File: GGMenusImpl.mesa
Copyright Ó 1985, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited by Bier on April 30, 1987 7:46:54 pm PDT
Contents: Code to create a Gargoyle window. Calls GGContainer to make the container and adds menus at the top. The graphics part of the Gargoyle window is a new viewer of class $ActionArea. The paint proc for a $ActionArea is defined herein.
Pier, May 5, 1987 6:46:39 pm PDT
AtomButtons, AtomButtonsTypes, CodeTimer, Feedback, FS, GGBasicTypes, GGCircleCache, GGContainer, GGEditTool, GGEvent, GGInterfaceTypes, GGMenus, GGModelTypes, GGMouseEvent, GGSegmentTypes, GGSessionLog, GGShapes, GGUserInput, GGUtility, GGWindow, GraphicsButton, Imager, IO, Menus, PopUpSelection, Rope, Rules, SlackProcess, VFonts, ViewerClasses, ViewerTools;
IMPORTS AtomButtons, CodeTimer, Feedback, FS, GGCircleCache, GGContainer, GGEditTool, GGEvent, GGMouseEvent, GGSessionLog, GGShapes, GGUserInput, GGUtility, GGWindow, GraphicsButton, Imager, IO, PopUpSelection, Rope, Rules, SlackProcess, VFonts, ViewerTools
Caret: TYPE = REF CaretObj;
CaretObj: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.CaretObj;
FeedbackData: TYPE = AtomButtonsTypes.FeedbackData;
ImagerProc: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.ImagerProc;
MouseButton: TYPE = Menus.MouseButton;
Outline: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Outline;
Point: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Point;
Scene: TYPE = REF SceneObj;
SceneObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SceneObj;
Segment: TYPE = GGSegmentTypes.Segment;
Sequence: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Sequence;
Traj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Traj;
GGData: TYPE = REF GargoyleDataObj;
GargoyleDataObj: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.GargoyleDataObj;
Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer;
entryHeight: CARDINAL = 15; -- height of a line of items
entryVSpace: CARDINAL = 2; -- vertical leading between lines
entryHSpace: CARDINAL = 2; -- horizontal space between items on a line
column1: CARDINAL = 200; -- horizontal space between margin and column 1;
column2: CARDINAL = 250; -- horizontal space between margin and column 2.
column3: CARDINAL = 500; -- horizontal space between margin and column 3;
fullColumn: CARDINAL = 600; -- the width of the standard large left column.
nameSize: CARDINAL = 140;
numberSize: CARDINAL = 80;
bigNumberSize: CARDINAL = 160;
smallNumberSize: CARDINAL = 60;
pointSize: CARDINAL = 160;
boldFont: VFonts.Font; -- initialized in Init below;
PopUpMenuEntry: TYPE = RECORD [
name: Rope.ROPE,
ExtractChoiceList: PROC [menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry] RETURNS [choices: LIST OF Rope.ROPE] = {
pos: LIST OF Rope.ROPE;
newCell: LIST OF Rope.ROPE;
Non-destructive (copies the menu names).
choices ← CONS[, NIL];
pos ← choices;
FOR l: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry ←, UNTIL l = NIL DO
newCell ← CONS[, NIL]; ← newCell;
pos ← newCell;
QueuePopUpMenuAction: PROC [label: Rope.ROPE, menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry, ggData: GGData, onceOnly: BOOLTRUE] = {
index: NAT;
choices: LIST OF Rope.ROPE ← ExtractChoiceList[menu];
index ← PopUpSelection.Request[header: label, choice: choices];
IF index < 0 THEN ERROR;
IF index = 0 THEN RETURN;
FOR entries: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry ← menu, UNTIL entries = NIL DO
IF index = 1 THEN {
GGUserInput.EventNotify[ggData, entries.first.input];
index ← index - 1;
BuildControlPanel: PUBLIC PROC [ggData: GGData, windowMenu: Menus.Menu] = {
BuildFileMenuLine[ggData, windowMenu];
AddARule: PROC [ggData: GGData] = {
rule: Rules.Rule;
rule ← Rules.Create[[
parent: ggData.outer,
wy: ggData.height,
wh: 2
GGContainer.ChildXBound[ggData.outer, rule];
ggData.height ← ggData.height + rule.wh + entryVSpace;
}; -- end of AddARule
fudgeX: INTEGER ← 2;
Build All of the Control Panel Menus
BuildFileMenuLine: PROC [ggData: GGData, windowMenu: Menus.Menu] = {
Files: Clear, Reset, Get, Store, Save, Split, Interpress
nextX: INTEGER ← AtomButtons.BuildButtonLine [ggData.outer, 0, ggData.height, ggData, GGUserInput.EventNotify, LIST[
[button["Clear", LIST[LIST[$Clear]], -1, FALSE, NIL, ConfirmClear]],
[button["Restore", LIST[LIST[$Reset]], -1, FALSE, NIL, ConfirmReset]],
[button["Get", LIST[LIST[$Get]], -1, FALSE, NIL, ConfirmGet]], -- guarded in spite of Tioga viewers menus
[button["Merge", LIST[LIST[$Merge]], -1, FALSE, NIL, ConfirmMerge]],
[button["Store", LIST[LIST[$Store]], -1, FALSE, NIL, ConfirmStore]],
[button["Save", LIST[LIST[$Save]] ]],
[button["Split", LIST[$Split] ]],
[button["Stuff", LIST[LIST[$Stuff],NIL,LIST[$StuffScreen]] ]]
nextX ← nextX+fudgeX;
nextX ← AtomButtons.BuildUnQueuedButtonLine [ggData.outer, nextX, ggData.height, ggData, LIST[
["Interpress", button, InterpressMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Script", button, ScriptMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Help", button, HelpMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Revive!", button, ReviveButton]
nextX ← nextX+fudgeX;
nextX ← AtomButtons.BuildButtonLine [ggData.outer, nextX, ggData.height, ggData, GGUserInput.EventNotify, LIST[
[button["Refresh", LIST[LIST[$Refresh]] ]],
[button["Typescript", LIST[LIST[$Typescript]] ]]
ggData.height ← ggData.height + entryHeight;
BuildMasterMenuLine: PROC [ggData: GGData] = {
Master: Hierarchy Curve Transform Overlap EditCurve View Debug Abort Revive
overlapMenu: AtomButtons.ButtonLineEntry ←
[popUpButton["Overlap", LIST [
[LIST [$Top], "Top", "Move selected objects to the front"],
[LIST [$NoOp], "", "Does nothing"],
[LIST [$Bottom], "Bottom", "Move selected objects to the back"],
[LIST [$UpOne], "UpOne", "Move selected objects one layer toward the front"],
[LIST [$NoOp], "", "Does nothing"],
[LIST [$DownOne], "DownOne", "Move selected objects one layer toward the back"]
-1, FALSE, NIL]];
nextX: INTEGER ← AtomButtons.BuildUnQueuedButtonLine [ggData.outer, 0, ggData.height, ggData, LIST[
["Hierarchy", button, HierarchyMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Transform", button, TransformMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont]
nextX ← AtomButtons.BuildButtonLine[ggData.outer, nextX+entryHSpace, ggData.height, ggData, GGUserInput.EventNotify, LIST[
nextX ← AtomButtons.BuildUnQueuedButtonLine [ggData.outer, nextX+entryHSpace, ggData.height, ggData, LIST[
["Overlap", button, OverlapMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Curves", button, CurveTypeMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Shapes", button, ShapesMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Text", button, TextOpsMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Fonts", button, FontOpsMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Groups", button, GroupOpsMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Debug", button, DebugMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont]
ggData.height ← ggData.height + entryHeight;
BuildStyleMenuLine: PROC [ggData: GGData] = {
Style: LineEnds LineWidth LineColor Fill TextAlign Font
nextX: INTEGER ← AtomButtons.BuildUnQueuedButtonLine[ggData.outer, 0, ggData.height, ggData, LIST[
["Stroke", button, LineWidthMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Color", button, LineColorMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Arrows", button, ArrowsMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Fill", button, AreaColorMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Edit", button, EditMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Select", button, AreaSelectMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["HotSpots", button, HotSpotsMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont],
["Units", button, UnitsMenu, NIL, 0, -1, FALSE, NIL, boldFont]
[ggData.refresh.showColors, nextX] ← AtomButtons.BuildTwoStateButton[viewer: ggData.outer, x: nextX + entryHSpace, y: ggData.height, clientData: ggData, handleProc: GGUserInput.EventNotify, name: "ShowColors", action: LIST[$ToggleShowColors], init: off];
ggData.refresh.screenStyle ← AtomButtons.BuildEnumTypeSelection[viewer: ggData.outer, x: nextX + entryHSpace, y: ggData.height, maxWidth: 144, clientData: ggData, handleProc: GGUserInput.EventNotify, title: "ScreenStyle:", default: "PrintFonts", borderOnButtons: TRUE, style: flipThru, allInOneRow: TRUE, buttonNames: LIST["PrintFonts", "ScreenFonts", "WYSIWYG"], atom: $ScreenChoiceChange];
ggData.height ← ggData.height + entryHeight + entryVSpace;
GravityExtentData: TYPE = REF GravityExtentDataObj;
GravityExtentDataObj: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.GravityExtentDataObj;
GravityExtentRepaint: PROC [dc: Imager.Context, clientData: REF ANY, buttonData: REF ANY, button: Viewer] = {
caretPoint: Point;
ged: GravityExtentData ← NARROW[buttonData];
extent: REAL ← ged.extent;
Imager.TranslateT[dc, [button.ww, button.wh/2.0]];
caretPoint ← [-extent, 0.0];
GGShapes.DrawCaret[dc, caretPoint];
BuildGravityLine: PROC [ggData: GGData] = {
nextX: NAT ← 0;
ggData.hitTest.gravityTypeMenu ←
AtomButtons.BuildEnumTypeSelection[viewer: ggData.outer, x: 0, y: ggData.height, maxWidth: 144,
clientData: ggData,
handleProc: GGUserInput.EventNotify,
title: "GravType:", default: "PreferPoints",
borderOnButtons: TRUE, style: flipThru, allInOneRow: TRUE,
buttonNames: LIST["StrictDistance", "PreferPoints"],
atom: $GravityChoiceChange];
ggData.hitTest.gravityType ← innerCircle;
nextX ← ggData.hitTest.gravityTypeMenu.nextx;
nextX ← AtomButtons.BuildButtonLine[
ggData.outer, nextX + entryHSpace, ggData.height, ggData, GGUserInput.EventNotify,
nextX ← GraphicsButton.BuildGraphicsButton[
container: ggData.outer,
x: nextX + entryHSpace,
y: ggData.height,
w: 60, -- changed from 72 to make more room in line
h: entryHeight,
clientData: ggData,
choices: LIST[
[LIST[$GravityExtentChange, $ValueUp]],
[LIST[$GravityExtentChange, $InitialValue]],
[LIST[$GravityExtentChange, $ValueDown]]],
handleProc: GGUserInput.EventNotify,
repaintProc: GravityExtentRepaint,
buttonData: NEW[GravityExtentDataObj ← [extent: GGEditTool.GetDefaultGravityExtent[]]],
updateProc: GravityExtentInGGData
[ggData.hitTest.gravButton, nextX] ←
AtomButtons.BuildTwoStateButton[viewer: ggData.outer, x: nextX + 2*entryHSpace, y: ggData.height,
clientData: ggData,
handleProc: GGUserInput.EventNotify,
name: "Gravity",
action: LIST[$ToggleGravity],
init: on];
[ggData.refresh.alignments, nextX] ←
AtomButtons.BuildTwoStateButton[viewer: ggData.outer, x: nextX + entryHSpace, y: ggData.height,
clientData: ggData,
handleProc: GGUserInput.EventNotify,
name: "Alignments",
action: LIST[$ToggleAlignments],
init: on];
[ggData.hitTest.midpointButton, nextX] ←
AtomButtons.BuildTwoStateButton[viewer: ggData.outer, x: nextX + entryHSpace, y: ggData.height,
clientData: ggData,
handleProc: GGUserInput.EventNotify,
name: "Midpoints",
action: LIST[$ToggleMidpoints],
init: off];
[ggData.hitTest.heuristicsButton, nextX] ←
AtomButtons.BuildTwoStateButton[viewer: ggData.outer, x: nextX + entryHSpace, y: ggData.height,
clientData: ggData,
handleProc: GGUserInput.EventNotify,
name: "Heuristics",
action: LIST[$ToggleHeuristics],
init: IF GGEditTool.GetDefaultHeuristics[] THEN on ELSE off];
ggData.height ← ggData.height + entryHeight;
BuildSlopeLine: PROC [ggData: GGData] = {
buttonHandle: AtomButtons.ScalarButtonHandle;
nextX: NAT ← AtomButtons.BuildButtonLine[ggData.outer, 0, ggData.height, ggData, GGUserInput.EventNotify,LIST[
[button["Slope:", LIST[LIST[$SlopePrompt]] ]],
[button["Get!", LIST[LIST[$GetSlope]] ]],
[button["Add!", LIST[LIST[$AddSlope]] ]],
[button["Delete!", LIST[LIST[$DeleteSlope]] ]]
buttonHandle ← AtomButtons.CreateScalarButtonViewer[ggData.outer, nextX, ggData.height];
ggData.hitTest.slopeHeader ← buttonHandle;
GGEvent.StandardSlopes[ggData, LIST[$StandardSlopes]];
ggData.height ← ggData.height + entryHeight;
BuildAngleLine: PROC [ggData: GGData] = {
buttonHandle: AtomButtons.ScalarButtonHandle;
nextX: NAT ← AtomButtons.BuildButtonLine[ggData.outer, 0, ggData.height, ggData, GGUserInput.EventNotify,LIST[
[button["Angle:", LIST[LIST[$AnglePrompt]] ]],
[button["Get!", LIST[LIST[$GetAngle]] ]],
[button["Add!", LIST[LIST[$AddAngle]] ]],
[button["Delete!", LIST[LIST[$DeleteAngle]] ]]
buttonHandle ← AtomButtons.CreateScalarButtonViewer[ggData.outer, nextX, ggData.height];
ggData.hitTest.angleHeader ← buttonHandle;
GGEvent.StandardAngles[ggData, LIST[$StandardAngles]];
ggData.height ← ggData.height + entryHeight;
BuildRadiusLine: PROC [ggData: GGData] = {
buttonHandle: AtomButtons.ScalarButtonHandle;
nextX: NAT ← AtomButtons.BuildButtonLine[ggData.outer, 0, ggData.height, ggData, GGUserInput.EventNotify, LIST[
[button["Radius:", LIST[LIST[$RadiusPrompt]] ]],
[button["Get!", LIST[LIST[$GetRadius]] ]],
[button["Add!", LIST[LIST[$AddRadius]] ]],
[button["Delete!", LIST[LIST[$DeleteRadius]] ]]
buttonHandle ← AtomButtons.CreateScalarButtonViewer[ggData.outer, nextX, ggData.height];
ggData.hitTest.radiusHeader ← buttonHandle;
GGEvent.StandardRadii[ggData, LIST[$StandardRadii]];
ggData.hitTest.radiusCircleCache ← GGCircleCache.Create[];
ggData.height ← ggData.height + entryHeight;
BuildDistanceLine: PROC [ggData: GGData] = {
buttonHandle: AtomButtons.ScalarButtonHandle;
nextX: NAT ← AtomButtons.BuildButtonLine[ggData.outer, 0, ggData.height, ggData, GGUserInput.EventNotify, LIST[
[button["LineDistance:", LIST[LIST[$DistancePrompt]] ]],
[button["Get!", LIST[LIST[$GetDistance]] ]],
[button["Add!", LIST[LIST[$AddDistance]] ]],
[button["Delete!", LIST[LIST[$DeleteDistance]] ]]
buttonHandle ← AtomButtons.CreateScalarButtonViewer[ggData.outer, nextX, ggData.height];
ggData.hitTest.distanceHeader ← buttonHandle;
GGEvent.StandardDistances[ggData, LIST[$StandardDistances]];
ggData.height ← ggData.height + entryHeight;
BuildMeasureLine: PROC [ggData: GGData] = {
nextX: NAT ← AtomButtons.BuildButtonLine[ggData.outer, 0, ggData.height, ggData, GGUserInput.EventNotify, LIST[
[button["SlopeValue:", LIST[LIST[$MeasureSlopeHit]] ]],
[text["0.0", SlopeViewInGGData, smallNumberSize]],
[button["AngleValue:", LIST[LIST[$MeasureAngleHit]] ]],
[text["0.0", AngleViewInGGData, smallNumberSize]],
[button["RadiusValue:", LIST[LIST[$MeasureRadiusHit]] ]],
[text["0.0", DistanceViewInGGData, smallNumberSize]],
[button["LineDistanceValue:", LIST[LIST[$MeasureLineDistHit]] ]],
[text["0.0", LineDistViewInGGData, smallNumberSize]]
ggData.height ← ggData.height + entryHeight;
BuildFeedbackLine: PROC [ggData: GGData] = {
nextX: NAT ← AtomButtons.BuildButtonLine[ggData.outer, 0, ggData.height, ggData, GGUserInput.EventNotify, LIST[
[label["Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Line", FeedbackLineInGGData, fullColumn]]
ggData.height ← ggData.height + entryHeight;
Dummy: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
Feedback.AppendHerald[, "Menu Level: This feature not yet implemented", oneLiner];
File Line:
InterpressMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["MergeIPEditable", LIST [$MergeIPEditable]],
["MergeIPSlice", LIST [$MergeIPSlice]],
["ToIP", LIST [$ToIP]],
["ToIPScreen", LIST [$ToIPScreen]],
["IncludeIPByReference", LIST[$IncludeIPByReference]],
["IncludeIPByValue", LIST[$IncludeIPByValue]],
["ShowIPIncludeMode", LIST[$ShowIPIncludeMode]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Interpress", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
ScriptMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ClickProc: TYPE = PROC [parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANYNIL,
mouseButton: MouseButton ← red, shift, control: BOOLFALSE];
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry ← LIST [
["OpenScript", LIST [$ScriptAction, $Open]],
["AppendToScript", LIST [$ScriptAction, $Append]],
["CloseScript", LIST [$ScriptAction, $Close]],
["PlaybackScript", LIST [$ScriptAction, $Playback]],
["FastPlayScript", LIST [$ScriptAction, $FastPlay]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Script", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
choices: LIST OF Rope.ROPE ← ExtractChoiceList[menu];
index: NAT ← PopUpSelection.Request[header: "Script", choice: choices];
=0 => RETURN;
=1 => OpenScript[parent, clientData, mouseButton, shift, control];
=2 => AppendToScript[parent, clientData, mouseButton, shift, control];
=3 => CloseScript[parent, clientData, mouseButton, shift, control];
=4 => PlaybackScript[parent, clientData, mouseButton, shift, control];
=5 => FastPlayScript[parent, clientData, mouseButton, shift, control];
ConfirmClear: PROC [clientData: REF ANY] = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
Feedback.AppendHerald[, "Confirm deletion of all objects", oneLiner];
ConfirmReset: PROC [clientData: REF ANY] = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
Feedback.AppendHerald[, "Confirm reset to original file", oneLiner];
ConfirmGet: PROC [clientData: REF ANY] = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
filename: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetSelectionContents[];
Feedback.AppendHerald[, Rope.Cat["Confirm getting of file ", filename, " to the current scene."], oneLiner];
ConfirmMerge: PROC [clientData: REF ANY] = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
filename: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetSelectionContents[];
Feedback.AppendHerald[, Rope.Cat["Confirm addition of file ", filename, " to the current scene."], oneLiner];
ConfirmStore: PROC [clientData: REF ANY] = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
fullName, msg: Rope.ROPE;
success, exists: BOOL;
[fullName, success, ----] ← GGUtility.GetGargoyleFileName[ViewerTools.GetSelectionContents[], ggData.currentWDir,, FALSE];
exists ← FileExists[fullName];
IF exists THEN msg ← IO.PutFR["Confirm Store of %g [Old File]", [rope[fullName]]]
ELSE msg ← IO.PutFR["Confirm Store to %g [New File]", [rope[fullName]]];
Feedback.AppendHerald[, msg, oneLiner];
FileExists: PROC [fileName: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [answer: BOOL] = {
answer ← TRUE;
[----, ----, ----, ----] ← FS.FileInfo[fileName
! FS.Error => {IF error.code = $unknownFile THEN {answer ← FALSE; CONTINUE}
Master Line:
HierarchyMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["Delete (DEL)", LIST [$Delete]],
["UnDelete", LIST [$Undelete]],
["AddHoles (^h)", LIST [$AddHoles]],
["UnionCombine", LIST [$UnionCombine]],
["Extend Select (^v)", LIST [$ExtendSelect]],
["Undo (SHIFT-ESC)", LIST [$Undo]],
["Redo (ESC)", LIST [$Redo]],
["Cluster", LIST [$Cluster]],
["Un Cluster", LIST [$UnCluster]],
["DescribeSelected", LIST [$DescribeCurve, $Selected]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Hierarchy", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
TransformMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["Rotate", LIST [$Rotate]],
["Scale", LIST [$Scale]],
["ScaleX", LIST [$ScaleX]],
["ScaleY", LIST [$ScaleY]],
["TranslateX", LIST [$TranslateX]],
["TranslateY", LIST [$TranslateY]],
["SixPoint", LIST [$SixPointTransform]],
["FourPoint", LIST [$FourPointTransform]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Transform", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
OverlapMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["Top", ],
["Bottom", LIST [$Bottom]],
["UpOne", LIST [$UpOne]],
["DownOne", LIST [$DownOne]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Overlap", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
ShapesMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["Triangle", LIST [$PolygonInCircle, NEW[INT ← 3] ]],
["Square", LIST [$PolygonInCircle, NEW[INT ← 4] ]],
["Pentagon", LIST [$PolygonInCircle, NEW[INT ← 5] ]],
["Hexagon", LIST [$PolygonInCircle, NEW[INT ← 6] ]],
["Octagon", LIST [$PolygonInCircle, NEW[INT ← 8] ]],
["FromSelectedCount", LIST [$PolygonInCircle, NEW[INT ← -1] ]],
["Knotched Line", LIST [$KnotchedLine, NEW[REAL ← 4.0], NEW[INT ← 8]] ],
["Box", LIST [$NewBox, NEW[REAL ← 1.0] ]],
["Circle", LIST [$NewCircle, NEW[REAL ← 1.0] ]],
["Arrow", LIST [$NewArrow, NEW[REAL ← 0.5], NEW[REAL ← 0.125] ]],
The first parameter is shaft length. The second is barb length. Both in inches.
["8.5 by 11", LIST [$Frame, NEW[REAL ← 8.5*72.0], NEW[REAL ← 11.0*72.0] ]],
["11 by 14", LIST [$Frame, NEW[REAL ← 11.0*72.0], NEW[REAL ← 14.0*72.0] ]],
["38 by 50.66 (Versatec)", LIST [$Frame, NEW[REAL ← 38.0*72.0], NEW[REAL ← 50.666667*72.0] ]],
["640 x 480", LIST [$Frame, NEW[REAL ← 640.0], NEW[REAL ← 480.0] ]],
["1024 x 768", LIST [$Frame, NEW[REAL ← 1024.0], NEW[REAL ← 768.0] ]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Shapes", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
DebugMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["Draw Tight Boxes", LIST [$DrawTightBoxes]],
["Draw Bounding Boxes", LIST [$DrawBoundBoxes]],
["Draw Outline Boxes", LIST [$DrawOutlineBoxes]],
["Draw Selection Box", LIST [$DrawSelectionBox]],
["Draw Background Box", LIST [$DrawBackgroundBox]],
["Draw Overlay Box", LIST [$DrawOverlayBox]],
["Draw Rubber Box", LIST [$DrawRubberBox]],
["Draw Drag Box", LIST [$DrawDragBox]],
["Test Gravity", LIST [$TestGravity]],
["ToIPTestGravity", LIST [$ToIPTestGravity]],
["Print Statistics", LIST [$Statistics]],
["Print Selected Statistic", LIST [$PrintSelectedStatistic]],
["Reset Statistics", LIST [$ResetStatistics]],
["SlackLog", LIST [$SlackLog]],
["Describe Caret Object", LIST [$DescribeCaretObject]],
["FSM Info", LIST [$FSMInfo]],
["Print All Input", LIST [$PrintAllInput]],
["Reset All Input", LIST [$ResetAllInput]],
["CauseAnError", LIST [$CauseAnError]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Debug", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
HelpMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["Mouse Actions", LIST[$Help, $MouseActions]],
["Fonts", LIST[$Help, $Fonts]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Help", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
RefreshButton: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
GGWindow.RestoreScreenAndInvariants[paintAction: $PaintEntireScene, ggData: ggData, remake: triggerBag, backgndOK: FALSE, edited: FALSE, okToClearFeedback: TRUE]
ReviveButton: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
ggData.refresh.suppressRefresh ← FALSE;
ggData.aborted ← ALL[FALSE];
IF mouseButton#blue THEN GGWindow.RestoreScreenAndInvariants[paintAction: $PaintEntireScene, ggData: ggData, remake: triggerBag, backgndOK: FALSE, edited: FALSE, okToClearFeedback: TRUE]
Gravity Line:
GravityExtentInGGData: GraphicsButton.UpdateGraphicsButtonProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
ggData.hitTest.gravityExtentButton ← stateInfo;
Style Line:
LineWidthMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["0 pt (LOOK 0)", LIST[$LineWidth, NEW[REAL ← 0.0]]],
["1 pt (LOOK 1)", LIST[$LineWidth, NEW[REAL ← 1.0]]],
["2 pt (LOOK 2)" , LIST[$LineWidth, NEW[REAL ← 2.0]]],
["3 pt (LOOK 3)", LIST[$LineWidth, NEW[REAL ← 3.0]]],
["4 pt (LOOK 4)", LIST[$LineWidth, NEW[REAL ← 4.0]]],
["WidthFromSelection", LIST[$LineWidth]],
["EndFromSelection", LIST[$LineEnd]],
["JointFromSelection", LIST[$TrajJoints]],
["DashesFromSelection", LIST[$DashesFromSelection]],
["DashesOff", LIST[$DashesOff]],
["ShowValues", LIST[$PrintStrokeValues]],
["MatchSelectedWidth", LIST[$SelectMatchingWidth]],
["MatchSelectedDashes", LIST[$SelectMatchingDashes]],
["MakeDefaultValues", LIST [$SetDefaultStrokeValues]],
["ShowDefaultValues", LIST [$ShowDefaultStrokeValues]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Stroke", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
LineColorMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["none", LIST[$LineColorNone]],
["black" , LIST[$LineColorBlack]],
["white", LIST[$LineColorWhite]],
["gray", LIST[$LineColorGray]],
["FromColorTool", LIST[$LineColorFromColorTool]],
["FollowColorTool", LIST[$LineColorFollowColorTool]],
["ToColorTool", LIST[$LineColorToColorTool]],
["FromSelectedName", LIST[$LineColorFromSelectedName]],
["FromSelectedRGB", LIST[$LineColorFromSelectedRGB]],
["ShowValue", LIST[$PrintLineColor]],
["MatchSelectedName", LIST[$SelectMatchingLineCNS]],
["MatchSelectedRGB", LIST[$SelectMatchingLineRGB]],
["MakeDefaultColor", LIST [$SetDefaultLineColor]],
["ShowDefaultColor", LIST [$ShowDefaultLineColor]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Line Color", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
AreaColorMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["none", LIST[$AreaColorNone]],
["black" , LIST[$AreaColorBlack]],
["white", LIST[$AreaColorWhite]],
["gray", LIST[$AreaColorGray]],
["FromColorTool", LIST[$AreaColorFromColorTool]],
["FollowColorTool", LIST[$AreaColorFollowColorTool]],
["ToColorTool", LIST[$AreaColorToColorTool]],
["FromSelectedName", LIST[$AreaColorFromSelectedName]],
["FromSelectedRGB", LIST[$AreaColorFromSelectedRGB]],
["ShowValue", LIST[$PrintAreaColor]],
["MatchSelectedName", LIST[$SelectMatchingAreaCNS]],
["MatchSelectedRGB", LIST[$SelectMatchingAreaRGB]],
["MakeDefaultColor", LIST [$SetDefaultFillColor]],
["ShowDefaultColor", LIST [$ShowDefaultFillColor]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Fill", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
ArrowsMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["none", LIST[$Arrows, NEW[INT ← 0]]],
["left/down", LIST[$Arrows, NEW[INT ← 1]]],
["right/up" , LIST[$Arrows, NEW[INT ← 2]]],
["both", LIST[$Arrows, NEW[INT ← 3]]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Arrows", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
AreaSelectMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["New", LIST [$AreaSelectNew]],
["NewWithDelete", LIST [$AreaSelectNewAndDelete]],
["Extend", LIST [$AreaSelectExtend]],
["All (^d)", LIST [$SelectAll]],
["Degenerate", LIST [$AreaSelectDegenerate]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Area Select", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
TextOpsMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["AddText", LIST [$AddText]],
["DropShadowOn 1 pt", LIST [$DropShadowOn, NEW[REAL ← -1.0], NEW[REAL ← -1.0]]],
["DropShadowOn 2 pt", LIST [$DropShadowOn, NEW[REAL ← -2.0], NEW[REAL ← -2.0]]],
["DropShadowOn 3 pt", LIST [$DropShadowOn, NEW[REAL ← -3.0], NEW[REAL ← -3.0]]],
["Drop Shadow From Selection", LIST [$DropShadowFromSelection]],
["DropShadowOff", LIST [$DropShadowOff]],
["AmplifySpaceFromSelection", LIST [$AmplifySpaceFromSelection]],
["ShowAmplifySpace", LIST [$PrintAmplifySpace]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Text", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
FontOpsMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["# SetPressFont", LIST [$SetPressFont]],
["# SetScreenFont", LIST [$SetScreenFont]],
["# SetXCFont", LIST [$SetPrintFont]],
["# SetDetailedFont", LIST [$SetFontDetailed]],
["# SetLiteralFont", LIST [$SetFontLiteral]],
["# ShowFont", LIST [$ShowFontValues]],
["# ShowLiteralFont", LIST [$ShowFontValuesLiteral]],
["# CopyFontAndTransform", LIST [$CopyAll]],
["# CopyFamilyAndFace", LIST [$CopyFont]],
["# MatchLiteral", LIST[$MatchAll]],
[" MatchSelectedName", LIST[$MatchSelectedName]],
[" MatchSelectedNameLiteral", LIST[$MatchSelectedNameLiteral]],
["# MakeDefaultFont", LIST [$SetDefaultFontValues]],
[" ShowDefaultFont", LIST [$ShowDefaultFontValues]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Fonts", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
GroupOpsMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["AddToGroup", LIST [$AddToGroup]],
["FindGroup", LIST [$SelectGroup]],
["RemoveFromGroup", LIST [$RemoveFromGroup]],
["PrintGroupsOfSelected", LIST [$PrintGroupsOfSelected]],
["PrintAllGroups", LIST [$PrintAllGroups]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Groups", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
CurveTypeMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["Line (LOOK l)", LIST [$SetStraight]],
["Arc (LOOK a)", LIST [$SetArc]],
["Conic (LOOK c)", LIST [$SetConic]],
["Bezier (LOOK z)", LIST [$SetBezier]],
["B-Spline (LOOK b)", LIST [$SetBSpline]],
["Natural Spline (LOOK n)", LIST [$SetNaturalSpline]],
["MatchSelectedType", LIST [$SelectMatchingCurve]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Curves", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
EditMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["ApplyAllDefaults", LIST [$ApplyAllDefaults]],
["SetAllDefaults", LIST [$SetAllDefaults]],
["ShowAllDefaults", LIST [$ShowAllDefaults]],
["StandardDefaults", LIST [$StandardDefaults]],
["Close (^c)", LIST [$Close]],
["Weld (^w)", LIST [$Weld]],
["Add CP (^p)", LIST [$AddControlPoint]],
["Delete CP (^P)", LIST [$DeleteControlPoint]],
["Add Joint (^j)", LIST [$AddJoint]],
["ReplaceSegment", LIST [$SplitSegment]],
["Splice", LIST [$Splice]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Edit", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
OpenScript: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
name: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetSelectionContents[];
GGSessionLog.OpenScript[name, ggData];
IF ggData.debug.logStream#NIL THEN [] ← SlackProcess.EnableSessionLogging[ggData.slackHandle];
AppendToScript: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
name: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetSelectionContents[];
GGSessionLog.AppendScript[name, ggData];
IF ggData.debug.logStream#NIL THEN [] ← SlackProcess.EnableSessionLogging[ggData.slackHandle];
CloseScript: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
[] ← SlackProcess.DisableSessionLogging[ggData.slackHandle];
PlaybackScript: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
name: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetSelectionContents[];
GGSessionLog.PlaybackFromFile[name, ggData];
FastPlayScript: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
name: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetSelectionContents[];
GGUserInput.EventNotify[ggData, LIST[$DisableRefresh]];
GGSessionLog.PlaybackFromFile[name, ggData];
GGUserInput.EventNotify[ggData, LIST[$EnableRefresh]];
GGUserInput.EventNotify[ggData, LIST[$Refresh, $DoNotClearFeedback]];
Alignment Line:
HotSpotsMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["Make Hot (^s)", LIST[$MakeHot]],
["Make All Hot (^ss)", LIST[$MakeAllHot]],
["Make Cold (^S)" , LIST[$MakeCold]],
["Make All Cold (^SS)" , LIST[$MakeAllCold]],
["Show Hot", LIST [$ShowHot]],
["Hide Hot", LIST [$HideHot]],
["Drop Anchor (^a)" , LIST[$DropAnchor]],
["Lift Anchor (^A)" , LIST[$LiftAnchor]],
["Standard Alignments" , LIST[$StandardAlignments]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Hot Spots", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
UnitsMenu: Menus.ClickProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
menu: LIST OF PopUpMenuEntry;
menu ← LIST [
["FromSegment", LIST[$RadiusUnitFromSegment]],
["FromRadiusValue", LIST[$RadiusUnitFromValue]],
["FromSelection", LIST[$RadiusUnitFromSelection]],
["Inches", LIST[$InchScaleUnit]],
["Centimeters", LIST[$CentimeterScaleUnit]],
["Points", LIST[$PointsScaleUnit]],
["PrintCurrent", LIST[$PrintScaleUnit]]
QueuePopUpMenuAction["Units", menu, ggData, mouseButton#blue];
Distance Line:
Caret2InGGData: AtomButtons.UpdateProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
ggData.measure.caret2← button;
SlopeViewInGGData: AtomButtons.UpdateProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
ggData.measure.slopeView ← button;
ggData.hitTest.slopeText ← button;
AngleViewInGGData: AtomButtons.UpdateProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
ggData.measure.angleView ← button;
ggData.hitTest.angleText ← button;
DistanceViewInGGData: AtomButtons.UpdateProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
ggData.measure.radiusView ← button;
ggData.hitTest.radiusText ← button;
LineDistViewInGGData: AtomButtons.UpdateProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
ggData.measure.lineDistView ← button;
ggData.hitTest.distanceText ← button;
FeedbackLineInGGData: AtomButtons.UpdateProc = {
ggData: GGData ← NARROW[clientData];
feedback: FeedbackData ← Feedback.RegisterFeedback[button, $Gargoyle]; ← feedback;
DistanceOfInterest: Menus.ClickProc = {
Init: PROC = {
boldFont ← VFonts.EstablishFont[family: "Helvetica", size: 10, bold: TRUE,
italic: FALSE, defaultOnFailure: TRUE];