Copyright © 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited by Bier on June 3, 1986 2:42:42 pm PDT
Contents: Performs hit testing similar to GGGravity. Instead of returning a single nearest feature, we return the N (or fewer) nearest features which are within a given tolerance distance from the test point. The algorithm used is described in [Cyan]<Gargoyle>Documentation>MultiGravity.tioga.
AtomButtons, CodeTimer, GGBasicTypes, GGCaret, GGCircles, GGInterfaceTypes, GGModelTypes, GGMultiGravity, GGSegmentTypes, GGState, GGUtility, Lines2d, Real, RealFns, Rope, Vectors2d;
IMPORTS AtomButtons, CodeTimer, GGCaret, GGCircles, GGState, Lines2d, RealFns, Vectors2d
AlignBag: TYPE = REF AlignBagObj;
AlignBagObj: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.AlignBagObj;
AlignmentCircle: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.AlignmentCircle;
AlignmentLine: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.AlignmentLine;
AlignmentPoint: TYPE = REF AlignmentPointObj;
AlignmentPointObj: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.AlignmentPointObj;
Arc: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Arc;
Caret: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.Caret;
Circle: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Circle;
Edge: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Edge;
FeatureData: TYPE = REF FeatureDataObj;
FeatureDataObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.FeatureDataObj;
GGData: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.GGData;
GoodPoint: TYPE = REF GoodPointObj;
GoodPointObj: TYPE = GGMultiGravity.GoodPointObj;
JointGenerator: TYPE = GGModelTypes.JointGenerator;
Line: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Line;
NearDistances: TYPE = REF NearDistancesObj;
NearDistancesObj: TYPE = GGMultiGravity.NearDistancesObj;
NearFeatures: TYPE = REF NearFeaturesObj;
NearFeaturesObj: TYPE = GGMultiGravity.NearFeaturesObj;
NearPoints: TYPE = REF NearPointsObj;
NearPointsAndCurves: TYPE = REF NearPointsAndCurvesObj;
NearPointsAndCurvesObj: TYPE = GGMultiGravity.NearPointsAndCurvesObj;
NearPointsObj: TYPE = GGMultiGravity.NearPointsObj;
Outline: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Outline;
OutlineDescriptor: TYPE = REF OutlineDescriptorObj;
OutlineDescriptorObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineDescriptorObj;
OutlinePointPairGenerator: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlinePointPairGenerator;
Point: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Point;
PointPairAndDone: TYPE = GGModelTypes.PointPairAndDone;
PointPairGenerator: TYPE = GGModelTypes.PointPairGenerator;
Segment: TYPE = GGSegmentTypes.Segment;
SegmentGenerator: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SegmentGenerator;
Sequence: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Sequence;
Slice: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Slice;
SliceDescriptor: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SliceDescriptor;
TriggerBag: TYPE = REF TriggerBagObj;
TriggerBagObj: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.TriggerBagObj;
BestPoints: TYPE = REF BestPointsObj;
BestPointsObj: TYPE = RECORD [
size: NAT,
max, min: REAL,
bestTossed: REAL, -- the distance of the closest object that has been thrown away
dTol: REAL, -- min + s
innerR: REAL, -- find all curves within this radius even if they are not neighbors of the nearest
s: REAL, -- the size of neighborhoods. BestPoints should contain all objects that have been seen such that min <= dist(o, q) <= min+s, unless BestPoints overflows.
overflow: BOOL,
points: SEQUENCE len: NAT OF GoodPoint];
MultiGravityPool: TYPE = REF MultiGravityPoolObj;
MultiGravityPoolObj: TYPE = RECORD [
distances: NearDistances,
features: NearFeatures,
bestpoints: BestPoints,
bestcurves: BestPoints
Shared with GGGravityImpl
EmptyBag: PROC [alignBag: AlignBag] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
alignBag.slopeLines = NIL AND
alignBag.angleLines = NIL AND
alignBag.radiiCircles = NIL AND
alignBag.distanceLines = NIL AND
alignBag.midpoints = NIL AND
alignBag.intersectionPoints = NIL AND
alignBag.anchor = NIL];
EmptyTriggers: PROC [triggerBag: TriggerBag] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
triggerBag.outlines = NIL AND
triggerBag.slices = NIL AND
triggerBag.intersectionPoints = NIL AND
triggerBag.anchor = NIL
Problem: PUBLIC SIGNAL [msg: Rope.ROPE] = CODE;
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
We arbitrate between those points which are within an epsilon-width ring of the nearest point.
Map: PUBLIC PROC [testPoint: Point, criticalR: REAL, alignBag: AlignBag, sceneBag: TriggerBag, ggData: GGData, useAlignBag: BOOL] RETURNS [resultPoint: Point, feature: FeatureData, hitData: REF ANY] = {
Dispatches to StrictDistance, PointsPreferred, or does nothing depending on the currently selected gravity type. If useAlignBag is TRUE, compute the intersections of the objects that are in the bags.
ENABLE UNWIND => ggData.multiGravityPool ← NewMultiGravityPool[]; -- in case an ABORT happened while pool was in use
CodeTimer.StartInt[$MultiMap, $Gargoyle];
IF GGState.Gravity[ggData] THEN {
SELECT ggData.hitTest.gravityType FROM
strictDistance =>
[resultPoint, feature, hitData] ← StrictDistance[testPoint, criticalR, alignBag, sceneBag, ggData];
innerCircle =>
[resultPoint, feature, hitData] ← PointsPreferred[testPoint, criticalR, ggData.hitTest.innerR, alignBag, sceneBag, ggData, useAlignBag];
resultPoint ← testPoint;
feature ← NIL;
CodeTimer.StopInt[$MultiMap, $Gargoyle];
StrictDistance: PUBLIC PROC [testPoint: Point, criticalR: REAL, alignBag: AlignBag, sceneBag: TriggerBag, ggData: GGData] RETURNS [resultPoint: Point, feature: FeatureData, hitData: REF ANY] = {
Someday, GoodPoint and GoodPoint should become a single variant record and distances will be unnecessary.
nearPointsAndCurves: NearPointsAndCurves;
count: NAT;
[nearPointsAndCurves, count] ← MultiStrictDistance[testPoint, criticalR, alignBag, sceneBag, ggData];
IF count = 0 THEN RETURN [testPoint, NIL, NIL];
IF count = 1 THEN RETURN PrepareWinner[nearPointsAndCurves, 0]
Otherwise, let's do arbitration.
mgp: MultiGravityPool ← NARROW[ggData.multiGravityPool, MultiGravityPool];
distances: NearDistances ← mgp.distances;
features: NearFeatures ← mgp.features;
nearestDist: REAL ← -1;
bestSceneObject: INT ← -1;
neighborCount: NAT ← 1;
s: REAL = 0.072; -- 1/1000 inches
FOR i: NAT IN [0..count) DO
goodPoint: GoodPointnearPointsAndCurves[i];
distances[i] ← goodPoint.dist;
features[i] ← goodPoint.featureData;
nearestDist ← distances[0];
FOR i: NAT IN [1..count) DO
IF distances[i] - nearestDist < s THEN neighborCount ← neighborCount + 1;
IF neighborCount = 1 THEN RETURN PrepareWinner[nearPointsAndCurves, 0];
We have more than one "equally close" features. Now we choose on the following basis:
1) Prefer scene objects to alignment lines.
2) Prefer points to lines.
Later, we will prefer objects that say the testpoint is "inside" them to those that don't.
bestSceneObject ← -1;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..neighborCount) DO
IF features[i].type = outline OR features[i].type = slice THEN {
SELECT features[i].resultType FROM
joint, controlPoint, intersectionPoint =>
RETURN PrepareWinner[nearPointsAndCurves, i];
ENDCASE => IF bestSceneObject = -1 THEN bestSceneObject ← i;
IF bestSceneObject >= 0 THEN
RETURN PrepareWinner[nearPointsAndCurves, bestSceneObject]
ELSE RETURN PrepareWinner[nearPointsAndCurves, 0];
RETURN PrepareWinner[nearPointsAndCurves, 0];
PointsPreferred: PUBLIC PROC [testPoint: Point, criticalR: REAL, innerR: REAL, alignBag: AlignBag, sceneBag: TriggerBag, ggData: GGData, useAlignBag: BOOL] RETURNS [resultPoint: Point, feature: FeatureData, hitData: REF ANY] = {
count: NAT;
nearPointsAndCurves: NearPointsAndCurves;
[nearPointsAndCurves, count] ← MultiPointsPreferred[testPoint, criticalR, innerR, alignBag, sceneBag, ggData, useAlignBag];
IF count = 0 THEN RETURN [testPoint, NIL, NIL];
IF count = 1 THEN RETURN PrepareWinner[nearPointsAndCurves, 0]
Otherwise, let's do arbitration.
mgp: MultiGravityPool ← NARROW[ggData.multiGravityPool, MultiGravityPool];
distances: NearDistances ← mgp.distances;
features: NearFeatures ← mgp.features;
neighborCount: NAT ← 1;
s: REAL = 0.072; -- 1/1000 inches
nearestDist: REAL ← -1;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..count) DO
goodPoint: GoodPointnearPointsAndCurves[i];
distances[i] ← goodPoint.dist;
features[i] ← goodPoint.featureData;
nearestDist ← distances[0];
FOR i: NAT IN [1..count) DO
IF distances[i] - nearestDist < s THEN neighborCount ← neighborCount + 1;
IF neighborCount = 1 THEN RETURN PrepareWinner[nearPointsAndCurves, 0];
1) Prefer scene objects to alignment lines.
Later, we will prefer objects that say the testpoint is "inside" them to those that don't.
FOR i: NAT IN [0..neighborCount) DO
IF features[i].type = outline OR features[i].type = slice THEN {
RETURN PrepareWinner[nearPointsAndCurves, i];
FINISHED => RETURN PrepareWinner[nearPointsAndCurves, 0];
PrepareWinner: PROC [nearPointsAndCurves: NearPointsAndCurves, index: NAT] RETURNS [resultPoint: Point, feature: FeatureData, hitData: REF ANY] = {
goodPoint: GoodPointnearPointsAndCurves[index];
resultPoint ← goodPoint.point;
feature ← goodPoint.featureData;
hitData ← goodPoint.hitData;
NearestNeighborsPlusSome: PROC [q: Point, initialD: REAL, alignBag: AlignBag, sceneBag: TriggerBag, anchor: Caret, ggData: GGData, distinguishedPointsOnly: BOOL ← FALSE] RETURNS [g: NearPointsAndCurves, count: NAT] = {
Multi-Gravity Routines
MultiMap: PUBLIC PROC [testPoint: Point, criticalR: REAL, alignBag: AlignBag, sceneBag: TriggerBag, ggData: GGData, useAlignBag: BOOL] RETURNS [nearPointsAndCurves: NearPointsAndCurves, count: NAT] = {
Dispatches to MultiStrictDistance or MultiPointsPreferred as appropriate.
ENABLE UNWIND => ggData.multiGravityPool ← NewMultiGravityPool[]; -- in case an ABORT happened while pool was in use
CodeTimer.StartInt[$MultiMap, $Gargoyle];
SELECT AtomButtons.GetButtonState[ggData.hitTest.gravButton] FROM
on => SELECT ggData.hitTest.gravityType FROM
strictDistance =>
[nearPointsAndCurves, count] ← MultiStrictDistance[testPoint, criticalR, alignBag, sceneBag, ggData];
innerCircle =>
[nearPointsAndCurves, count] ← MultiPointsPreferred[testPoint, criticalR, ggData.hitTest.innerR, alignBag, sceneBag, ggData, useAlignBag];
off => {
nearPointsAndCurves ← NIL;
count ← 0;
CodeTimer.StopInt[$MultiMap, $Gargoyle];
MultiStrictDistance: PUBLIC PROC [testPoint: Point, criticalR: REAL, alignBag: AlignBag, sceneBag: TriggerBag, ggData: GGData] RETURNS [nearPointsAndCurves: NearPointsAndCurves, count: NAT] = {
Returns up to MaxFeatures closest features, their closest points, and their distances from the testpoint. Features outside of the critical radius, criticalR, will not be included. The results will be located in nearPointsAndCurves[0] .. nearPointsAndCurves[count-1].
bestCurves: BestPoints;
bestPoints: BestPoints;
pointCount, curveCount: NAT;
IF EmptyBag[alignBag] AND EmptyTriggers[sceneBag] THEN
[bestCurves, curveCount] ← CurvesInNeighborhoodPlus[alignBag, sceneBag, testPoint, ggData, criticalR, 0];
SortCurves[bestCurves, curveCount];
[bestPoints, pointCount] ← PointsInNeighborhoodPlus[bestCurves, curveCount, alignBag, sceneBag, testPoint, criticalR, ggData, FALSE];
SortPoints[bestPoints, pointCount];
count ← MIN[pointCount + curveCount, MaxFeatures];
nearPointsAndCurves ← NEW[NearPointsAndCurvesObj[count]];
MergePointsAndCurves[bestPoints, pointCount, bestCurves, curveCount, nearPointsAndCurves, count];
MultiPointsPreferred: PUBLIC PROC [testPoint: Point, criticalR: REAL, innerR: REAL, alignBag: AlignBag, sceneBag: TriggerBag, ggData: GGData, useAlignBag: BOOL] RETURNS [nearPointsAndCurves: NearPointsAndCurves, count: NAT] = {
Returns up to MaxFeatures closest features, their closest points, and their distances from the testpoint. Features outside of criticalR, will not be included. The results will be located in nearPointsAndCurves[0] .. nearPointsAndCurves[count-1]. If any points are within the inner radius innerR, then only points (e.g. vertices, control points, and intersection points) will be mentioned. Otherwise, nearPointsAndCurves may consist of a mixture of points and curves.
bestCurves: BestPoints;
bestPoints: BestPoints;
pointCount, curveCount: NAT;
IF EmptyBag[alignBag] AND EmptyTriggers[sceneBag] THEN RETURN[NIL, 0];
[bestCurves, curveCount] ← CurvesInNeighborhoodPlus[alignBag, sceneBag, testPoint, ggData, criticalR, innerR];
SortCurves[bestCurves, curveCount];
[bestPoints, pointCount] ← PointsInNeighborhoodPlus[bestCurves, curveCount, alignBag, sceneBag, testPoint, criticalR, ggData, useAlignBag];
SortPoints[bestPoints, pointCount];
IF pointCount > 0 AND bestPoints[0].dist < innerR THEN {
count ← pointCount;
nearPointsAndCurves ← NEW[NearPointsAndCurvesObj[count]];
NearPointsFromPoints[bestPoints, pointCount, nearPointsAndCurves];
count ← MIN[pointCount + curveCount, MaxFeatures];
nearPointsAndCurves ← NEW[NearPointsAndCurvesObj[count]];
MergePointsAndCurves[bestPoints, pointCount, bestCurves, curveCount, nearPointsAndCurves, count];
PointsInNeighborhoodPlus: PROC [bestCurves: BestPoints, curveCount: NAT, alignBag: AlignBag, sceneBag: TriggerBag, q: Point, t: REAL, ggData: GGData, useAlignBag: BOOL] RETURNS [h: BestPoints, pointCount: NAT] = {
thisPoint: GoodPoint;
For each gravity active point, find its distance from the testpoint. Package this information up into the thisPoint record. Then call MergeObject, which will add this point to the list of best points, if appropriate.
When PointsInNeighborhoodPlus returns, h will contain a set of up to MaxFeatures points all of which are within a distance t of q.
If h.overflow is FALSE, h contains the nearest point in the scene (distance h.min from q) and all other points o such that dist(o, q) <= h.min + h.s, and dist(o, q) <= t.
If h.overflow is TRUE, there were more than MaxFeatures such points. In this case, h includes the nearest n such points n = MaxFeatures.
ProcessPoint: PROC [thisPoint: GoodPoint, featureData: FeatureData] = { -- used for the anchor
dSquared: REAL;
dTolSquared: REAL ← dTol*dTol;
dSquared ← Vectors2d.DistanceSquared[thisPoint.point, q];
thisPoint.hitData ← NIL;
IF dSquared < dTolSquared THEN {
thisPoint.dist ← RealFns.SqRt[dSquared];
thisPoint.featureData ← featureData;
dTol ← MergePoint[thisPoint, h, dTol];
ProcessSlice: PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, thisPoint: GoodPoint, featureData: FeatureData] = {
[thisPoint.point, thisPoint.dist, thisPoint.hitData, success] ← sliceD.slice.class.closestPoint[sliceD, q, dTol];
IF success THEN {
IF thisPoint.dist < dTol THEN {
thisPoint.featureData ← featureData;
dTol ← MergePoint[thisPoint, h, dTol];
ProcessOutline: PROC [outlineD: OutlineDescriptor, thisPoint: GoodPoint, featureData: FeatureData] = {
[thisPoint.point, thisPoint.dist, thisPoint.hitData, success] ← outlineD.slice.class.closestPoint[outlineD, q, dTol];
IF success THEN {
IF thisPoint.dist < dTol THEN {
thisPoint.featureData ← featureData;
dTol ← MergePoint[thisPoint, h, dTol];
sliceD: SliceDescriptor;
outlineD: OutlineDescriptor;
featureData: FeatureData;
success: BOOLFALSE;
dTol: REAL ← t;
midpoints: BOOL ← GGState.Midpoints[ggData];
thisPoint ← NEW[GoodPointObj];
h ← BestPointsFromPool[ggData, t];
IF useAlignBag THEN
dTol ← FindIntersections[bestCurves, curveCount, thisPoint, q, dTol, h];
IF useAlignBag AND midpoints THEN
dTol ← FindMidpoints[bestCurves, curveCount, thisPoint, q, dTol, h];
FOR midpoints: LIST OF FeatureData ← alignBag.midpoints, UNTIL midpoints = NIL DO
featureData ← midpoints.first;
thisPoint.point ← NARROW[featureData.shape, AlignmentPoint].point;
ProcessPoint[thisPoint, featureData];
FOR slices: LIST OF FeatureData ← sceneBag.slices, UNTIL slices = NIL DO
featureData ← slices.first;
sliceD ← NARROW[featureData.shape, SliceDescriptor];
ProcessSlice[sliceD, thisPoint, featureData];
FOR outlines: LIST OF FeatureData ← sceneBag.outlines, UNTIL outlines = NIL DO
featureData ← outlines.first;
outlineD ← NARROW[featureData.shape];
ProcessOutline[outlineD, thisPoint, featureData];
Handle the anchor.
featureData ← alignBag.anchor;
IF featureData # NIL THEN {
anchor: Caret ← NARROW[featureData.shape];
IF NOT GGCaret.Exists[anchor] THEN ERROR;
thisPoint.point ← GGCaret.GetPoint[anchor];
ProcessPoint[thisPoint, featureData];
pointCount ← h.size;
IF h.overflow THEN {
CodeTimer.StartInt[$PointOverflow, $Gargoyle];
CodeTimer.StopInt[$PointOverflow, $Gargoyle];
FindIntersections: PROC [bestCurves: BestPoints, curveCount: NAT, thisPoint: GoodPoint, q: Point, tolerance: REAL, h: BestPoints] RETURNS [dTol: REAL] = {
curveI, curveJ: GoodPoint;
theseIPoints: LIST OF Point;
thisTangency, tangentList: LIST OF BOOL;
success: BOOL;
dTol ← tolerance;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..curveCount) DO
curveI ← bestCurves[i];
FOR j: NAT IN [i+1..curveCount) DO
curveJ ← bestCurves[j];
[theseIPoints, thisTangency] ← CurveMeetsCurve[curveI, curveJ];
tangentList ← thisTangency;
FOR list: LIST OF Point ← theseIPoints, UNTIL list = NIL DO
thisPoint.point ← list.first;
thisPoint.dist ← Vectors2d.Distance[thisPoint.point, q];
success ← thisPoint.dist <= tolerance;
IF success THEN {
featureData: FeatureData ← NEW[FeatureDataObj];
alignmentPoint: AlignmentPoint ← NEW[AlignmentPointObj ← [
point: thisPoint.point,
tangent: tangentList.first,
curve1: curveI.featureData,
curve2: curveJ.featureData]];
featureData.type ← intersectionPoint;
featureData.shape ← alignmentPoint;
thisPoint.featureData ← featureData;
IF curveI.featureData.type = outline OR curveI.featureData.type = slice THEN {
thisPoint.hitData ← curveI.hitData;
ELSE IF curveJ.featureData.type = outline OR curveJ.featureData.type = slice THEN {
thisPoint.hitData ← curveJ.hitData;
ELSE thisPoint.hitData ← NIL;
dTol ← MergePoint[thisPoint, h, dTol];
tangentList ←;
FindMidpoints: PROC [bestCurves: BestPoints, curveCount: NAT, thisPoint: GoodPoint, q: Point, tolerance: REAL, h: BestPoints] RETURNS [dTol: REAL] = {
curve: GoodPoint;
midpoint: Point;
success: BOOL;
dTol ← tolerance;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..curveCount) DO
curve ← bestCurves[i];
IF curve.featureData.type # outline AND curve.featureData.type # slice THEN LOOP;
[midpoint, success] ← ComputeMidpoint[curve];
thisPoint.point ← midpoint;
thisPoint.dist ← Vectors2d.Distance[thisPoint.point, q];
success ← thisPoint.dist <= tolerance;
IF success THEN {
featureData: FeatureData ← NEW[FeatureDataObj];
alignmentPoint: AlignmentPoint ← NEW[AlignmentPointObj ← [
point: thisPoint.point,
tangent: FALSE,
curve1: curve.featureData,
curve2: NIL]];
featureData.type ← midpoint;
featureData.shape ← alignmentPoint;
thisPoint.featureData ← featureData;
thisPoint.hitData ← curve.hitData;
dTol ← MergePoint[thisPoint, h, dTol];
CurvesInNeighborhoodPlus: PROC [alignBag: AlignBag, sceneBag: TriggerBag, q: Point, ggData: GGData, t: REAL, innerR: REAL] RETURNS [h: BestPoints, curveCount: NAT] = {
For each gravity active object, find the distance of the gravity active object from the testpoint. Package this information up into the thisCurve record. Then call MergeObject, which will add this curve to the list of best curves, if appropriate.
When CurvesInNeighborhood returns, h should contain some number of curves such that they are all within t of q.
If h.overflow is FALSE, then h contains the closest curve (at distance h.min) and all other curves o such that dist(o, q) < MAX[h.min + h.s, innerR] and dist(o, q) < t.
If h.overflow is TRUE then it wasn't possible to include all such curves. h contains the closest n such curves (where n = MaxFeatures).
ProcessLine: PROC [line: Line, thisCurve: GoodPoint, featureData: FeatureData] = {
thisCurve.dist ← Lines2d.LineDistance[q, line];
IF thisCurve.dist < t THEN {
thisCurve.featureData ← featureData;
thisCurve.point ← Lines2d.DropPerpendicular[q, line];
thisCurve.hitData ← NIL;
dTol ← MergeCurve[thisCurve, h, dTol];
ProcessCircle: PROC [circle: Circle, thisCurve: GoodPoint, featureData: FeatureData] = {
thisCurve.dist ← GGCircles.CircleDistance[q, circle];
IF thisCurve.dist < t THEN {
thisCurve.featureData ← featureData;
thisCurve.point ← GGCircles.PointProjectedOntoCircle[q, circle];
thisCurve.hitData ← NIL;
dTol ← MergeCurve[thisCurve, h, dTol];
ProcessSlice: PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, thisCurve: GoodPoint, featureData: FeatureData] = {
success: BOOL;
[thisCurve.point, thisCurve.dist, thisCurve.hitData, success] ← sliceD.slice.class.closestSegment[sliceD, q, t];
IF success THEN {
IF thisCurve.dist < t THEN {
thisCurve.featureData ← featureData;
dTol ← MergeCurve[thisCurve, h, dTol];
ProcessOutline: PROC [outlineD: OutlineDescriptor, thisCurve: GoodPoint, featureData: FeatureData] = {
success: BOOL;
[thisCurve.point, thisCurve.dist, thisCurve.hitData, success] ← outlineD.slice.class.closestSegment[outlineD, q, t];
IF success THEN {
IF thisCurve.dist < t THEN {
thisCurve.featureData ← featureData;
dTol ← MergeCurve[thisCurve, h, dTol];
line: Line;
circle: Circle;
sliceD: SliceDescriptor;
outlineD: OutlineDescriptor;
featureData: FeatureData;
added: BOOL ← FALSE;
thisCurve: GoodPoint ← NEW[GoodPointObj];
dTol: REAL ← t;
h ← BestCurvesFromPool[ggData, t, innerR];
Align Bag
FOR slopeLines: LIST OF FeatureData ← alignBag.slopeLines, UNTIL slopeLines = NIL DO
featureData ← slopeLines.first;
line ← NARROW[featureData.shape, AlignmentLine].line;
ProcessLine[line, thisCurve, featureData];
FOR angleLines: LIST OF FeatureData ← alignBag.angleLines, UNTIL angleLines = NIL DO
featureData ← angleLines.first;
line ← NARROW[featureData.shape, AlignmentLine].line;
ProcessLine[line, thisCurve, featureData];
FOR dLines: LIST OF FeatureData ← alignBag.distanceLines, UNTIL dLines = NIL DO
featureData ← dLines.first;
line ← NARROW[featureData.shape];
ProcessLine[line, thisCurve, featureData];
FOR circles: LIST OF FeatureData ← alignBag.radiiCircles, UNTIL circles = NIL DO
featureData ← circles.first;
circle ← NARROW[featureData.shape, AlignmentCircle].circle;
ProcessCircle[circle, thisCurve, featureData];
Scene Bag.
FOR slices: LIST OF FeatureData ← sceneBag.slices, UNTIL slices = NIL DO
featureData ← slices.first;
sliceD ← NARROW[featureData.shape, SliceDescriptor];
ProcessSlice[sliceD, thisCurve, featureData];
FOR outlines: LIST OF FeatureData ← sceneBag.outlines, UNTIL outlines = NIL DO
featureData ← outlines.first;
outlineD ← NARROW[featureData.shape, OutlineDescriptor];
ProcessOutline[outlineD, thisCurve, featureData];
curveCount ← h.size;
IF h.overflow THEN {
CodeTimer.StartInt[$CurveOverflow, $Gargoyle];
CodeTimer.StopInt[$CurveOverflow, $Gargoyle];
}; -- end CurvesInNeighborhoodPlus
Maintaining the Nearest-Neighbor Structure
MaxFeatures: NAT ← 20;
BestCurvesFromPool: PROC [ggData: GGData, t: REAL, innerR: REAL] RETURNS [h: BestPoints] = {
h ← NARROW[ggData.multiGravityPool, MultiGravityPool].bestcurves;
h.size ← 0;
h.max ← 0;
h.min ← Real.LargestNumber;
h.dTol ← t;
h.innerR ← innerR;
h.s ← 0.072; -- 1/1000 inches
h.bestTossed ← Real.LargestNumber;
h.overflow ← FALSE;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..MaxFeatures-1] DO
h[i].dist ← Real.LargestNumber;
h[i].featureData ← NIL;
BestPointsFromPool: PROC [ggData: GGData, t: REAL] RETURNS [h: BestPoints] = {
h ← NARROW[ggData.multiGravityPool, MultiGravityPool].bestpoints;
h.size ← 0;
h.max ← 0;
h.min ← Real.LargestNumber;
h.dTol ← t;
h.s ← 0.072; -- 1/1000 inches
h.bestTossed ← Real.LargestNumber;
h.overflow ← FALSE;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..MaxFeatures-1] DO
h[i].dist ← Real.LargestNumber;
h[i].featureData ← NIL;
useNewMerge: BOOLTRUE;
Alias useNewMerge ← GGMultiGravityImpl.useNewMerge ← TRUE;
MergePoint: PROC [thisPoint: GoodPoint, h: BestPoints, t: REAL] RETURNS [dTol: REAL] = {
IF useNewMerge THEN RETURN NewMergePoint[thisPoint, h]
ELSE RETURN OldMergeObject[thisPoint, h, t];
MergeCurve: PROC [thisPoint: GoodPoint, h: BestPoints, t: REAL] RETURNS [dTol: REAL] = {
IF useNewMerge THEN RETURN NewMergeCurve[thisPoint, h]
ELSE RETURN OldMergeObject[thisPoint, h, t];
OldMergeObject maintains these invariants: There is valid data in h[0] up to h[size-1]. Call these the Elements of h. All other components of h have dist = infinity. h.min is the minimum value of dist(q, x) for x element of h. h.max is the maximum value of dist(q, x) for x element of h.
If overflow is FALSE, then h contains at least one representative of the objects at the farthest distance from q, and all representatives of closer distances.
OldMergeObject: PROC [thisPoint: GoodPoint, h: BestPoints, t: REAL] RETURNS [dTol: REAL] = {
d: REAL ← thisPoint.dist;
n: NAT = MaxFeatures;
dTol ← t;
h.size < n => GOTO Add;
d < h.max AND h.size = n => GOTO AddAndComputeNewMax;
d > h.max AND h.size = n => GOTO NoChange; -- we already have n and this is no better
d = h.max AND h.size = n => {h.overflow ← TRUE; GOTO NoChange};
ENDCASE => SIGNAL Problem[msg: "Impossible case."];
Add => {
h[h.size]^ ← thisPoint^;
h.size ← h.size + 1;
h.min ← MIN[h.min, d];
h.max ← MAX[h.max, d];
AddAndComputeNewMax => {
iMax: NAT;
newMax: REAL ← 0.0;
bestDist: REAL;
Replace the worst element with the new one.
iMax ← 0; bestDist ← 0.0;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..MaxFeatures-1] DO
IF h[i].dist > bestDist THEN {iMax ← i; bestDist ← h[i].dist};
h[iMax].dist ← d;
h[iMax]^ ← thisPoint^;
Find the new worst element.
iMax ← 0; bestDist ← 0.0;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..MaxFeatures-1] DO
IF h[i].dist > bestDist THEN {iMax ← i; bestDist ← h[i].dist};
newMax ← h[iMax].dist;
If the new worst element isn't so bad as before, then we have had to throw away all elements at some distance. This is overflow.
h.overflow ← IF newMax # h.max THEN TRUE ELSE h.overflow;
h.max ← newMax;
NoChange => {
BestPointsObj: TYPE = RECORD [
size: NAT,
max, min: REAL,
s: REAL, -- the size of neighborhoods. BestPoints should contain all objects that have been seen such that min <= dist(o, q) <= min+s, unless BestPoints overflows.
overflow: BOOL,
points: SEQUENCE len: NAT OF GoodPoint];
NewMergeObject maintains these invariants: There is valid data in h[0] up to h[size-1]. Call these the Elements of h. All other components of h have dist = infinity. h.min is the minimum value of dist(q, x) for x element of h.
If overflow is FALSE, then h contains all objects o, seen so far, such that h.min <= dist(o, q) <= h.min+h.s. h may contain other objects as well.
If overflow is TRUE, all objects in h satisfy h.min <= dist(o, q) <= h.min+h.s but there are one or more objects that satisfy this property that are not in h. Those objects that are not included are at least as far from q as the farthest object in h.
dTol is a hint to the caller that the caller need not pass in objects that are more than dTol units away from q, since NewMergePoint is just going to throw them away.
When NewMergePoint returns, h.dTol = t if h.size = 0, h.dTol = h.min + h.s otherwise.
NewMergePoint: PROC [thisPoint: GoodPoint, h: BestPoints] RETURNS [dTol: REAL] = {
d: REAL ← thisPoint.dist;
n: NAT = MaxFeatures;
h.size < n => GOTO Add;
h.size = n AND d <= h.dTol => GOTO ReplaceOrOverflow;
h.size = n AND d > h.dTol => GOTO Toss; -- the caller is not taking our hints and is passing us trash
ENDCASE => SIGNAL Problem[msg: "Impossible case."];
Add => {
h[h.size]^ ← thisPoint^;
h.size ← h.size + 1;
h.min ← MIN[h.min, d];
dTol ← h.dTol ← h.min+h.s;
ReplaceOrOverflow => {
iWorst: NAT;
worstDist: REAL ← 0.0;
Replace the worst element with the new one if the new is better.
iWorst ← 0; worstDist ← 0.0;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..MaxFeatures-1] DO
IF h[i].dist > worstDist THEN {iWorst ← i; worstDist ← h[i].dist};
IF d < worstDist THEN { -- do the replace
h[iWorst].dist ← d;
h[iWorst]^ ← thisPoint^;
h.bestTossed ← MIN[h.bestTossed, worstDist];
h.min ← MIN[h.min, d];
dTol ← h.dTol ← h.min+h.s;
h.overflow ← h.bestTossed <= dTol;
ELSE { -- toss the new item
dTol ← h.dTol;
h.bestTossed ← MIN[h.bestTossed, d];
h.overflow ← TRUE;
Toss => {
dTol ← h.dTol;
h.bestTossed ← MIN[h.bestTossed, d];
h.overflow ← h.bestTossed <= dTol;
NewMergeCurve maintains these invariants: There is valid data in h[0] up to h[size-1]. Call these the Elements of h. All other components of h have dist = infinity. h.min is the minimum value of dist(q, x) for x element of h.
If overflow is FALSE, then h contains all objects o, seen so far, such that h.min <= dist(o, q) <= MAX[h.min+h.s, innerR]. h may contain other objects as well.
If overflow is TRUE, all objects in h satisfy h.min <= dist(o, q) <= MAX[h.min+h.s, innerR] but there are one or more objects that satisfy this property that are not in h. Those objects that are not included are at least as far from q as the farthest object in h.
dTol is a hint to the caller that the caller need not pass in objects that are more than dTol units away from q, since NewMergeCurve is just going to throw them away.
When NewMergeCurve returns, h.dTol = t if h.size = 0, h.dTol = MAX[h.min+h.s, innerR] otherwise.
NewMergeCurve: PROC [thisPoint: GoodPoint, h: BestPoints] RETURNS [dTol: REAL] = {
d: REAL ← thisPoint.dist;
n: NAT = MaxFeatures;
h.size < n => GOTO Add;
h.size = n AND d <= h.dTol => GOTO ReplaceOrOverflow;
h.size = n AND d > h.dTol => GOTO Toss; -- the caller is not taking our hints and is passing us trash
ENDCASE => SIGNAL Problem[msg: "Impossible case."];
Add => {
h[h.size]^ ← thisPoint^;
h.size ← h.size + 1;
h.min ← MIN[h.min, d];
dTol ← h.dTol ← MAX[h.min+h.s, h.innerR];
ReplaceOrOverflow => {
iWorst: NAT;
worstDist: REAL ← 0.0;
Replace the worst element with the new one if the new is better.
iWorst ← 0; worstDist ← 0.0;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..MaxFeatures-1] DO
IF h[i].dist > worstDist THEN {iWorst ← i; worstDist ← h[i].dist};
IF d < worstDist THEN { -- do the replace
h[iWorst].dist ← d;
h[iWorst]^ ← thisPoint^;
h.bestTossed ← MIN[h.bestTossed, worstDist];
h.min ← MIN[h.min, d];
dTol ← h.dTol ← MAX[h.min+h.s, h.innerR];
h.overflow ← h.bestTossed <= dTol;
ELSE { -- toss the new item
dTol ← h.dTol;
h.bestTossed ← MIN[h.bestTossed, d];
h.overflow ← TRUE;
Toss => {
dTol ← h.dTol;
h.bestTossed ← MIN[h.bestTossed, d];
h.overflow ← h.bestTossed <= dTol;
NearPointsFromPoints: PROC [bestPoints: BestPoints, pointCount: NAT, nearPointsAndCurves: NearPointsAndCurves] = {
FOR i: NAT IN [0..pointCount-1] DO
nearPointsAndCurves[i] ← bestPoints[i];
MergePointsAndCurves: PROC [bestPoints: BestPoints, pointCount: NAT, bestCurves: BestPoints, curveCount: NAT, nearPointsAndCurves: NearPointsAndCurves, count: NAT] = {
Merge the bestPoints and the bestCurves. There will be count elements in the result.
pointIndex, curveIndex: NAT;
pointDist, curveDist: REAL;
pointIndex ← 0;
curveIndex ← 0;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..count-1] DO
IF pointIndex >= pointCount THEN GOTO NoMorePoints;
IF curveIndex >= curveCount THEN GOTO NoMoreCurves;
pointDist ← bestPoints[i].dist;
curveDist ← bestCurves[i].dist;
IF pointDist <= curveDist THEN {
nearPointsAndCurves[i] ← bestPoints[pointIndex];
pointIndex ← pointIndex + 1;
nearPointsAndCurves[i] ← bestCurves[curveIndex];
curveIndex ← curveIndex + 1;
NoMorePoints => { -- finish up with Curves data
FOR k: NAT ← i, k+1 UNTIL k >= count DO
nearPointsAndCurves[k] ← bestCurves[curveIndex];
curveIndex ← curveIndex + 1;
NoMoreCurves => { -- finish up with points data
FOR k: NAT ← i, k+1 UNTIL k >= count DO
nearPointsAndCurves[k] ← bestPoints[pointIndex];
pointIndex ← pointIndex + 1;
SortPoints: PROC [bestPoints: BestPoints, pointCount: NAT] = {
Sort the points in order of increasing distance. Since n is likely to be small, bubble sort is sensible:
temp: GoodPointObj;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..pointCount-2] DO
FOR j: NAT IN [1..pointCount-i-1] DO
IF bestPoints[j-1].dist > bestPoints[j].dist THEN {
temp ← bestPoints[j]^;
bestPoints[j]^ ← bestPoints[j-1]^;
bestPoints[j-1]^ ← temp;
SortCurves: PROC [bestCurves: BestPoints, curveCount: NAT] = {
Sort the curves in order of increasing distance. Since n is likely to be small, bubble sort is sensible:
temp: GoodPointObj;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..curveCount-2] DO
FOR j: NAT IN [1..curveCount-i-1] DO
IF bestCurves[j-1].dist > bestCurves[j].dist THEN {
temp ← bestCurves[j]^;
bestCurves[j]^ ← bestCurves[j-1]^;
bestCurves[j-1]^ ← temp;
Computing Intersections
ComputeMidpoint: PROC [curve: GoodPoint] RETURNS [midpoint: Point, success: BOOLTRUE] = {
class: NAT;
simpleCurve: REF ANY;
[class, simpleCurve] ← ClassifyCurve[curve];
0 => {
pointPairGen: OutlinePointPairGenerator;
segmentD: OutlineDescriptor ← NARROW[simpleCurve];
pointPairGen ← segmentD.slice.class.pointPairsInDescriptor[segmentD];
ppAndDone ← segmentD.slice.class.nextPointPair[pointPairGen];
IF ppAndDone.done THEN RETURN[[0,0], FALSE]
midpoint ← Vectors2d.Scale[Vectors2d.Add[ppAndDone.lo, ppAndDone.hi], 0.5];
success ← TRUE;
3 => { -- edge
edge: Edge ← NARROW[simpleCurve];
midpoint ← Vectors2d.Scale[Vectors2d.Add[edge.start, edge.end], 0.5];
success ← TRUE;
4 => { -- arc
arc: Arc ← NARROW[simpleCurve];
midpoint ← Vectors2d.Scale[Vectors2d.Add[arc.p0, arc.p2], 0.5];
success ← TRUE;
ClassifyCurve: PROC [curve: GoodPoint] RETURNS [class: NAT, simpleCurve: REF ANY] = {
feature: FeatureData ← curve.featureData;
SELECT feature.type FROM
slice => {
sliceD: SliceDescriptor ← NARROW[feature.shape];
hitData: REF ANY ← curve.hitData;
simpleCurve ← sliceD.slice.class.hitDataAsSimpleCurve[sliceD.slice, hitData];
IF simpleCurve = NIL THEN {
simpleCurve ← sliceD;
class ← 5;
outline => {
The asymmetry here is OK.
sliceD: OutlineDescriptor ← NARROW[feature.shape];
hitData: REF ANY ← curve.hitData;
simpleCurve ← sliceD.slice.class.hitDataAsSimpleCurve[sliceD.slice, hitData];
IF simpleCurve = NIL THEN {
class ← 0;
radiiCircle => {
class ← 2;
simpleCurve ← NARROW[feature.shape, AlignmentCircle].circle;
slopeLine, angleLine => {
class ← 1;
simpleCurve ← NARROW[feature.shape, AlignmentLine].line;
distanceLine => {
class ← 1;
simpleCurve ← NARROW[feature.shape, Line];
ENDCASE => {class ← 0; simpleCurve ← NIL; RETURN};
circle: Circle => class ← 2;
edge: Edge => class ← 3;
arc: Arc => class ← 4;
CurveMeetsCurve: PROC [c1, c2: GoodPoint] RETURNS [iPoints: LIST OF Point, tangency: LIST OF BOOL] = {
typeOfCurve1, typeOfCurve2: NAT;
simpleCurve1, simpleCurve2: REF ANY;
[typeOfCurve1, simpleCurve1] ← ClassifyCurve[c1];
[typeOfCurve2, simpleCurve2] ← ClassifyCurve[c2];
IF typeOfCurve1 >= typeOfCurve2 THEN
[iPoints, tangency] ← ComputeIntersection[typeOfCurve1][typeOfCurve2][simpleCurve1, simpleCurve2]
[iPoints, tangency] ← ComputeIntersection[typeOfCurve2][typeOfCurve1][simpleCurve2, simpleCurve1]
IntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [c1, c2: REF ANY] RETURNS [iPoints: LIST OF Point, tangency: LIST OF BOOL];
ComputeIntersection: ARRAY [0..5] OF ARRAY [0..5] OF IntersectionProc = [
0) NoOp 1) Line 2) Circle 3) Edge 4) Arc 5) Slice
[NoOpI, NIL,  NIL,  NIL, NIL, NIL], -- 0) NoOp
[NoOpI, LinLinI,  NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL], -- 1) Line
[NoOpI, CirLinI, CirCirI, NIL, NIL, NIL], -- 2) Circle
[NoOpI,  EdgLinI,  EdgCirI, EdgEdgI, NIL, NIL], -- 3) Edge
[NoOpI, ArcLinI, ArcCirI, ArcEdgI, ArcArcI, NIL], -- 4) Arc
[NoOpI, SlcLinI, SlcCirI, NoOpI, NoOpI, NoOpI] -- 5) Slice
NoOpI: IntersectionProc = {
iPoints ← NIL;
tangency ← NIL;
LinLinI: IntersectionProc = {
IntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [c1, c2: REF ANY] RETURNS [iPoints: LIST OF Point, tangency: LIST OF BOOL];
l1: Line ← NARROW[c1];
l2: Line ← NARROW[c2];
point: Point;
parallel: BOOL;
[point, parallel] ← Lines2d.LineMeetsLine[l1, l2];
IF NOT parallel THEN {iPoints ← LIST[point]; tangency ← LIST[FALSE]}
ELSE {iPoints ← NIL; tangency ← NIL};
CirLinI: IntersectionProc = {
IntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [c1, c2: REF ANY] RETURNS [iPoints: LIST OF Point, tangency: LIST OF BOOL];
circle: Circle ← NARROW[c1];
line: Line ← NARROW[c2];
points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point;
hitCount: [0..2];
tangent: BOOL;
[points, hitCount, tangent] ← GGCircles.CircleMeetsLine[circle, line];
FOR i: NAT IN [1..hitCount] DO
iPoints ← CONS[points[i], iPoints];
tangency ← CONS[tangent, tangency];
CirCirI: IntersectionProc = {
IntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [c1, c2: REF ANY] RETURNS [iPoints: LIST OF Point, tangency: LIST OF BOOL];
circle1: Circle ← NARROW[c1];
circle2: Circle ← NARROW[c2];
points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point;
hitCount: [0..2];
tangent: BOOL;
[points, hitCount, tangent] ← GGCircles.CircleMeetsCircle[circle1, circle2];
FOR i: NAT IN [1..hitCount] DO
iPoints ← CONS[points[i], iPoints];
tangency ← CONS[tangent, tangency];
EdgLinI: IntersectionProc = {
IntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [c1, c2: REF ANY] RETURNS [iPoints: LIST OF Point, tangency: LIST OF BOOL];
edge: Edge ← NARROW[c1];
line: Line ← NARROW[c2];
point: Point;
noHit: BOOL;
[point, noHit] ← Lines2d.LineMeetsEdge[line, edge];
IF NOT noHit THEN {iPoints ← LIST[point]; tangency ← LIST[FALSE]}
ELSE {iPoints ← NIL; tangency ← NIL};
EdgCirI: IntersectionProc = {
IntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [c1, c2: REF ANY] RETURNS [iPoints: LIST OF Point, tangency: LIST OF BOOL];
edge: Edge ← NARROW[c1];
circle: Circle ← NARROW[c2];
points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point;
hitCount: [0..2];
tangent: BOOL;
[points, hitCount, tangent] ← GGCircles.CircleMeetsEdge[circle, edge];
FOR i: NAT IN [1..hitCount] DO
iPoints ← CONS[points[i], iPoints];
tangency ← CONS[tangent, tangency];
EdgEdgI: IntersectionProc = {
IntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [c1, c2: REF ANY] RETURNS [iPoints: LIST OF Point, tangency: LIST OF BOOL];
e1: Edge ← NARROW[c1];
e2: Edge ← NARROW[c2];
point: Point;
noHit: BOOL;
[point, noHit] ← Lines2d.EdgeMeetsEdge[e1, e2];
IF NOT noHit THEN {iPoints ← LIST[point]; tangency ← LIST[FALSE]}
ELSE {iPoints ← NIL; tangency ← NIL};
ArcLinI: IntersectionProc = {
IntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [c1, c2: REF ANY] RETURNS [iPoints: LIST OF Point, tangency: LIST OF BOOL];
arc: Arc ← NARROW[c1];
line: Line ← NARROW[c2];
points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point;
hitCount: [0..2];
tangent: BOOL;
[points, hitCount, tangent] ← GGCircles.ArcMeetsLine[arc, line];
FOR i: NAT IN [1..hitCount] DO
iPoints ← CONS[points[i], iPoints];
tangency ← CONS[tangent, tangency];
ArcCirI: IntersectionProc = {
IntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [c1, c2: REF ANY] RETURNS [iPoints: LIST OF Point, tangency: LIST OF BOOL];
arc: Arc ← NARROW[c1];
circle: Circle ← NARROW[c2];
points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point;
hitCount: [0..2];
tangent: BOOL;
[points, hitCount, tangent] ← GGCircles.CircleMeetsArc[circle, arc];
FOR i: NAT IN [1..hitCount] DO
iPoints ← CONS[points[i], iPoints];
tangency ← CONS[tangent, tangency];
ArcEdgI: IntersectionProc = {
IntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [c1, c2: REF ANY] RETURNS [iPoints: LIST OF Point, tangency: LIST OF BOOL];
arc: Arc ← NARROW[c1];
edge: Edge ← NARROW[c2];
points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point;
hitCount: [0..2];
tangent: BOOL;
[points, hitCount, tangent] ← GGCircles.ArcMeetsEdge[arc, edge];
FOR i: NAT IN [1..hitCount] DO
iPoints ← CONS[points[i], iPoints];
tangency ← CONS[tangent, tangency];
ArcArcI: IntersectionProc = {
IntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [c1, c2: REF ANY] RETURNS [iPoints: LIST OF Point, tangency: LIST OF BOOL];
arc1: Arc ← NARROW[c1];
arc2: Arc ← NARROW[c2];
points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point;
hitCount: [0..2];
tangent: BOOL;
[points, hitCount] ← GGCircles.ArcMeetsArc[arc1, arc2];
FOR i: NAT IN [1..hitCount] DO
iPoints ← CONS[points[i], iPoints];
tangency ← CONS[tangent, tangency];
SlcLinI: IntersectionProc = {
sliceD: SliceDescriptor ← NARROW[c1];
line: Line ← NARROW[c2];
[iPoints, ----] ← sliceD.slice.class.lineIntersection[sliceD, line];
FOR list: LIST OF Point ← iPoints, UNTIL list = NIL DO
tangency ← CONS[FALSE, tangency];
SlcCirI: IntersectionProc = {
sliceD: SliceDescriptor ← NARROW[c1];
circle: Circle ← NARROW[c2];
[iPoints, ----] ← sliceD.slice.class.circleIntersection[sliceD, circle];
FOR list: LIST OF Point ← iPoints, UNTIL list = NIL DO
tangency ← CONS[FALSE, tangency];
SeqLineI: IntersectionProc = {
outlineD: OutlineDescriptor ← NARROW[c1];
line: Line ← NARROW[c2];
[iPoints, ----] ← outlineD.slice.class.lineIntersection[outlineD, line];
FOR list: LIST OF Point ← iPoints, UNTIL list = NIL DO
tangency ← CONS[FALSE, tangency];
SeqCircleI: IntersectionProc = {
outlineD: OutlineDescriptor ← NARROW[c1];
circle: Circle ← NARROW[c2];
[iPoints, ----] ← outlineD.slice.class.circleIntersection[outlineD, circle];
FOR list: LIST OF Point ← iPoints, UNTIL list = NIL DO
tangency ← CONS[FALSE, tangency];
SeqSeqI: IntersectionProc = {
od1: OutlineDescriptor ← NARROW[c1];
od2: OutlineDescriptor ← NARROW[c2];
simpleCurve1, simpleCurve2: REF ANY;
simpleCurve1 ← od1.slice.class.hitDataAsSimpleCurve[od1.slice, hitData1];
simpleCurve2 ← od2.slice.class.hitDataAsSimpleCurve[od2.slice, hitData2];
iPoints ← NIL;
NewMultiGravityPool: PUBLIC PROC [] RETURNS [REF]= { -- reuseable storage for BestPointAndCurve proc to avoid NEWs
pool: MultiGravityPool ← NEW[MultiGravityPoolObj];
pool.distances ← NEW[NearDistancesObj[MaxFeatures]];
pool.features ← NEW[NearFeaturesObj[MaxFeatures]];
pool.bestpoints ← NEW[BestPointsObj[MaxFeatures]];
pool.bestcurves ← NEW[BestPointsObj[MaxFeatures]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..MaxFeatures) DO
pool.bestpoints[i] ← NEW[GoodPointObj];
pool.bestcurves[i] ← NEW[GoodPointObj];
InitStats: PROC [] = {
interval: CodeTimer.Interval;
interval ← CodeTimer.CreateInterval[$MultiMap];
CodeTimer.AddInt[interval, $Gargoyle];
interval ← CodeTimer.CreateInterval[$CurveOverflow];
CodeTimer.AddInt[interval, $Gargoyle]; -- counting break
interval ← CodeTimer.CreateInterval[$PointOverflow];
CodeTimer.AddInt[interval, $Gargoyle]; -- counting break