-- file GLList.mesa -- last edited by Satterthwaite, May 10, 1983 12:23 pm DIRECTORY BcdDefs: TYPE USING [Base, Link, MTIndex, MTRecord, MTNull], BcdOps: TYPE USING [BcdBase, NameString], CharIO: TYPE USING [PutChar, PutDecimal, PutString, PutSubString], FileSegment: TYPE USING [Pages, nullPages], ListerOps: TYPE USING [], ListerUtil: TYPE USING [ CreateStream, LoadBcd, LoadModule, MapPages, Message, PutFileID, SetFileName, SetRoutineSymbols, TTYStream, UnknownModule], PrincOps: TYPE USING [globalbase], Space: TYPE USING [Handle, Delete, LongPointer, nullHandle], Stream: TYPE USING [Delete, Handle], Strings: TYPE USING [ String, SubStringDescriptor, AppendString, AppendSubString], Symbols: TYPE USING [ Name, ISEIndex, CSEIndex, CTXIndex, CBTIndex, BitAddress, nullName, ISENull, CSENull, CTXNull, RootBti, WordLength], SymbolTable: TYPE USING [Acquire, Base, Release, SetCacheSize]; GLList: PROGRAM IMPORTS CharIO, ListerUtil, Space, Stream, Strings, SymbolTable EXPORTS ListerOps = { OPEN Symbols; -- output streams out: Stream.Handle ← NIL; OpenOutput: PROC [output: Strings.String] = { IF output = NIL THEN out ← ListerUtil.TTYStream[] ELSE { outName: STRING ← [40]; ListerUtil.SetFileName[outName, output, "gl"L]; out ← ListerUtil.CreateStream[outName]}}; CloseOutput: PROC = {Stream.Delete[out]; out ← NIL}; -- symbol printing symbols: SymbolTable.Base ← NIL; DoSymbol: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [span: CARDINAL] = { addr: BitAddress = symbols.seb[sei].idValue; size: CARDINAL = symbols.seb[sei].idInfo/WordLength; name: Name = symbols.NameForSe[sei]; d: Strings.SubStringDescriptor; n: NAT; CharIO.PutString[out," "L]; IF name = nullName THEN { CharIO.PutString[out, "(anon)"L]; n ← ("(anon)"L).length} ELSE { symbols.SubStringForName[@d, name]; CharIO.PutSubString[out, @d]; n ← d.length}; WHILE n < 16 DO CharIO.PutChar[out, ' ]; n ← n + 1 ENDLOOP; CharIO.PutChar[out, '\t]; CharIO.PutDecimal[out, size]; CharIO.PutChar[out, '\n]; RETURN [addr.wd + size]}; DoContext: PROC [ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [maxSpan: CARDINAL ← 0] = { FOR sei: ISEIndex ← symbols.FirstCtxSe[ctx], symbols.NextSe[sei] UNTIL sei = ISENull DO IF ~symbols.seb[sei].constant THEN maxSpan ← MAX[DoSymbol[sei], maxSpan]; ENDLOOP}; DoFields: PROC [rSei: CSEIndex] RETURNS [maxSpan: CARDINAL] = { RETURN [WITH t: symbols.seb[rSei] SELECT FROM record => DoContext[t.fieldCtx], ENDCASE => 0]}; DoBody: PROC [bti: Symbols.CBTIndex, frameSize: CARDINAL] = { frameOverhead: CARDINAL = PrincOps.globalbase+1; -- for start trap pointer maxSpan: CARDINAL ← PrincOps.globalbase; typeIn, typeOut: CSEIndex; [typeIn, typeOut] ← symbols.TransferTypes[symbols.bb[bti].ioType]; IF typeIn # CSENull THEN { CharIO.PutString[out, " Global arguments:\n"L]; maxSpan ← MAX[DoFields[typeIn], maxSpan]}; IF typeOut # CSENull THEN { CharIO.PutString[out, " Global results:\n"L]; maxSpan ← MAX[DoFields[typeOut], maxSpan]}; IF symbols.bb[bti].localCtx # CTXNull THEN { CharIO.PutString[out, " Global variables:\n"L]; maxSpan ← MAX[DoContext[symbols.bb[bti].localCtx], maxSpan]}; IF ~symbols.bb[bti].hints.noStrings THEN CharIO.PutString[out, " Global string literals or string bodies\n"L]; IF maxSpan # frameSize AND frameSize > frameOverhead THEN { CharIO.PutString[out, " "L]; CharIO.PutDecimal[out, frameSize - maxSpan]; CharIO.PutString[out, " words not in listed variables or overhead\n"L]}; CharIO.PutChar[out, '\n]}; -- module enumeration DoGlobals: PROC [root: Strings.String] = { bcdFile: Strings.String ← [100]; bcdSeg: FileSegment.Pages ← FileSegment.nullPages; bcdSpace: Space.Handle; bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase ← NIL; mtb: BcdDefs.Base ← NIL; ssb: BcdOps.NameString; EnumerateModules: PROC [proc: PROC [BcdDefs.MTIndex] RETURNS [BOOL]] RETURNS [BcdDefs.MTIndex] = { mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex ← BcdDefs.MTIndex.FIRST; UNTIL mti = bcd.mtLimit DO IF proc[mti] THEN RETURN [mti]; mti ← mti + (WITH m: mtb[mti] SELECT FROM direct => BcdDefs.MTRecord.direct.SIZE + m.length*BcdDefs.Link.SIZE, indirect => BcdDefs.MTRecord.indirect.SIZE, multiple => BcdDefs.MTRecord.multiple.SIZE, ENDCASE => ERROR) ENDLOOP; RETURN [BcdDefs.MTNull]}; DoModule: PROC [mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex] RETURNS [BOOL←FALSE] = { d: Strings.SubStringDescriptor ← [ base: @ssb.string, offset: mtb[mti].name, length: ssb.size[mtb[mti].name]]; name: Strings.String ← [100]; sSeg: FileSegment.Pages; CharIO.PutString[out, "Module: "L]; CharIO.PutSubString[out, @d]; IF mtb[mti].tableCompiled THEN GO TO Table; Strings.AppendSubString[name, @d]; [symbols: sSeg] ← ListerUtil.LoadModule[bcdSeg, name ! ListerUtil.UnknownModule => {GOTO NoModule}]; IF ~bcd.definitions THEN { CharIO.PutString[out, ", frame size: "L]; CharIO.PutDecimal[out, mtb[mti].framesize]}; IF mtb[mti].ngfi > 1 THEN { CharIO.PutString[out, ", gfi slots: "L]; CharIO.PutDecimal[out, mtb[mti].ngfi]}; CharIO.PutChar[out, '\n]; IF sSeg = FileSegment.nullPages THEN GO TO NoSymbols; SymbolTable.SetCacheSize[0]; -- flush cache symbols ← SymbolTable.Acquire[sSeg]; ListerUtil.SetRoutineSymbols[symbols]; IF symbols.stHandle.definitionsFile THEN CharIO.PutString[out, " No global frame\n\n"L] ELSE DoBody[Symbols.RootBti, mtb[mti].framesize]; SymbolTable.Release[symbols]; symbols ← NIL; EXITS Table => CharIO.PutString[out, " -- table compiled\n\n"L]; NoModule => CharIO.PutString[out, " -- not found in file\n\n"L]; NoSymbols => CharIO.PutString[out, " symbols not available\n\n"L]}; MakeBcdFilename[bcdFile, root]; bcdSeg ← ListerUtil.LoadBcd[bcdFile]; bcdSpace ← ListerUtil.MapPages[bcdSeg]; IF bcdSpace # Space.nullHandle THEN { ListerUtil.PutFileID[out]; bcd ← bcdSpace.LongPointer; mtb ← LOOPHOLE[bcd, BcdDefs.Base] + bcd.mtOffset; ssb ← LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.ssOffset]; [] ← EnumerateModules[DoModule]; ssb ← NIL; mtb ← NIL; bcd ← NIL; Space.Delete[bcdSpace]} ELSE ListerUtil.Message["File could not be opened"L]}; -- overall control MakeBcdFilename: PROC [bcd, root: Strings.String] = { Strings.AppendString[bcd, root]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..bcd.length) DO IF bcd[i] = '. THEN RETURN ENDLOOP; Strings.AppendString[bcd, ".bcd"L]}; ListGlobals: PUBLIC PROC [root, output: Strings.String] = { OpenOutput[output]; DoGlobals[root]; CloseOutput[]}; }.