers.ChildXBound[g.container, ttyTypeScript];
   IF makeDebuggingWindow THEN {
   		--  now the line above the typescript
		rule ← Rules.Create[info: [parent: g.container, wx: 0, wy: heightSoFar, ww: 0, wh: 1]];
		Containers.ChildXBound[g.container, rule];
		heightSoFar ← heightSoFar+entryVSpace/2;
		-- now the debugging typescript
	  	dTypeScript ← TypeScript.Create[info: [parent: g.container,
			wx: 0, wy: heightSoFar, ww: 0, wh: 800, border: FALSE]];	-- 800 due to viewers bug
		Containers.ChildXBound[g.container, dTypeScript];
		Containers.ChildYBound[g.container, dTypeScript];
   	Containers.ChildYBound[g.container, ttyTypeScript];
   ViewerOps.SetOpenHeight[g.container, heightSoFar + 200];

PushButton: Buttons.ButtonProc = 
   g: CT.Global ← NARROW[clientData];
   SELECT NARROW[parent, ViewerClasses.Viewer] FROM
   g.compileButton =>
      ViewerTools.SetSelection[g.compileViewer, NIL];
   g.confirmButton => {
   	g.confirmCompiles ← NOT g.confirmCompiles;
   	Labels.Set[g.confirmViewer, IF g.confirmCompiles THEN "TRUE" ELSE "FALSE"];
   g.attachEditorButton => {
   	g.attachEditor ← NOT g.attachEditor;
   	Labels.Set[g.attachEditorLabel, IF g.attachEditor THEN "TRUE" ELSE "FALSE"];
		IF g.attachEditor THEN AttachSymbiote[g] ELSE DetachSymbiote[g, TRUE];
AnotherProc: Menus.MenuProc = {
	[] ← BuildOuter[];		-- make another compiler tool

BeginProc: Menus.MenuProc = {
	g: CT.Global ← NARROW[clientData];
	ENABLE ABORTED, IO.UserAborted => {
		g.ttyout.PutF["Begin Aborted\n"];
		GOTO out;
	errors: BOOL;
	CT.UnLoad[g, TRUE];
	g.moduleList ← NIL;
	g.noticeList ← NIL;
	errors ← ParseCompileList[g];
	IF errors THEN GOTO badComp;
	errors ← CT.DetermineCompilation[g, FALSE];
	IF errors THEN GOTO badComp;
	g.compiledOk ← TRUE;
	errors ← CT.LoadBcdsAndResolveImports[g, FALSE];
	g.loadedOk ← errors;
	IF NOT errors THEN CT.StartAllControlBcds[g];
	badComp => g.compiledOk ← FALSE;
	out => NULL;
ContinueProc: Menus.MenuProc = {
	g: CT.Global ← NARROW[clientData];
	ENABLE ABORTED, IO.UserAborted => {
		g.ttyout.PutF["Continue Aborted\n"];
		GOTO out;
	errors: BOOL;
	errors ← CT.DetermineCompilation[g, TRUE];
	IF NOT errors THEN 
		errors ← CT.LoadBcdsAndResolveImports[g, TRUE];
	out => NULL;

CompileProc: Menus.MenuProc = {
	g: CT.Global ← NARROW[clientData];
	ENABLE ABORTED, IO.UserAborted => {
		g.ttyout.PutF["Compilation Aborted\n"];
		GOTO out;
	errors: BOOL;
	IF g.moduleList = NIL THEN {
		errors ← ParseCompileList[g];
		IF errors THEN RETURN;
	errors ← CT.DetermineCompilation[g, g.fakebcdspace ~= Space.nullHandle];
	g.compiledOk ← errors;
	out => NULL;
LoadProc: Menus.MenuProc = {
	g: CT.Global ← NARROW[clientData];
	ENABLE ABORTED, IO.UserAborted => {
		g.ttyout.PutF["Load Aborted\n"];
		GOTO out;
	IF g.moduleList = NIL THEN
		g.ttyout.PutF["Error - must Compile before Loading.\n"]
	ELSE { 
		errors: BOOL ← CT.LoadBcdsAndResolveImports[g, TRUE];
		g.loadedOk ← NOT errors;
	out => NULL;
StartProc: Menus.MenuProc = {
	g: CT.Global ← NARROW[clientData];
	ENABLE ABORTED, IO.UserAborted => {
		g.ttyout.PutF["Start Aborted\n"];
		GOTO out;
	IF g.loadedOk THEN
		g.ttyout.PutF["Error - cannot load.\n"];
	out => NULL;
UnLoadProc: Menus.MenuProc = {
	g: CT.Global ← NARROW[clientData];
	ENABLE ABORTED, IO.UserAborted => {
		g.ttyout.PutF["UnLoad Aborted\n"];
		GOTO out;
	CT.UnLoad[g, TRUE];
	g.moduleList ← NIL;
	out => NULL;

-- not on the queue
StopProc: Menus.MenuProc = {
	g: CT.Global ← NARROW[clientData];
FlushCacheProc: Menus.MenuProc = {
	g: CT.Global ← NARROW[clientData];
   g.bcdTabList ← NIL;
ParseCompileList: PROC[g: CT.Global] RETURNS[errors: BOOL] = {
	errors ← ParseString[g, ViewerTools.GetContents[g.compileViewer]];
	TRUSTED{g.moduleList ← LOOPHOLE[List.Reverse[LOOPHOLE[g.moduleList]]]};

-- may call itself recursively
ParseString: PROC[g: CT.Global, string: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[errors: BOOL] = {
	ch: CHAR;
	mi: CT.MI;
	inx: CARDINAL ← 0;
	start: CARDINAL;
	slash: INT;
	srcName, bcdName, item: Rope.Text;
	switches: CompilerOps.LetterSwitches;
	controlModule, explicitSortSwitch, exportedInterface: BOOL;
	errors ← FALSE;
	WHILE inx < string.Length[] DO
		WHILE inx < string.Length[] DO
			ch ← string.Fetch[inx];
			IF ch ~= '  AND ch ~= '\n THEN EXIT;
			g.msgout.PutChar[' ];
			inx ← inx + 1;
		start ← inx;
		WHILE inx < string.Length[] DO
			ch ← string.Fetch[inx];
			IF ch = '  OR ch = '\n THEN EXIT;
			inx ← inx + 1;
		IF inx = start THEN LOOP;
		item ← Rope.Flatten[string, start, inx-start];
		IF item.Fetch[0] = '@ THEN {
			in: IO.Handle;
			fn, r: Rope.ROPE;
			fn ← Rope.Flatten[item, 1];
			IF Rope.Find[fn, "."] = -1 THEN
				fn ← CT.AppendExtension[fn, ".cl"L];
			in ← FileIO.Open[fn, read
				! FileIO.OpenFailed => {
					g.ttyout.PutF["%s: cannot open\n", IO.rope[fn]];
					GOTO badFile
			WHILE NOT in.EndOf[] DO
				r ← r.Cat[Rope.FromChar[in.GetChar[]]];
			-- recursive call
			IF ParseString[g, r] THEN GOTO badFile;
		IF item.Fetch[0] = '+ THEN {	-- control module
			controlModule ← TRUE;
			item ← Rope.Flatten[item, 1];
			controlModule ← FALSE;
		IF item.Fetch[0] = '= THEN {	-- export this interface
			exportedInterface ← TRUE;
			item ← Rope.Flatten[item, 1];
			exportedInterface ← FALSE;
		IF (slash ← Rope.Find[item, "/"]) >= 0 THEN {
			sstring: Rope.Text ← Rope.Flatten[item, slash+1];
			item ← Rope.Flatten[item, 0, slash];
			[switches, explicitSortSwitch] ← InterpolateSwitches[sstring];
			switches ← CompilerOps.DefaultSwitches[];
			explicitSortSwitch ← FALSE;
		IF NOT CS.EndsIn[item, ".bcd"L] THEN
			srcName ← CT.AppendExtension[item, ".Mesa"L]
			srcName ← NIL;
		bcdName ← CT.AppendExtension[item, ".Bcd"L];
		mi ← NEW[CT.MIRecord
			← [srcFileName: srcName, bcdFileName: bcdName, switches: switches, 
				explicitSortSwitch: explicitSortSwitch, controlModule: controlModule,
				exportedInterface: exportedInterface]];
		g.moduleList ← CONS[mi, g.moduleList];
	badFile => RETURN[TRUE];
-- what to do about explicitSortSwitch?
InterpolateSwitches: PROC[parms: Rope.Text] RETURNS[switches: CompilerOps.LetterSwitches,
	explicitSortSwitch: BOOL] =
	i: CARDINAL ← 0;
	on: BOOL;
	ch: CHAR;
 	-- set defaults
	TRUSTED{switches ← CompilerOps.DefaultSwitches[]};
	-- switches['s] ← FALSE;	the modeller defaults to /-s
	explicitSortSwitch ← FALSE;
	WHILE i < parms.Length[] DO
		on	← TRUE;
		IF parms.Fetch[i] = '- THEN {
			i ← i + 1;
			on ← FALSE;
		ch ← Rope.Lower[parms.Fetch[i]];
		IF ch IN ['a .. 'z] THEN {
			switches[ch] ← on;
			IF ch = 's THEN explicitSortSwitch ← TRUE;
		i ← i + 1;

LoadCompiler: PROC[out: IO.Handle] RETURNS[success: BOOL] = TRUSTED {
	cap: File.Capability;
	success ← TRUE;
	IF Runtime.IsBound[CompilerOps.DefaultSwitches] THEN RETURN[TRUE];  -- already loaded
	out.PutF["Loading Compiler ... "];
	ENABLE ANY => { out.PutF["failed.\n"]; GOTO out};
	cm: PrincOps.ControlModule;
	cap ← Directory.Lookup["compiler.bcd"L];
	[cm: cm] ← Loader.Instantiate[file: cap, offset: 1, codeLinks: TRUE];
	out => success ← FALSE;
AttachSymbiote: PROC[g: CT.Global] =
	IF g.attachEditorRef = NIL THEN 
	   g.attachEditorRef ← ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[CallProcedureForNotice, save];
	g.msgout.Put[IO.string["Editor set to call this compile tool.\n"L]];

DetachSymbiote: PROC[g: CT.Global, print: BOOL] = {
	IF g.attachEditorRef ~= NIL THEN
		ViewerEvents.UnRegisterEventProc[g.attachEditorRef, save];
	g.attachEditorRef ← NIL;
	IF print THEN 
		g.msgout.Put[IO.string["Editor detached from this compile tool.\n"L]];

-- this is the procedure called by the editor
-- can't print anything in this procedure
CallProcedureForNotice: ViewerEvents.EventProc = 
   ENABLE ANY => GOTO out;
   flat: Rope.Text;
   IF viewer.file = NIL THEN RETURN;
   flat ← RopeInline.InlineFlatten[viewer.file];
   FOR l: LIST OF CT.Global ← globalList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
   	l.first.noticeList ← CONS[flat, l.first.noticeList];
   out => NULL;

UpdateNewFile: PROC[g: CT.Global] = {
	FOR l: LIST OF Rope.Text ← g.noticeList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
		FOR ml: CT.ModuleList ← g.moduleList, ml.rest UNTIL ml = NIL DO
			IF CS.EquivalentRope[l.first, ml.first.srcFileName] THEN {
				g.ttyout.PutF["Noticing edited version of %s.\n", IO.rope[l.first]];
				ml.first.bcdValid ← FALSE;
	g.noticeList ← NIL;
MyDestroy: ViewerEvents.EventProc = {
	g: CT.Global;
	IF event ~= destroy THEN RETURN;
	g ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $CTGlobalRef]];
	IF g ~= NIL THEN DetachSymbiote[g, FALSE];
	IF globalList = NIL THEN {
		ViewerEvents.UnRegisterEventProc[destroyEventRegistration, destroy];
		destroyEventRegistration ← NIL;
	FOR l: LIST OF CT.Global ← globalList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
		IF l.first.container = viewer THEN TRUSTED {
			globalList ← LOOPHOLE[List.DRemove[ref: l.first, list: LOOPHOLE[globalList]]];
BeginProcFromUser: PROC[g: REF ANY] = {
	BeginProc[parent: NIL, clientData: g, mouseButton: red, shift: FALSE, control: FALSE];
initialCL: Rope.ROPE;
g: CT.Global;
-- start code
makeDebuggingWindow ← UserProfile.Boolean["CompileTool.Wizard", FALSE];-- default is false
destroyEventRegistration ← ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[MyDestroy, destroy];
g ← BuildOuter[];
initialCL ← UserProfile.Token["CompileTool.AutoLoad", NIL];
IF initialCL ~= NIL THEN 
	ViewerTools.SetContents[g.compileViewer, initialCL];
[] ← LoadCompiler[g.ttyout];
IF initialCL ~= NIL THEN -- this simulates the button push
	-- MBQueue.QueueClientAction[g.q, BeginProcFromUser, g];
	BeginProcFromUser[g];		-- this is the actual call, above code doesn't work