<> <> <> DIRECTORY Alloc: TYPE USING [AddNotify, DropNotify, Handle, Notifier], Basics: TYPE USING [bytesPerWord, LongMult, LowHalf], BcdDefs: TYPE USING [ Base, BcdBase, FTIndex, FTNull, FTRecord, RFIndex, RFNull, rftype, SGIndex, TFIndex, TFNull, tftype, VersionStamp], BcdErrorDefs: TYPE USING [ErrorFile], BcdLiterals: TYPE USING [], IO: TYPE USING [STREAM, UnsafePutBlock], OSMiscOps: TYPE USING [FreePages, Pages], PrincOps: TYPE USING [wordsPerPage], PrincOpsUtils: TYPE USING [BITXOR, LongCOPY], RCMapOps: TYPE USING [MapMap, Finalize, FindMapMapEntry, GetBase, Include, Initialize], RTBcd: TYPE USING [ AnyStamp, RefLitIndex, RefLitItem, RefLitList, RTBase, RTHeader, StampIndex, StampList, TypeIndex, TypeItem, TypeList, UTInfo, VersionID]; BcdLiteralsImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS Alloc, Basics, BcdErrorDefs, IO, OSMiscOps, PrincOpsUtils, RCMapOps EXPORTS BcdLiterals = { OPEN BcdDefs; Copy: PROC [from: LONG POINTER, nwords: CARDINAL, to: LONG POINTER] ~ PrincOpsUtils.LongCOPY; table: Alloc.Handle; zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE; tfb, rfb: BcdDefs.Base; Notifier: Alloc.Notifier ~ {tfb _ base[tftype]; rfb _ base[rftype]}; <> TypeMap: TYPE ~ RECORD [SEQUENCE length: NAT OF RTBcd.TypeIndex]; typeMap: LONG POINTER TO TypeMap _ NIL; LitMap: TYPE ~ RECORD [SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF RTBcd.RefLitIndex]; litMap: LONG POINTER TO LitMap _ NIL; LoadLiterals: PUBLIC PROC [ fti: FTIndex, bcdBase: BcdDefs.BcdBase, MapFile: PROC [FTIndex] RETURNS [FTIndex], MapSegment: PROC [SGIndex] RETURNS [SGIndex]] ~ { IF bcdBase.rtPages.pages # 0 THEN { ftb: BcdDefs.Base ~ LOOPHOLE[bcdBase, BcdDefs.Base] + bcdBase.ftOffset; ftLimit: FTIndex ~ bcdBase.ftLimit; VersionToFile: PROC [i: RTBcd.StampIndex] RETURNS [fti: BcdDefs.FTIndex] ~ { FOR fti _ FTIndex.FIRST, fti + FTRecord.SIZE UNTIL fti = ftLimit DO IF stampList[i] = ftb[fti].version THEN RETURN; ENDLOOP; RETURN [FTNull]}; rcmMap: RCMapOps.MapMap; MapTypeItem: PROC [old: RTBcd.TypeItem, name: LONG POINTER TO TEXT] RETURNS [RTBcd.TypeItem] ~ { stamp: RTBcd.StampIndex ~ IF old.ut.version = RTBcd.AnyStamp THEN RTBcd.AnyStamp ELSE EnterStamp[rtHeader[rtHeader.stampTable][old.ut.version]]; IF ~old.canonical AND stamp # RTBcd.AnyStamp THEN [] _ MapFile[VersionToFile[stamp]]; -- force file entry RETURN [[ table~MapSegment[old.table], sei~old.sei, canonical~old.canonical, ct~[EnterText[name]], ut~[version: stamp, sei: old.ut.sei], rcMap~RCMapOps.FindMapMapEntry[rcmMap, old.rcMap]]]}; MapLitItem: PROC [old: RTBcd.RefLitItem, lit: LONG POINTER TO TEXT] RETURNS [RTBcd.RefLitItem] ~ { RETURN [[ referentType~MapType[old.referentType], offset~EnterText[lit], length~old.length]]}; rtHeader: RTBcd.RTBase ~ LOOPHOLE[bcdBase + PrincOps.wordsPerPage*bcdBase.rtPages.relPageBase]; nTypes, nLits: NAT; IF rtHeader.versionIdent # RTBcd.VersionID THEN GO TO badFormat; nTypes _ rtHeader[rtHeader.typeTable].length; IF nTypes # 0 THEN { OpenRCMap[]; rcmMap _ RCMapOps.Include[ rcmb~@rtHeader[rtHeader.rcMapBase], nWords~rtHeader.rcMapLength, zone~zone]; typeMap _ zone.NEW[TypeMap[nTypes]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. nTypes) DO typeString: LONG POINTER TO TEXT ~ @rtHeader[rtHeader.litBase] + rtHeader[rtHeader.typeTable][i].ct; typeMap[i] _ EnterType[MapTypeItem[rtHeader[rtHeader.typeTable][i], typeString]]; ENDLOOP; IF rcmMap # NIL THEN zone.FREE[@rcmMap]}; nLits _ rtHeader[rtHeader.refLitTable].length; IF nLits # 0 THEN { litMap _ zone.NEW[LitMap[nLits]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. rtHeader[rtHeader.refLitTable].length) DO pName: LONG POINTER TO TEXT ~ @rtHeader[rtHeader.litBase] + rtHeader[rtHeader.refLitTable][i].offset; litMap[i] _ EnterRefLit[MapLitItem[rtHeader[rtHeader.refLitTable][i], pName]]; ENDLOOP}; EXITS badFormat => BcdErrorDefs.ErrorFile[$error, "has an incompatible version"L, fti]}}; MapLitLinks: PUBLIC PROC [rfi: RFIndex] ~ { <> IF litMap # NIL AND rfi # RFNull THEN { OPEN new~~rfb[rfi]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..new.length) DO new.frag[i] _ MapLit[new.frag[i]] ENDLOOP}}; MapTypeLinks: PUBLIC PROC [tfi: TFIndex] ~ { <> IF typeMap # NIL AND tfi # TFNull THEN { OPEN new~~tfb[tfi]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..new.length) DO new.frag[i] _ MapType[new.frag[i]] ENDLOOP}}; UnloadLiterals: PUBLIC PROC ~ { IF typeMap # NIL THEN zone.FREE[@typeMap]; IF litMap # NIL THEN zone.FREE[@litMap]}; <> Relation: TYPE ~ {ls, gr, eq}; Branch: TYPE ~ CARDINAL --[0..NAT.LAST+1]--; nullBranch: Branch ~ NAT.LAST+1; Nodes: TYPE ~ RECORD [SEQUENCE length: NAT OF RECORD [l, r: Branch]]; AdjustNodes: PROC [tree: POINTER TO LONG POINTER TO Nodes, newLimit: NAT] ~ { oldLimit: NAT ~ IF tree^ = NIL THEN 0 ELSE tree^.length; newTree: LONG POINTER TO Nodes ~ zone.NEW[Nodes[newLimit]]; IF tree^ # NIL THEN { FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. MIN[oldLimit, newLimit]) DO newTree[i] _ tree^[i] ENDLOOP; zone.FREE[@(tree^)]}; tree^ _ newTree}; Scramble: PROC [n: CARDINAL] RETURNS [WORD] ~ INLINE { -- see Knuth, v 3, p. 509-511 RETURN [Basics.LowHalf[Basics.LongMult[n, 44451]]]}; <> MapType: PROC [old: RTBcd.TypeIndex] RETURNS [RTBcd.TypeIndex] ~ INLINE { RETURN [typeMap[old]]}; typeList: LONG POINTER TO RTBcd.TypeList; nextType: NAT; typeTree: LONG POINTER TO Nodes; EnterType: PROC [item: RTBcd.TypeItem] RETURNS [index: RTBcd.TypeIndex] ~ { i: Branch _ 0; IF nextType = 0 THEN [] _ InsertType[item]; DO SELECT CompareTypes[item, typeList[i]] FROM $ls => { IF typeTree[i].l = nullBranch THEN typeTree[i].l _ InsertType[item]; i _ typeTree[i].l}; $gr => { IF typeTree[i].r = nullBranch THEN typeTree[i].r _ InsertType[item]; i _ typeTree[i].r}; ENDCASE => RETURN [[i]] ENDLOOP}; CompareTypes: PROC [l, r: RTBcd.TypeItem] RETURNS [Relation] ~ { sl: WORD ~ Scramble[l.ct]; sr: WORD ~ Scramble[r.ct]; RETURN [ SELECT sl FROM < sr => $ls, > sr => $gr, ENDCASE => SELECT TRUE FROM l.canonical AND ~r.canonical => $ls, ~l.canonical AND r.canonical => $gr, ENDCASE => -- l.canonical = r.canonical IF l.canonical THEN $eq ELSE CompareUTFs[l.ut, r.ut]]}; CompareUTFs: PROC [l, r: RTBcd.UTInfo] RETURNS [Relation] ~ { UTWords: TYPE ~ ARRAY [0..RTBcd.UTInfo.SIZE) OF WORD; FOR i: NAT IN [0..RTBcd.UTInfo.SIZE) DO SELECT LOOPHOLE[l, UTWords][i] FROM < LOOPHOLE[r, UTWords][i] => RETURN [$ls]; > LOOPHOLE[r, UTWords][i] => RETURN [$gr]; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; RETURN [$eq]}; InsertType: PROC [item: RTBcd.TypeItem] RETURNS [index: Branch] ~ { IF typeList = NIL OR nextType >= typeList.length THEN { oldLimit: NAT ~ IF typeList = NIL THEN 0 ELSE typeList.length; newLimit: NAT ~ oldLimit + MAX[MIN[oldLimit/2, 500], 50]; AdjustTypeList[newLimit]; AdjustNodes[@typeTree, newLimit]}; index _ nextType; nextType _ nextType + 1; typeList[index] _ item; typeTree[index] _ [l~nullBranch, r~nullBranch]; RETURN}; AdjustTypeList: PROC [newLimit: NAT] ~ { oldLimit: NAT ~ IF typeList = NIL THEN 0 ELSE typeList.length; newList: LONG POINTER TO RTBcd.TypeList ~ zone.NEW[RTBcd.TypeList[newLimit]]; IF typeList # NIL THEN { FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. MIN[oldLimit, newLimit]) DO newList[i] _ typeList[i] ENDLOOP; zone.FREE[@typeList]}; typeList _ newList}; <> MapLit: PROC [old: RTBcd.RefLitIndex] RETURNS [RTBcd.RefLitIndex] ~ INLINE { RETURN [litMap[old]]}; litList: LONG POINTER TO RTBcd.RefLitList; nextLit: NAT; litTree: LONG POINTER TO Nodes; EnterRefLit: PROC [item: RTBcd.RefLitItem] RETURNS [RTBcd.RefLitIndex] ~ { i: Branch _ 0; IF nextLit = 0 THEN [] _ InsertRefLit[item]; DO SELECT CompareLits[item, litList[i]] FROM $ls => { IF litTree[i].l = nullBranch THEN litTree[i].l _ InsertRefLit[item]; i _ litTree[i].l}; $gr => { IF litTree[i].r = nullBranch THEN litTree[i].r _ InsertRefLit[item]; i _ litTree[i].r}; ENDCASE => RETURN [[i]] ENDLOOP}; CompareLits: PROC [l, r: RTBcd.RefLitItem] RETURNS [Relation] ~ { sl: WORD ~ Scramble[l.offset]; sr: WORD ~ Scramble[r.offset]; RETURN [SELECT sl FROM < sr => $ls, > sr => $gr, ENDCASE => SELECT l.length FROM = r.length => SELECT l.referentType - r.referentType FROM = 0 => $eq, > 0 => $gr, ENDCASE => $ls, < r.length => $ls, ENDCASE => $gr]}; InsertRefLit: PROC [item: RTBcd.RefLitItem] RETURNS [index: Branch] ~ { IF litList = NIL OR nextLit >= litList.length THEN { oldLimit: NAT ~ IF litList = NIL THEN 0 ELSE litList.length; newLimit: NAT ~ oldLimit + MAX[MIN[oldLimit/2, 500], 50]; AdjustLitList[newLimit]; AdjustNodes[@litTree, newLimit]}; index _ nextLit; nextLit _ nextLit + 1; litList[index] _ item; litTree[index] _ [l~nullBranch, r~nullBranch]; RETURN}; AdjustLitList: PROC [newLimit: NAT] ~ { oldLimit: NAT ~ IF litList = NIL THEN 0 ELSE litList.length; newList: LONG POINTER TO RTBcd.RefLitList ~ zone.NEW[RTBcd.RefLitList[newLimit]]; IF litList # NIL THEN { FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. MIN[oldLimit, newLimit]) DO newList[i] _ litList[i] ENDLOOP; zone.FREE[@litList]}; litList _ newList}; <> rcmOpen: BOOL; OpenRCMap: PROC ~ { IF ~rcmOpen THEN { RCMapOps.Initialize[nPages~0, ptr~NIL, expansionZone~zone]; rcmOpen _ TRUE}}; CloseRCMap: PROC ~ { IF rcmOpen THEN {RCMapOps.Finalize[]; rcmOpen _ FALSE}}; <> textSpace: LONG POINTER; -- to words textOffset, textLimit: CARDINAL; textPages: CARDINAL; HVIndex: TYPE ~ [0 .. 251); HTIndex: TYPE ~ CARDINAL; HTNull: HTIndex ~ HTIndex.LAST; HashNode: TYPE ~ RECORD [offset: CARDINAL, link: HTIndex]; HashSeq: TYPE ~ RECORD [SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF HashNode]; hashVec: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY HVIndex OF HTIndex; ht: LONG POINTER TO HashSeq; nextHti: HTIndex; LitText: PROC [offset: CARDINAL] RETURNS [LONG POINTER TO TEXT] ~ INLINE { RETURN [textSpace + offset]}; EnterText: PROC [s: LONG POINTER TO TEXT] RETURNS [offset: CARDINAL] ~ { hvi: HVIndex ~ HashValue[s]; hti: HTIndex; nw: CARDINAL; FOR hti _ hashVec[hvi], ht[hti].link UNTIL hti = HTNull DO t: LONG POINTER TO TEXT ~ LitText[ht[hti].offset]; IF EqText[s, t] THEN RETURN [ht[hti].offset]; ENDLOOP; nw _ TEXT[s.length].SIZE; WHILE textOffset + nw > textLimit DO ExpandTextSpace[] ENDLOOP; offset _ textOffset; Copy[from~s, to~textSpace+textOffset, nwords~nw]; textOffset _ textOffset + nw; hti _ AllocateHash[]; ht[hti] _ [link~hashVec[hvi], offset~offset]; hashVec[hvi] _ hti; RETURN}; HashValue: PROC [s: LONG POINTER TO TEXT] RETURNS [HVIndex] ~ { n: CARDINAL ~ s.length; v: WORD ~ (IF n = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (s[0]-0c)*177b + (s[n-1]-0c)); RETURN [PrincOpsUtils.BITXOR[v, n*17b] MOD hashVec^.LENGTH]}; EqText: PROC [t1, t2: LONG POINTER TO TEXT] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ INLINE { IF t1.length # t2.length THEN RETURN [FALSE]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..t1.length) DO IF t1[i] # t2[i] THEN RETURN [FALSE] ENDLOOP; RETURN [TRUE]}; ExpandTextSpace: PROC ~ { newPages: CARDINAL ~ textPages + MAX[MIN[textPages/2, 16], 4]; newSpace: LONG POINTER ~ OSMiscOps.Pages[newPages]; IF textSpace # NIL THEN { Copy[from~textSpace, to~newSpace, nwords~textOffset]; OSMiscOps.FreePages[textSpace]}; textSpace _ newSpace; textPages _ newPages; textLimit _ newPages*PrincOps.wordsPerPage}; AllocateHash: PROC RETURNS [hti: HTIndex] ~ { IF ht = NIL OR nextHti >= ht.length THEN ExpandHashSpace[]; hti _ nextHti; nextHti _ nextHti + 1; RETURN}; ExpandHashSpace: PROC ~ { oldLength: CARDINAL ~ IF ht = NIL THEN 0 ELSE ht.length; newLength: CARDINAL ~ oldLength + MAX[MIN[oldLength/2, 1024], 256]; newHt: LONG POINTER TO HashSeq ~ zone.NEW[HashSeq[newLength]]; IF ht # NIL THEN { FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. ht.length) DO newHt[i] _ ht[i] ENDLOOP; zone.FREE[@ht]}; ht _ newHt}; <> stampList: LONG POINTER TO RTBcd.StampList; nextStamp: NAT; EnterStamp: PROC [stamp: BcdDefs.VersionStamp] RETURNS [index: RTBcd.StampIndex] ~ { FOR i: NAT IN [1 .. nextStamp) DO IF stamp = stampList[i] THEN RETURN [[i]]; ENDLOOP; IF stampList = NIL OR nextStamp >= stampList.limit THEN ExpandStampList[]; index _ [nextStamp]; stampList[nextStamp] _ stamp; nextStamp _ nextStamp + 1; RETURN}; ExpandStampList: PROC ~ INLINE { oldSize: NAT ~ IF stampList = NIL THEN 0 ELSE stampList.limit-1; AdjustStampList[oldSize + MAX[MIN[oldSize/2, 256], 64]]}; AdjustStampList: PROC [newSize: NAT] ~ { oldSize: NAT ~ IF stampList = NIL THEN 0 ELSE stampList.limit-1; newList: LONG POINTER TO RTBcd.StampList ~ zone.NEW[RTBcd.StampList[newSize]]; FOR i: NAT IN [1 .. MIN[oldSize, newSize]] DO newList[i] _ stampList[i] ENDLOOP; IF stampList # NIL THEN zone.FREE[@stampList]; stampList _ newList}; <> EnterVersionFiles: PUBLIC PROC [ ftb: BcdDefs.Base, ftLimit: BcdDefs.FTIndex, MapFile: PROC [BcdDefs.FTIndex] RETURNS [BcdDefs.FTIndex]] ~ { VersionToFile: PROC [i: RTBcd.StampIndex] RETURNS [fti: BcdDefs.FTIndex] ~ { FOR fti _ FTIndex.FIRST, fti + FTRecord.SIZE UNTIL fti = ftLimit DO IF stampList[i] = ftb[fti].version THEN RETURN; ENDLOOP; RETURN [FTNull]}; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. nextType) DO IF ~typeList[i].canonical AND typeList[i].ut.version # RTBcd.AnyStamp THEN [] _ MapFile[VersionToFile[typeList[i].ut.version]]; ENDLOOP}; RTHeaderSize: CARDINAL ~ RTBcd.RTHeader.SIZE; LitSegSize: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [nWords: CARDINAL] ~ { RETURN [IF litList = NIL AND typeList = NIL THEN 0 ELSE RTHeaderSize + RTBcd.RefLitList[nextLit].SIZE + textOffset + RTBcd.TypeList[nextType].SIZE + RTBcd.StampList[nextStamp-1].SIZE + RCMapOps.GetBase[].nWords]}; UpdateSegments: PUBLIC PROC [MapSegment: PROC [SGIndex] RETURNS [SGIndex]] ~ { <> FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. nextType) DO typeList[i].table _ MapSegment[typeList[i].table] ENDLOOP}; SealLiterals: PUBLIC PROC ~ { zone.FREE[@hashVec]; IF ht # NIL THEN zone.FREE[@ht]; IF litTree # NIL THEN zone.FREE[@litTree]; IF typeTree # NIL THEN zone.FREE[@typeTree]}; WriteLiterals: PUBLIC PROC [stream: IO.STREAM] ~ { IF litList # NIL OR typeList # NIL THEN { bytesPerWord: CARDINAL ~ Basics.bytesPerWord; litSize: CARDINAL ~ RTBcd.RefLitList[nextLit].SIZE; typeSize: CARDINAL ~ RTBcd.TypeList[nextType].SIZE; stampSize: CARDINAL ~ RTBcd.StampList[nextStamp-1].SIZE; rcmSize: CARDINAL ~ RCMapOps.GetBase[].nWords; header: RTBcd.RTHeader _ [ refLitTable~LOOPHOLE[RTHeaderSize], litBase~LOOPHOLE[RTHeaderSize + litSize], litLength~textOffset, rcMapBase~LOOPHOLE[LONG[RTHeaderSize + litSize + textOffset]], rcMapLength~rcmSize, stampTable~LOOPHOLE[RTHeaderSize + litSize + textOffset + rcmSize], typeTable~LOOPHOLE[RTHeaderSize + litSize + textOffset + rcmSize + stampSize]]; stream.UnsafePutBlock[[@header, 0, RTHeaderSize*bytesPerWord]]; AdjustLitList[nextLit]; stream.UnsafePutBlock[[litList, 0, litSize*bytesPerWord]]; zone.FREE[@litList]; IF textSpace # NIL THEN { stream.UnsafePutBlock[[textSpace, 0, textOffset*bytesPerWord]]; OSMiscOps.FreePages[textSpace]}; IF rcmSize # 0 THEN stream.UnsafePutBlock[[RCMapOps.GetBase[].base, 0, rcmSize*bytesPerWord]]; CloseRCMap[]; AdjustStampList[nextStamp-1]; stream.UnsafePutBlock[[stampList, 0, stampSize*bytesPerWord]]; zone.FREE[@stampList]; AdjustTypeList[nextType]; stream.UnsafePutBlock[[typeList, 0, typeSize*bytesPerWord]]; zone.FREE[@typeList]}}; Initialize: PUBLIC PROC [ownTable: Alloc.Handle, scratchZone: UNCOUNTED ZONE] ~ { table _ ownTable; table.AddNotify[Notifier]; zone _ scratchZone; litList _ NIL; litTree _ NIL; nextLit _ 0; textSpace _ NIL; textPages _ 0; textOffset _ textLimit _ 0; hashVec _ zone.NEW[ARRAY HVIndex OF HTIndex _ ALL[HTNull]]; ht _ NIL; nextHti _ 0; rcmOpen _ FALSE; stampList _ NIL; nextStamp _ 1; typeList _ NIL; typeTree _ NIL; nextType _ 0}; Finalize: PUBLIC PROC ~ { zone _ NIL; table.DropNotify[Notifier]; table _ NIL}; }.