Last tweaked by Mike Spreitzer on March 4, 1988 4:57:29 pm PST
DIRECTORY AbSets, Atom, Basics, BiRelBasics, IntStuff, IO, SetBasics;
IMPORTS AbSets, BiRelBasics, IntStuff, SetBasics
= {OPEN IntStuff, SetBasics, Sets:AbSets, Sets, BiRelBasics;
Random Old Stuff
Value: TYPE ~ SetBasics.Value;
Interval: TYPE ~ SetBasics.Interval;
IntInterval: TYPE ~ SetBasics.IntInterval;
Set: TYPE ~ Sets.Set;
Direction: TYPE ~ Sets.Direction;
Side: TYPE ~ Sets.Side;
Pair: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.Pair;
noPair: READONLY Pair;
MaybePair: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.MaybePair;
noMaybePair: READONLY MaybePair;
TripleMaybePair: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.TripleMaybePair;
MaybePairInterval: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.MaybePairInterval;
MaybePairSpace: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.MaybePairSpace;
Had: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.Had;
HadPair: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.HadPair;
HadSetPair: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.HadSetPair;
IfHad: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.IfHad;
IfHadPair: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.IfHadPair;
alwaysAdd: IfHadPair ~ BiRelBasics.alwaysAdd;
addIfNew: IfHadPair ~ BiRelBasics.addIfNew;
addIfOld: IfHadPair ~ BiRelBasics.addIfOld;
BoolPair: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.BoolPair;
SpacePair: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.SpacePair;
SetPair: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.SetPair;
PairInterval: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.PairInterval;
RelOrder: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.RelOrder;
TotalRelOrder: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.TotalRelOrder;
leftFwd: RelOrder ~ BiRelBasics.leftFwd;
leftBwd: RelOrder ~ BiRelBasics.leftBwd;
rightFwd: RelOrder ~ BiRelBasics.rightFwd;
rightBwd: RelOrder ~ BiRelBasics.rightBwd;
PairSpace: TYPE ~ BiRelBasics.PairSpace;
Binary Relations (i.e., Sets of Pairs)
BiRel: TYPE ~ RECORD [class: BiRelClass, data: REF ANY];
A binary relation (i.e., a set of Pairs), or a variable such.
ConsBiRel: PROC [class: BiRelClass, data: REF ANY] RETURNS [BiRel];
Good for calling from the interpreter.
nilBiRel: BiRel ~ [NIL, NIL];
badBiRel: READONLY BiRel;
Refify: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [RefBiRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN [NEW [BiRel ← br]]};
Operations on BiRels
Cant: ERROR [br: BiRel];
Raised when a BiRel is asked to perform an operation it can't.
AsSet: PROC [br: BiRel, ro: RelOrder] RETURNS [Set--of REF Pair--]
The ordering of the space of the result respects the relative order given.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.AsSet[br, ro]};
HasPair: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.HasPair[br, pair]};
HasAA: PROC [br: BiRel, left, right: REF ANY] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.HasPair[br, [AV[left], AV[right]]]};
HasIA: PROC [br: BiRel, left: INT, right: REF ANY] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.HasPair[br, [IV[left], AV[right]]]};
HasII: PROC [br: BiRel, left, right: INT] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.HasPair[br, [IV[left], IV[right]]]};
Image: PROC [br: BiRel, set: Set, dir: Direction ← leftToRight] RETURNS [Set]
For leftToRight, the result is henceforth the things that are on the right sides of pairs in br that have an element of set on their left side. Also, set may be nilSet; Image[br, nilSet, dir] = SetOn[br, Dest[dir]]. The result tracks changes to br, and changes to the result change br (in any one of the possible ways).
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Image[br, set, dir]};
Mapping: PROC [br: BiRel, v: Value, dir: Direction ← leftToRight] RETURNS [Set]
The image of a singleton.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Image[br, Sets.CreateSingleton[v, br.Spaces[][Source[dir]]], dir]};
MappingA: PROC [br: BiRel, v: REF ANY, dir: Direction ← leftToRight] RETURNS [Set]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Image[br, Sets.CreateSingleton[AV[v], br.Spaces[][Source[dir]]], dir]};
MappingI: PROC [br: BiRel, v: INT, dir: Direction ← leftToRight] RETURNS [Set]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Image[br, Sets.CreateSingleton[IV[v], br.Spaces[][Source[dir]]], dir]};
HasMapping: PROC [br: BiRel, v: Value, dir: Direction ← leftToRight] RETURNS [BOOL]
= NOT br.Mapping[v, dir].Empty[], but the following expression stands a chance of not doing any allocations.
~ INLINE {from: Side ~ Source[dir]; RETURN [br.class.ScanRestriction[br, ConsSets[from, Sets.CreateSingleton[v, br.Spaces[][from]]], AcceptAny, []].found]};
HasMapA: PROC [br: BiRel, v: REF ANY, dir: Direction ← leftToRight] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {from: Side ~ Source[dir]; RETURN [br.class.ScanRestriction[br, ConsSets[from, Sets.CreateSingleton[AV[v], br.Spaces[][from]]], AcceptAny, []].found]};
HasMapI: PROC [br: BiRel, v: INT, dir: Direction ← leftToRight] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {from: Side ~ Source[dir]; RETURN [br.class.ScanRestriction[br, ConsSets[from, Sets.CreateSingleton[IV[v], br.Spaces[][from]]], AcceptAny, []].found]};
Enumerate: PROC [br: BiRel, Consume: PROC [Pair], ro: RelOrder ← []];
The enumeration order respects the ordering specified by the ro argument relative to the BiRel's spaces. That is, if ro says p1 < p2, then p1 is enumerated before p2; if ro says p1 = p2, they may be enumerated in either order.
EnumAA: PROC [br: BiRel, Consume: PROC [REF ANY, REF ANY], ro: RelOrder ← []];
EnumIA: PROC [br: BiRel, Consume: PROC [INT, REF ANY], ro: RelOrder ← []];
EnumII: PROC [br: BiRel, Consume: PROC [INT, INT], ro: RelOrder ← []];
Tester: TYPE ~ PROC [Pair] RETURNS [BOOL];
AcceptAny: Tester--={RETURN[TRUE]}--;
Scan: PROC [br: BiRel, Test: Tester, ro: RelOrder ← []] RETURNS [MaybePair]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.ScanRestriction[br, [], Test, ro]};
EnumerateImage: PROC [br: BiRel, set: Set, Consume: PROC [Value], dir: Direction ← leftToRight, ro: Sets.RelOrder ← no];
EnumerateMapping: PROC [br: BiRel, v: Value, Consume: PROC [Value], dir: Direction ← leftToRight, ro: Sets.RelOrder ← no]
~ INLINE {EnumerateImage[br, Sets.CreateSingleton[v, br.Spaces[][Source[dir]]], Consume, dir, ro]};
EnumerateHalfRestriction: PROC [br: BiRel, set: Set, Consume: PROC [Pair], side: Side ← left, ro: RelOrder ← []];
Enumerates those pairs such that pair[side] is in set.
ScanImage: PROC [br: BiRel, set: Set, Test: Sets.Tester, dir: Direction ← leftToRight, ro: Sets.RelOrder ← no] RETURNS [MaybePair];
ScanMapping: PROC [br: BiRel, v: Value, Test: Sets.Tester, dir: Direction ← leftToRight, ro: Sets.RelOrder ← no] RETURNS [MaybePair]
~ INLINE {RETURN ScanImage[br, Sets.CreateSingleton[v, br.Spaces[][Source[dir]]], Test, dir, ro]};
ScanRestriction: PROC [br: BiRel, sets: SetPair ← [], Test: Tester, ro: RelOrder ← []] RETURNS [MaybePair]
If one of the restricting sets is nilSet, that means don't restrict.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.ScanRestriction[br, sets, Test, ro]};
ScanHalfRestriction: PROC [br: BiRel, set: Set, Test: Tester, side: Side ← left, ro: RelOrder ← []] RETURNS [MaybePair]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.ScanRestriction[br, ConsSets[side, set], Test, ro]};
ParallelScan: PROC [a, b: BiRel, Test: ParallelTester, roA, roB: RelOrder ← []] RETURNS [ParallelFind]
~ INLINE {RETURN ParallelScanRestriction[a, b, Test, [], [], roA, roB]};
ParallelScanRestriction: PROC [a, b: BiRel, Test: ParallelTester, setsA, setsB: SetPair ← [], roA, roB: RelOrder ← []] RETURNS [ParallelFind];
ParallelTester: TYPE ~ PROC [a, b: MaybePair] RETURNS [pass: BOOLFALSE];
ParallelFind: TYPE ~ RECORD [found: BOOL, a, b: MaybePair];
InterleavedProduceRestriction: PROC [a, b: BiRel, Consume: InterleavedConsumer, setsA, setsB: SetPair ← [], roA, roB: RelOrder ← []] RETURNS [MaybePair];
InterleavedConsumer: TYPE ~ PROC [PROC [Which] RETURNS [MaybePair]] RETURNS [MaybePair];
GetOne: PROC [br: BiRel, remove: BOOL, ro: RelOrder] RETURNS [MaybePair]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.GetOne[br, remove, ro]};
APair: PROC [br: BiRel, ro: RelOrder ← []] RETURNS [MaybePair]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.GetOne[br, FALSE, ro]};
Pop: PROC [br: BiRel, ro: RelOrder ← []] RETURNS [MaybePair]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.GetOne[br, TRUE, ro]};
First: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [MaybePair]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.GetOne[br, FALSE, [ALL[fwd]]]};
Last: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [MaybePair]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.GetOne[br, FALSE, [ALL[bwd]]]};
Next: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair, ro: RelOrder ← [[fwd, no]]] RETURNS [MaybePair]
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.class.Get3[br, pair, ro, [FALSE, FALSE, TRUE]].next]};
Prev: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair, ro: RelOrder ← [[fwd, no]]] RETURNS [MaybePair]
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.class.Get3[br, pair, ro, [TRUE, FALSE, FALSE]].prev]};
Get3: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair, ro: RelOrder ← [[fwd, no]], want: TripleBool ← []] RETURNS [TripleMaybePair]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Get3[br, pair, ro, want]};
SkipTo: PROC [br: BiRel, goal: Set, bounds: Interval ← fullInterval, side: Side ← right, bwd: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [MaybePair]
result is (if bwd then greatest else least) solution in bounds to: br[i]=v AND goal.HasMember[v]; if no such solution, result.found=FALSE and is unrestricted.
~ INLINE {os: Side ~ OtherSide[side]; RETURN br.ScanRestriction[ConsSets[side, goal, IntervalAsSet[br.Spaces[][os], bounds]], AcceptAny, ConsRelOrder[os, IF bwd THEN bwd ELSE fwd]]};
Lookup: PROC [br: BiRel, goal: Value, bounds: Interval ← fullInterval, side: Side ← right, bwd: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [MaybeValue]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.SkipTo[Sets.CreateSingleton[goal, br.Spaces[][side]], bounds, side, bwd].KeepHalf[OtherSide[side]]};
Size: PROC [br: BiRel, limit: EINT ← lastEINT] RETURNS [EINT]
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.class.RestrictionSize[br, [], limit]]};
Empty: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.Size[one]=zero]};
RestrictionSize: PROC [br: BiRel, sets: SetPair ← [], limit: EINT ← lastEINT] RETURNS [EINT]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.RestrictionSize[br, sets, limit]};
ImageSize: PROC [br: BiRel, set: Set, dir: Direction ← leftToRight, limit: EINT ← lastEINT] RETURNS [EINT];
MappingSize: PROC [br: BiRel, v: Value, dir: Direction ← leftToRight, limit: EINT ← lastEINT] RETURNS [EINT]
~ INLINE {RETURN ImageSize[br, Sets.CreateSingleton[v, br.Spaces[][Source[dir]]], dir, limit]};
MappingEmpty: PROC [br: BiRel, v: Value, dir: Direction ← leftToRight] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [MappingSize[br, v, dir, one]=zero]};
IsDense: PROC [br: BiRel, when: When ← always, side: Side ← left] RETURNS [BOOL]
Implies br.SetOn[side].IsDense, now or forever, as requested.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.IsDense[br, when, side]};
denseSide: READONLY ROPE; --complaint raised when a caller tries an operation that would put a hole in a necessarily dense side of a BiRel.
SideFixed: PROC [br: BiRel, side: Side ← left] RETURNS [BOOL]
SideFixed[br, side] => br.SetOn[side] won't change.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.SideFixed[br, side]};
fixedSide: READONLY ROPE; --complaint raised when a caller tries an operation that would change a fixed side of a BiRel.
GetBounds: PROC [br: BiRel, want: EndBools ← [], ro: RelOrder ← [[fwd, no]]] RETURNS [MaybePairInterval]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.GetBounds[br, want, ro]};
MutabilityOf: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [Mutability]
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.class.mutability]};
Copy: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [VarBiRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Copy[br]};
Insulate: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [UWBiRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Insulate[br]};
ValueOf: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [ConstBiRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.ValueOf[br]};
Freeze: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [ConstBiRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Freeze[br]};
Thaw: PROC [br: BiRel]
~ INLINE {br.class.Thaw[br]};
Has: PROC [br, other: BiRel, want: BoolPair] RETURNS [HadSetPair];
AddPair: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair, if: IfHadPair ← alwaysAdd] RETURNS [had: HadPair]
May also cause deletions in order to preserve functionality.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.AddPair[br, pair, if]};
AddAA: PROC [br: BiRel, left, right: REF ANY, if: IfHadPair ← alwaysAdd] RETURNS [had: HadPair];
AddIA: PROC [br: BiRel, left: INT, right: REF ANY, if: IfHadPair ← alwaysAdd] RETURNS [had: HadPair];
AddII: PROC [br: BiRel, left, right: INT, if: IfHadPair ← alwaysAdd] RETURNS [had: HadPair];
AddNewPair: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair];
Like AddPair, with the expectation that the pair is new.
AddNewAA: PROC [br: BiRel, left, right: REF ANY];
AddNewIA: PROC [br: BiRel, left: INT, right: REF ANY];
AddNewII: PROC [br: BiRel, left, right: INT];
AddSet: PROC [br, other: BiRel, if: IfHadPair ← alwaysAdd] RETURNS [some: HadSetPair]
Equivalent to a series of AddPairs. some[n][dir] iff some AddPair[..][dir]=n.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.AddSet[br, other, if]};
AddNewSet: PROC [br, other: BiRel];
Same as AddSet[if: addIfNew], and then in functional directions d insist that some[d][same] = some[d][different] = FALSE.
Swap: PROC [br: BiRel, a, b: Value, side: Side ← left]
side=left => br after HasPair[[a, v]] iff br before HasPair[[b, v]], and so on.
~ INLINE {br.class.Swap[br, a, b, side]};
RemPair: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair] RETURNS [had: HadPair]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.RemPair[br, pair]};
RemAA: PROC [br: BiRel, left, right: REF ANY] RETURNS [had: HadPair];
RemIA: PROC [br: BiRel, left: INT, right: REF ANY] RETURNS [had: HadPair];
RemII: PROC [br: BiRel, left, right: INT] RETURNS [had: HadPair];
RemOldPair: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair];
RemOldAA: PROC [br: BiRel, left, right: REF ANY];
RemOldIA: PROC [br: BiRel, left: INT, right: REF ANY];
RemOldII: PROC [br: BiRel, left, right: INT];
RemSet: PROC [br, other: BiRel] RETURNS [some: HadSetPair]
Equivalent to a bunch of RemPairs.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.RemSet[br, other]};
Erase: PROC [br: BiRel]
~ INLINE {[] ← br.RemSet[br]};
Delete: PROC [br: BiRel, val: Value, side: Side ← left] RETURNS [hadSome: BOOL]
Remove pair(s) with equivalent values on the given side. hadSome tells whether there were any.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Delete[br, val, side]};
DeleteA: PROC [br: BiRel, val: REF ANY, side: Side ← left] RETURNS [hadSome: BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Delete[br, AV[val], side]};
DeleteI: PROC [br: BiRel, val: INT, side: Side ← left] RETURNS [hadSome: BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Delete[br, IV[val], side]};
DeleteSet: PROC [br: BiRel, set: Set, side: Side ← left] RETURNS [had: SomeAll]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.DeleteSet[br, set, side]};
Substitute: PROC [br: BiRel, old, new: Value, side: Side];
SubstituteA: PROC [br: BiRel, old, new: REF ANY, side: Side]
~ INLINE {br.Substitute[AV[old], AV[new], side]};
SubstituteI: PROC [br: BiRel, old, new: INT, side: Side]
~ INLINE {br.Substitute[IV[old], IV[new], side]};
Spaces: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [SpacePair]
Every BiRel knows its spaces.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Spaces[br]};
SetOn: PROC [br: BiRel, side: Side] RETURNS [UWSet]
Returns a collection of the elements on the given side of the pairs of br. Result tracks changes to br.
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.class.SetOn[br, side]]};
CurSetOn: PROC [br: BiRel, side: Side] RETURNS [ConstSet]
Returns the current value, and thus does not track changes to br.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.CurSetOn[br, side]};
Functional: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [BoolPair]
Functional[br][leftToRight] => br can't have two pairs with equivalent left Values and non-equivalent right Values.
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.class.functional]};
Equal: PROC [a, b: BiRel, bounds: SetPair ← []] RETURNS [BOOL];
x in bounds[left], y in bounds[right] : <x,y> in a { <x,y> in b.
Hash: PROC [br: BiRel, bounds: SetPair ← []] RETURNS [CARDINAL];
Compare: PROC [a, b: BiRel, bounds: SetPair ← [], tro: TotalRelOrder ← [ALL[fwd]]] RETURNS [Comparison];
CreateBiRelSpace: PROC [eltSpaces: SpacePair] RETURNS [Space];
QuaBiRelSpace: PROC [Space] RETURNS [found: BOOL, eltSpaces: SpacePair];
PrintBiRel: PROC [br: BiRel, to: IO.STREAM, depth: INT ← 4, length: INT ← 32, verbose: BOOLFALSE];
FormatBiRel: PROC [br: BiRel, depth: INT ← 4, length: INT ← 32, verbose: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [ROPE];
More Special Cases of Sets
SetIsBiRel: PROC [set: Set] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [set.class.QuaBiRel[set].found]};
SetAsBiRel: PROC [set: Set] RETURNS [BiRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN [SetQuaBiRel[set].it]};
SetQuaBiRel: PROC [set: Set] RETURNS [MaybeBiRel]
found: BOOL;
class, data: REF ANY;
[found, class, data] ← set.class.QuaBiRel[set];
RETURN [IF found THEN [TRUE, [NARROW[class], data]] ELSE [FALSE, badBiRel]]};
Special Cases of BiRels
VarBiRel: TYPE ~ RECORD [BiRel] --a variable BiRel--;
IsVar: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.class.mutability=variable]};
AsVar: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [VarBiRel]
~ INLINE {IF br#nilBiRel AND br.class.mutability#variable THEN Complain[br, notVariable]; RETURN [[br]]};
UWBiRel: TYPE ~ RECORD [BiRel] --an unwritable BiRel--;
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.class.mutability#variable]};
AsUW: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [UWBiRel]
~ INLINE {IF br#nilBiRel AND br.class.mutability=variable THEN Complain[br, writeable]; RETURN [[br]]};
ConstBiRel: TYPE ~ RECORD [UWBiRel] --a constant BiRel--;
IsConst: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.class.mutability=constant]};
AsConst: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [ConstBiRel]
~ INLINE {IF br#nilBiRel AND br.class.mutability#constant THEN Complain[br, notConstant]; RETURN [[[br]]]};
Function: TYPE ~ BiRel --a BiRel that doesn't have two pairs with equal left sides--;
VarFunction: TYPE ~ VarBiRel;
UWFunction: TYPE ~ UWBiRel;
ConstFunction: TYPE ~ ConstBiRel;
IsFunction: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.class.functional[leftToRight]]};
AsFunction: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [Function]
~ INLINE {IF NOT br.class.functional[leftToRight] THEN br.Complain[narrowFault]; RETURN [br]};
InvFunction: TYPE ~ BiRel --a BiRel that doesn't have two pairs with equal right sides--;
IsInvFunction: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.class.functional[rightToLeft]]};
AsInvFunction: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [InvFunction]
~ INLINE {IF NOT br.class.functional[rightToLeft] THEN br.Complain[narrowFault]; RETURN [br]};
OneToOne: TYPE ~ BiRel --a one-to-one BiRel--;
VarOneToOne: TYPE ~ VarBiRel;
ConstOneToOne: TYPE ~ ConstBiRel;
IsOneToOne: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.class.functional=ALL[TRUE]]};
AsOneToOne: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [OneToOne]
~ INLINE {IF NOT br.class.functional=ALL[TRUE] THEN br.Complain[narrowFault]; RETURN [br]};
Apply: PROC [br: BiRel, v: Value, dir: Direction ← leftToRight] RETURNS [MaybeValue]
Error raised if mapping bigger than 1. Returns noMaybe if mapping empty.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Apply[br, v, dir]};
mappingNotSingleton: READONLY ROPE;
InvApply: PROC [br: BiRel, v: Value] RETURNS [MaybeValue]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Apply[br, v, rightToLeft]};
ApplyA: PROC [br: BiRel, v: REF ANY, dir: Direction ← leftToRight] RETURNS [MaybeValue]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Apply[br, AV[v], dir]};
ApplyI: PROC [br: BiRel, v: INT, dir: Direction ← leftToRight] RETURNS [MaybeValue]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Apply[br, IV[v], dir]};
InvApplyA: PROC [br: BiRel, v: REF ANY] RETURNS [MaybeValue]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Apply[br, AV[v], rightToLeft]};
InvApplyI: PROC [br: BiRel, v: INT] RETURNS [MaybeValue]
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Apply[br, IV[v], rightToLeft]};
UpdateDecider: TYPE ~ PROC [MaybeValue] RETURNS [MaybeValue];
Update: PROC [br: BiRel, val: Value, dir: Direction, Decide: UpdateDecider]
Applicable only to BiRels declared functional in the given direction.
~ INLINE {br.class.Update[br, val, dir, Decide]};
notFunctional: READONLY ROPE; --complaint raised when a caller tries an operation that requires a BiRel to be functional in a direction it is not.
IntRel: TYPE ~ BiRel --where left side may only contain integers--;
IsIntRel: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [QuaIntRel[br].found]};
AsIntRel: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [IntRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN [QuaIntRel[br].it]};
QuaIntRel: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [MaybeBiRel];
GetIntDom: PROC [br: BiRel, want: EndBools ← []] RETURNS [IntInterval];
ShiftAndClipMe: PROC [br: IntRel, shift: EINT ← zero, clip: IntInterval ← []]
new[i+shift, v] iff (old[i, v] AND i in clip AND i+shift in []).
~ INLINE {br.class.ShiftAndClipMe[br, shift, clip]};
Index: PROC [br, goal: IntRel, bounds: IntInterval ← [], bwd: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [MaybeValue]
result is (if bwd then greatest else least) solution in bounds to: Equal[Shift[br, -result.i], goal, goal.bounds] (or, equivelently, Equal[br, Shift[goal, result.i], Shift[goal.bounds, result.i]]); if no such solution, result.found=FALSE and result.val is unrestricted.
~ INLINE {RETURN br.class.Index[br, goal, bounds, bwd]};
ReplaceMe: PROC [br, with: IntRel, where: IntInterval]
Let clip=with.GetIntDom in:
new[i, v] iff
old[i, v] & i < where.min, or
with[i-where.min+clip.min, v] & where.min <= i < where.min+clip.Length, or
old[i-clip.Length+where.Length, v] & where.min+clip.Length <= i.
Only current value of with is used.
~ INLINE {br.class.ReplaceMe[br, with, where]};
Insert: PROC [br: IntRel, val: Value, before: INT]
~ INLINE {[] ← ReplaceMe[br, CreateSingleton[[[i: 0], val], br.Spaces], [before, before-1]]};
Append: PROC [br: IntRel, val: Value]
~ INLINE {Insert[br, val, br.GetIntDom.max+1]};
AppendA: PROC [br: IntRel, val: REF ANY]
~ INLINE {Insert[br, AV[val], br.GetIntDom.max+1]};
AppendI: PROC [br: IntRel, val: INT]
~ INLINE {Insert[br, IV[val], br.GetIntDom.max+1]};
IntFn: TYPE ~ IntRel --that is Functional[leftToRight]--;
ConstIntFn: TYPE ~ ConstBiRel;
IsIntFn: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [QuaIntFn[br].found]};
AsIntFn: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [IntFn]
~ INLINE {RETURN [QuaIntFn[br].it]};
QuaIntFn: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [MaybeBiRel];
Array: TYPE ~ IntFn --whose domain is an interval--;
IsArray: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [IsIntFn[br] AND br.IsDense[now, left]]};
AsArray: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [Array]
~ INLINE {IF NOT (IsIntFn[br] AND br.IsDense[now, left]) THEN br.Complain[narrowFault]; RETURN [br]};
FixedArray: TYPE ~ Array --whose domain will never change--;
IsFixedArray: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [IsIntFn[br] AND br.IsDense[always, left] AND br.SideFixed[left]]};
AsFixdArray: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [FixedArray]
~ INLINE {IF NOT IsFixedArray[br] THEN br.Complain[narrowFault]; RETURN [br]};
Sequence: TYPE ~ Array --whose lower bound is 0--;
IsSequence: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [br.IsArray AND br.GetIntDom[].min=0]};
Automorphism: TYPE ~ BiRel--that's one-to-one, and domain = range--;
Permutation: TYPE ~ Sequence--that's an Automorphism--;
GradeUp: PROC [a: IntFn, o: SetBasics.Order] RETURNS [p: Permutation];
i < j Ò a[p[i]] d a[p[j]].
TransPermute: PROC [from: IntFn, to: Sequence, p: Permutation];
for each [new, old] in p: to[new] ← from[old].
PermuteInPlace: PROC [a: Sequence, p: Permutation];
Some Implementations of BiRels
CreateEmptyBiRel: PROC [SpacePair] RETURNS [ConstBiRel];
CreateIDSubset: PROC [Set] RETURNS [BiRel];
CreateFullIDSubset: PROC [s: Space] RETURNS [ConstOneToOne]
~ INLINE {RETURN [CreateIDSubset[CreateFullSet[s]].AsConst]};
CreateAllPairs: PROC [SpacePair] RETURNS [ConstOneToOne];
CreateSingleton: PROC [elt: Pair, spaces: SpacePair] RETURNS [ConstBiRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN [[[[GetSingletonClass[spaces], NEW [Pair ← elt]]]]]};
GetSingletonClass: PROC [spaces: SpacePair] RETURNS [BiRelClass];
NCreateSingleton: PROC [elt: Pair, spaces: SpacePair] RETURNS [ConstBiRel];
CreateConstant: PROC [bounds: Interval, val: Value, spaces: SpacePair ← [ints, refs]] RETURNS [ConstIntFn]
~ INLINE {RETURN CreateProduct[[IntervalAsSet[spaces[left], bounds], Sets.CreateSingleton[val, spaces[right]]]].AsConst};
CreateProduct: PROC [SetPair] RETURNS [BiRel];
FnFromProc: PROC
Apply: PROC [data: REF ANY, v: Value] RETURNS [mv: MaybeValue],
spaces: SpacePair ← [refs, refs],
constant, oneToOne: BOOLFALSE,
ScanInverse: PROC [data: REF ANY, v: Value, Test: Tester] RETURNS [MaybePair] ← NIL
RETURNS [Function];
CreateVector: PROC [bounds: IntInterval ← [0, -1], val: Value ← noValue, oneToOne, dense, domainFixed: BOOLFALSE, rightSpace: Space ← refs] RETURNS [IntFn];
CreateVectorCopy: PROC [of: IntFn, bounds: IntInterval ← [], oneToOne, dense, domainFixed: RelBool ← SAME, rightSpace: Space ← NIL] RETURNS [IntFn];
Like CreateVector, but the function is initialized from the given one, subject to the given bounds. Giving rightSpace=NIL means to use the original's.
CreateList: PROC [vals: LOP, functional: BoolPair ← [FALSE, FALSE], spaces: SpacePair ← [refs, refs], mutability: Mutability ← variable, order: RelOrder ← [], assumeSorted: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [BiRel];
HashFn: TYPE ~ VarFunction;
CreateHashReln: PROC [spaces: SpacePair ← [refs, refs], functional: BoolPair ← ALL[FALSE], mappable: BoolPair ← ALL[TRUE]] RETURNS [VarBiRel];
(functional[dir] OR mappable[dir]) tells whether the result can Image in direction dir.
CreateHashOTO: PROC [spaces: SpacePair ← [refs, refs]] RETURNS [VarOneToOne]
~ INLINE {RETURN CreateHashReln[spaces, ALL[TRUE]]};
CreateHashFn: PROC [spaces: SpacePair ← [refs, refs], invable: BOOLTRUE] RETURNS [HashFn]
~ INLINE {RETURN CreateHashReln[spaces, [TRUE, FALSE], [TRUE, invable]]};
CreateHashTable: PROC [spaces: SpacePair ← [refs, refs]] RETURNS [HashFn];
Not invable.
CreateHashDictionary: PROC [case: BOOLTRUE, right: Space ← refs, invable: BOOLTRUE] RETURNS [HashFn]
~ INLINE {RETURN CreateHashReln[[ropes[case], right], [TRUE, FALSE], [TRUE, invable]]};
CreateHashCopy: PROC [br: BiRel, spaces: SpacePair ← ALL[NIL], mappable: BoolPair ← ALL[FALSE]] RETURNS [HashFn];
NIL space means use the same space as the given BiRel. Can map in direction d iff mappable[d] OR functional[d].
CreateRedBlackReln: PROC [spaces: SpacePair ← [refs, refs], functional: BoolPair ← ALL[FALSE], mappable: BoolPair ← ALL[TRUE]] RETURNS [VarBiRel];
CreateRedBlackFn: PROC [spaces: SpacePair ← [refs, refs], invable: BOOLTRUE] RETURNS [VarBiRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN CreateRedBlackReln[spaces, [TRUE, FALSE], [TRUE, invable]]};
CreateRedBlackTable: PROC [spaces: SpacePair ← [refs, refs]] RETURNS [VarBiRel];
CreateRedBlackDictionary: PROC [case: BOOLTRUE, right: Space ← refs, invable: BOOLTRUE] RETURNS [VarBiRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN CreateRedBlackReln[[ropes[case], right], [TRUE, FALSE], [TRUE, invable]]};
CreateFromHalves: PROC [spaces: SpacePair ← [refs, refs], functional: BoolPair ← ALL[FALSE], halves: HalfPair] RETURNS [VarBiRel];
Implements a BiRel by a function in each required direction, whose range is a set if the whole is not functional in that direction.
HalfPair: TYPE ~ ARRAY Direction OF Half;
class: HalfClass ← NIL,
fn: Function ← nilBiRel];
HalfClass: TYPE ~ REF HalfClassPrivate;
HalfClassPrivate: TYPE ~ RECORD [
CreateSet: PROC [Space, REF ANY] RETURNS [VarSet],
setShouldScan: PACKED ARRAY Sets.RelOrder OF BOOL,
setCreateData: REF ANYNIL
GenCreate: PROC [spaces: SpacePair ← [refs, refs], functional: BoolPair ← ALL[FALSE], mappable: BoolPair ← ALL[TRUE], hints: HintPair ← ALL[[]]] RETURNS [VarBiRel];
Short for generic, or general, create; take your pick. Actually, it's not completely general --- it will only use implementations from a fixed repertoire (which I am not stupid enough to document in this interface). The hints are where the caller can partially specify the implementation. As an example, the following call might duplicate the functionality of CreateHashReln: GenCreate[spaces, functional, mappable, ALL[[[$Hash], [$Hash]]]].
GenCopy: PROC [br: BiRel, spaces: SpacePair ← ALL[NIL], mappable: BoolPair ← ALL[FALSE], hints: HintPair ← ALL[[]]] RETURNS [VarBiRel];
HintPair: TYPE ~ ARRAY Direction OF Hint;
Hint: TYPE ~ RECORD [fn, set: HintPart ← []];
HintPart: TYPE ~ RECORD [class: ATOMNIL, details: Details ← NIL];
Details: TYPE ~ LIST OF Detail;
Detail: TYPE ~ RECORD [key: ATOM, val: REF ANY];
The following use a standard implementation. The result tracks changes to the arguments, if any. Result may duplicate iff any argument may.
Union: PROC [a, b: BiRel, disjoint: BOOLFALSE, ro: RelOrder ← [], functional: BoolPair ← ALL[FALSE]] RETURNS [UWBiRel];
The result is only as functional as the caller guarantees.
Intersection: PROC [BiRel, BiRel] RETURNS [UWBiRel];
Restriction: PROC [br: BiRel, sets: SetPair, functional: BoolPair ← ALL[FALSE]] RETURNS [UWBiRel];
The caller may assert, through the functional argument, that the restriction is more functional than the base.
Difference: PROC [BiRel, BiRel] RETURNS [UWBiRel];
SymmetricDifference: PROC [a, b: BiRel] RETURNS [c: UWBiRel];
Negate: PROC [BiRel] RETURNS [BiRel];
Compose: PROC [left, right: BiRel, restricts: ARRAY Side OF BOOL ← [TRUE, TRUE]] RETURNS [BiRel];
restricts[left]=FALSE means caller is guaranteeing that henceforth SetOn[right, left] is included in SetOn[left, right].
TransitiveFnClosure: PUBLIC PROC [base: Function, acyclic: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [Function];
Left and right spaces of base must be the same. If acyclic, caller is guaranteeing there are no cycles in the base function.
Invert: PROC [BiRel] RETURNS [BiRel];
Collect: PROC [u: BiRel, side: Side ← right] RETURNS [c: Function];
When side=right, c[l, {r | u[l, r]}] OR MappingSize[c, l]=0 AND MappingSize[u, l]=0.
UnCollect: PROC [c: Function, side: Side ← right] RETURNS [u: BiRel];
When side=right, c is function yielding sets, and u[l, r] iff r in c[l].
Replace: PROC [br, with: IntRel, where: IntInterval] RETURNS [IntRel];
ShiftAndClip: PROC [br: IntRel, shift: EINT ← zero, clip: IntInterval ← []] RETURNS [IntRel];
result[i+shift, v] iff (br[i, v] AND i in clip AND i+shift in []).
CreateShiftAndClipper: PROC [shift: EINT ← zero, clip: IntInterval ← []] RETURNS [ConstOneToOne];
Result has pair [i, i+shift] when i IN clip AND i+shift IN [INT.FIRST..INT.LAST].
Shift: PROC [br: IntRel, shift: EINT] RETURNS [IntRel]
result[i+shift, v] iff br[i, v].
~ INLINE {RETURN ShiftAndClip[br, shift]};
Subseq: PROC [br: IntRel, bounds: IntInterval] RETURNS [IntRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN ShiftAndClip[br, IE[bounds.min].Neg, bounds]};
ImplementSetBySequence: PROC [seq: Sequence, addat: SeqAddPlace, closeGaps: BOOL] RETURNS [Set];
SeqAddPlace: TYPE ~ {front, back};
ImplementSetByIDSubset: PROC [ids: BiRel] RETURNS [Set];
ids is one-to-one (but it doesn't have to be Functional[][rightToLeft], which can save work).
EnumSeqOfSet: PROC [set: Set, ro: Sets.RelOrder ← no] RETURNS [Sequence];
ith element of result is ith element enumerated by set.
Implementing BiRels
BiRelClass: TYPE ~ REF BiRelClassPrivate;
Primitive: PROC [br: BiRel, op: ATOM, arg1, arg2: REF ANYNIL] RETURNS [PrimitiveAnswer] ← NIL,
AsSet: PROC [br: BiRel, ro: RelOrder] RETURNS [Set--of REF Pair--] ← NIL,
HasPair: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair] RETURNS [BOOL] ← NIL,
Image: PROC [br: BiRel, set: Set, dir: Direction] RETURNS [Set] ← NIL,
Apply: PROC [br: BiRel, v: Value, dir: Direction] RETURNS [MaybeValue] ← NIL,
ScanRestriction: PROC [br: BiRel, sets: SetPair, Test: Tester, ro: RelOrder] RETURNS [MaybePair] ← NIL,
GetOne: PROC [br: BiRel, remove: BOOL, ro: RelOrder] RETURNS [MaybePair] ← NIL,
Get3: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair, ro: RelOrder, want: TripleBool] RETURNS [TripleMaybePair] ← NIL,
Index: PROC [br, goal: IntRel, bounds: IntInterval, bwd: BOOL] RETURNS [MaybeValue] ← NIL,
RestrictionSize: PROC [br: BiRel, sets: SetPair, limit: EINT] RETURNS [EINT] ← NIL,
GetBounds: PROC [br: BiRel, want: EndBools, ro: RelOrder] RETURNS [MaybePairInterval] ← NIL,
Copy: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [VarBiRel] ← NIL,
Insulate: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [UWBiRel] ← NIL,
ValueOf: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [ConstBiRel] ← NIL,
Freeze: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [ConstBiRel] ← NIL,
Thaw: PROC [br: BiRel] ← NIL,
SetOn: PROC [br: BiRel, side: Side] RETURNS [UWSet] ← NIL,
CurSetOn: PROC [br: BiRel, side: Side] RETURNS [ConstSet] ← NIL,
AddPair: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair, if: IfHadPair] RETURNS [had: HadPair] ← NIL,
AddSet: PROC [br, other: BiRel, if: IfHadPair] RETURNS [some: HadSetPair] ← NIL,
Swap: PROC [br: BiRel, a, b: Value, side: Side] ← NIL,
RemPair: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair] RETURNS [had: HadPair] ← NIL,
RemSet: PROC [br, other: BiRel] RETURNS [some: HadSetPair] ← NIL,
Update: PROC [br: BiRel, val: Value, dir: Direction, Decide: UpdateDecider] ← NIL,
Delete: PROC [br: BiRel, val: Value, side: Side] RETURNS [hadSome: BOOL] ← NIL,
DeleteSet: PROC [br: BiRel, set: Set, side: Side] RETURNS [had: SomeAll] ← NIL,
ReplaceMe: PROC [br, with: IntRel, where: IntInterval] ← NIL,
ShiftAndClipMe: PROC [br: BiRel, shift: EINT, clip: IntInterval] ← NIL,
Spaces: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [SpacePair] ←,
IsDense: PROC [br: BiRel, when: When, side: Side] RETURNS [BOOL] ← NIL,
SideFixed: PROC [br: BiRel, side: Side] RETURNS [BOOL] ← NIL,
functional: BoolPair ← [FALSE, FALSE],
mutability: Mutability ← variable,
other: Atom.PropList ← NIL, --the canonical expansion slot
The only part that may vary is the other, and that must be accessed through the update procedure below.
CreateClass: PROC [cp: BiRelClassPrivate, dirable: BoolPair ← [TRUE, FALSE], restrictable: RestrictabilityPair ← ALL[none]] RETURNS [BiRelClass];
NIL procs mean the implementor declines to implement the proc; NIL fields get filled in with default procedures that compute with provided fields. Iff Primitive is elided, `bkwdable' and `dirable' are taken into consideration when constructing Primitive.
RestrictabilityPair: TYPE ~ ARRAY Direction OF Restrictability;
Restrictability: TYPE ~ {none, tiny, any};
none => can't handle any restriction.
tine => can handle restriction to obviously empty sets or singletons.
any => can handle any restriction.
DefaultAsSet: PROC [br: BiRel, ro: RelOrder] RETURNS [Set--of REF Pair--];
DefaultHasPair: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair] RETURNS [BOOL];
DefaultImage: PROC [br: BiRel, set: Set, dir: Direction] RETURNS [Set];
DefaultApply: PROC [br: BiRel, v: Value, dir: Direction] RETURNS [MaybeValue];
DefaultScanRestriction: PROC [br: BiRel, sets: SetPair, Test: Tester, ro: RelOrder] RETURNS [MaybePair];
DefaultGetOne: PROC [br: BiRel, remove: BOOL, ro: RelOrder] RETURNS [MaybePair];
DefaultGet3: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair, ro: RelOrder, want: TripleBool] RETURNS [TripleMaybePair];
DefaultIndex: PROC [br, goal: IntRel, bounds: IntInterval, bwd: BOOL] RETURNS [MaybeValue];
DefaultRestrictionSize: PROC [br: BiRel, sets: SetPair, limit: EINT] RETURNS [EINT];
DefaultGetBounds: PROC [br: BiRel, want: EndBools, ro: RelOrder] RETURNS [MaybePairInterval];
DefaultCopy: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [VarBiRel];
DefaultInsulate: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [UWBiRel];
DefaultValueOf: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [ConstBiRel];
DefaultFreeze: PROC [br: BiRel] RETURNS [ConstBiRel];
DefaultThaw: PROC [br: BiRel];
DefaultSetOn: PROC [br: BiRel, side: Side] RETURNS [UWSet];
DefaultCurSetOn: PROC [br: BiRel, side: Side] RETURNS [ConstSet];
DefaultAddPair: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair, if: IfHadPair] RETURNS [had: HadPair];
DefaultAddSet: PROC [br, other: BiRel, if: IfHadPair] RETURNS [some: HadSetPair];
DefaultSwap: PROC [br: BiRel, a, b: Value, side: Side];
DefaultRemPair: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair] RETURNS [had: HadPair];
DefaultRemSet: PROC [br, other: BiRel] RETURNS [some: HadSetPair];
DefaultUpdate: PROC [br: BiRel, val: Value, dir: Direction, Decide: UpdateDecider];
DefaultDelete: PROC [br: BiRel, val: Value, side: Side] RETURNS [hadSome: BOOL];
DefaultDeleteSet: PROC [br: BiRel, set: Set, side: Side] RETURNS [had: SomeAll];
DefaultReplaceMe: PROC [br, with: IntRel, where: IntInterval];
DefaultShiftAndClipMe: PROC [br: BiRel, shift: EINT, clip: IntInterval];
DefaultIsDense: PROC [br: BiRel, when: When, side: Side] RETURNS [BOOL];
DefaultSideFixed: PROC [br: BiRel, side: Side] RETURNS [BOOL];
HasByApplyL2R: PROC [br: BiRel, pair: Pair] RETURNS [BOOL];
ApplyByUpdate: PROC [br: BiRel, v: Value, dir: Direction] RETURNS [MaybeValue];
UpdateBiRelClassOther: PROC [class: BiRelClass, Update: PROC [Atom.PropList] RETURNS [Atom.PropList]];
Asking About a BiRel's Implementation
QualityOf: PROC [br: BiRel, op: ATOM, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4: REF ANYNIL] RETURNS [ImplQuality];
Use this to investigate what operations a BiRel supports, and how well it does so. The quality depends on the BiRel, the operation, and certain arguments. Those arguments are indicated to QualityOf as arg1, arg2, and so on. An enumerated value is passed by an ATOM whose name is the name of the value; a RelOrder is passed by a coding indicated below; an other non-ref kind of value is passed as a REF to itself. The op is the name of a procedure in this interface (other than QualityOf and derivatives) that calls class procedures.
Arguments that are passed are: Sets; BiRels; Directions; Sides; RelOrders; bwd, want*: BOOL; EndBools; Interval; limit: EINT; SetPairs; When.
Arguments not passed are: Values; Pairs; callback procedures; remove: BOOL; IntInterval; IfHadPair.
RefBiRel: TYPE ~ REF BiRel;
RefSetPair: TYPE ~ REF SetPair;
refNilSets: READONLY RefSetPair;
ToSide: PROC [arg: REF ANY, default: Side ← left] RETURNS [Side];
ToDir: PROC [arg: REF ANY, default: Direction ← leftToRight] RETURNS [Direction];
ToBiRel: PROC [arg: REF ANY] RETURNS [RefBiRel];
ToSets: PROC [arg: REF ANY, default: RefSetPair ← refNilSets] RETURNS [RefSetPair];
ToRO: PROC [arg: REF ANY, default: RelOrder ← []] RETURNS [RelOrder];
FromSide: PROC [side: Side] RETURNS [ATOM]
~ INLINE {RETURN [IF side=left THEN $left ELSE $right]};
FromDir: PROC [dir: Direction] RETURNS [ATOM]
~ INLINE {RETURN [IF dir=leftToRight THEN $leftToRight ELSE $rightToLeft]};
FakeSingleton: PROC [sp: SpacePair] RETURNS [ConstBiRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN CreateSingleton[noPair, sp]};
FakeRefSingleton: PROC [sp: SpacePair] RETURNS [RefBiRel]
~ INLINE {RETURN CreateSingleton[noPair, sp].Refify};
FromSets: PROC [sp: SetPair] RETURNS [RefSetPair];
FromRO: PROC [ro: RelOrder] RETURNS [ATOM];
e.g.: FromRO[[[no, Bwd], left]] = $leftNoBwd
Can: PROC [br: BiRel, op: ATOM, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4: REF ANYNIL] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [QualityOf[br, op, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4]#cant]};
GoodImpl: PROC [br: BiRel, op: ATOM, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4: REF ANYNIL] RETURNS [BOOL]
~ INLINE {RETURN [QualityOf[br, op, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4]>=goodDefault]};
Primitive: PROC [br: BiRel, op: ATOM, arg1, arg2: REF ANYNIL] RETURNS [BOOL];
Other Random New Stuff
Complain: PROC [br: BiRel, msg: ROPE, args: LOVNIL]
~ INLINE {Error[msg, CONS[AV[br.Refify], args]]};
MaybeBiRel: TYPE ~ RECORD [found: BOOL, it: BiRel];