DIRECTORY AMBridge, AMTypes, IO, Collections, IntFunctions, IntStuff, PairCollections, List, PrintTV, Process, Rope, StructuredStreams; SetPrinting: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS AMBridge, AMTypes, IO, Collections, IntFunctions, PairCollections, List, PrintTV, Process, Rope, StructuredStreams = BEGIN OPEN Colls:Collections, PairColls:PairCollections, IntFns:IntFunctions, Ints:IntStuff, SS:StructuredStreams; ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; TV: TYPE ~ AMTypes.TV; Type: TYPE ~ AMTypes.Type; OrderStyleName: ARRAY Colls.OrderStyle OF ROPE ~ [ none: "unordered", client: "client ordered", value: "value ordered"]; MutabilityName: ARRAY Colls.Mutability OF ROPE ~ [ constant: "const", variable: "var", readonly: "r.o."]; PrintCollection: PROC [tv: TV, data: REF ANY, stream: IO.STREAM, depth: INT _ 4, width: INT _ 32, verbose: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [useOld: BOOL _ FALSE] --PrintTV.TVPrintProc-- ~ TRUSTED { OPEN Colls; collTV: TV ~ ToColl[tv]; classTV: TV ~ AMTypes.IndexToTV[collTV, 1]; dataTV: TV ~ AMTypes.IndexToTV[collTV, 2]; coll: Collection ~ [NARROW[AMBridge.TVToRef[classTV]], NARROW[AMBridge.TVToRef[dataTV]]]; IF coll.class=NIL THEN { stream.PutRope[IF THEN "nilColl" ELSE "{broken collection}"]; RETURN}; stream.PutRope["{"]; {ENABLE Cant => {stream.PutRope[" -- collection printing fumbled"]; CONTINUE}; canFilter: BOOL ~ coll.QualityOf[$HasMember] >= goodDefault; canScan: BOOL ~ coll.QualityOf[$Scan, LIST[$FALSE]] >= goodDefault OR coll.QualityOf[$Scan, LIST[$TRUE]] >= goodDefault; setlike: BOOL ~ coll.MayDuplicate[] = FALSE; orderStyle: OrderStyle ~ coll.OrderStyleOf[]; stream.PutF["%g %g %g", [rope[OrderStyleName[orderStyle]]], [rope[MutabilityName[coll.MutabilityOf[]]]], [rope[IF canFilter THEN IF canScan THEN IF setlike THEN "set" ELSE "collection" ELSE "filter" ELSE IF canScan THEN IF setlike THEN "set enumerator" ELSE "enumerator" ELSE "dimwit"]]]; IF verbose OR depth >= 2 THEN { canSize: BOOL ~ coll.QualityOf[$Size] >= goodDefault; size: INT ~ IF canSize THEN coll.Size[] ELSE INT.LAST; space: Space ~ coll.SpaceOf[]; IF canSize THEN { stream.PutRope[","]; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3, " "]; stream.PutF["size=%g", [integer[size]]]; }; stream.PutRope[","]; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3, " "]; stream.PutRope[Rope.Cat["space=", SpaceName[space]]]; IF canScan AND depth >= 4 THEN { first: BOOL _ TRUE; n: LNAT _ 0; PrintElt: PROC [val: Value] RETURNS [pass: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ TRUSTED { eltTV: TV ~ AMBridge.TVForReferent[NEW [Value _ val], const]; Process.CheckForAbort[]; IF first THEN {first _ FALSE; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3]} ELSE {stream.PutRope[","]; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3, " "]}; SS.Begin[stream]; {ENABLE UNWIND => SS.End[stream]; IF (pass _ (n _ n+1) > width) THEN stream.PutRope["..."] ELSE PrintTV.Print[tv: eltTV, put: stream, depth: depth-2, width: width]; }; SS.End[stream]; RETURN}; stream.PutRope[","]; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3, " "]; stream.PutRope["elts: "]; [] _ coll.Scan[PrintElt]; }; }; }; stream.PutRope["}"]; RETURN}; PrintPairColl: PROC [tv: TV, data: REF ANY, stream: IO.STREAM, depth: INT _ 4, width: INT _ 32, verbose: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [useOld: BOOL _ FALSE] --PrintTV.TVPrintProc-- ~ TRUSTED { OPEN Colls, PairColls; collTV: TV ~ ToColl[tv]; classTV: TV ~ AMTypes.IndexToTV[collTV, 1]; dataTV: TV ~ AMTypes.IndexToTV[collTV, 2]; coll: PairColl ~ [NARROW[AMBridge.TVToRef[classTV]], NARROW[AMBridge.TVToRef[dataTV]]]; IF coll.class=NIL THEN { stream.PutRope[IF THEN "nilPairColl" ELSE "{broken pair collection}"]; RETURN}; stream.PutRope["{"]; {ENABLE Cant => {stream.PutRope[" -- pair collection printing fumbled"]; CONTINUE}; canFilter: BOOL ~ coll.QualityOf[$HasPair] >= goodDefault; canScan: BOOL ~ coll.QualityOf[$Scan, LIST[$FALSE]] >= goodDefault OR coll.QualityOf[$Scan, LIST[$TRUE]] >= goodDefault; setlike: BOOL ~ coll.MayDuplicate[] = FALSE; functional: BoolPair ~ coll.Functional; orderStyle: OrderStyle ~ coll.OrderStyleOf[]; type: ROPE ~ IF functional[leftToRight] THEN IF functional[rightToLeft] THEN "injection" ELSE "function" ELSE IF functional[rightToLeft] THEN "inv-function" ELSE "relation"; stream.PutF["%g %g %g", [rope[OrderStyleName[orderStyle]]], [rope[MutabilityName[coll.MutabilityOf[]]]], [rope[IF canFilter THEN IF canScan THEN IF setlike THEN type ELSE Rope.Cat["duplicating ", type] ELSE "pair filter" ELSE IF canScan THEN IF setlike THEN type.Cat[" enumerator"] ELSE "pair enumerator" ELSE "pair dimwit"]]]; IF verbose OR depth >= 2 THEN { canSize: BOOL ~ coll.QualityOf[$Size] >= goodDefault; size: INT ~ IF canSize THEN coll.Size[] ELSE INT.LAST; spaces: SpacePair ~ coll.Spaces[]; IF canSize THEN { stream.PutRope[","]; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3, " "]; stream.PutF["size=%g", [integer[size]]]; }; stream.PutRope[","]; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3, " "]; stream.PutRope[Rope.Cat["spaces=[", SpaceName[spaces[left]], ", ", SpaceName[spaces[right]], "]"]]; IF canScan AND depth >= 4 THEN { first: BOOL _ TRUE; n: LNAT _ 0; PrintElt: PROC [elt: Pair] RETURNS [pass: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ TRUSTED { eltTV: TV ~ AMBridge.TVForReferent[NEW [Pair _ elt], const]; IF first THEN {first _ FALSE; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3]} ELSE {stream.PutRope[","]; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3, " "]}; SS.Begin[stream]; {ENABLE UNWIND => SS.End[stream]; IF (pass _ (n _ n+1) > width) THEN stream.PutRope["..."] ELSE PrintTV.Print[tv: eltTV, put: stream, depth: depth-2, width: width]; }; SS.End[stream]; RETURN}; stream.PutRope[","]; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3, " "]; stream.PutRope["elts: "]; [] _ coll.Scan[PrintElt]; }; }; }; stream.PutRope["}"]; RETURN}; PrintIntFn: PROC [tv: TV, data: REF ANY, stream: IO.STREAM, depth: INT _ 4, width: INT _ 32, verbose: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [useOld: BOOL _ FALSE] --PrintTV.TVPrintProc-- ~ TRUSTED { OPEN Colls, PairColls, Ints, IntFns; collTV: TV ~ ToColl[tv]; classTV: TV ~ AMTypes.IndexToTV[collTV, 1]; dataTV: TV ~ AMTypes.IndexToTV[collTV, 2]; coll: IntFn ~ [NARROW[AMBridge.TVToRef[classTV]], NARROW[AMBridge.TVToRef[dataTV]]]; IF coll.class=NIL THEN { stream.PutRope[IF THEN "nilIntFn" ELSE "{broken int fn}"]; RETURN}; stream.PutRope["{"]; {ENABLE Cant => {stream.PutRope[" -- int function printing fumbled"]; CONTINUE}; canFilter: BOOL ~ coll.QualityOf[$HasPair] >= goodDefault; canScan: BOOL ~ coll.QualityOf[$Scan, LIST[$unrestricted, $unrestricted, $FALSE]] >= goodDefault OR coll.QualityOf[$Scan, LIST[$unrestricted, $unrestricted, $TRUE]] >= goodDefault; canBound: BOOL ~ coll.QualityOf[$GetBounds]>=goodDefault; type: ROPE ~ IF coll.IsOneToOne THEN "injection" ELSE "function"; mutability: Mutability ~ coll.MutabilityOf; stream.PutF["%g %g%g%g %g", [rope[IF coll.Ordered THEN "ordered" ELSE "unordered"]], [rope[MutabilityName[mutability]]], [rope[IF mutability#constant AND coll.DomainIsFixed THEN " fixed domain" ELSE ""]], [rope[IF coll.class.isDense THEN " dense" ELSE ""]], [rope[IF canFilter THEN IF canScan THEN type ELSE type.Cat[" filter"] ELSE IF canScan THEN type.Cat[" enumerator"] ELSE "int-val pair dimwit"]]]; IF canBound THEN { bounds: Interval ~ coll.GetBounds[]; stream.PutF[" [%g..%g]", [integer[bounds.min]], [integer[bounds.max]]]}; IF verbose OR depth >= 2 THEN { canSize: BOOL ~ coll.QualityOf[$Size] >= goodDefault; size: INT ~ IF canSize THEN coll.Size[] ELSE INT.LAST; right: Space ~ coll.RightSpace; IF canSize AND NOT (coll.class.isDense AND canBound) THEN { stream.PutRope[","]; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3, " "]; stream.PutF["size=%g", [integer[size]]]; }; stream.PutRope[","]; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3, " "]; stream.PutRope[Rope.Cat["rightSpace=", SpaceName[right]]]; IF canScan AND depth >= 4 THEN { first: BOOL _ TRUE; n: LNAT _ 0; prev: INT _ INT.LAST; PrintElt: PROC [elt: IVPair] RETURNS [pass: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ TRUSTED { valTV: TV ~ AMBridge.TVForReferent[NEW [Value _ elt.right], const]; IF first THEN {first _ FALSE; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3]} ELSE {stream.PutRope[","]; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3, " "]}; SS.Begin[stream]; {ENABLE UNWIND => SS.End[stream]; IF (pass _ (n _ n+1) > width) THEN stream.PutRope["..."] ELSE { IF prev=INT.LAST OR prev.SUCC#elt.left THEN stream.PutF["%g: ", [integer[elt.left]]]; PrintTV.Print[tv: valTV, put: stream, depth: depth-2, width: width]; prev _ elt.left; }; }; SS.End[stream]; RETURN}; stream.PutRope[","]; SS.Bp[stream, lookLeft, 3, " "]; stream.PutRope["elts: "]; [] _ coll.Scan[PrintElt]; }; }; }; stream.PutRope["}"]; RETURN}; SpaceName: PROC [space: Colls.Space] RETURNS [name: ROPE] ~ { IF space=NIL THEN RETURN ["unknown"]; name _ WITH List.Assoc[key: $Name, aList: space.other] SELECT FROM x: ROPE => x, x: REF READONLY TEXT => Rope.FromRefText[x], ENDCASE => "?strange name?"; RETURN}; ToColl: PROC [tv: TV] RETURNS [collTV: TV] ~ { collTV _ tv; DO SELECT AMTypes.NComponents[AMTypes.TVType[collTV]] FROM 1 => collTV _ AMTypes.IndexToTV[collTV, 1]; 2 => EXIT; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; RETURN}; Start: PROC ~ { PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[CODE[Colls.Collection], PrintCollection]; PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[CODE[Colls.VarColl], PrintCollection, $Var]; PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[CODE[Colls.UWColl], PrintCollection, $UW]; PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[CODE[Colls.ConstColl], PrintCollection, $Const]; PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[CODE[PairColls.PairColl], PrintPairColl]; PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[CODE[PairColls.VarPairColl], PrintPairColl, $Var]; PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[CODE[PairColls.UWPairColl], PrintPairColl, $UW]; PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[CODE[PairColls.ConstPairColl], PrintPairColl, $Const]; PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[CODE[IntFns.IntFn], PrintIntFn]; PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[CODE[IntFns.VarIntFn], PrintIntFn, $Var]; PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[CODE[IntFns.UWIntFn], PrintIntFn, $UW]; PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[CODE[IntFns.ConstIntFn], PrintIntFn, $Const]; }; Start[]; END. ZSetPrinting.Mesa Last tweaked by Mike Spreitzer on November 17, 1987 4:58:46 pm PST Κ – "cedar" style˜codešœ™KšœB™B—K˜KšΟk œœh˜‡K˜šΟn œœ˜Kšœœ]˜zK˜—K˜Kšœœžœž œžœžœ œ˜rK˜Kšœœœ˜Kšœœ œ˜Kšœœ˜K˜šžœœœœ˜2K˜K˜K˜—K˜šžœœœœ˜2K˜K˜K˜—K˜š žœœœœœ œœ œ œœœœ œœΟcœœ˜»Kšœ˜ Kšœœ˜Kšœ œ ˜+Kšœœ ˜*Kšœœœ˜Yšœ œœ˜Kš œœ œœ œ˜KKšœ˜—K˜Kšœœ=œ˜NKšœ œ-˜