DIRECTORY Basics, Collections, IntFunctions, IntStuff, PairCollections; StdIntFunctions5: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Collections, IntFunctions, IntStuff, PairCollections EXPORTS IntFunctions = BEGIN OPEN PCs:PairCollections, Colls:Collections, Ints:IntStuff, Collections, PairCollections, IntStuff, IntFunctions; Wi: PROC [i: INT] RETURNS [Value] ~ INLINE {RETURN [NEW [INT _ i]]}; Wp: PROC [pair: IVPair] RETURNS [Pair] ~ INLINE {RETURN [[NEW [INT _ pair.left], pair.right]]}; Wmi: PROC [mi: MaybeInt] RETURNS [MaybeValue] ~ INLINE {RETURN [IF mi.found THEN [TRUE, Wi[mi.i]] ELSE noMaybe]}; Wmp: PROC [mp: MaybePair] RETURNS [PCs.MaybePair] ~ INLINE {RETURN [IF mp.found THEN [TRUE, Wp[mp.pair]] ELSE PCs.noMaybePair]}; Ni: PROC [i: Value] RETURNS [INT] ~ INLINE {RETURN [NARROW[i, REF INT]^]}; Np: PROC [pair: Pair] RETURNS [IVPair] ~ INLINE {RETURN [[Ni[pair[left]], pair[right]]]}; Nmi: PROC [mv: MaybeValue] RETURNS [MaybeInt] ~ INLINE {RETURN [IF mv.found THEN [TRUE, Ni[mv.val]] ELSE noInt]}; Nmp: PROC [mp: PCs.MaybePair] RETURNS [MaybePair] ~ INLINE {RETURN [IF mp.found THEN [TRUE, Np[mp.pair]] ELSE noMaybePair]}; DefaultWiden: PUBLIC PROC [fn: IntFn] RETURNS [Function--[left]: REF INT--] ~ { w: Wide ~ NEW [WidePrivate _ [fn]]; RETURN [[wideClasses[fn.IsOneToOne][fn.Ordered][fn.MutabilityOf], w]]; }; Wide: TYPE ~ REF WidePrivate; WidePrivate: TYPE ~ RECORD [ fn: IntFn ]; WideClasses: TYPE ~ ARRAY --oneToOne--BOOL OF ARRAY --ordered--BOOL OF ARRAY Mutability OF PairCollClass; wideClasses: REF WideClasses ~ NEW[WideClasses]; WidePrimitive: PROC [pc: PairColl, op: ATOM, args: ArgList _ NIL] RETURNS [PrimitiveAnswer] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; SELECT op FROM $HasPair, $Scan, $Extremum, $Get3, $Size, $Copy, $Insulate, $ValueOf, $Freeze, $Thaw, $AddColl, $RemColl => RETURN [IF w.fn.QualityOf[op, args]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no]; $Apply => SELECT GetDir[args, 1] FROM leftToRight => RETURN [IF w.fn.QualityOf[$Apply]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no]; rightToLeft => RETURN [IF w.fn.QualityOf[$InvApply]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no]; ENDCASE => ERROR; $ScanHalfRestriction => RETURN [SELECT GetSide[args, 1] FROM right => IF w.fn.QualityOf[$Scan, LIST[$unrestricted, $restricted]]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no, left => IF w.fn.QualityOf[$Scan, LIST[$restricted]]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no, ENDCASE => ERROR]; $ImageSize => RETURN [SELECT GetDir[args, 1] FROM rightToLeft => IF w.fn.QualityOf[$Size, LIST[$unrestricted, $restricted]]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no, leftToRight => IF w.fn.QualityOf[$Size, LIST[$restricted]]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no, ENDCASE => ERROR]; $CollectionOn => RETURN [SELECT GetSide[args, 1] FROM left => IF w.fn.class.isDense AND w.fn.MutabilityOf=constant AND w.fn.QualityOf[$GetBounds]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no, right => IF w.fn.QualityOf[$RightCollection]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no, ENDCASE => ERROR]; $CurSetOn => RETURN [SELECT GetSide[args, 1] FROM left => IF w.fn.class.isDense AND w.fn.QualityOf[$GetBounds]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no, right => IF w.fn.QualityOf[$CurRange]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no, ENDCASE => ERROR]; $DeleteColl => RETURN [SELECT GetSide[args, 1] FROM right => IF w.fn.QualityOf[$RightDeleteColl]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no, left => yes, ENDCASE => ERROR]; $QuaIntFn => RETURN [SELECT GetDir[args, 1] FROM leftToRight => yes, rightToLeft => no, ENDCASE => ERROR]; $Spaces => RETURN [IF w.fn.QualityOf[$RightSpace]>=goodDefault THEN yes ELSE no]; ENDCASE => RETURN[pass]; }; WideHasPair: PROC [pc: PairColl, pair: Pair] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; RETURN w.fn.HasPair[Np[pair]]}; WideApply: PROC [pc: PairColl, v: Value, dir: Direction] RETURNS [MaybeValue] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; SELECT dir FROM leftToRight => RETURN w.fn.Apply[Ni[v]]; rightToLeft => RETURN Wmi[w.fn.InvApply[v]]; ENDCASE => ERROR}; WideScan: PROC [pc: PairColl, Test: PCs.Tester, bkwd: BOOL] RETURNS [PCs.MaybePair] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; Pass: PROC [pair: IVPair] RETURNS [pass: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ {pass _ Test[Wp[pair]]}; RETURN Wmp[w.fn.Scan[Test: Pass, bkwd: bkwd]]}; WideScanHalfRestriction: PROC [pc: PairColl, side: Side, coll: Collection, Test: PCs.Tester, bkwd: BOOL] RETURNS [PCs.MaybePair] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; Pass: PROC [pair: IVPair] RETURNS [pass: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ {pass _ Test[Wp[pair]]}; TestAndPass: PROC [pair: IVPair] RETURNS [pass: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ { wp: Pair ~ Wp[pair]; pass _ coll.HasMember[wp[left]] AND Test[wp]}; test: BOOL _ FALSE; lb: Interval _ []; rb: Collection _ passAll; SELECT side FROM right => rb _ coll; left => IF coll.OrderStyleOf=value AND coll.QualityOf[$First]>=goodDefault AND coll.QualityOf[$Last]>=goodDefault AND coll.OrderingOf=intOrder THEN { IF coll.Empty THEN RETURN [PCs.noMaybePair]; {min: INT ~ Ni[coll.First[].Val]; max: INT ~ Ni[coll.Last[].Val]; lb _ BoundsOfInts[min, max]; }} ELSE test _ TRUE; ENDCASE => ERROR; RETURN Wmp[w.fn.Scan[IF test THEN TestAndPass ELSE Pass, lb, rb, bkwd]]}; intOrder: Colls.Ordering ~ [refInts.Compare,]; WideExtremum: PROC [pc: PairColl, bkwd, remove: BOOL] RETURNS [PCs.MaybePair] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; RETURN Wmp[w.fn.Extremum[bkwd, remove]]}; WideGet3: PROC [pc: PairColl, pair: Pair] RETURNS [prev, same, next: PCs.MaybePair] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; wPrev, wSame, wNext: MaybePair; [wPrev, wSame, wNext] _ w.fn.Get3[Np[pair]]; prev _ Wmp[wPrev]; same _ Wmp[wSame]; next _ Wmp[wNext]; RETURN}; WideSize: PROC [pc: PairColl, limit: LNAT] RETURNS [LNAT] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; RETURN w.fn.Size[limit: limit]}; WideImageSize: PROC [pc: PairColl, coll: Collection, dir: Direction, limit: LNAT] RETURNS [LNAT] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; lb: Interval _ []; rb: Collection _ passAll; SELECT dir FROM rightToLeft => rb _ coll; leftToRight => IF coll.OrderStyleOf=value AND coll.QualityOf[$First]>=goodDefault AND coll.QualityOf[$Last]>=goodDefault AND coll.OrderingOf=intOrder THEN { IF coll.Empty THEN RETURN [0]; {min: INT ~ Ni[coll.First[].Val]; max: INT ~ Ni[coll.Last[].Val]; lb _ BoundsOfInts[min, max]; }} ELSE RETURN DefaultImageSize[pc, coll, dir, limit]; ENDCASE => ERROR; RETURN w.fn.Size[lb, rb, limit]}; WideCopy: PROC [pc: PairColl] RETURNS [VarPairColl] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; RETURN w.fn.Copy.Widen.AsVar}; WideInsulate: PROC [pc: PairColl] RETURNS [UWPairColl] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; RETURN w.fn.Insulate.Widen.AsUW}; WideValueOf: PROC [pc: PairColl] RETURNS [ConstPairColl] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; RETURN w.fn.ValueOf.Widen.AsConst}; WideFreeze: PROC [pc: PairColl] RETURNS [ConstPairColl] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; RETURN w.fn.Freeze.Widen.AsConst}; WideThaw: PROC [pc: PairColl] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; w.fn.Thaw[]; RETURN}; WideCollectionOn: PROC [pc: PairColl, side: Side] RETURNS [UWColl] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; SELECT side FROM right => RETURN w.fn.RightCollection[]; left => { IF w.fn.class.isDense AND w.fn.MutabilityOf=constant THEN RETURN [CollectInterval[w.fn.GetBounds].AsUW]; RETURN DefaultCollectionOn[pc, side]}; ENDCASE => ERROR}; WideCurSetOn: PROC [pc: PairColl, side: Side] RETURNS [ConstSet] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; SELECT side FROM right => RETURN w.fn.CurRange[]; left => { IF w.fn.class.isDense THEN RETURN CollectInterval[w.fn.GetBounds]; RETURN DefaultCurSetOn[pc, side]}; ENDCASE => ERROR}; WideAddColl: PROC [pc, other: PairColl, if: IfNewsPair, where: Where] RETURNS [some: NewsSetPair] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; RETURN w.fn.AddColl[DeRef[other.AsIntFn], if]}; WideRemColl: PROC [pc, other: PairColl, style: RemoveStyle] RETURNS [hadSome, hadAll: BoolPair] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; RETURN w.fn.RemColl[DeRef[other.AsIntFn]]}; WideDeleteColl: PROC [pc: PairColl, coll: Collection, side: Side, style: RemoveStyle] RETURNS [hadSome, hadAll: BOOL] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; SELECT side FROM right => RETURN w.fn.RightDeleteColl[coll, style]; left => IF coll.OrderStyleOf=value AND coll.QualityOf[$First]>=goodDefault AND coll.QualityOf[$Last]>=goodDefault AND coll.OrderingOf=intOrder THEN { IF coll.Empty THEN RETURN [FALSE, TRUE]; {min: INT ~ Ni[coll.First[].Val]; max: INT ~ Ni[coll.Last[].Val]; lb: Interval ~ BoundsOfInts[min, max]; RETURN w.fn.LeftDeleteInterval[lb]; }} ELSE RETURN DefaultDeleteColl[pc, coll, side, style]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; WideQuaIntFn: PROC [pc: PairColl, dir: Direction] RETURNS [MaybeValue] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; IF dir=leftToRight THEN RETURN [[TRUE, w.fn.Refify]] ELSE RETURN DefaultQuaIntFn[pc, dir]}; WideSpaces: PROC [pc: PairColl] RETURNS [SpacePair] ~ { w: Wide ~ NARROW[]; RETURN [[left: refInts, right: w.fn.RightSpace]]}; Start: PROC ~ { FOR isOneToOne: BOOL IN BOOL DO FOR ordered: BOOL IN BOOL DO wideClasses[isOneToOne][ordered][constant] _ PCs.CreateClass[[ Primitive: WidePrimitive, HasPair: WideHasPair, Apply: WideApply, Scan: WideScan, ScanHalfRestriction: WideScanHalfRestriction, Extremum: WideExtremum, Get3: WideGet3, Size: WideSize, ImageSize: WideImageSize, Copy: WideCopy, CollectionOn: WideCollectionOn, CurSetOn: WideCurSetOn, QuaIntFn: WideQuaIntFn, Spaces: WideSpaces, functional: [TRUE, isOneToOne], mayDuplicate: FALSE, orderStyle: IF ordered THEN value ELSE none, mutability: constant ]]; wideClasses[isOneToOne][ordered][readonly] _ PCs.CreateClass[[ Primitive: WidePrimitive, HasPair: WideHasPair, Apply: WideApply, Scan: WideScan, ScanHalfRestriction: WideScanHalfRestriction, Extremum: WideExtremum, Get3: WideGet3, Size: WideSize, ImageSize: WideImageSize, Copy: WideCopy, ValueOf: WideValueOf, CollectionOn: WideCollectionOn, CurSetOn: WideCurSetOn, QuaIntFn: WideQuaIntFn, Spaces: WideSpaces, functional: [TRUE, isOneToOne], mayDuplicate: FALSE, orderStyle: IF ordered THEN value ELSE none, mutability: readonly ]]; wideClasses[isOneToOne][ordered][variable] _ PCs.CreateClass[[ Primitive: WidePrimitive, HasPair: WideHasPair, Apply: WideApply, Scan: WideScan, ScanHalfRestriction: WideScanHalfRestriction, Extremum: WideExtremum, Get3: WideGet3, Size: WideSize, ImageSize: WideImageSize, Copy: WideCopy, Insulate: WideInsulate, ValueOf: WideValueOf, Freeze: WideFreeze, Thaw: WideThaw, CollectionOn: WideCollectionOn, CurSetOn: WideCurSetOn, AddColl: WideAddColl, RemColl: WideRemColl, DeleteColl: WideDeleteColl, QuaIntFn: WideQuaIntFn, Spaces: WideSpaces, functional: [TRUE, isOneToOne], mayDuplicate: FALSE, orderStyle: IF ordered THEN value ELSE none, mutability: variable ]]; ENDLOOP ENDLOOP; }; Start[]; END. `StdIntFunctions5.Mesa Last tweaked by Mike Spreitzer on October 16, 1987 10:21:02 am PDT Κ φ˜code™KšœB™B—K˜KšΟk œ>˜GK˜šΟnœœ˜Kšœ5˜˜>Kšž œ˜Kšžœ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ˜-Kšžœ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšž œ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšž œ˜Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšœ œ˜Kšœœ˜Kšœ œ œœ˜,Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—šœ>˜>Kšž œ˜Kšžœ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ˜-Kšžœ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšž œ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ˜Kšž œ˜Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšœ œ˜Kšœœ˜Kšœ œ œœ˜,Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—šœ>˜>Kšž œ˜Kšžœ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ˜-Kšžœ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšž œ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšž œ˜Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜Kšž œ˜Kšžœ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšœ œ˜Kšœœ˜Kšœ œ œœ˜,Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—Kšœœ˜—K˜—K˜K˜K˜Kšœ˜—…—(φ7L