Copyright © 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Hal Murray, December 20, 1986 9:22:04 pm PST
Atom USING [GetPName],
BasicTime USING [Now],
Buttons USING [Button, ButtonProc, Create, SetDisplayStyle],
Commander USING [CommandProc, Register],
Containers USING [ChildXBound, ChildYBound, Create],
Convert USING [RopeFromTime],
IO USING [Close, Flush, PutF, PutFR, PutRope, STREAM],
Labels USING [Create],
Loader USING [BCDBuildTime],
Process USING [MsecToTicks, Pause, priorityForeground, SetPriority, Ticks],
PupHop USING [GetRouting, RoutingTableEntry, unreachable],
PupName USING [HisName],
Rope USING [Find, ROPE],
Rules USING [Create],
TypeScript USING [ChangeLooks, Create],
VFonts USING [FontHeight, StringWidth],
ViewerClasses USING [Viewer],
ViewerEvents USING [EventProc, RegisterEventProc],
ViewerIO USING [CreateViewerStreams],
ViewerOps USING [AddProp, ComputeColumn, CreateViewer, FetchProp, MoveViewer, OpenIcon, SetOpenHeight],
ViewerTools USING [GetContents, MakeNewTextViewer, SetContents, SetSelection];
Atom, BasicTime, Buttons, Commander, Containers, Convert, IO, Labels, Loader, Process, PupHop, PupName, Rope, Rules, TypeScript, VFonts, ViewerEvents, ViewerIO, ViewerOps, ViewerTools = {
BYTE: TYPE = [0..100H);
Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer;
Viewer layout parameters
buttonHeight: INT ← VFonts.FontHeight[] + 3;
buttonWidth: INT ← VFonts.StringWidth["Route"] + 2*3;
Server data (global)
Note: This server goes in on top of the builtin one
watcherLog: STREAMNIL;
pleaseStopWatcher: BOOLEANFALSE;
watcher: PROCESSNIL;
ClientData: TYPE = REF ClientDataRep;
ClientDataRep: TYPE = RECORD [
pleaseStop: BOOLEANFALSE ];
global: ClientData ← NIL; -- debugging
Create: Commander.CommandProc = {
viewer, buttons, log: Viewer ← NIL;
data: ClientData ← NEW[ClientDataRep ← []];
global ← data;
viewer ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer [
flavor: $Container,
info: [name: "PupNetWatcher", column: right, iconic: TRUE, scrollable: FALSE]];
[] ← ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[Poof, destroy, viewer, TRUE];
ViewerOps.AddProp[viewer, $PupNetWatcher, data];
log ← TypeScript.Create[
[name: "PupNetWatcher.log", wy: 27+4, parent: viewer, border: FALSE], FALSE];
[data.in, data.log] ← ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams [
name: "PupNetWatcher.log", backingFile: "///Temp/PupNetWatcher.log", viewer: log, editedStream: FALSE];
IF watcherLog = NIL THEN { watcherLog ← data.log; StartWatcher[]; };
Containers.ChildXBound[viewer, log];
Containers.ChildYBound[viewer, log];
CreateButtons[data, viewer, log];
TypeScript.ChangeLooks[log, 'f];
IO.PutF[data.log, "PupNetWatcher of %G.\n", [time[Loader.BCDBuildTime[Create]]]];
ViewerOps.OpenIcon[viewer]; };
CreateButtons: ENTRY PROC[data: ClientData, parent, log: Viewer] = {
child: Viewer ← NIL;
kids: Viewer = Containers.Create[
info: [parent: parent, border: FALSE, scrollable: FALSE, wx: 0, wy: -9999, ww: 9999, wh: 0] ];
Containers.ChildXBound[parent, kids];
child ← MakeRule[kids, child];
child ← MakeLabel[kids, child, "What: "];
child ← MakeButton[kids, child, data, "Route", RouteProc];
child ← MakeRule[kids, child];
kidsY: INTEGER = 2;
kidsH: INTEGER = child.wy + child.wh + 2;
ViewerOps.MoveViewer[viewer: log, x: 0, y: kidsY + kidsH, w: log.ww, h: parent.ch - (kids.wy + kidsH), paint: FALSE];
ViewerOps.SetOpenHeight[parent, kidsY + kidsH + 12 * buttonHeight];
IF ~parent.iconic THEN ViewerOps.ComputeColumn[parent.column];
ViewerOps.MoveViewer[viewer: kids, x: kids.wx, y: kidsY, w: kids.ww, h: kidsH]; };
Poof: ViewerEvents.EventProc = {
[viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, event: ViewerEvent, before: BOOL]
data: ClientData ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $PupNetWatcher]];
IF event # destroy OR before # TRUE THEN ERROR;
IF data.log = watcherLog THEN { StopWatcher[]; watcherLog ← NIL; };
StartWatcher: ENTRY PROC = {
pleaseStopWatcher ← FALSE;
watcher ← FORK Watcher[];
StopWatcher: ENTRY PROC = {
pleaseStopWatcher ← TRUE;
IF watcher # NIL THEN TRUSTED { JOIN watcher; watcher ← NIL; };
Watcher: PROC = {
oneSecond: Process.Ticks = Process.MsecToTicks[1000];
old: ARRAY [0..256) OF PupHop.RoutingTableEntry;
FOR n: NAT IN [0..256) DO
old[n] ← PupHop.GetRouting[[n]];
old[n].time ← 0;
UNTIL pleaseStopWatcher DO
FOR n: NAT IN [0..256) DO
temp: PupHop.RoutingTableEntry ← PupHop.GetRouting[[n]];
temp.time ← 0;
IF temp # old[n] THEN {
netName: ROPE ← PupName.HisName[[[n],[0],[0,0,0,0]]];
IF Rope.Find[netName, "#"] = -1 THEN
netName ← IO.PutFR["%G (%B##)", [rope[netName]], [integer[n]] ];
IO.PutRope[watcherLog, Convert.RopeFromTime[
BasicTime.Now[], hours, seconds, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE]];
IF temp.hop = PupHop.unreachable THEN
IO.PutF[watcherLog, " Net %G is unreachable.\n", [rope[netName]] ]
ELSE IO.PutF[watcherLog, " Net %G is %G hops via %G.\n",
[rope[netName]], [integer[temp.hop]], [rope[PupName.HisName[temp.immediate]]] ];
IO.Flush[watcherLog]; };
old[n] ← temp;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..30) UNTIL pleaseStopWatcher DO
RouteProc: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
parent: REF, clientData: REF, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL
data: ClientData ← NARROW[clientData];
Route[data]; };
Route: PROC [data: ClientData] = {
PrintOne: PROC [net: BYTE] = {
rte: PupHop.RoutingTableEntry ← PupHop.GetRouting[[net]];
IF rte.hop = PupHop.unreachable THEN RETURN;
nets ← nets + 1;
IF k = 0 THEN IO.PutF[data.log, "|"];
IO.PutF[data.log, "%3B%4B#%3B#%4D |",
[integer[rte.hop]] ];
IF (k ← k + 1) = 3 THEN { IO.PutF[data.log, "\n"]; k ← 0; }; };
k, nets: INT ← 0;
IO.PutF[data.log, "\n Local Pup Routing Table.\n"];
IO.PutF[data.log, "| Net Via Hops | Net Via Hops | Net Via Hops |\n"];
IO.PutF[data.log, "|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|\n"];
IF k # 0 THEN IO.PutF[data.log, "\n"];
IF nets > 1 THEN IO.PutF[data.log, "There are %D active networks.\n", [integer[nets]]];
MakeRule: PROC [parent, sibling: Viewer] RETURNS [child: Viewer] = {
child ← Rules.Create[
info: [parent: parent, border: FALSE,
wy: IF sibling = NIL THEN 0 ELSE sibling.wy + sibling.wh + 2, wx: 0, ww: parent.ww, wh: 1],
paint: FALSE ];
Containers.ChildXBound[parent, child];
MakeButton: PROC [parent, sibling: Viewer, data: REF ANY, name: ROPE, proc: Buttons.ButtonProc, guarded: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS[child: Viewer] = {
child ← Buttons.Create[
info: [name: name, parent: parent, border: TRUE,
wy: sibling.wy, wx: sibling.wx + sibling.ww - 1, ww: buttonWidth],
proc: proc,
clientData: data,
fork: TRUE,
guarded: guarded,
paint: FALSE];
SelectorProc: TYPE = PROC [parent: Viewer, clientData: REF, value: ATOM];
Selector: TYPE = REF SelectorRec;
SelectorRec: TYPE = RECORD [
value: REF ATOM,
change: PROC [parent: Viewer, clientData: REF, value: ATOM],
clientData: REF,
buttons: LIST OF Buttons.Button,
values: LIST OF ATOM ];
MakeSelector: PROC
[name: ROPE, values: LIST OF ATOM, init: REF ATOMNIL, change: SelectorProc ← NIL, clientData: REFNIL, parent: Viewer, x, y: INTEGER]
RETURNS [child: Viewer] = {
selector: Selector ← NEW [SelectorRec ← [
value: IF init # NIL THEN init ELSE NEW [ATOM ← values.first],
change: change,
clientData: clientData,
buttons: NIL,
values: values ] ];
last: LIST OF Buttons.Button ← NIL;
child ← Labels.Create[info: [name: name, parent: parent, border: FALSE, wx: x, wy: y] ];
FOR a: LIST OF ATOM ← values, a.rest UNTIL a = NIL DO
child ← Buttons.Create[
info: [name: Atom.GetPName[a.first], parent: parent, border: TRUE, wx: child.wx + child.ww + 2, wy: child.wy],
proc: SelectorHelper, clientData: selector, fork: TRUE, paint: TRUE];
IF last = NIL THEN last ← selector.buttons ← CONS[first: child, rest: NIL]
ELSE { last.rest ← CONS[first: child, rest: NIL]; last ← last.rest };
IF a.first = selector.value^ THEN Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[child, $WhiteOnBlack];
SelectorHelper: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
parent: REF, clientData: REF, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL
self: Buttons.Button = NARROW[parent];
selector: Selector = NARROW[clientData];
buttons: LIST OF Buttons.Button ← selector.buttons;
FOR a: LIST OF ATOM ← selector.values, a.rest UNTIL a = NIL DO
IF self = buttons.first THEN {
selector.value^ ← a.first;
IF selector.change # NIL THEN selector.change[self.parent, selector.clientData, a.first];
Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[buttons.first, $WhiteOnBlack]; }
ELSE Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[buttons.first, $BlackOnWhite];
buttons ← buttons.rest;
BoolProc: TYPE = PROC [parent: Viewer, clientData: REF, value: BOOL];
Bool: TYPE = REF BoolRec;
BoolRec: TYPE = RECORD [
value: REF BOOL,
change: BoolProc,
clientData: REF,
button: Viewer ];
MakeBool: PROC
[name: ROPE, init: REF BOOL, change: BoolProc ← NIL, clientData: REFNIL, parent: Viewer, x, y: INTEGER]
RETURNS [child: Viewer] = {
bool: Bool ← NEW [BoolRec ← [
value: IF init # NIL THEN init ELSE NEW [BOOLTRUE],
change: change,
clientData: clientData,
button: NIL ] ];
child ← Buttons.Create[
info: [name: name, parent: parent, border: TRUE, wx: x, wy: y],
proc: BoolHelper, clientData: bool, fork: TRUE, paint: TRUE];
bool.button ← child;
IF bool.value^ THEN Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[child, $WhiteOnBlack]; };
BoolHelper: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
parent: REF, clientData: REF, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL
self: Buttons.Button = NARROW[parent];
bool: Bool = NARROW[clientData];
bool.value^ ← ~bool.value^;
IF bool.value^ THEN Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[bool.button, $WhiteOnBlack]
ELSE Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[bool.button, $BlackOnWhite];
IF bool.change # NIL THEN bool.change[self.parent, bool.clientData, bool.value^]; };
MakeLabel: PROC [parent, sibling: Viewer, name: ROPE] RETURNS [child: Viewer] = {
child ← Labels.Create[
info: [name: name, parent: parent, border: FALSE,
wy: sibling.wy + sibling.wh + (IF sibling.class.flavor = $Button THEN -1 ELSE 2),
wx: 2,
ww: VFonts.StringWidth[name] + 2*3 + 2],
paint: FALSE ]; };
MakeLabeledText: PROC [
parent, sibling: Viewer, name, data: ROPE, prev: Viewer, width: INT, newline: BOOLTRUE] RETURNS [child: Viewer] = {
buttonWidth: INT ← VFonts.StringWidth[name] + 2*3;
x: INTEGER = IF newline THEN 2 ELSE sibling.wx + sibling.ww + 10;
y: INTEGER = IF newline THEN sibling.wy + sibling.wh + 1 ELSE sibling.wy;
child ← ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[
info: [
parent: parent, wh: buttonHeight, ww: width+10,
data: IF prev = NIL THEN data ELSE ViewerTools.GetContents[prev],
border: FALSE,
wx: x + buttonWidth + 2, wy: y,
scrollable: FALSE ],
paint: FALSE ];
[] ← Buttons.Create[
info: [name: name, parent: parent, wh: buttonHeight, border: FALSE, wx: x, wy: y],
proc: LabeledTextProc, clientData: child, fork: FALSE, paint: FALSE];
RETURN[child]; };
LabeledTextProc: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
parent: REF, clientData: REF, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL
text: Viewer = NARROW[clientData];
SELECT mouseButton FROM
red => ViewerTools.SetSelection[text, NIL];
yellow => NULL;
blue => { ViewerTools.SetContents[text, NIL]; ViewerTools.SetSelection[text, NIL] };
Commander.Register["PupNetWatcher", Create, "Watch Pup Routing table."];