-- file SymbolOps.mesa -- last modified by Satterthwaite, February 17, 1983 4:05 pm DIRECTORY Alloc: TYPE USING [Handle], Strings: TYPE USING [SubString], Symbols: TYPE, TimeStamp: TYPE USING [Stamp], Tree: TYPE USING [Link, Map]; SymbolOps: DEFINITIONS = { OPEN Symbols; -- implemented by SymbolPack -- hash manipulation FindString: PROC [Strings.SubString] RETURNS [Name]; HashValue: PROC [Strings.SubString] RETURNS [HVIndex]; SubStringForName: PROC [Strings.SubString, Name]; -- context management CtxEntries: PROC [CTXIndex] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; FirstCtxSe: PROC [CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; NextSe: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; SearchContext: PROC [name: Name, ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; SeiForValue: PROC [value: CARDINAL, ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; -- module management FindMdi: PROC [TimeStamp.Stamp] RETURNS [MDIndex]; -- type manipulation ArgCtx: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [CTXIndex]; ArgRecord: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [RecordSEIndex]; ClusterSe: PROC [Type] RETURNS [Type]; NormalType: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; RecordLink: PROC [RecordSEIndex] RETURNS [RecordSEIndex]; RecordRoot: PROC [RecordSEIndex] RETURNS [RecordSEIndex]; ReferentType: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; TransferTypes: PROC [Type] RETURNS [typeIn, typeOut: RecordSEIndex]; TypeForm: PROC [Type] RETURNS [TypeClass]; TypeLink: PROC [Type] RETURNS [Type]; TypeRoot: PROC [Type] RETURNS [Type]; UnderType: PROC [Type] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; XferMode: PROC [Type] RETURNS [TransferMode]; -- information returning procedures BitsForRange: PROC [CARDINAL] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; BitsForType: PROC [Type] RETURNS [BitCount]; BitsPerElement: PROC [type: Type, packed: BOOL] RETURNS [BitCount]; Cardinality: PROC [Type] RETURNS [LONG CARDINAL]; FindExtension: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [type: ExtensionType, tree: Tree.Link]; FnField: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [offset: BitAddress, size: FieldBitCount]; LinkMode: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [Linkage]; NameForSe: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [Name]; PackedSize: ARRAY PackedBitCount OF CARDINAL = [1, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8]; RecField: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [offset: BitAddress, size: FieldBitCount]; RCType: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [RefClass]; VariantField: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; WordsForType: PROC [Type] RETURNS [WordCount]; -- body table management EnumerateBodies: PROC [root: BTIndex, proc: PROC [BTIndex] RETURNS [stop: BOOL]] RETURNS [BTIndex]; ParentBti: PROC [BTIndex] RETURNS [BTIndex]; SiblingBti: PROC [BTIndex] RETURNS [BTIndex]; SonBti: PROC [BTIndex] RETURNS [BTIndex]; -- implemented by SymbolPackExt (extensions for building tables) Initialize: PROC [Alloc.Handle, UNCOUNTED ZONE]; Reset, Finalize: PROC; -- hash manipulation EnterString: PROC [Strings.SubString] RETURNS [Name]; HashBlock: PROC RETURNS [LONG POINTER TO HashVector]; -- context management NextLevel: PROC [ContextLevel] RETURNS [ContextLevel]; BlockLevel: PROC [ContextLevel] RETURNS [ContextLevel]; NewCtx: PROC [ContextLevel] RETURNS [CTXIndex]; SetMainCtx: PROC [CTXIndex]; ResetCtxList: PROC [CTXIndex]; FirstVisibleSe: PROC [CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; NextVisibleSe: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; VisibleCtxEntries: PROC [CTXIndex] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; ContextVariant: PROC [CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; StaticNestError: SIGNAL; MakeCtxSe: PROC [name: Name, ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; MakeNonCtxSe: PROC [CARDINAL] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; MakeSeChain: PROC [CTXIndex, CARDINAL, BOOL] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; FillCtxSe: PROC [ISEIndex, Name, BOOL]; NameClash: SIGNAL [name: Name]; EnterExtension: PROC [sei: ISEIndex, type: ExtensionType, tree: Tree.Link]; SetSeLink: PROC [sei, next: ISEIndex]; -- body table utilities LinkBti: PROC [bti, parent: BTIndex]; DelinkBti: PROC [BTIndex]; -- copying within current table CopyArgSe: PROC [copy, master: ISEIndex]; CopyBasicType: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; CopyXferType: PROC [CSEIndex, Tree.Map] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; -- attribute extraction ConstantId: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [BOOL]; }.