-- file: ListerDefs.mesa -- last edited by Bruce; 6-Jan-81 16:44:13 -- last edited by Satterthwaite, 15-Dec-81 12:05:15 DIRECTORY Alloc: TYPE USING [Notifier], BcdDefs: TYPE USING [MTIndex, VersionStamp], FileSegment: TYPE USING [Pages], RTBcd: TYPE USING [RTBase], Space: TYPE USING [Handle], Symbols: TYPE USING [HTIndex, ISEIndex], SymbolTable: TYPE USING [Base], Table: TYPE USING [Base, Selector]; ListerDefs: DEFINITIONS = { IncorrectVersion: SIGNAL; Load: PROC [name: STRING] RETURNS [code, symbols, bcd: FileSegment.Pages]; LoadFromConfig: PROC [configName, moduleName: STRING] RETURNS [code, symbols, bcd: FileSegment.Pages, mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex]; NoFile, NoCode, NoSymbols, NoFGT, MultipleModules: SIGNAL; MapPages: PROC [FileSegment.Pages] RETURNS [Space.Handle]; WriteVersionId: PROC [stamp: BcdDefs.VersionStamp]; WriteVersions: PROC [ version, creator, source: LONG POINTER TO BcdDefs.VersionStamp ← NIL]; SetRoutineSymbols: PROC [s: SymbolTable.Base]; PrintHti: PROC [hti: Symbols.HTIndex]; PrintSei: PROC [sei: Symbols.ISEIndex]; Indent: PROC [n: CARDINAL]; PrintMachine: PROC [stamp: BcdDefs.VersionStamp]; WriteFileID: PROC; -- Instead of Alloc AddNotify: PROC [proc: Alloc.Notifier]; DropNotify: PROC [proc: Alloc.Notifier]; Bounds: PROC [table: Table.Selector] RETURNS [base: Table.Base, size: CARDINAL]; -- IODefs replacement WriteChar: PROC [CHARACTER]; WriteString: PROC [STRING]; WriteLine: PROC [STRING]; WriteOctal: PROC [UNSPECIFIED]; WriteDecimal: PROC [INTEGER]; -- RTBcd extensions PrintRTBcd: PROC [RTBcd.RTBase]; }.