WalnutSendInternal.mesa - internal interface for the implementation modules
Copyright © 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Willie-Sue on August 15, 1986 4:57:07 pm PDT
Donahue, September 2, 1983 9:35 am
Russ Atkinson (RRA) March 21, 1985 0:12:03 am PST
GVBasics USING [RName],
GVSend USING [Handle],
Menus USING [Menu],
ViewerClasses USING [Viewer],
ViewerEvents USING [EventRegistration],
ViewerTools USING [TiogaContents],
WalnutSendOps USING [Form];
TiogaContents: TYPE = ViewerTools.TiogaContents;
Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer;
SendMsgRecObject: TYPE = RECORD[
fullText: ROPE, -- text to be sent
from: ROPE,  -- The From: field
to: LIST OF GVBasics.RName,
subject: ROPE, -- The Subject: field
voiceID: ROPE, -- the ID for a voice message
replyTo: BOOLFALSE, -- is this field present
numRecipients: INT← 0,
numDLs: INT← 0,
endHeadersPos: INT← 0 -- for adding Reply-To: field
SendingRec: TYPE = REF SendMsgRecObject;
SenderInfo: TYPE = REF SenderInfoObject;
SenderInfoObject: TYPE = RECORD
[senderV: Viewer,
replyToResponse: HowToReplyTo← self,
prevMsg: TiogaContents← NIL,
numCharsToDelete: INT← 0,
closeEvent, destroyEvent, editEvent: ViewerEvents.EventRegistration← NIL,
openEvent, focusEvent: ViewerEvents.EventRegistration← NIL,
dontClose: BOOLFALSE,
successfullySent, userResponded, confirmed: BOOLFALSE,
aborted: BOOLFALSE,
validateFlag: BOOLTRUE,
sendHandle: GVSend.Handle← NIL];
maxWithNoReplyTo: INT = 20;
HowToReplyTo: TYPE = {self, all, cancel};
SendParseStatus: PUBLIC TYPE =
{ok, pdlNotFound, pdlSyntaxError, includesPublicDL, includesPrivateDL, fieldNotAllowed, syntaxError};
sendCaption: ROPE;
needToAuthenticate: BOOL;
replyToSelf: BOOL;
sendMenu, formsMenu, sendingMenu, blankMenu, confirmMenu, replyToMenu: Menus.Menu;
InsertIntoViewer: PROC [v: Viewer, what: ROPE, where: INT, labelFont: ROPENIL, changeSelection: BOOLFALSE];
the rope supplied is inserted into the contents of the specified viewer at the given location. If a label font is specified, then any characters appearing before a ":" in the string are given the specified font (this is used to put message header labels in appropriate fonts)
ShowErrorFeedback: PROC[v: Viewer, start, end: INT];
DeleteChars: PROC[v: Viewer, num: INT];
CheckForAbortSend: PROC[senderInfo: SenderInfo] RETURNS[BOOL];
Confirmation: PROC[senderInfo: SenderInfo] RETURNS [BOOL];
ReplyToResponse: PROC[senderInfo: SenderInfo] RETURNS [HowToReplyTo];
GrabFocus: PROC[senderV: Viewer];
ClearFileAssoc: PROC[v: Viewer];
SenderNewVersion: PROC[viewer: Viewer];
UnsetNewVersion: PROC[viewer: Viewer];
LockViewerOpen: PROC[viewer: Viewer];
ReleaseOpenViewer: PROC[viewer: Viewer];
procs moved to WalnutSendOpsImpl, needed in WalnutSendControlImpl
GetSendForm: PROC[fileName: ROPE] RETURNS[text: TiogaContents];
InternalDisplayTioga: PROC[senderInfo: SenderInfo, tc: TiogaContents, grab: BOOL];
InsertForm: PROC[ sender: SenderInfo, form: WalnutSendOps.Form, force: BOOL ];
DoPlaceHolders: PROC[senderV: Viewer, fieldsList: LIST OF ROPE];
exported from WalnutSendcontrolImpl for use by WalnutSendOpsImpl
EntryInsertForm: PROC[senderInfo: SenderInfo, form: WalnutSendOps.Form];
EntryPlaceHolders: PROC[senderInfo: SenderInfo, fieldsList: LIST OF ROPE];
InternalDestroySplits: PROC[keepThisOne: Viewer];